Index to Chiropractic Literature
Index to Chiropractic Literature
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Index to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic Literature

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ID 18107
  Title Chiropractic management of musculoskeletal pain in the multiple sclerosis patient
Journal Clin Chiropr. 2005 Jun;8(2):57-65
Peer Review Yes
Publication Type Article
Abstract/Notes Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a common disabling disease. Five to 10% of MS patients will enter a long-term care facility. The majority of MS patients suffer from some type of pain syndrome. Pain syndromes in MS can be divided into three categories: acute; subacute or paroxysmal and chronic. Chronic pain syndromes have been anecdotally reported to respond to mechanical treatments. Chiropractic care has shown efficacy in the treatment of chronic spinal pain. Chiropractic care may represent a viable treatment option for the MS patient suffering from chronic pain syndromes. Chiropractic care has been successfully integrated into a chronic care facility which is affiliated with a private university medical school. Chiropractic has been utilized in this setting for pain management of MS patients suffering from chronic pain syndromes. Preliminary findings from this clinic suggest that chiropractic may represent one treatment alternative for chronic pain in MS patients in a long-term care facility. Further studies will be needed to definitively determine the efficacy of chiropractic for the management of chronic pain in the MS patient.

This abstract is reproduced with the permission of the publisher; full text by subscription. Click on the above link for the journal record.

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