Index to Chiropractic Literature
Index to Chiropractic Literature
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Monday, February 10, 2025
Index to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic Literature

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ID 19664
  Title Sacro occipital technique management of a thirty four year old woman with infertility [case report]
Journal J Vert Sublux Res. 2003 ;DEC(17):Online access only 4 p.
Peer Review Yes
Publication Type Article
Abstract/Notes Objective: This article presents a discussion of the response to corrective chiropractic care, specifically Sacro Occipitial Technique, in a woman with a history of infertility.

Clinical Features: On January 10, 2000, a thirty-four year old woman presented for chiropractic care. Her concerns listed a variety of conditions, including a history of infertility. With her first child, she had attempted to get pregnant naturally but was unable to. Medical treatment included fertility drugs that were unsuccessful, but she was able to conceive through in vitro fertilization. Her son was born on July 3, 1998. Approximately one year after his birth she attempted to naturally conceive a second child, but was unsuccessful. Her clinical history revealed a number of gymnastic injuries over a twelve-year period and several “minor” car accidents. She suffered from chronic back pain and spasms for years, occasional neck pain, and a chronic condition of unknown etiology that caused her hands and feet to be painful and difficult to use in the morning.

Chiropractic Care and Outcome: Sacro Occipital Technique evaluation determined a primary Category II sacro-iliac joint instability complex, and the patient committed to a six-week intensive care program. Adjustments included Category II blocking procedures for a left short leg, corrections of psoas muscle imbalance, and cervical cavitation. Upon re-evaluation after six weeks, objective findings noted marked improvement and a stabilization of her Category II subluxation complex since January 21, 2000. Subjective findings included the resolution of low back and neck pain, as well as the pain and stiffness in her hands and feet. Also, for the first time in the patient’s life conception occurred naturally, approximately 4-5 weeks into the care program. Reconstructive care was continued on a reduced frequency basis through October 2000, at which time her daughter was born.

Conclusion: This patient made no other alterations in her lifestyle or clinical situation besides the addition of chiropractic care to afford the positive outcome of increased fertility. Correlation of clinical findings support the reduction of the patient’s subluxation complex and changed neurophysiological parameters. As infertility is a growing concern, and existing medical alternatives offer limited success and while involving a myriad of concerns for the patient, it is prudent to consider other less invasive and costly approaches for dealing with interference to fertility.

This abstract is reproduced with the permission of the publisher; full text by subscription.

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