Index to Chiropractic Literature
Index to Chiropractic Literature
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Index to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic Literature
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Finding Full Text

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It would be helpful if all academic publications were free to all people. However, publishing is a business and copyright laws exist for sound reasons. Although many academic journals are published on an open access basis, most require subscriptions. On this page we provide some helpful tips for finding full text. Updated October 6, 2019.

ICL records  |   PubMed links  |  Open Access Library  |  Digital Object Identifiers  |  Chiropractic libraries  |  ResearchGate, Google Scholar, Internet Archive

ICL records

In ICL records we provide links to free full text whenever possible. Several journals indexed in ICL are included in PubMed Central, a permanent repository of open access journals. For those journals we make links to PubMed Central. (View JCCA back to 1978 in PubMed Central.)
Search tip: Include the subject heading Open Access Document in your advanced ICL search.

PubMed links

Some journals are available by subscription through more than one publisher. In the case of JMPT, for example, we provide links to PubMed records, which include links to publishers through PubMed’s LinkOut feature. See this example from the June 2009 issue of JMPT. Click on the PubMed link provided, scroll down, and select a publisher from LinkOut. (Occasionally a publisher will provide free access to an article.)

Open Access Library

Our Open Access Library provides links to a wide variety of materials, including articles, books, journals , magazines and newspapers, and  free journal repositories.

Digital Object Identifiers

For journals requiring subscriptions, we often use DOIs, or Digital Object Identifiers.  These are unique numbers assigned to individual journal articles, such as this one,  which links to the publisher of an article from the March 2009 issue of Clinical Chiropractic. (See Research Gate, below, for a full text version of this article.)

Chiropractic libraries

Many chiropractic libraries maintain full collections of chiropractic journals, some online and some in print. You may wish to contact a library and use its document delivery service. See CLC Member Libraries and follow the links to their services. Example: CMCC’s document delivery

Still can’t find the full text? Here are three sources you can try
  • ResearchGate:  Register with ResearchGate and search the title of the article you are seeking. Researchers sometimes upload copies of their articles, or you can request personal copies for research purposes. Here is a full text ResearchGate article.
  • Google Scholar: Click the three lines (upper left of the screen) to reach Advanced search. To locate an article title, type it in the exact phrase cell. Often a full text version will be included in the results. If not, click on All versions (below the record) to see if someone has uploaded full text to the right of the search results. Example
    Customize your results using Settings. For more help finding full text, read Google Scholar Search Tips.
  • The Internet Archive’s WaybackMachine: If you find a dead link, enter it in the WaybackMachine to see if the page has been archived. Example
    View the development of the Index to Chiropractic Literature since May 2001.

Need more help? Try our Ask Us form. We do not supply full text but we may be able to point you in the right direction.
