Index to Chiropractic Literature
Index to Chiropractic Literature
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Saturday, December 7, 2024
Index to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic Literature

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Search Results: 28 articles were found
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Journal ID Article Title Author(s)
Chiropr J Aust: 2022(49:1): 50-56 27065 Chiropractic scope of practice and clinical competencies in Australia [editorial]
  • McGlynn P
  • McCann P
  • Thistlethwayte C
  • McInerney L
Chiropr J Aust: 2022(49:1): 174-180 27675 Historical vignette 2: Replacing Queensland's restrictive definition of chiropractic [editorial]
  • Simpson JK
Chiropr J Aust: 2022(49:1): 1-7 27064 Does chiropractic branding reflect current chiropractic practice? [editorial]
  • Pollard H
Chiropr J Aust: 2022(49:1): 8-18 27066 Remission of headache and neck pain following chiropractic manipulative treatment in a patient with neurofibromatosis [case report]
  • Chu ECP
  • Chu VKY
  • Chen ATC
  • Cheong BKC
Chiropr J Aust: 2022(49:1): 19-28 27067 A critical review of a published case report that incorrectly attributed chiropractic care as a cause of vertebral artery dissection (VAD)
  • Tuchin P
Chiropr J Aust: 2022(49:1): 29-49 27068 Sports chiropractic post-surgical rehabilitation of an elbow fracture dislocation following a Brazilian jiu-jitsu injury: A case report
  • Lee WS
  • Pollard H
Chiropr J Aust: 2022(49:1): 57-70 27069 Sports chiropractic management of osteoarthritic knee pain in a masters level triathlete / runner: A case report
  • Smith GJ
Chiropr J Aust: 2022(49:1): 86-109 27153 A novel treatment for persistent postural perceptual dizziness: A case report
  • Richardson D
Chiropr J Aust: 2022(49:1): 71-85 27154 The chiropractic scope of practice and clinical competencies in Australia: Part 2 - A competency framework for well-being and lifestyle management [editorial]
  • McGlynn P
  • McCann P
  • Thistlethwayte C
  • McInerney L
Chiropr J Aust: 2022(49:1): 145-169 27673 Assessing medical student knowledge and attitudes toward chiropractic: A scoping literature review
  • Robertson SA
Chiropr J Aust: 2022(49:1): 110-144 27672 A sports chiropractic post-surgical rehabilitation following type 3 acromioclavicular joint separation in an amateur rugby union player: A case report
  • Swain M
  • Pollard H
Chiropr J Aust: 2022(49:1): 170-173 27674 Historical vignette 1: An introduction to chiropractic practice in Australia in 1982 [editorial]
  • Simpson JK
Chiropr J Aust: 2022(49:1): 181-189 27676 Historical vignette 3: The 1990 Plint v White defamation case: The removal of an impediment to interprofessional cooperation in the clinical setting [editorial]
  • Simpson JK
Chiropr J Aust: 2022(49:1): 190-197 27677 Historical vignette 4: Removing the biggest impediment of all: The AMA's ethics-based boycott [editorial]
  • Simpson JK
Chiropr J Aust: 2022(49:1): 191-203 27678 Remission of arterial thoracic outlet syndrome in a 67-year-old man after chiropractic treatment: A case report
  • Leung KY
  • Chu ECP
Chiropr J Aust: 2021(48:1): 1-4 26818 A new direction for the Chiropractic Journal of Australia [editorial]
  • Pollard H
Chiropr J Aust: 2021(48:1): 5-13 26819 Dental chiropractic non-surgical co-treatment of a 48-year-old male patient with a deviated septum, headaches, and TMJ dysfunction: A case report
  • Shirazi D
  • Del Torto AJ
  • Blum C
Chiropr J Aust: 2021(48:1): 14-30 26820 Clinical case reports and patients as subjects of scholarly enquiry
  • Smith M
  • Odierna D
Chiropr J Aust: 2021(48:1): 31-34 26821 Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS): Its relevance, and importance, in the management of sport related concussion
  • Jarosz B
Chiropr J Aust: 2021(48:1): 35-56 26921 The postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) - Its relevance and importance in the management of sport related concussion: A case series [case report]
  • Jarosz B
Chiropr J Aust: 2021(48:1): 57-65 26922 The inappropriate use of the title chiropractor and profession of chiropractic when reporting an adverse vascular event: A commentary
  • Pollard H
Chiropr J Aust: 2020(47:1): 1-3 26403 Editor's note: Introduction to [Chiropractic Journal of Australia] volume 47 [editorial]
  • Rosner AL
Chiropr J Aust: 2020(47:1): 4-17 26404 Mitigating the opioid crisis: An Australian perspective on the role of chiropractors (Part 1)
  • Shobbrook M
  • Amorin-Woods L
  • Parkin-Smith G
Chiropr J Aust: 2020(47:1): 18-28 26405 Chiropractic and the opioid epidemic - Strategies to mitigate harm and promote evidence-based care (Part 2: Summary)
  • Parkin-Smith G
  • Amorin-Woods L
  • Shobbrook M
  • Losco B
Chiropr J Aust: 2020(47:1): 29-43 26406 The value of case reports as clinical evidence
  • Ebrall P
  • Doyle M
Chiropr J Aust: 2020(47:1): 44-50 26407 Spiritualism as a basis for the current portrayal of chiropractic
  • Wiggins D
  • Engel R
Chiropr J Aust: 2020(47:1): 51-60 26408 Exploring the Lillard event and location of the first chiropractic adjustment: A historical review
  • Wiggins D
  • Engel R
Chiropr J Aust: 2020(47:1): 61-75 26409 The prevalence and predisposing factors of infant glenohumeral joint dysfunction: A retrospective study of 178 cases
  • Keil BG
  • Fludder CJ
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