Index to Chiropractic Literature
Index to Chiropractic Literature
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Monday, September 23, 2024
Index to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic Literature

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ID 20746
  Title A profession seeking clinical competency: The role of the Gonstead chiropractic technique
Journal Chiropr Hist. 2008 Winter;28(2):81-91
Peer Review Yes
Publication Type Article

The Palmer School of Chiropractic was in a clinical conundrum after the death of its iconoclastic leader, B.J. Palmer. The school had left full-spine chiropractic in the 1930s when Palmer perpetuated his upper-cervical-specific Hole-In-One Technique. In 1961, the Gonstead Chiropractic Technique resurrected full-spine chiropractic at the flagship school and became the cornerstone of the school’s technique curriculum. This paper reviews the history of the name-brand chiropractic technique to add to our understanding of early chiropractic education.

This abstract is reproduced with permission from the publisher; available by subscription. Full Text

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