Index to Chiropractic Literature
Index to Chiropractic Literature
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Index to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic Literature

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ID 22337
  Title 1st Annual Sacro Occipital Technique Research Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, October 22, 2009
Journal Ann Vert Sublux Res. 2011 Summer;2011(3):Online access only p 104-132
Peer Review Yes
Publication Type Meeting Abstract

CONTENTS [full text is available by subscription]:

105 Sacro occipital technique, stability testing, and Tai Chi or yoga: A case report. [by] Timothy M. Barr, DC

106 SOT Cranial and TMJ therapy for unresolved BPPV: A case report.[by] Thomas Bloink, DC

107 TMD - chiropractic and dentistry: Two case reports.[by] Charles L. Blum, DC, Alireza Panahpour DDS

108 The relationship between the trapezius muscle and spinal segments T1 to L5.[by] Shaun Cashman DC, MSc, Sharyn Eaton DC, PhD, Rodney Bonello DC, MHA, and Julian Leslie PhD

109 Unity of form and function - a new dental paradigm: A case series.[by] Albert S. Chinappi, Jr., DDS

110 Alterations on dyspeptic signs and symptoms on patients presenting with gastroesophageal reflux disease receiving chiropractic treatment. [by] Fabio Dal Bello, DC, Veronica Dal Bello, DC,  Luciano Neto Santos, MD, Joana Margarete Raupp, DC

111 A research on the effects of the chiropractic treatment on individuals with malocclusion as an aid to the orthodontic treatment.[by] Fabio Dal Bello, DC,  Franciele.Borilli, DC 

112 Pain alterations on the temporo mandibular joint in individuals with malocclusion after chiropractic treatment. [by] Fabio Dal Bello DC, Franciele Borilli, DC 

113 Attention deficit hyperactive disorder of a 7 year old child utilizing chiropractic and sacro occipital technique procedures.[by] Scott Darragh, DC

114 The development of SOT occipital fiber technique: A case report[by] Charles L. Blum, DC, Major Bertrand DeJarnette, DO, DC (Deceased)

115 Patient with severe tremors, complex pain syndrome, and migraines co-treated with dental and SOT chiropractic care: A case report.[by] Richard C. Gerardo, DC

116 Disc technique, differential diagnosis and treatment methodology: Two case reports.[by] I. Harvey Getzoff, DC

117 Cervicocranial and craniocervical syndromes: A case report.[by] I. Harvey Getzoff, DC

118 Fibromyalgia syndrome, trauma induced, and sacro occipital technique: A case report.[by] Gilbert S. Jaudy, DC, Charles L. Blum, DC

119 Sacro occipital technique, cranial technique, “faux” fibromyalgia syndrome and self-reported improvement in vision: A report of four patients.[by] Sunny Kierstyn, RN, DC,  Charles Blum, DC

120 Chiropractic manipulative reflex technique (CMRT) treatment for GERD of a 3 year old male child: A case report.[by] Robert D. Klingensmith, DC

121 The effects of SOT category blocking procedures on lower extremity function in high performance athletes: A case series.[by] Curtis Langer, DC

122 Dental chiropractic co-treatment of patient presenting with chronic severe fibromyalgia, head, neck, and jaw pain with depression.[by] Jeffrey A. Mersky, DC, William Halligan, DDS

123 Sacro occipital technique treatment of hiatal (hiatus) hernia presentation: A case report.[by] Gary A. Mitchell, DC

124 Effects of pregnancy on pranial Structures.[by] Frank O. Pederick, DC

125 Chiropractic cranial treatment protocol increases successful outcome of the multidisciplinary care model for traumatic brain injury (TBI) patients: A case series.[by] Esther M. Remeta, DC, Charles L. Blum, DC

126 SOT chiropractic care of a six-year old boy diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome and related conditions.[by] Martin G. Rosen, DC

127 Sacro occipital technique treatment of patient with pervasive craniofacial and body pains secondary to chronic TMD: A Case Report.[by] Albert R. Salem, DC

128 Pregnancy, sacroiliac joint laxity, and the SOT category two pelvic distortion: A case series. [by] J. Rodney Shelley, DC

129 The relationship between a C2 subluxation and vital signs in a Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy patient: A case report.[by] Noel A. Taylor, MM, DC

130 Sacro Occipital Technique: Occipital fiber technique on canine.[by] Jean E. Thompson, DC, Heidi Bockhold DC,  Charles L. Blum DC

131 Sacro Occipital Technique: Occipital fiber technique on equine.[by] Jean E. Thompson, DC, Heidi Bockhold DC, Charles L. Blum DC

132 Exercises and stretches to facilitate SOT blocking treatments category one and category two: A case series.[by] William P. Williamson, DC

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