Index to Chiropractic Literature
Index to Chiropractic Literature
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Friday, February 7, 2025
Index to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic Literature

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Search Results: 17 articles were found
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Journal ID Article Title Author(s)
Philos Constructs Chiropr Prof: 1992(2:1): 3-8 7508 Uses and abuses of philosophy in chiropractic
  • Coulter ID
Philos Constructs Chiropr Prof: 1992(2:1): 9-19 7509 The evolution of Palmer's metaphors and hypotheses
  • Keating JC Jr
Philos Constructs Chiropr Prof: 1992(2:1): 21-25 7510 The trouble with innate and the trouble that causes
  • Donahue JH
Philos Constructs Chiropr Prof: 1992(2:1): 26-30 7511 Problems with paradigmatic knowledge
  • Rock BA
Philos Constructs Chiropr Prof: 1992(2:1): 32-35 7512 The philosophy of the sciences of chiropractic
  • Streiff WF
Philos Constructs Chiropr Prof: 1992(2:1): 37-40 7513 Concerning chiropractic expertise
  • Craton EF
Philos Constructs Chiropr Prof: 1992(2:1): 41-47 7514 The Social Transformation of American Medicine [by] Paul Star [book review]
  • Sather RH
Philos Constructs Chiropr Prof: 1991(1:1): 3-5 8439 Philosophical questions for the chiropractic profession
  • Winterstein JF
Philos Constructs Chiropr Prof: 1991(1:1): 6-10 8440 Chiropractic clinical purpose: Primary care of limited specialty
  • Cassata DM
Philos Constructs Chiropr Prof: 1991(1:1): 11-13 8441 A view on values
  • Phillips RB
Philos Constructs Chiropr Prof: 1991(1:1): 14-17 8442 The knowledge of our knowledge
  • McAndrews JF
Philos Constructs Chiropr Prof: 1991(1:1): 18-20 8443 A traveler's guide to philosophy for the chiropractic profession
  • Charlton K
Philos Constructs Chiropr Prof: 1991(1:1): 21-24 8444 Are philosophers just scientists without data?
  • Donahue JH
Philos Constructs Chiropr Prof: 1991(1:1): 25 8445 Can chiropractic be a philosophical discipline?
  • Lawrence DJ
Philos Constructs Chiropr Prof: 1991(1:1): 28-32 8446 Philosophical constructs for chiropractic
  • Kuehner CC
Philos Constructs Chiropr Prof: 1991(1:1): 33-36 8447 The warfare of science with philosophy in contemporary chiropractic
  • Bachop W
Philos Constructs Chiropr Prof: 1991(1:1): 37-40 8448 Is traditional "chiropractic philosophy" valid today?
  • Winterstein JF
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