Index to Chiropractic Literature
Index to Chiropractic Literature
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Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Index to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic Literature

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ID 19548
  Title Comparison of the Neck Disability Index and the Neck Bournemouth Questionnaire in a sample of patients with chronic uncomplicated neck pain
Journal J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2007 May;30(4):259-262
Peer Review Yes
Publication Type Article
Abstract/Notes OBJECTIVE: This study compares the sensitivity to change of the Neck Disability Index (NDI) and the Neck Bournemouth Questionnaire (NBQ) in patients with chronic uncomplicated neck pain.

METHODS: This prospective longitudinal study was completed in an outpatient physical therapy clinic. Subjects, with uncomplicated neck pain (no concurrent shoulder pain or nerve root symptoms) for more than a 3-month duration, participated in a 4-week course of therapy that included moist heat, neck exercises, and either mobilization or massage. Outcome measures included standardized response means (sensitivity to change), Cronbach alpha (internal consistency), and 2-way Spearman correlations between the 2 questionnaires and between a pain Visual Analog Scale and each questionnaire (convergent validity).

RESULTS: Mean (SD) score change of the NDI was 6.22 (5.12), and of the NBQ, 14.00 (11.99). Standardized response means were 1.21 and 1.17, respectively. Both questionnaires were more sensitive to change than the pain Visual Analog Scale (0.68). There was moderate correlation between the change scores of all 3 outcome tools (Spearman 0.46-0.57). The NBQ had higher internal consistency than the NDI.

CONCLUSIONS: The NDI and the NBQ performed comparably in this group of patients with chronic uncomplicated neck pain. Both are sensitive to change and would be efficient outcome tools in studies of chronic neck pain. Both had acceptable internal consistency and are appropriate for use as single-outcome scales.

This abstract is reproduced with the permission of the publisher. Click on the above link for the PubMed record.

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