Index to Chiropractic Literature
Index to Chiropractic Literature
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Index to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic Literature

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ID 1079
  Title A descriptive analysis of the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 1989-1996
Journal J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 1998 Oct;21(8):539-552
Peer Review Yes
Publication Type Article

BACKGROUND: Two previous reports have summarized the content, institutional affiliations, academic training and funding sources for articles published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (JMPT) from 1978-1986 and 1987-1988.

OBJECTIVES: (a) to quantitatively assess the types of articles published in the JMPT from 1989-1996; (b) to identify the affiliations of contributors to the JMPT during this period; (c) to identify the academic backgrounds of contributors to the JMPT from 1989-1996; (d) to identify funding sources for scholarly works published in the JMPT during this period; (e) to identify the proportionate contributions of female authors; (f) to assess the proportion of articles contributed, i.e., foreign vs. domestic sources; and (g) to compare findings for the JMPT from 1989-1996 with similar data for 1978-1988.

STUDY DESIGN: Survey of the contents of the JMPT from 1989-1996.

METHODS: The contents of the 69 issues of the JMPT from 1989-1996 were reviewed by all authors. Characteristics extracted included category of the article, academic backgrounds of authors, institutional affiliations of authors, funding sources, gender of authors and nation(s) of origin of articles.

RESULTS: The annual rate of published contributions to the Journal has more than doubled compared with its first 11 yr of publication, and the proportion of original data reports has grown slightly. Controlled and quasicontrolled clinical trials were 7 times more numerous (n = 28 articles) during the past 8 yr. Chiropractic colleges were the most frequently mentioned affiliation of authors, followed by private practice and nonchiropractic colleges. Collaborative articles submitted by authors at two or more chiropractic colleges grew from only 4 articles from 1978-1988 to 31 articles from 1989-1996. As in previous years, the National College of Chiropractic continued to be the most frequently mentioned academic affiliation of authors. The numbers of articles contributed by those holding scientific (e.g., PhD) and medical degrees have grown substantially. The number of articles mentioning financial support grew from 78 from 1978-1988 to 179 from 1989-1996, and 58 new funding sources were identified. The Foundation for Chiropractic Education and Research continues to be the most frequently mentioned source of funding. Of all articles published in the JMPT from 1989-1996, 21% were authored or coauthored by women. Of 1050 articles, 286 (27%) were authored or coauthored by individuals residing outside the United States of America.

CONCLUSIONS: Substantial increases in scholarly activities within the chiropractic profession are suggested by the growth in scholarly products published in the discipline's most distinguished periodical. Increases in controlled outcome studies, collaboration among chiropractic institutions, contributions from nonchiropractors, contributions from nonchiropractic institutions and funding for research suggest a degree of professional maturation and growing interest in the content of the discipline.

This abstract is reproduced with the permission of the publisher. Article only available in print.


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