Index to Chiropractic Literature
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Index to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic Literature

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ID 22282
  Title Observation methods relating to the Stork Test: Are they important?
Journal Chiropr J Aust. 2012 Mar;42(1):2-7
Peer Review Yes
Publication Type Article

Objectives: The stork test is a palpation test to detect movement in the sacroiliac joint (SIJ). It is used to assess the self-bracing mechanism of the SIJ when weight is transferred from two feet to one foot, as in gait. Nutation (anterior rotation of the sacral base) together with posterior rotation of the innominate (os coxa or pelvic bone) places the joint in a locked or ‘self braced’ position, which is better able to withstand the shear forces of vertical loading. In the stork test, thumbs are placed on the posterior superior iliac spine (PSIS) on the side of the weight bearing leg and the second sacral spinal process (S2) on the side of the lifting leg.

The aims of the present study were to:

1. examine movement of the innominate, by observing movement of the PSIS thumb across two stances, as in the stork test and
2. to examine the spatial relationship between the innominate and sacrum, by observing the change in distance between the PSIS thumb and S2 thumb across two stances, as in the stork test.

Design: The design was a within subjects experimental design with repeated measures. The two independent variables were the starting stances and observation methods and the dependent variable was the stork test outcome. There were 74 adult volunteers and the methods of volunteer recruitment, inclusion and exclusion criteria have been detailed previously.1 All 148 tests were videoed and reviewed on a computer screen using horizontal lines to determine vertical direction of change relative to the baseline thumb positions. Videoing was carried out in an appropriately equipped studio in southern NSW. 
Outcome Measures: The outcome measures for observation method 1 (OM1) were a positive result if the thumb on PSIS on the weight bearing side moved cephalad on the lift and a negative result if it did not. The outcome measures for observation Method 2 (OM2) were a positive result if there was an increase in distance between the PSIS and S2 thumbs on the lift and a negative result if there was a decrease or no change. Results: Starting stance and observation method influenced stork test outcomes, as κ < 0.8 for the two stances and two observation methods. 
Conclusion: No conclusions could be made about sacral and innominate movement in the stork test between the stances, except that further investigation of sacral/innominate movement, weight displacement and stance is warranted.
This abstract is reproduced with the permission of the publisher. Click on the above link for free full text.



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