Index to Chiropractic Literature
Index to Chiropractic Literature
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Index to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic Literature

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ID 23249
  Title Seeking the rational alternative: the National College of Chiropractic from 1906 to 1982.
Journal Chiropr Hist. 1983 ;3(1):16-22
Peer Review No
Publication Type Article

The National School of Chiropractic was founded in 1906 in Davenport, Iowa, by one of D.D. Palmer’s first students, John A. Howard, with the blessing of The Founder.  From its inception, the National School sought to provide a broader experience in basic sciences and physiological therapeutics for chiropractic, and it moved to Chicago in 1908 with this in mind.  A number of physicians with classical medical backgrounds became associated with National, which obtained its present name and secured an impressive property on Ashland Boulevard in 1920.

This paper traces the National administrations of Howard and, later, William C. Schulze and the interim administratorship before Joseph Janse began his 37-year presidency in 1945.  It deals with the various mergers and amalgamations with institutions that contributed a rich tradition of education in chiropractic and includes a chronicle of the landmark activities in the two decades on the Lombard, Illinois, campus.

Paper delivered before the third Conference on Chiropractic History, National College of Chiropractic, Lombard, ILL. June 4, 1983.

This abstract is reproduced with the permission of the publisher.  Full text is available by subscription.


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