Index to Chiropractic Literature
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ID 18908
  Title Thinking outside the box: Using Team-Based Learning [TBL] to educate the [CMCC] Board of Trustees [poster presentation; the Association of Chiropractic Colleges' Thirteenth Annual Conference, 2006]
Journal J Chiropr Educ. 2006 Spring;20(1):63-64
Peer Review Yes
Publication Type Meeting Abstract
Abstract/Notes Introduction: Educational institutions face the challenge of insuring that every member of their Board of Trustees is educated to understand and appreciate the obligations, rights, responsibilities, uniqueness and division of authority within the organisation. This challenge must be met in order for each Board member to satisfy his or her obligation and thereby provide the best resources necessary for the organisation. This challenge is especially difficult when these responsibilities encompass such varied issues as financial oversight, adherence to the vision and mission of the organization, being a court of last resort for the student body and the hiring and review of the chief operating officer of the organization. At the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (CMCC) we have recently started to make use of Team-Based Learning (TBL) in our undergraduate program. Our own initial experiences with TBL have been positive and have led to a number of faculty members implementing TBL sessions in their courses. This led us to a decision to utilize TBL in a recent education session for our Board of Trustees. This presentation describes a TBL session used for the dual purpose of introducing the members of our Board to this small group learning method, as well as to assist them towards a better understanding of their obligations, rights and responsibilities as Board members.

Method: The TBL session involved 19 individuals, comprised of 15 Board members, the CMCC President, the Board assistant, legal counsel to the Board and a facilitator. The Board members were given topical material for pre-reading and were also required to review other relevant published material. In offering the session we attempted to follow all the core principles and elements of TBL. Each group of 4-5 individuals were carefully selected to make them as diverse as possible and to distribute possible member assets and liabilities as evenly as possible, such as experience on the Board, non-chiropractors, and members of the executive. The session started with an individual readiness assessment test (IRAT) after which the members went into their groups for the group readiness assessment test (GRAT) and the application exercise.

Discussion: Interesting changes in group interaction occurred as the session progressed. The fact that the 28 IRAT/ GRAT questions were completed in batches of 5 to 8 allowed for frequent intra- as well as inter-group interaction. Judging by the increase in sound levels in the room, member engagement increased. Competition between the groups also increased and a number of members indicated afterwards that they started thinking more deeply about the important concepts behind the questions. Although many of the questions might have appeared simple or trite, they generated serious discussion within as well as between groups. Through the discussion members began to understand the rationale for certain actions taken by the Board. The fact that some of them had already been in similar situations also helped them understand their unique role in the institution as well as understand the importance and potential consequences of their actions as Board members. The TBL for the Board of Trustees of CMCC appeared to have been an unconditional success and one member indicated that he had learned more about the intricacies of the Organization and had more discussion with his fellow Board members in the TBL than he had had in the previous 2 years of participating on the Board.

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