Index to Chiropractic Literature
Index to Chiropractic Literature
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Index to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic Literature

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ID 22314
  Title 8th Annual International Research and Philosophy Symposium, Sherman College of Chiropractic, Spartanburg, South Carolina, October 22-23, 2011
Journal Ann Vert Sublux Res. 2011 Fall;2011(4):Online access only p 189-238
Peer Review Yes
Publication Type Meeting Abstract

CONTENTS [full text is available by subscription]:

190 Forward Head Posture (FHP) in Women and its Relationship to Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMD) and Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) [by] Charles L. Blum, DC, presented by Dr. Martin Rosen

191 A Retrospective Health Outcomes Study of 109 Pediatric Patients Undergoing Subluxation Based Chiropractic Care [by] Matthew McCoy, DC, MPH, Pamela Stone, BS, DC, CACCP, Erin Rosen  (presenting) & Janice Hughes 

192 A Proposed Modified Test of Heart Rate Variability for Analyzing the Neurological Interference Component of the Vertebral Subluxation [by] John Hart, DC, MHSc 

193 The Prevalence of Vertebral Subluxation in Children Ten Years of Age and Younger [by] Bill Decken, DC (presenting), LCP, Matt Santos, Jennifer Santos 

194 Cervicocranial and craniocervical syndromes: A case report. [by] Harvey Getzoff, DC (presenting), Charles L. Blum, DC 

195 The Use of the P-300 Wave as an Outcome Assessment Related to Vertebral Subluxation  [by] Matthew McCoy, DC, MPH, Charles Vaden (presenting), Jay Holder, DC 

196-197 SOT Chiropractic Care of a Six-Year Old Boy Diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome and Related Conditions. [by] Martin G. Rosen, DC (presenting), Charles L. Blum, DC 

198 Cervical Specific Protocol and Results for 300 Meniere’s Patients Over Three Years [by] Michael T. Burcon, B.Ph., D.C. 

199 Retracing:  A case study of how early life dis-ease becomes complex adult health issues [by] Brigette Bowler, DC and Kathryn Conlen, BA, MT, CST 

200-201 Resolution of Trigeminal Neuralgia Following Subluxation Based Chiropractic Care: A Case Study & Review of the Literature [by] Michael Acanfora, DC,  Eric L. Zielinski, BA (presenting)

202 Winning the Debate on Vertebral Subluxation [by] Christopher Kent, DC

203 How to re-ground chiropractic in its principles [by] Michael B. Schmidt 

204 2 1/2 Year Old Female with a Thirty-five Degree Scoliosis and Two Hemivertebra: A case report [by] Martin G. Rosen, DC, CSP, CSCP, CSPP 

205 Detecting Outliers in Mastoid Fossa Readings: A Case Report [by] John Hart, DC, MHSc 

206 Abstract - Congruence of Wellness in Chiropractic Philosophy [by] Christopher Passalacqua, DC 

207 A Prospective, Longitudinal Health Outcomes Study of Pregnant Women and Children Undergoing Subluxation Based Chiropractic Care [by] Matthew McCoy, DC, MPH,Pamela Stone, DC, CACCP,Christie Kwon MS, DC (presenting) Maggie Ashworth BS, DC, Brandi Ancrum, MPH 

208 Political Action and the Subluxation Centered Chiropractor – Steps to Engagement [by] Veronica Gutierrez, DC 

209-211 Chiropractic Care of a Two Year-old Diagnosed with Reflux and a Hiatal Hernia: A case report [by] Martin G. Rosen, DC (presenting), Charles L. Blum, DC 

212-215 Resolution of Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia with Spastic Dysphonia Following Chiropractic Care to Reduce Cervical Spine Vertebral Subluxations:  A Case Study [by] Michael T. Burcon, B.Ph., D.C. 

216-220 Language & Communication  The  “BIG IDEA” of Chiropractic [by] Jack Vandervort, D.C., D.Ph.C. 

221-226 Sacroiliac Joint Hypermobility Syndrome: A Chiropractic Perspective Survey [by] Charles L. Blum, DC (presented by Dr. Martin Rosen) 

227 The Economic, Academic and Political State of the Chiropractic Profession and its Implications for the Subluxation Centered Community [by] Matthew McCoy DC, MPH 

228 Subjective Measurement of Vertebral Subluxation? [by] J. Richard Burns D.C., D.Ph.C.S.

229 Putting Collaborative Design Theory to Practice - An Attempt to Bride the Gap Between Philosophy & Science [by] Rob Sinnott, DC, FPhC 

230 Abridgement and Reorganization of the Chiropractic Textbook by Ralph W. Stephenson, D.C., Ph. C., Centered on Chiropractic’s Philosophical Foundations [by] Shaun M. Gallagher, B.S., Shawn Hoga, D.C., David Koch, D.C., L.C.P., D.Ph.C.S., Demetrios Peroulas, B.S., Will Soriano, B.S., D.C.,  Jonathan Via, B.S., D.C., Will Vodgs, D.C., J. Kate Wetterlin, B.S, D.C. (presenting) 

231 An Analysis of Chiropractic Philosophy Courses in United States Chiropractic College Curriculums [by] Bill Decken, DC, LCP(presenting), Beth Risser, DC, DPhCS, Guthrie Schroeder 

232 The purpose of this study is to compile the current literature search regarding chiropractic care and reaction time [by] Alexandria Jenkins 

233 The Stance of the Chiropractic Profession on Current Events [by] Alexandra Gerdel 

234-237 Chiropractic Care and Athletic Performance in High School Swimmers [by] Gregory A. Stetzel, DC ,John Hart, DC 

238 The Safety of Subluxation-based Pediatric Chiropractic: Results from a Practice-based Research Network [by] Joel Alcantara, DC (presenting), Jeanne Ohm, DC and Derek Kunz, BS

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