Index to Chiropractic Literature
Index to Chiropractic Literature
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Friday, March 7, 2025
Index to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic Literature

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ID 25309
  Title Influence of spinal manipulation on muscle spasticity and manual dexterity in participants with cerebral palsy: Randomized controlled trial
Journal J Chiropr Med. 2018 Sep;17(3):141-150
Peer Review Yes
Publication Type Randomized Controlled Trial

Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the short-term effects of spinal manipulation (SM) on wrist muscle spasticity and manual dexterity in participants with cerebral palsy (CP).

Methods: After baseline examination, 78 participants with spastic CP (7-18 years) without contractures or hyperkinetic syndrome were randomly allocated into 2 groups. The experimental group underwent SM to the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine, and the control group received sham SM. A second evaluation was performed 5 minutes postintervention. Wrist muscle spasticity was measured quantitatively with NeuroFlexor (Aggero MedTech AB, Solna, Sweden), a device assessing resistance to passive movements of different velocities. Between-group difference was calculated using the Mann-Whitney U test. Manual dexterity was evaluated by the Box and Block test.

Results: In the experimental group, muscle spasticity was reduced by 2.18 newton from median 5.53 with interquartile range 8.66 to median 3.35 newton with interquartile range 7.19; the difference was statistically significant (P = .002). In the control group, reduction in spasticity was negligible. The between-group difference in change of muscle spasticity was statistically significant (P = .034). Improvement of manual dexterity was not statistically significant (P = .28).

Conclusions: These findings suggest that SM may, in the short term, help to reduce spasticity in participants with CP. Long-term effects of SM on muscle spasticity have yet to be studied.

Author keywords: Manipulation, Spinal; Musculoskeletal Manipulations; Muscle Spasticity; Cerebral Palsy

Author affiliations: Innovative Technologies Department, International Clinic of Rehabilitation, Truskavets, Lviv Region, Ukraine

This abstract is reproduced with the permission of the publisher; Click on the above link for free full text. PubMed Record


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