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ID 25380
  Title 2018 World Federation of Chiropractic/Association of Chiropractic Colleges Education Conference Proceedings
Journal J Chiropr Educ. 2018 Oct;32(2):160-162
Peer Review Yes
Publication Type Meeting Abstract

In October 2018, the World Federation of Chiropractic and Association of Chiropractic Colleges Education Conference was held in London, England. This summary provides the titles of the presentations from the contributed presentations. The full set of abstracts for this meeting are published online at as an exclusively electronic publication that is part of volume 32, issue 2 (October 2018) of the Journal of Chiropractic Education.

Teaching philosophy statements in chiropractic medicine programs: Creation, implementation, and review [by] Christopher Arick
Towards a model of business education for chiropractic  [by] Ayla Azad
Hand hygiene in chiropractic training: When knowledge, attitudes and practices do not meet  [by] Tobias Barnard, Atheesha Singh, Shelley Blundell, Christopher Yelverton
Optimizing the development of practitioners into educators in the chiropractic college setting: An integrative literature review  [by] Lisa K. Bloom, Kathryn Hollywood, Donna Blaess, Claudia Santin
Cultural competency in the academic clinical setting  [by] Karen A. Bobak, Lisa K. Bloom, Kristina L. Petrocco-Napuli
Objective structured clinical examination (OSCE)  [by] Christine Bradaric-Baus, Scott Dunham
Operationalizing a strategic plan—Where do we start? [by] Christine Bradaric-Baus, Scott Dunham
Updating the subluxation theory: Teaching an evidence-based biomechanical approach to understanding low back pain  [by] Alan Breen, Alexander Breen
The association between musculoskeletal pain and psychological stress: CMCC mental health and wellness study  [by] Lydia Brodie, Pierre Côté, Christine Meckamalil, Sheilah Hogg-Johnson, Kathy Smith, Craig Jacobs, Linda Carroll
Good biomedical writing—How to recognize it, how to produce it, how to teach it  [by] Brian Budgell
Universidad Veracruzana chiropractic program: First chiropractic program in the faculty of medicine in Mexico  [by] Jorge Castillo
The impact on anatomical location identification after an ultrasound-guided palpation intervention: A pilot study  [by] John Chinsuk Cho, Kenneth Reckelhoff
The effect of psychomotor skills training feedback using video enhanced observations (VEO) on VIVA outcomes  [by] Danny Clegg, David Byfield, Alister DuRose
Using a video enhanced observation platform to enhance feedback for psychomotor skills training  [by] Danny Clegg, David Byfield, Alister DuRose
Reinforcing conceptual learning in chiropractic education: Real-time decision making using a simulated patient encounter  [by] Danny Clegg, Dean Whitcombe
The association between substance use and psychological distress in students enrolled at CMCC  [by] David Côté, Kathy Smith, Pierre Côté
Deconstructing the health encounter: The importance of context  [by] Ian Coulter, Gery Ryan, Lea Xenakis, Lisa Kraus, Lara Hilton
Manipulation and mobilization for treating chronic neck pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis  [by] Ian Douglass Coulter, Cindy Crawford, Howard Vernon, Eric Hurwitz, Margaret Whitley, Patricia Herman, Gursel Aliyev
The challenge of determining appropriate care in the era of patient-centered care  [by] Ian Douglass Coulter, Patricia Herman
Tell us something we don't know about the trust crisis for the profession—CHIROPRACTIUM  [by] Alison Dantas, Ronda Parkes
Effect of chiropractic student practice perceptions in the utilization of evidenced-based care  [by] Vincent DeBono
Time management and study methods in a single cohort of undergraduate chiropractic students  [by] Philip Dewhurst, Jacqueline Rix, Caroline Cooke, Dave Newell
Chiropractic training in a multi-campus environment: Challenges and rewards  [by] Barry Draper
Development of graduate exit competencies at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College  [by] Scott Dunham, Christine Bradaric-Baus
Implementation of a lecture capture system at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College  [by] Scott Dunham, Christine Bradaric-Baus
