Index to Chiropractic Literature
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ID 22821
  Title Thank You to JCM peer reviewers for 2011 and 2012 [editorial]
Journal J Chiropr Med. 2013 Mar;12(1):1-2
Peer Review No
Publication Type Editorial

This article recognizes editorial board members and peer reviewers who completed manuscript reviews for the Journal of Chiropractic Medicine in 2011 and 2012.

We wish to recognize the dedicated and supportive editorial board members and peer reviewers who completed manuscript reviews for the Journal of Chiropractic Medicine (JCM) in 2011 and 2012.

Peer reviewers for the year 2011 and 2012 include:
Bic Bakkum, DC, PhD
Ed Bifulco, DC
Charles L. Blum, DC
Ronnie Boesch, DC
Eve E. Bonic, DC, DACBR
James W. Brantingham, DC, PhD
Lafayette Briggs, DC
Jerrilyn Cambron, DC, MPH, PhD
Jonathan Carlos, MD
Tammy Cassa, DC
Aleksander Chaibi, BPT, DC
Mabel Chang, DC
Michael Clay, DC
Richard Cole, DC
Kristina Conner, ND
Jeffrey Cooley, DC, DACBR
Brad Cotton, DC
James M. Cox, DC
Arthur C. Croft, DC, MS, MPH
Leanne Cupon, DC
Don Dishman, DC
Manuel Duarte, DC, DABCO, DACBSP
Andrew Dunn, DC, MEd, MS
Roger Engel, DC, DO
Scott Gilford, DC
David Paige Gilkey, DC, PhD
Brian J. Gleberzon, DC
Bart Green, DC, MSEd, DACBSP
Brett Guimard, DC, DACBSP
Michael T. Haneline, DC, MPH
John Hart, DC, MHS
Daniel Haun, DC
Elise Hewitt, DC
Kathryn T. Hoiriis, DC
Kelly R. Holt, BSc(Chiro) PGDipHSc
Denise Holtzman, DC
Sébastien Houle, DC, MSc
Laurie Yew-kin Hung, DC
Jennifer Illes, DC
Theodore L. Johnson, DC
Keith R. Kamrath, DC
Norman W. Kettner, DC, DACBR
Simone F. C. Knaap, DC, MSc, FEAC
Ralph A. Kruse, DC, DABCO, DABCC
James J. Lehman, MBA, DC, DABCO
Kat Linaker, DC, DACBR
Jan Martensen, DC, PhD, DACBR
Marc McRae, DC
Christopher A. Meseke, PhD
Michael A. Mestan, DC, DACBR
Joyce Miller, DC
William Moreau, DC, DACBSP
Mark Morningstar, DC
Donald R. Murphy, DC, DACAN
Dustin Nabhan, DC DACBSP CSCS
Shawn Michael Neff, DC, MAppSc
Robert Nelson, DC, DACBSP
Dave Newell, PhD
Anette Norregaard, DC
Caroline Peterson, DC, PhD, MPH, CPM
Katherine Pohlman, DC, MS, DICCP
Mohsen Radpasand, MD, DC, MSc
Glen Rasmussen, DC
Kenneth Reckelhoff, DC
Andrew Robb, BA, DC
Jan Roberts, DC
Kevin A. Rose, DC, DABCO, MPH
Anthony L. Rosner, PhD
Drew Rubin, DC
Brent da Silva Russell, MS, DC
Michael J. Schneider, DC
Ursula Schwab, MS, PhD
David Robert Seaman, DC
Gregory J. Snow, DC, CCSP
Kent Stuber, DC, MSc
Dorrie Talmage, MSEd, MSN, DC
John Taylor, DC, DACBR
Rodger Tepe, PhD
Peter Tuchin, PhD
Alisa van Poecke, DC
David Ward, DC
Keith Wells, DC
Wayne M. Whalen, DC
Barry Wiese, DC, MS, DIBCN
Charles Woodfield, DC
Steven G. Yeomans, DC
Curtis Yomtob, DC, DACBR
Ken Young, DC, DACBR
Jenny Yu, MSAOM
Frank Yurasek, PhD
John Zhang, MD, PhD

We appreciate the valuable contributions of all the peer reviewers who contributed their time and expertise these past years for their important role in enhancing and the quality and scientific integrity of research papers published in the JCM.

We apologize in advance if anyone provided a peer review to the JCM in the years 2011 and 2012 and was not acknowledged in this list. If this has occurred, please contact the journal editor and a correction will be printed with the next listing.

This abstract is reproduced with the permission of the publisher; click on the above link for free full text.


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