Index to Chiropractic Literature
Index to Chiropractic Literature
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Index to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic Literature

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ID 19743
  Title Abstracts of ACC Conference Proceedings: Poster presentations [ACC contributed papers presented at the 2007 Association of Chiropractic Colleges Educational Conference XIV and Research Agenda Conference XII]
Journal J Chiropr Educ. 2007 Spring;21(1):94-128
Peer Review Yes
Publication Type Meeting Abstract

Click on the above link for the full text of the poster presentation abstracts. The numbers below refer to page numbers in the print version of this issue.

Poster abstract titles and authors:
94 The Practice of Pediatric Chiropractic [by] Joel Alcantara
95 A Correlation of Static Versus Motion Models: Updated Approach for Instruction [by] Karen A. Bobak and Dennis M.J. Homack
95 Survey of Open Pod Clinical Teaching in a Multi-Doctor Setting, Modeling Collaborative Practice [by] Ronnie J. Boesch, Misty Stick-Mueller, Anna Livdans-Forret, David Hannah, and James Countryman
96 A Primary Ambulatory Care Quality Assessment Program Developed for a Chiropractic College Teaching Clinic [by] Morris Braum
97 Ethics and Compliance: A Model for Internal Auditing of Patient Health Records in a Chiropractic College Clinic [by] Anthony A. Cacioppo, Jeanne E. McWilliams, James V. Owens, and Troy L. Tatum
97 The Association Between Cerebrovascular Accident and Chiropractic Manipulative Therapy: A Prospective Study [by] Michael J. Carucci, Luanne Centrella, and Ryan Cramer-Forbes
98 Conventional Microscopy Versus Computer Imagery in the Educational Laboratory [by] Christine Cunningham, Elizabeth D. Larzelere, and Ilija Arar
99 A Retrospective Analysis of the Development, Implementation, and Assessment of an Evidence-Based Practice Course for Chiropractors [by] Anthony V. D’Antoni and Genevieve Pinto Zipp
99 Can a Chiropractic College Clinic Effectively Use Current Technology Available for Record Keeping? [by] Scott F. Donaldson and Don Lewis
100 Vibration-Induced Neural Plasticity in a Subject With Dysafferentation Syndrome: A Case Study [by] Dennis Enix and Kristan Giggey
101 Head Repositioning Accuracy in Healthy Subjects: Effect of Muscular Fatigue [by] Andr´eanne-Claire Gamache, Isabelle Sideleau, Jean Raymond, and Martin Descarreaux
101 Organizing the Technique Curriculum: A Case Report [by] Christopher Good, Matthew Funk, Stephen Perle, Gary Greenstein, and Paul Sherman
102 Correlation of GPA and Diagnostic Imaging Scores on the NBCE Exam [by] Laura Greene-Orndorff and John Hart
103 Evidence-Based Practice and Curriculum Development at UBCC [by] Gary Greenstein, Matthew Funk, Paul Sherman, Christopher Good, and Stephen Perle
104 Improvement in the Quality of Life of a Patient With Multiple Neuromusculoskeletal Disorders Undergoing Chiropractic Care [by] Joseph V. Haezebrouck and Robert B. Mattson
104 Determining Spinal Level Using the Inferior Angle of the Scapula as a Reference Landmark Retrospective Analysis of 50 X-Rays [by] Michael T. Haneline, Robert Cooperstein, Morgan D. Young, and Justin Ross
105 Survey Evaluation of Clinic Abroad Program Goals and Objectives [by] David W. Hannah, Karol A. Donaubauer, and Lori M. Curry-Whitcomb
106 Abnormal Static Sagittal Cervical Curvatures Following Motor Vehicle Collisions: A Retrospective Case Control of 41 Subjects Exposed to a Motor Vehicle Collision [by] Deed E. Harrison, Donald D. Harrison, Evan Katz, Joseph R. Ferrantelli, Tadeusz J. Janik, and Burt Holland
106 Structure Does Not Necessarily Dictate Function [by] John Hart
107 Thermal Patterns and Health Perception [by] John Hart and W.R. Boone
108 Effects of the Sacro-occipital Technique on the Quality of Life in a Lung Cancer Patient Undergoing Chemotherapy and Radiation Treatment [by] Marilyn Holbeck, Alison Tomson, Charles L. Blum, and Robert Monk