Promoting the use of a self-management strategy among novice chiropractors treating individuals with spine pain  [by] Owis Eilayyan, Aliki Thomas, Sara Ahmed, Anthony Tibbles, Craig Jacobs, Fadi Alzoubi, Andre Bussieres
Research Week: A tool to promote scientific research among students  [by] Ricardo Fujikawa, Arantxa Ortega de Mues, Carlos Guillen Viejo, Camino García Balboa, Alma Vazquez Esteban
Toward the development of a standardized chiropractic curriculum for jurisprudence, ethics and business management course content  [by] Brian Gleberzon, Peter McCarthy, Alister Du Rose
Are there tools to assess intuitive reasoning in health sciences students?  [by] Olivier Guenoun, Arnaud Lardon, Magali Risch, Nadège Lemeunier
Assessing attitudes of patient-centered care among students across chiropractic colleges  [by] Karin Hammerich, Kent Stuber, Anser Abbas, Martin Harris, Sheilah Hogg-Johnson, Henrik Hein Lauridsen, Nadège Lemeunier, Michele Maiers, Peter McCarthy, Vanessa Morales, Cornelius Myburgh, Vanessa Petrini, Katie Pohlman, Silvano Mior
Journal Club: A tool for training faculty to be informed research consumers  [by] Charles Henderson, Monica Smith, Scott Donaldson
Examining the accuracy of classification of a redesigned exam: Decision consistency studies  [by] Igor Himelfarb
In search of a model for tests with polytomous items violating local independence  [by] Igor Himelfarb, Bruce Shotts
A session with CARL: Mentoring within chiropractic institutions  [by] Michelle Holmes, Katherine Pohlman, Alex Breen, Diana De Carvalho, Michele Maiers
Health-related quality of life (HRQOL) domains in an integrated, community-based clinic for individuals with disabilities  [by] Kelley Humphries, David Parish
Flipped classroom for academic subjects in chiropractic education: An initial pilot exercise  [by] Adrian Hunnisett, Christina Cunliffe
Business studies education in the chiropractic curriculum: Do we do enough?  [by] Adrian Hunnisett, Sarah Sharp, Caroline Walton, Christina Cunliffe
Principles in setting doctor-patient boundaries  [by] Stuart Kinsinger
What do professionals profess? Teaching the principles of professionalism  [by] Stuart Kinsinger
Cultivating collaborative teams using an interprofessional collaboration competency framework in performance appraisals  [by] Deborah Kopansky-Giles, Lindsay Beavers, Norman Dewhurst, Lori Whelan, Fok-Han Leung, Ashley Skiffington, Beck McNeil
Coaching for competence in collaborative practice: Practical resources for the clinical preceptor  [by] Deborah Kopansky-Giles
Let's go to the group guided integration method (GGIM)  [by] Sylvie Laujol, Delphine Sorondo, Nadège Lemeunier
How to teach diagnostic tests when there is not enough evidence on their utility  [by] Nadège Lemeunier, Hainan Yu, Pierre Côté
PIE for CIH Educators: A conference on teaching and integrating evidence-informed practice (EIP) into curricula  [by] Cynthia R. Long, John S. Stites, Ron LeFebvre, Michele J. Maiers, Renee M. DeVries, Dana Madigan, Joshua Z. Goldenberg, Patricia M. Casello-Maddox
Evidence-informed case-based learning: Clinical case of the week program and related curricular integration  [by] Tamara MacIntyre, Scott Donaldson, Monica Smith, Krista Ward
Harnessing technology to train students and faculty in meaningful use of electronic health records  [by] Celia Maguire
Using backwards design to implement electronic health records in the classroom and clinical setting  [by] Celia Maguire
Impact of study time and student confidence on the use of a cluster orthopedic tool  [by] Davis McAlister, Kristi Carbonelli, Katherine Pohlman, Stephen Paterno
The prevalence of anxiety, stress and depressive symptomology in chiropractic undergraduate students at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College  [by] Christine Meckamalil, Pierre Côté, Lydia Brodie, Sheilah Hogg-Johnson, Kathy Smith, Craig Jacobs, Linda Carroll
A student-led interprofessional breastfeeding clinic: A novel approach to enhancing clinical education  [by] Amy Miller, Edwin van Teijlingen, Sue Way, Alison Taylor
Evaluating evidence selection in clinical education: Adding a PICO format assessment tool to case presentations  [by] John Mrozek, Stephanie Johnson, Cheryl Hawk, Michael Sheppard, Shari Wynd, Larry Wyatt
Outcomes of curriculum mapping to graduate attributes, professional meta-competencies and Bloom's taxonomy at Palmer West  [by] Brian Nook
