Index to Chiropractic Literature
Index to Chiropractic Literature
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Index to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic Literature

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ID 23443
  Title Cervical radiculopathy: diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation [audio lecture]
Journal DC Tracts. 2014 Summer;26(2):2-5
Peer Review Yes
Publication Type Audio Lecture

Lecture 1 Outline:

I. The pathophysiology of cervical radiculopathy
a. Disc herniation
       1. inflammatory mechanisms
       2. compression mechanisms
b. Spinal stenosis
       1. compression mechanisms
       2. adhesion mechanisms

II. Differential diagnosis of cervical radiculopathy using the CRISP (TM) protocols
a. Do the presenting symptoms reflect a visceral disorder or a serious or potentially life-threatening         illness?  
b. Where is the pain coming from?

c. What is happening to this patient as a whole that would cause the pain experience to develop and     persist?
       1. dynamic instability
       2. nociceptive system sensitization
       3. psychological factors

III. Devising a treatment strategy
a. "Red flag" conditions that can cause neck and arm pain
b. Anti-inflammatory measures
c. Manipulation
d. Neural mobilization
e. McKenzie protocols
f. Cervical stabilization exercise
g. Decision making regarding injections and surgery

IV. Outcomes research on the management of patients with cervical radiculopathy using the CRISP (TM) protocols 

Full text is available by subscription.


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