Index to Chiropractic Literature
Index to Chiropractic Literature
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Friday, September 27, 2024
Index to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic Literature

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Search Results: 8 articles were found
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Journal ID Article Title Author(s)
Chiropr Hist: Winter 2015(35:2): 52-66 24210 A history of the Councils of Chiropractic Education International (CCEI): The first decade
  • Phillips RB
  • Biggs L
J Chiropr Humanit: Dec 2014(21:1): Online access only p 25-48 24301 Chiropractic professionalization and accreditation: An exploration of the history of conflict between worldviews through the lens of developmental structuralism
  • Senzon SA
Chiropr Hist: Winter 2008(28:2): 45-55 20742 An interview of Dr. Walter B. Wolf [interview]
  • Winkler KP
Chiropr Hist: Winter 2006(26:2): 15-34 19444 Orval L. Hidde, D.C., J.D., F.I.C.C.: Profession builder
  • Keating JC Jr
  • Siordia L
  • Winterstein JF
Chiropr Hist: Summer 2005(25:1): 49-77 18251 Historical perspective: The Council of Chiropractic Education and The Committee On Accreditation, 1961-1980
  • Hidde O
Chiropr Hist: Dec 1994(14:2): 34-42 19812 Chiropractic goes to Washington: with Dr. Emmett J. Murphy, 1938-1964
  • Rehm WS
  • Fay LE
  • Keating JC Jr
Chiropr Hist: Jun 1992(12:1): 36-42 7041 THE EVOLUTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION IN CHIROPRACTIC: A SURVEY 1906-74
  • Blacher P
Chiropr Hist: 1981(1:1): 23-24 20051 The struggle for accreditation in chiropractic: A unique history of educational bootstrapping
  • Napolitano EG
  • Gruber B
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