Index to Chiropractic Literature
Index to Chiropractic Literature
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Index to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic Literature

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ID 22342
  Title Resolution of type 2 diabetes mellitus in a patient undergoing subluxation based chiropractic care and dietary recommendations: A case study [case report]
Journal Ann Vert Sublux Res. 2011 Summer;2011(3):Online access only p 73-81
Peer Review Yes
Publication Type Case Report

Objective:  The effects of chiropractic care and dietary modifications on a patient with a 20-year history of type 2 diabetes are described.

Clinical Features: A 61-year-old male presented to the chiropractor with a 20-year history of type 2 diabetes. Subluxations were located and corrected and dietary modification changes were recommended and adopted by the patient.

Intervention and Outcome: Chiropractic adjustments using Diversified Full Spine as well as Pettibon techniques were applied to the sites of vertebral subluxations. Dietary modification to reduce inflammation in the body was recommended as well. These interventions are collectively part of what is referred to as Maximized Living protocol.  After 1 month of chiropractic treatment and dietary changes the patient decided to cease taking medication for treatment of his type 2 diabetes, and after 2 months of chiropractic care he returned to his medical doctor who confirmed that his blood-glucose levels had normalized.

Conclusions: The chiropractic care and dietary modifications of a patient with a 20-year history of type 2 diabetes contributed to the resolution of his diabetes diagnosis. Future research is necessary to determine individual effects of chiropractic care and dietary modifications on type 2 diabetes, as well as on a larger scale to determine whether the larger population of diabetic patients can benefit from a combination of chiropractic care and dietary modifications. Link to PDF version

This abstract is reproduced with the permission of the publisher; full text by subscription.


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