Index to Chiropractic Literature
Index to Chiropractic Literature
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Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Index to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic Literature

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ID 26784
  Title Inter-examinerreliability study of physical examination procedures to assess the cervical spine
Journal Chiropr & Manual Ther. 2021 ;29(20):1-9
Peer Review Yes
Publication Type Article

Objective: The objective of this study was to establish the level of inter-examiner reliability for six common cervical manual and physical examination procedures used to assess the cervical spine.

Materials: Reliability study that used a convenience sample of 51 patients between the ages of 16–70 years presenting with a chief complaint of neck pain. Two physical therapists independently performed the same series of cervical physical examination procedures on each of the participant. The clinicians were blinded to each other’s findings and the clinical status of the patient. Kappa coefficients (κ) were calculated for levels of agreement between the clinicians for each procedure.

Results: When assessing for asymmetrical motion, excellent levels of reliability (κ range: 0.88–0.96) were observed for the Bilateral Modified Lateral Shear (asymmetry criterion), Bilateral C2 Spinous Kick (asymmetry criterion) and Flexion-Rotation Tests. When pain provocation was used as the indicator of a positive test during palpation of the cervical facet joints, moderate to substantial levels of reliability (κ range: 0.53–0.76) were observed. When patients were instructed not to provide feedback to the clinicians about pain provocation during facet joint palpation and clinicians relied solely on their qualitative assessment of segmental mobility, the level of reliability was lower (κ range: 0.45–0.53). Due to 100 % prevalence of negative findings, Kappa values could not be calculated for the Sharp-Purser test or the Unilateral C2 Spinous Kick Test.

Conclusions: Most physical examination procedures examined in this study demonstrated moderate to excellent levels of inter-examiner reliability. Palpation for segmental mobility without pain provocation demonstrated a lower level of reliability compared to palpation for pain provocation. Correlation with clinical findings is necessary to establish validity and the applicability of these procedures in clinical practice.

Author keywords:  Cervical spine — Physical examination — Palpation — Neck pain —  Reliability

Author affiliations: KVH, MGT, CGB, MS, MJS: Department of Physical Therapy, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States;
MGT: Division of Physical Therapy, West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia, United States; MJS: Clinical and Translational Science Institute, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
Corresponding author: MJS—

This abstract is reproduced with the permission of the publisher; click on the above link for free full text.  Online access only. PubMed Record | PDF


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