Index to Chiropractic Literature
Index to Chiropractic Literature
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Index to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic Literature

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ID 22388
  Title Abstracts of invited papers presented at the 2010 International Research and Philosophy Symposium [sponsored by Sherman College of Chiropractic, October 9 - 10, 2010, Spartanburg, South Carolina]
Journal Ann Vert Sublux Res. 2010 Nov;2010():Online access only 39 p
Peer Review No
Publication Type Meeting Abstract

CONTENTS [full text is available by subscription]:

1 A look at the wellness lifestyle in chiropractic: The juxtaposition of an outside-in, versus an inside-out approach. [by] Eric G. Russell, DC, LCP, DPhCS, FICA

3 Measuring the Effects of Specific Cervical Chiropractic Adjustments on Blood Pressure and Pulse Rate: A Randomized Controlled Trial [by] Derek A. Barton DC-presenter, Steven D. Roffers DC, Anquonette L. Stiles DC, Laura L. Huber DC David H. Morris MD, and Therese A. House DC

5 Surface EMG and the Reactive Leg Reflex: a Methodology with Case Examples. Evaluating a Neurophysiologic Reflex with Diagnostic Potential. [by] Jonathan Leusden, DC

6 The Correlation between CE Hours and Complaints/Board Action in the United States [by] Bill Decken, DC, LCP, Megan Luttrell

8 Re-Examining the Vertebral Subluxation Definition and its Criteria [by] J. Strauss, DC, FCSC

9 A Model for Reframing Chiropractic Care - HIO in the 21st Century [by] Bridgette Bowler, DC

13 Analysis of Dens Relative to the Foramen Magnum [by] John Hart, DC, MHSc

15 A Randomized Controlled Trial of Health Outcomes Following the Introduction of a Standardized, Stretching Protocol Combined with Chiropractic Intervention: A Pilot Study [by] Matthew McCoy DC, MPH, Anquonette Stiles BS, DC, Pamela Stone-McCoy, BS, DC, CACCP, Rebecca Crews BSc, DC

17 Adjustment and Manipulation [by] John Hart, DC, MHSc

19 Including Vertebral Subluxation in the Chiropractic Objective – A Logical Argument [by] Judy Nutz Campanale, DC, ACP, FCSC

20 The Importance of Research, Education, Policy, and Service in Protecting the Future of Subluxation-Based Chiropractic [by] Christie Kwon MS, Matthew McCoy DC, MPH, Christopher Kent DC, JD, Veronica Gutierrez, DC, Curtis Fedorchuk, DC

21 Attention Deficient Disorder and chiropractic: a narrative review [by] Alan Frandsen and Stephanie Sullivan, DC

23 The physiology of analgesia induced by spinal cord stimulation [by] Dewan S. Raja, MBBS, MPhil and Bahar Sultana MBBS

24 Correction of Subluxation Using CBP Technique and Improvement of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: A Case Report [by] Curtis Fedorchuk D.C., Julian K. Wetterlin B.S., DC, and Matthew McCoy, D.C., MPH

26 A bridge to healing: How HIO and CST helped a young boy: A Case Study [by] Brigette Bowler, D.C. and Kathryn Conlen, BA, MT, CST

28 Chiropractic and Mental Health [by] Christopher Kent, D.C., J.D. and Leonard F. Vernon, D.C.

31 A Randomized Controlled Trial to Measure the Effects of Specific Thoracic Chiropractic Adjustments on Blood Pressure and Pulse Rate [by] Steven D. Roffers DC, Laura L. Huber DC, David H. Morris MD, Anquonette L. Stiles DC, Derek A. Barton DC, and Therese A. House DC

33 Creating a Lexicon for the Consumer Side of Chiropractic [by] Terry J. Van Dervort, DC, ACP, DPhCS

34 A Survey of Chiropractors Attitudes and Opinions Regarding Chiropractic College Curricular Content, Length, Relationship to Practice Success and Recommendations for Change. [by] Matthew McCoy DC, MPH, Christopher Kent DC, JD, William Decken DC, Harold George DC, Myron Brown DC, Beth Risser DC, Norm Ross DC, Jay Thompson Ph.D, and Fred Nay

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