Index to Chiropractic Literature
Index to Chiropractic Literature
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Thursday, January 2, 2025
Index to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic Literature

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ID 20677
  Title Chiropractic care of a 6-year–old girl with neck pain; headaches; hand, leg, and foot pain; and other nonmusculoskeletal symptoms [case report]
Journal J Chiropr Med. 2009 Sep;8(3):131-136
Peer Review Yes
Publication Type Case Report
Abstract/Notes Objective: The purpose of this case report is to describe the response to chiropractic care of a pediatric patient with complaints of neck pain; headaches; and hand, leg, and foot pain after head trauma and the reports of changes in the patient's history of chronic fatigue, vomiting, and coughing.

Clinical Features: A 6-year–old girl was pushed into a playground slide, hitting her head and resulting in acute complaints of her “neck and brain hurting” and hand, foot, and occasional leg pain. In addition, the patient had a several-year history of unexplained fatigue, vomiting, and coughing spells. She had a neck pain disability index of 17.8%; left lateral and rotational head tilt; cervical antalgic lean; loss of cervical range of motion; anterior cervical translation; and spasm, tenderness, trigger points, and edema along the cervical and thoracic spine.

Intervention and Outcome: The patient was cared for using Activator Methods protocol. After the fifth treatment, all the patient's symptoms dissipated, with a complete return to normal activity and spinal stability after 9 treatments. At 19 weeks, her spine continued to be asymptomatic; and her neck disability index was 0%.

Conclusion: This case demonstrated that the Activator Method of chiropractic care had a beneficial effect for this pediatric patient.

This abstract is reproduced with the permission of the publisher; click on the above link for free full text.

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