Index to Chiropractic Literature
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ID 24688
  Title 2016 World Federation of Chiropractic/Association of Chiropractic Colleges Education Conference proceedings
Journal J Chiropr Educ. 2016 Oct;30(2):159-160
Peer Review Yes
Publication Type Meeting Abstract

In October 2016, the World Federation of Chiropractic and Association of Chiropractic Colleges Education Conference was held in Montreal, Canada. This summary provides the titles of the contributed presentations. The full set of abstracts for this meeting are published online at as an exclusively electronic publication that is part of volume 30, issue 2 (October 2016) of the Journal of Chiropractic Education.
Platform Presentations
Poster Presentations
Innovation Presentations

Platform Presentations [full text of abstracts]
The treatment of neck pain–associated disorders and whiplash-associated disorders: A clinical-practice guideline [by] André Bussières, Greg Stewart, Fadi Al Zoubi, Philip Decina, Martin Descarreaux, Jill Hayden, Brenda Hendrickson, Cesar Hincapié, Isabelle Pagé, Steven Passmore, John Srbely, Maja Stupar, Joel Weisberg, Joseph Ornelas
The Masters in Chiropractic Medicine: A critical review of the Swiss curricular model [by] B. Kim Humphreys, Cynthia Peterson
Use of social media and online communication: Current state of the evidence regarding “eprofessionalism” [by] Stuart Kinsinger
Learning outcomes using video in supervision and peer feedback during clinical-skills training [by] Henrik Hein Lauridsen, Rie Castella Toftgaard, Cita Nørgård
Designing a clinical-skills training laboratory with focus on video for better learning [by] Henrik Hein Lauridsen, Rie Castella Toftgaard, Cita Nørgård
Implementation of a novel interprofessional chiropractic clinical residency in the US Department of Veterans Affairs [by] Anthony Lisi
A cadre of evidenced-based clinical practice educators: Foundation for curricular change [by] Cynthia Long, Dana Lawrence, John Stites, Kevin Lyons, Christine Goertz
How should we teach undergraduate chiropractic students to translate evidence to inform clinical practice? [by] David Newell, David Byfield
Comparison of patient safety dimensions at chiropractic teaching clinics in three countries: A cross-sectional survey [by] Katherine Pohlman, Silvano Mior, Haymo Thiel, Anthony Tibbles, Craig Jacobs, Patrick Bodnar, Maeve O'Beirne, Martha Funabashi, Sunita Vohra
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Poster Presentations [full text of abstracts]
A curricular definitional framework within chiropractic education: The concept of the academic plan [by] Christopher Arick
Assessing the literacy of modern chiropractic students: OMG! [by] Brian Budgell, Neil Millar, Keith Fuller
Identifying, selecting, and training opinion leaders to promote the use of best practices [by] André Bussières, Michele Maiers, Diane Grondin, Simon Brockhusen, Darquise Lafrenière, Heather Owens
A study to investigate different approaches to learning in chiropractic students at the Welsh Institute of Chiropractic [by] David Byfield, William Wong Ling Huei
Comparison of practical skills of full-time and part-time students in undergraduate chiropractic education [by] Beverley Crone, Adrian Hunnisett, Christina Cunliffe
Implementing research culture in a chiropractic curriculum [by] Ricardo Fujikawa, Alma Vázquez, Camino García-Balboa, Francisco José Germain, Arantxa Ortega-De Mues
Comparison of academic outcomes of chiropractic students in full-time and part-time chiropractic degree courses [by] Adrian Hunnisett, Christina Cunliffe
Use of digital imaging in chiropractic education and practice in the United States [by] John K Hyland, Margaret A Seron
Student retention: Using a survey instrument to identify the at-risk student [by] John Mrozek
The future role and identity of the chiropractic profession as envisaged by European chiropractic students [by] Dave Newell, David Byfield, David Sentker, John Schenk, Matt Hetlevik, Eric Knutsen, Gary Weis, Eric Tassi
Impact of a journal club on doctor of chiropractic student attitudes, knowledge, and critical appraisal [by] Mark Pfefer, Jon Wilsons