Four-month skill retention using force sensing feedback after simulated, prone, thoracic adjustments  [by] Paul J. Osterbauer, Steven Lester, David J. Starmer
Attitudes and behaviors of chiropractic students toward treatment table disinfection: Results of initial survey  [by] Jana Perdijk, Christopher Yelverton, Tobias Barnard, Clarissa Van Der Loo
Utility and acceptance of repetitive use of multi-source feedback by chiropractic interns  [by] Pablo Peréz de la Ossa, David Ranz, Rod Pendarvis, Elina Pulkkinen, Adrian Wenban
Evaluating the evaluator: Important changes in ECCE processes and procedures resulting from membership in ENQA  [by] Cynthia Peterson
The necessity of enhancing pediatric chiropractic education  [by] Kristina Petrocco-Napuli, Vincent DeBono
Grit and chiropractic students' academic performance: A cross-sectional study  [by] Elina Pulkkinen, Pablo Martínez, Pablo Pérez de la Ossa
Does the use of formative peer-assessment through Facebook influence summative marks in an undergraduate practical unit? A pilot study  [by] Jacqueline Rix
Stress and motivation as predictors of performance in a single cohort of undergraduate chiropractic students  [by] Jacqueline Rix, Philip Dewhurst, Caroline Cooke, David Newell
A global issue: Evidence-based practice revisited  [by] Anthony Rosner
The Bracken System, a digital critique system to assess chiropractic intern performance  [by] Matthew Sherson, Katie Pritchard, Kelly Holt
Chiropractic preceptorships: Transitioning students from the teaching clinic to the work force  [by] Gregory Snow, Dustin Derby, Leslie Beaudry
Virtual microscopy for the study of histology in a chiropractic program—Is it the future?  [by] Guy Sovak, David Wickes
Diagnostic imaging international collaborative training program—Thinking outside the viewbox!  [by] Paula Stern, Varsha Kumar
Teaching evidence based clinical practice  [by] John Stites
Evaluating the integration of interprofessional collaborative competencies within team-based simulation training: A randomized trial  [by] Minisha Suri, Deborah Kopansky-Giles, Kari White, Lianne Jeffs, Silvano Mior
Development of a guided meditation for chiropractic students to reduce stress and enhance revision and recall  [by] Henriethe Tangeland, Marina Bensen, Josefin Kautsky, Silje Myhra, Alyx Taylor
Online vs. face-to-face learning: Leveraging course design and technology for active learning and student engagement  [by] Noni Threinen, Dung Mao
Frame of reference training for OSCE and clinical competency assessment  [by] Anthony Tibbles, Phil Decina, Craig Jacobs
Doctorate of Health Professions Education (DHPE) program and teaching residency  [by] Melinda Turner, Martha Kaeser, Cheryl Houston
The development and evaluation of a technology-based learning tool to improve knowledge about the evidence-based management of neck pain by teaching faculty at a Canadian chiropractic college  [by] Leslie Verville, Pierre Côté, Diane Grondin, Silvano Mior, Robin Kay
Are technology-based educational interventions effective in improving knowledge about clinical practice guidelines? A systematic review of the literature  [by] Leslie Verville, Pierre Côté, Diane Grondin, Silvano Mior, Keshini Moodley, Robin Kay, Anne Taylor-Vaisey
Integrating postural motor control exercise and communications: A bridge from back pain to cultural relevance  [by] Steven Weiniger
Clinical risk management by interns and supervisors in a chiropractic teaching clinic in Spain  [by] Adrian Wenban, Daniel Ranz, Pablo Martinez, Rodney Pendarvis
Program design for evidence-based health education  [by] Stephney Whillier, Natalie Spence, Rosemary Giuriato
Evidence mapping of lecture capture research in chiropractic programs: A preliminary analysis  [by] David Wickes
Development of an educational app for clinic observation  [by] Jacquelyn Wingrove, Anthony Ridding, Anthony Tibbles
The influence of online review videos on students' gross anatomy performance and attitudes  [by] Nicole Zipay, Christopher Roecker, Lia Nightingale, Dustin Derby

Articles from The Journal of Chiropractic Education are provided here courtesy of Association of Chiropractic Colleges. PubMed Record


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