Index to Chiropractic Literature
Index to Chiropractic Literature
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Index to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic Literature

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ID 24801
  Title 13th International Research and Philosophy Symposium (IRAPS), Sherman College of Chiropractic, Spartanburg, SC, October 8-9, 2016
Journal Ann Vert Sublux Res. 2016 Summer;2016(3):Online access only p 153-175
Peer Review Yes
Publication Type Meeting Abstract

CONTENTS [full text is available by subscription];

154 Resolution of Grade 2 Spondylolisthesis and Subluxation Following Chiropractic BioPhysics Protocol in a 69-Year-Old Female: A Case Report [by] Fedorchuk C, Kaczor D
155 Chiropractic in the ICD-10 World: Expressionism vs. Reductionism Adaptability or Bust  Boiled Frogs or “Lovers in a Dangerous Time?” [by] VanDervort JK
156 Patient Centered Guidelines for the Clinical Management of Vertebral Subluxation [by] Kwon C, Stiles A, O’Brien S, McCoy M, Kent C
157 Maintaining the Identity of Chiropractic as a Drug-Free Health Care Profession [by] Rademacher WJ, Troyanovich SJ
158 Resting pulse rate in subluxation-centered chiropractic: A case report [by] Schwartzbauer M, Hart J
159 Patient-Centered, Population Health Research Approaches to assessing health outcomes following vertebral subluxation management [by] Hudson MF
160 Advanced cerebral flow analysis of phase contrast-MRI acquired data following a NUCCA correction in migraine subjects [by] Woodfield HC, Hasick DG]

161 Coincidences and Correlations between Shoulder and Pelvic Rotations, Short Leg Syndromes and Spinal Curvature Instability [by MacArthur R, Schafer V
162 Vertebral Subluxation, Patient Care, and Evidence Informed Curriculum and Practice [by] Kent C
163 Intentional Adaptability [by] Gentile T, Brescia R
164 Patient- centered care via the location, analysis, correction of vertebral subluxation Resulting in the Reduction of Thoracic Hyperkyphosis with Increased Lung Function (FEV) and SF-36 Scores: A series of 3 Cases [by]Fedorchuk CA, Snow E
165 Relief of neurological symptoms secondary to surgical removal of thoracic astrocytoma and laminectomy by category I block placement: a case report [by] Boro WJ
166 Resting pulse rates before and after chiropractic care: A case series [by]Hart J
167 Does Patient Centered Care in Chiropractic include Vertebral Subluxation? [by] Russell EG
168 The System of Chiropractic Education and Patient Centered Care [by] Decken B
169 Arcuate Foramen: Systematic review of the literature [by] Schalow PR, Theodossis C
170 Evidence-Based Healthcare in Patient Centered Chiropractic Education: The Development of an Evidenced Base Healthcare Track in a Chiropractic Program [by] Kwon C, McCoy M
171 Infinite Intelligence, Universal Intelligence, Innate Intelligence: Their Influence on the Vertebral Subluxation and the Chiropractic Patron. (Where the Supernatural Ends and the Natural Begins) [by] Van Dervort TJ
172 Congruency in Subluxation: The Pathway Forward for Chiropractic as a Philosophy, Art, Science and Patient Centered Care [by] Coyne A
173 Primary Care Provider, Portal of Entry and the Disconnect in Chiropractic Education, Training and Practice: Is the Patient or the Profession at the Center? [by] McCoy M
174 Case Report: Patient Centered Care resulting in the reduction in Insulin usage and improvement in Blood-Glucose and A1C Levels using the Dexcom G4 Continuous Glucose Monitoring system in a 26 year old male Type 1 Diabetic, with reduction of anterior head translation, cervical hyperlordosis, thoracic hypokyphosis, and lumbar spondylolistheses [by] Fedorchuk C, McCoy M, Lightstone D, Comer R
175 Connecting patients with their care: Use of heart rate variability and autonomic balance data for communicating the value of LAVSC–based chiropractic care [by] Haas AL

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