109 Effectiveness of Custom Orthotics at Reducing Injuries in a College Football Team [by] Brian Jensen, William Austin, J. Nathan Wilder, Brent A. Ungar, John Zhang, Dennis L. Nosco, and Mark Mandell
109 Student Patient Education Awareness and Knowledge (S.P.E.A.K.): A Clinic Marketing Program That Augments a Chiropractic Student’s Educational Process and Impacts the Chiropractic Profession [by] Julie Johnson 110 Beyond Compliance: Chiropractic, Wellness, and the Council on Chiropractic Education [by] Lisa Zaynab Killinger
111 Communicating Chiropractic to Special Populations Using Student Projects for Pediatric Patient Education [by] Brigette Langston Kinard
112 Effect of Lateral Cranial Translation on the Appearance of the Atlanto-occipital Joint [by] Patricia Kuhta and Edward F. Owens, Jr.
112 Ethics and Technology: A Survey of Chiropractic College Clinic Constituencies [by] Cynthia J. Lund and Michael Pryor
113 Interrater and Intrarater Reliability of Static Paraspinal Surface Electromyography [by] Matthew McCoy, Ian George, Nicole Jastremski, Lauren Butaric, and Robert Blanks
114 Utilizing Cooperative Learning to Develop Integrated Case Management Skills [by] Jason G. Napuli
114 Evaluation of Standing Posture as Rotations and Translations in 3D Interexaminer and Intraexaminer Reliability of the PosturePrint [by] Martin C. Normand, Donald D. Harrison, Martin Descarreaux, Deed E. Harrison, Denise L. Perron, Joseph R. Ferrantelli, and Tadeusz J. Janik
115 Management of Mechanical Back Pain in a Patient With Carcinoma of the Bladder [by] Paul J. Osterbauer
116 Public Health Education: A Traditional Approach [by] Irene N. Paulavicius
116 The Flipped Meniscus Variation of a Bucket-Handle Tear: A Case Report [by] Jean-Nicolas Poirier
117 Obesity-Related Spinal Epidural Lipomatosis: A Case Report [by] Jean-Nicolas Poirier, Aislin M. Gerow, and Stephanie M. Janiak
118 Avascular Necrosis and Clinical Documentation: A Case Study [by] Renee M. Prenitzer
118 Conversion to Digital Imaging [by] Kerri Duggins Rames
119 Triage in a Chiropractic Pediatric Setting [by] Drew Rubin
119 Student Mental Health in a Chiropractic University Setting [by] Lisa Rubin
120 Gait Analysis of Patients With Low Back Pain, Before and After Spinal Manipulation: A Preliminary Report [by] Brent da Silva Russell 121 Effect of High-Heeled Shoes on Lumbar Lordosis [by] Brent da Silva Russell
121 The Use of Shock Wave Therapy as a Preventative Measure for Nonunion of the Scaphoid: A Case Report and Review of Literature [by] Sandy S. Sajko, Mohsen Kazemi, and Herbert Von Schroeder
122 Developing a Survey for Needs Assessment: A Case Study [by] Jon Schwartzbauer, Laura Chadwick-Weeks, and John Hart
123 A Comparison Study Between the Use of a Combined Educational Delivery Method and Traditional Lecture [by] Michael W. Shreeve, Medhat Alattar, and Christopher Meseke
124 Effect of Logan Basic Technique on Blood Pressure and Pulse Rate in a Student Population [by] Brian Snyder, Pat Montgomery, and John Zhang
124 Effect of the Toftness System of Chiropractic Adjusting in Adults With Scoliosis: A Pilot Study [by] Brian Snyder and John Zhang
125 The Meric System––Myth or Mechanism? [by] Gene S. Tobias, David Sikorski, and Anupama Kizhakkeveettil 126 Patient Expectations for Chiropractic Care: Developing Consensus Within the Profession: Initial Findings
William Updyke and Gary Schultz
126 Lumbar Spine Radiographic Changes After an Initial Treatment With an Impulse Adjusting Instrument in a Female Patient With Low Back Pain [by] Janeen L. Wallace
127 Laser Acupoint Treatment on Blood Pressure and Body Weight [by] John Zhang, Nelson Marquina, George Oxinos, Amy Sau, and Derek Ng
128 Instrument-Applied and Manual Manipulation-Induced EMG Responses in Asymptomatic Subjects [by] John Zhang, Amy Sau, Derek Ng, Dennis Enix, Kristan Giggey, and Rodger Tepe

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