Index to Chiropractic Literature
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Index to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic Literature

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ID 21275
  Title Abstracts of ACC Conference Proceedings: Poster presentations [ACC contributed papers presented at the 2010 Association of Chiropractic Colleges Educational Conference XVII and Research Agenda Conference XV]
Journal J Chiropr Educ. 2010 Spring;24(1):120-144
Peer Review Yes
Publication Type Meeting Abstract

Click on the above link for the full text of the poster presentation abstracts. The numbers below refer to page numbers in the print version of this issue.

Poster presentation abstract titles and authors:

120 The Chiropractic Care of Pregnant Patients: Results from a Survey of Chiropractors in a Practice-Based Research Network[by] Joel Alcantara, Jeanne Ohm, Kurt Kunz, and Derek Kunz
120 The Safety and Effectiveness of Pediatric Chiropractic: Results from a Practice-Based Research Network [by] Joel Alcantara, Jeanne Ohm, and Derek Kunz
121 A Preliminary Investigation into Using Rhyme and Performance in Active Learning [ny] Debra Bisiacchi and Benjamin Behrendt
121 Temporomandibular Joint Disorders and Forward Head Posture Secondary to Airway Compromise: A Case Report [by] Charles Blum
122 Arnold Chiari Malformation and Chiropractic Care for Headaches: Two Cases [by] Ronnie Boesch, Sarah Losby, and Charynn Olsheski
122 Full Kinetic Chain Manipulative Therapy with Rehabilitation for the Treatment of Hip Osteoarthritis: A Case Series [by] James Brantingham, Gary Globe, Tammy Cassa, Katie Hardy, Henry Pollard, Felix Lee, Charles Bates, Muffit Jensen, Stephan Mayer, and Charmaine Korporaal
123 Use of Expressive Writing to Improve Clinical Outcomes in Chiropractic Patients with Low Back Pain [by] Sharon Callcott and Christina Cunliffe
123 The Short-Leg Question in Chiropractic: Qualitative Clinical Research on the Significance of the Type of “Short Leg” [by] Robert Cooperstein
123 Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care for Juvenile Myoclonic Seizure Disorder: A Case Report [by] Casey Crisp, Todd Hubbard, and Brett Vowles
124 Prevalence of Low Back Pain in Public Workers from a Southern Brazilian City [by] Maira Savi Cust´odio and Thiana Paula Schmidt dos Santos
124 Alterations of Dyspeptic Signs and Symptoms in Patients Presenting with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Following Chiropractic Treatment [by] F´abio Dal Bello, Verˆonica Dal Bello, Joana Margarete Raupp, and Luciano Neto Santos
124 The Efficacy of Chiropractic Treatment in Reducing Back Pain in Patients Who Have Had Bariatric Surgery [by] F´abio Dal Bello, Kely Ana Mattei, and Luciano Neto Santos
125 Subjective and Objective Analysis of the Singing Voice Before and After Chiropractic Manipulation [by] Ana Paula A. Facchinato, Eduardo S.B. Bracher, Marta A.A. Andrada, Andre A. Duprat, Camila C. Benedicto, Beatriz Suster, Victor B.C. Luz, and Maruan N. Nogueira
125 Intra- and Interexaminer Reliability of Mastoid Fossa Thermal Readings Using Chiropractic Instrumentation [by] Cindy Gibbon, Claudia Seay, and John Hart
126 Restructuring of the Jurisprudence Course at a Chiropractic College [by] Brian Gleberzon
126 Cerebrovascular Risk Factors and Prevention from a Nutritional Perspective [by] Stephen Grand and Kenice Morehouse
126 Student Injuries Sustained During Undergraduate Training at a Chiropractic College [by] Jeff Grondin, Kenneth Budgell, Lucas Hann, and Brian Gleberzon
127 Establishing Functionally Based Goals in a Chiropractic Practice [by] Joseph Guagliardo
127 Effectiveness of HIPAA Training for Clinical Faculty and Staff at a Chiropractic College [by] Tim Guest
128 Patterns of Prenatal Maternal Stress Predict Outcomes in the Unborn Child: A Case Series [by] Laura Hanson and Morgan Handt
128 Asymmetry in Atlas Bone Specimens: A Pilot Study [by] John Hart, Matthew Christopher, and Ralph Boone
128 Chiropractic Manipulation Combined with Auxiliary Spinal Adjusting for the Odontoid–Lateral Mass Asymmetry: A Time Series Study [by] Xiaohua He and Hong Yu
129 Reflex Effects of a Spinal Adjustment on Blood Pressure [by] Kelly Holt, Randy Beck, Stephen Sexton, and Heidi Haavik Taylor
129 The Creation and Utilization of Online Videos to Support Classroom Learning of Chiropractic Clinical Skills [by] Laura Huber
130 The Feasibility of Teaching Chiropractic Students Interpretration of Sonography of the Peripheral Nervous System [by] Laurie Hung, Calin Lucaciu, and David Soave
130 Effect of Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Treatment [by] Thomas Hyde, Myra Goldman, Robert Topp, Warren Hammer, Gregory Doerr, and Richard Vincent
130 Health Promotion in Chiropractic Practice: 2003 and 2009 Practice Surveys [by] John Hyland, Mark Christensen, and Martin Kollasch
131 Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) for Precompetitive Anxiety in Power Lifters: Two Case Studies [by] Anne M. Jensen
131 The Effects of Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) Treatment on Short-Term Rowing Performance (Power Output) [by] Anne M. Jensen