An analysis of the clinical encounters of interns at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College [by] Aaron Puhl, Christine Reinhart, Stephen Injeyan, Anthony Tibbles
Councils on Chiropractic Education International (CCEI): Developing an international framework for chiropractic education and accreditation [by] Michael Shobbrook, C. Lesley Biggs, Kylie Woolcock
Work disability–prevention graduate program: Extending the chiropractor's reach [by] Paula Stern, Silvano Mior, Pierre Cote, Robert Weaver, Patrick Losiel
Assessing attitudes of patient-centered care among students at a Canadian chiropractic college: A study protocol [by] Kent Stuber, Silvano Mior
Students helping students: Peer coaches practicing leadership skills for student success [by] Noni Threinen, Samaneh Sadri, Teresa Shallow
Chiropractic curriculum mapping and congruence between evidence for workplace factors in workers with neck pain [by] Peter Tuchin, Martin Frutiger
Mental health knowledge in a final-year chiropractic cohort: Implications for learning and teaching [by] Stephney Whillier, Madeleine Ferrari
A survey of electronic device ownership by students in a doctor of chiropractic program [by] Jon Wilson, Mark Pfefer
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Innovation Presentations [full text of abstracts]
Introduction of a standardized approach to spine-related disorders in an integrated college outpatient clinic [by] Jacqueline Beres
The educational, professional, and interdisciplinary impact of an evidence-based practice curriculum coordinator [by] Shireesh Bhalerao, Ronald LeFebvre, Mitchell Haas
Facilitating communicative competence among learners whose first language is not English [by] Brian Budgell
A framework to start new chiropractic programs in countries where there are none [by] Ricardo Fujikawa, Carlos Gevers Montoro
Master in Chiropractic Medicine: Innovative curriculum challenges and solutions [by] B. Kim Humphreys
Development of a knowledge translation site to enhance curricular and course development [by] Craig Jacobs, Anthony Tibbles, Vince Ricciardi, Lenore Edmunds
Enhancing trans inclusivity and awareness in Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College clinics [by] Craig Jacobs, Elizabeth Lewis
An innovative strategy to facilitate the acquisition of a students' digital presence as part of their professional identity formation [by] Stuart Kinsinger
Building clinical reasoning skills through case-based learning in radiology rotation [by] Celia Maguire
Are you ready? Anticipating (and improving!) student performance on NBCE exams [by] Sandra R. Norton
A physical model of lumbar spine fixation for use in palpation and adjustment training [by] Edward Owens, Ronald Hosek
Using technology to measure adjustment vectors as well as force and speed [by] Edward Owens, Ronald Hosek, Brent Russell
Using a learning-management system to facilitate students' transition from classroom to clinic [by] Stephen Paterno, Doug Sanford
Research capacity building with limited resources [by] Katherine Pohlman, William Watson, Harrison Ndetan
Using scholarly posters as a group active-learning session to teach subluxation theories [by] Eric Russell
Chiropractic international portability: A case study [by] Eric Russell
Enabling interprofessional learning through accreditation [by] Michael Shobbrook, Kylie Woolcock
Utilizing film art to convey evidence-based clinical-practice concepts [by] John Stites
Faculty development in interprofessional communities of practice: Using student learning assessment results for course-based scholarship [by] Noni Threinen
Hiring clinicians in an educational setting [by] Anthony Tibbles, Phil Decina, Craig Jacobs, Evelyn Humphries
Use of technology to incorporate clinical education into an electronic health record [by] Anthony Tibbles, Phillip Decina, Peter Kim, Susan Rutherford, Ravi Samlal
Putting it together before clinic: Helping students contextualize knowledge and build core clinical skills [by] William Watson
Launching a new chiropractic program at Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia [by] Stephney Whillier, Rosemary Giuriato
Birth of the Keiser University chiropractic program: “You can do anything, but you can't do everything” [by] Michael Wiles
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