Index to Chiropractic Literature
Index to Chiropractic Literature
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Index to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic Literature

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ID 22780
  Title Moving forward through research and practice [The 9th Chiropractic, Osteopathy & Physiotherapy Annual Conference, McTimoney College of Chiropractic, Oxford, 24th November 2012]
Journal Clin Chiropr. 2012 Dec;15(3-4):177-197
Peer Review Yes
Publication Type Meeting Abstract

CONTENTS: [Full text is available by subscription]

177 Emotional processing and its relationship to chronic low back pain [by] Laura Wheatley

178 Is there a correlation of bone mineral density measurement in premenopausal women and their socio-demographic profile? [by] Samantha Hayes, Joyce Miller, Karen Knapp

178-179 Perceived barriers to, and facilitators of adherence to treatment recommendations in outpatient musculoskeletal physiotherapy: A meta ethnography [by] Devdeep Ahuja, Sionnadh McLean, Nasrin Nasr, Tanzila Potia

179 Diagnostic ultrasound of the cervical multifidus: A literature review [by] Scott Benham

179-180 Variables influencing the lumbar gravity line, lordosis, inter-vertebral disc plane angles and sacral slope on lumbo-pelvic radiographs of symptomatic patients [by] T. F. Richardson

180-181 An audit of the accuracy of medication documentation in a United Kingdom osteopathic training clinic before and after an educational intervention [by] Hannah Brunt

181 Attitudes and compliance to strengthening exercises for chronic non specific low back pain [by] Graeme Rasmussen, David Newell, Adrian Hunnisett, Christina Cunliffe

181-182 Consent and communication: A correlational study [by] Pamela Lander, Christina Cunliffe, Adrian Hunnisett

182 Is there a difference in how sedentary and sports-active patients present? [by] Paul Harris, Adrian Hunnisett, Christina Cunliffe

183 A qualitative study of perceptions of access and benefits of chiropractic [by] Shelagh Taggart, Adrian Hunnisett, Christina Cunliffe

183-184 Evaluation of adductor and abductor muscle strength pre and post chiropractic intervention: A randomised control study pilot [by] Anna Murphy-Sullivan, David Newell, Adrian Hunnisett, Christina Cuncliffe

184 Does the credibility of the explained treatment and the expectancy of success held by patients presenting with low back pain influence changes in fear avoidance beliefs, catastrophisation and pain related self-efficacy following an initial consultation with a chiropractor? [by] Phillippa McKernan, Jonathan Field, Peter W McCarthy

185 Randomaized control trial investigating the effects of a structured weight training regime for increasing skeletal muscle mass [by] Jonas Nygaard

185-186 Risk factors and prognostic factors associated with neck pain [by] Henriette Nykvist

186 Manipulative therapy and the immune response: A literature review of the chiropractic & osteopathic evidence [by] Jake Neil

186-187 Hypochondria in healthcare education [by] Tony Hubbard, Adrian Hunnisett, Christina Cuncliffe

187 Oncologists and cancer specialists’ expert opinion on the role of osteopathic treatment on patients with cancer [by] Dawn Hammond

188 Cognitive influences on EMG activity: A pilot study [by] Alexandru Feier

188-189 Do we have any control? The practitioner’s influence on the ‘placebo effect’ and therapeutic outcomes within complementary and alternative medicine [by] P. T. Evans

189 A critical narrative review of aetiological theories for sports-related groin pain [by] Roberta Parkin

189-190 Joint hypermobility syndrome: Patients’ experiences of the diagnostic process [by] Sarah Nicholls

190-191 Measurement of lumbar multifidus in asymptomatic males using ultrasound during isometric contraction [by]

191 The effect of touch on pain pressure threshold: An algometric study [by] Joelle Auger

192 Examining the effects of osteopathic treatment on the symptoms of chronic functional constipation – a placebo-controlled, randomized, cross over pilot study [by] Daniel I. Windfield

193 An investigation to explore personality profiles and practice characteristics of registered UK osteopaths, using the NEO PI-R UK Inventory [by] Matthew Wood

194 Complementary therapies and sports injuries: A retrospective survey of UK triathletes [by] Linda Kuhlmann, Adrian Hummisett, Christina Cunliffe

194-195 Is vitamin D deficiency related to osteoarthritis [by] Kimonie Sturgeon

195 Long-term chiropractic care in the elderly population: A mixed methods approach to understanding and experience [by] Jacob Nowinski, Gay Swaite, Adrian Hunnisett, Christina Cunliffe

195-196 An exploratory study into the ethos of osteopaths working in animal practice [by] Julia Clerc-Renaud, Philip Bright, Peter Collins

196-197 An investigation of the incidence of non-specific low back pain in competitive show jumping horse riders [by] Catherin Telle



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