131 The Clinical Response of Facial Palsy and Balance Deficit to Vojta/Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization Therapy: A Case Study [by] Dave Juehring and Michael Tunning
132 2008 Olympic Tae Kwon Do Athlete Profile [by] Mohsen Kazemi and Giovanni Perri
132 A Survey on the Performance of Chiropractors Graduated from Brazilian Universities in the Role of Practice Managers [by] Choo H. Kim, M´arcia D.C. Almeida, Eduardo S.B. Bracher, Ana Paula A. Facchinato, and Djalma J. Fagundes
133 Feasibility of Using the Tissue Ultrasound Palpation System (TUPS) to Measure Elasticity of Segmental Lumbar Multifidus [by] Terry K. Koo, Yongping Zheng, Andrea A. Nalli, and Edward F. Owens, Jr.
133 Attitudes Toward Philosophy Among Chiropractic Students: A Questionnarire-Based Study [by] Dries Lambrichts and Michelle Wessely
134 Attitudes, Skills, and Knowledge of Student Club Leaders and Their Faculty Sponsors Toward Evidence-Based Practice: Report of a Focus Group [by] Dana Lawrence and Kristi Ferguson
134 Information Mastery for the Chiropractic Profession: Are We Ready? [by] Michele Maiers, Roni Evans, and Barry Taylor
134 Student Perception of a Mock Patient Practical in a Pelvic Technique Classroom [by] Barbara Mansholt
135 The Chiropractic Comanagement of Asthma: A Clinical Research Approach [by] Sue-Ellen McElvey and Peter Bull
135 Development of Core Competencies for Chiropractic Students Rotating Through a Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center Chiropractic Clinic [by] Jason Napuli, Paul Dougherty, and Jonathon Egan
136 Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Complaints in Primary Education Teachers in Southern Brazil [by] Thais Menezes Nunes and Thiana Paula Schmidt dos Santos
136 Lumbar Extension Traction and Disc Herniation/Sequestration: A CBP Case Report [by] Paul Oakley and Deed Harrison
136 Multilevel Cervical Spine Chordoma: A Case Report [by] Edward Olff, Jean-Nicolas Poirier, and Chad Warshel
137 Functional Anatomy of Human Scalene Musculature: Rotation of the Cervical Spine [by] Anthony Olinger and Betsy Mitchell
137 Chiropractic Insertion in the Family Health Program of the Socialized Health System of Brazil [by] Ruschelli Ciarlo Pereira and Ricardo Fujikawa
138 Job Analysis of Chiropractors with a Diplomate in Pediatrics [by] Katherine A. Pohlman, Maria A. Hondras, Andrea G. Haan, and Cynthia R. Long
138 Effects on Postural Control with a Sacroiliac Belt and 10 Chiropractic Treatments on 11 Random Fibromyalgia Subjects: A Pilot Study [by] Stephane Provencher and Joseph F. Unger, Jr.
138 Environmental Hazards of Formaldehyde in the Gross Anatomy Laboratory [by] Dewan Raja and Bahar Sultana
139 Chiropractic Management of a 9-Year-Old Child with Klippel-Feil Syndrome: A Case Study [by] Robert Rectenwald and Laura Hanson
139 Chiropractic Management of a 9-Month-Old Infant with Constipation: A Case Report [by] Milagros Rosado and Robert Rectenwald
139 A Comparison of Chiropractic Intern Evaluations of Teaching of Primary Faculty Supervisor, Faculty at Community Rotations, and Private Practitioners [by] Kevin Rose and Michael Sackett
140 The Infant Toggle Headpiece: Its Use and Applications in Chiropractic Pediatrics [by] Drew Rubin and Kurt Kunz
140 From Failure to Success: Adapting Academic Support Programs in a Chiropractic Educational Setting [by] Lisa Rubin
140 Measurement of Lordosis by the Spinal Mouse as Compared to Lateral Lumbar Radiographs [by] Brent Russell, Kim Muhlenkamp, and Kathryn Hoiriis
141 Perceptions of Chiropractic Students and Faculty to Students’ Performance in Academic and Practical Skills Modules [by] Elise Shepherd and Christina Cunliffe
141 The Influence of Students’ Participation in Curricular and Extracurricular Learning Activities on Their Choice of Chiropractic Technique [by] David Sikorski, Gene Tobias, and Anupama Kizhakkeveettil
141 Reliability of Digestive Disorders as Compared to the AcuGraph: A Pilot Study [by] Brian Snyder
142 “So You’re Graduating. . .Now What?” Can the Use of Web 2.0 Tools Be an Effective Way to Push Quality Information to Alumni and Field Doctors? [by] Janet Tapper
142 Sacro Occipital Technique: Occipital Fiber Technique on Equine [by] Jean Thompson, Heidi Bockhold, and Charles Blum
143 Students’ Attitudes Toward Health Care Professions Derived from Eastern andWestern Medical Traditions [by] Gene Tobias, Anupama Kizhakkeveettil, and David Sikorski
143 Chiropractic Care in a Case with Chronic Trigeminal Neuralgia: A Case Report [by] Michael Tomasello and Joseph Guagliardo
143 Inter-Intraoperator Patient Positioning Repeatability in Pre- and Postradiographic Studies Using a Novel Positioning Device and a Phantom Mannequin [by] David Vazquez, Bud Gerstman, Kim Khauv, Dale Johnson, and Jamie Motley
144 Ischial Apophysis Avulsion Associated with Sciatric Symptoms [by] Michelle Wessely
144 Efficacy of Hands-on Instructional Training for the Supine Leg Check: A Feasibility Study [by] H. Charles Woodfield III and Kim Khauv

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