Index to Chiropractic Literature
Index to Chiropractic Literature
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Index to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic Literature

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ID 22328
  Title 2nd Annual Sacro Occipital Technique Research Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, 2010
Journal Ann Vert Sublux Res. 2011 Fall;2011(4):Online access only p 133-164
Peer Review Yes
Publication Type Meeting Abstract

CONTENTS [full text is available by subscription]:

134 Sacro occipital technique (SOT): A survey of SOT practitioner’s practice management  [by] Shelley JR

135 Sacroiliac Joint Hypermobility Syndrome: A Chiropractic Perspective Survey  [by] Blum CL
136 Does Asymmetry Matter? A Challenge for Sacro Occipital Technique? [by] Pederick FO, Blum CL
137 Investigating the Ability of Chiropractors to Advertise on Their Website an Expertise in the
Treatment of Temporomandibular Joint Disorders  [by] Blum CL
138 Investigating the Ability of Chiropractors to Advertise on Their Website an Expertise in the Treatment of Pediatric Patients  [by] Blum CL
139 Integrating SOT and acupuncture for the treatment of asthma: A case report [by] Benner CD, Blum CL
140 Integration of SOT cranial therapy with an occlusal splint for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea: A case report  [by] Bloink T, Rahimi M, Blum CL
141 Sleep apnea and anemia, is there a relationship? [by] Blum CL, Mersky JA
142 A Novel Approach to Testing Foot Mechanics and Dysfunction Utilizing SOT blocks: A Case Report [by] Boro WJ, Blum CL
143 A pilot study investigating the incidence of chiropractic care in learning disorders: A case series [by] Bouchet C
144 Chiropractic care in a 5-month-old female with vomiting, gastro-esophageal reflux, fussiness, frequent colds, and poor weight gain: A case report [by] Buchakjian T
145 Chronic inner ear congestion of 17 years relieved by Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT) chiropractic care: A case report  [by] Colman M, Blum CL
146 Improvement in a pediatric patient with craniosynostosis undergoing chiropractic care  [by] Doucet J, Alcantara J
147 Successful resolution of congenital torticollis with non-synostotic deformational plagiocephaly in a 3-month-old infant: A case report [by] Forgosh B, Provencher S, Blum CL
148 Cranial bone imbalance, TMJ dysfunction and craniocervical syndrome, and its affect on the sucking reflex in a 2-month-old female infant: A case report [by] Forgosh B, Provencher S, Blum CL
149 The chiropractic care of a child with birth trauma [by] Généreux C, Alcantara J
150 Investigating new bonds in patient care to develop an engineering platform for the health care sector: A case report [by] Hopkins L, Countryman J, Blum CL
151 Chiropractic spinal manipulative therapy in a 32-year-old female with neck pain, rib cage asymmetry, unicornuate uterus and persistent infertility [by] Koury-Hajal S
152 Improvements in occulomotor, auditory function and range of motion in a child with Down syndrome undergoing chiropractic care [by] Poirier-Keenan N
153 SOT and ART treatment of a 73-year-old male post stroke with L4/L5 foraminal stenosis: A case report [by] Mersky JA, Blum CL
154 SOT treatment of a 2 ½ year old female with a 35° scoliosis and two hemivertebra: A case report [by] Rosen MG, Blum CL
155 Chiropractic care of pediatric nonmusculoskeletal conditions: A retrospective patient survey [by]
Rosen MG, Blum CL
156 Balancing the pelvis post partial hip replacement: A case report [by] Salem AR
157 Dental chiropractic interdisciplinary care of three patients with different conditions yet similar symptom presentation: A case series [by] Shirazi D, Gerardo RC, Blum CL
158 Cranial treatment for a patient presenting with Down syndrome: A case report [by] Simmons D, Blum CL
159 Occlusal cranial balancing technique [by] Smith GH
160 Can chiropractic adjustments help decrease the incidence of acute otitis media [by] Sonners MD
161 Utilizing sacro occipital technique chiropractic methodologies on an equine: A case report [by] Thompson JE, Bockhold H, Blum CL
162 Category II and incontinence: A case report [by] Tweg T
163 Bruxism and temporal bone hypermobility in patients with multiple sclerosis [by] Williams DE, Lynch JE, Doshi V, Singh GD, Hargens AR

164 Chiropractic care of a child with sensory processing disorder, speech delay, constipation, and poor sleep: A case report [by] Wittman RA

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