Index to Chiropractic Literature
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Tuesday, March 11, 2025
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ID 25782
  Title ACC Research Agenda Conference 2019: Peer Reviewer Acknowledgments and Abstracts of Proceedings [presented at the Association of Chiropractic Colleges Research Agenda Conference (ACC/RAC) 2019, Baltimore, Maryland March 14-16]
Journal J Chiropr Educ. 2019 Mar;33(1):52-69
Peer Review Yes
Publication Type Meeting Abstract

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Platform Presentations

  • Demographics of patients referred for chiropractic care within one Federally Qualified Health Center [by] Ahmad Abdella, Patrick Battaglia 
  • Change in sense of coherence in patients attending chiropractic care in a practice-based research network [by] Joel Alcantara, Andrew Whetten, Jeanne Ohm, Joey Alcantara
  • Improvements in quality of life of patients under chiropractic care in a practice-based research network [by] Joel Alcantara, Andrew Whetten, Jeanne Ohm, Joey Alcantara
  • The predictive relationship between quality of life domains and sense of coherence among chiropractic patients presenting for care in a practice-based research network [by] Joel Alcantara, Andrew Whetten, Jeanne Ohm, Joey Alcantara
  • Bilateral hip cam-deformity and early-onset osteoarthritis [by] Daniel Ault, Ashley Ruff, Stacey Cornelson, Aimee Jokerst, Norman Kettner
  • Implicit bias among doctor of chiropractic students and program faculty [by] Jeffrey Baier, Mark Pfefer, Rebecca Wates, D'sjon Thomas
  • Reliability and validity of orthopaedic tests to assess low back pain patients: a systematic and critical review [by] Florian Barbier-Cazorla, Hainan Yu, Pierre Cote, Paula Stern, David Cote, Anne Taylor-Vaisey, Chelsea D'silva, Nadege Lemeunier
  • Point of care ultrasound in a chiropractic clinic: a case series demonstrating value added [by] Patrick Battaglia
  • Spinal epidural hematoma in a patient on chronic anticoagulation therapy performing self-neck manipulation: a case presentation [by] Patrick Battaglia, Jesse Cooper, Todd Reiter
  • Vibratory stimulation of cervical vertebrae modulates the discharge activity of ventral tegmental area neurons and dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens [by] Kyle Bills, Scott Steffensen
  • Effect of Biofreeze®, TheraBand Kinesiology Tape, or the combination of products on acute low back pain and disability [by] Barton Bishop, Jay Greenstein, jena Etnoyer-Slaski, Robert Topp
  • Chiropractic care for a patient suffering a slip and fall and craniofacial trauma: a case report [by]Thomas Bloink, Charles Blum
  • Mal de Debarquement Syndrome an atypical vertigo: a case report [by]Thomas Bloink, Charles Blum
  • A chiropractic and dental perspective the three faces of forward head posture: differential diagnosis is the key for optimal outcomes [by] Charles Blum
  • Food for thought: a pilot study of the effectiveness of an eating disorder training workshop [by] Ron Boesch, Misty Stick, Elissa Twist, Dustin Derby, Kimberly Merchant, Stephanie Burrough
  • Gender differences in income expectations of doctor of chiropractic students [by] Scott Carpenter, Elissa Twist, Judy Bhatti
  • Collaborative management of idiopathic Scoliosis: a case study of chiropractic care and vision therapy [by] Cynthia Chapman, Barclay Bakkum, Lisa Barker
  • Factors associated with post-traumatic stress disorder prevalence among veterans of recent wars receiving Veterans Affairs chiropractic care [by] Brian Coleman, Kelsey Corcoran, Eric DeRycke, Lori Bastian, Cynthia Brandt, Anthony Lisi
  • Chiropractic care for low back pain among veterans of recent wars receiving Veterans Affairs primary care [by] Kelsey Corcoran, Lori Bastian, Eric DeRycke, Cynthia Brandt, Sally Haskell, Anthony Lisi
  • Is the use of chiropractic care associated with the receipt of opioid prescriptions? A systematic review and meta-analysis [by] Kelsey Corocran, Catherine Steffens, Alexandria Brackett, Craig Gunderson, Lori Bastian, Anthony Lisi
  • Anatomic variation of the sciatic nerve utilizing sonography [by] Stacey Cornelson, Norman Kettner
  • Dynamic vascular thoracic outlet syndrome: a case report [by] Stacey Cornelson, Forrest Allen, Mero Nunez, Norman Kettner
  • A real pain in the groin: a case series of chronic pain following surgical hernia repair [by] Jena Crumpacker, Nathan Hinkeldey, Heather Meeks, Kristin Freitas
  • A survey of current chiropractic practice for patients with prior lumbar spinal fusion in the United States Department of Veterans Affairs [by] Clinton Daniels, Jordan Gliedt, Edward Bednarz, Pradeep Suri, Anthony Lisi
  • Therapeutic horticulture for veterans with chronic musculoskeletal pain [by] Paul Dougherty, Susan Taylor-Brown
  • Case report of an adult with prior concussions utilizing sensory integration therapy with the SAVE program (a follow-up) [by] Emily Drake, Angela Seckington, Stephanie Sullivan
  • Fascial release techniques complement usual Webster care in a patient with persistent fetal malposition [by] John Edwards, Allison Union, Joel Alcantara
  • Photogrammetric investigation of sagittal pelvic alignment and potential influencing factors during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy [by] John Edwards, Allison Union, Joel Alcantara
  • The effect of Theraworx Relief on night-time leg cramps and associated symptoms [by] Jena Etnoyer-Slaski, Robert Topp
  • Chiropractic student attitudes, skills, and knowledge of evidence-based practice: EBASE survey tailored to students in preclinical and clinical chiropractic training [by] Sergio Fernando, Joel Alcantara
  • Hidden in plain sight: a case series of chronic pain improvement with treatment of post-surgical scar [by] Kristin Freitas, Nathan Hinkeldey
  • Interdisciplinary care of a 44-year-old male patient with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) secondary to a class two division two malocclusion [by] Richard Gerardo, Charles Blum
  • Decreased opioid intake utilizing kinisiotape on a comminuted closed clavicle fracture [by] Michelle Gingras
  • PROMIS®-29 outcomes of U.S. military personnel with low back pain adaptively allocated to usual medical care alone versus usual medical care plus chiropractic care [by] Christine Goertz, Zacariah Shannon, Cynthia Long, Robert Vining, Ron Hays, Karen Spritzer, Ian Coulter
  • TMJ trauma as a cause of lingual nerve impingement: a case report [by] Paul Gold, Nadine Ellul
  • Inflammation and bone health: a novel approach to osteoporosis management and prevention [by] Kenice Grand, Stephen Grand
  • Herbal topical analgesics: an alternative tool for the management of chronic neuromusculoskeletal pain and inflammation [by] Stephen Grand, Kenice Grand
  • Recommendations for public health and prevention interventions for common spine disorders in low- and middle-income communities [by] Bart Green, Claire Johnson, Scott Haldeman, Edward Kane, Michael Clay, Erin Griffith, Juan Castellote, Matthew Smuck, Shanmaganathan Rajasekaran, Eric Hurwitz, Margareta Nordin, Kristi Randhawa, Hainan Yu
  • Immediate and short-term effect of Biofreeze® versus placebo on acute neck pain and disability [by] Jay Greenstein, Jena Etnoyer-Slaski, Robert Topp
  • Step 1 in the validation of a novel technology algorithm's ability to produce likely low back and neck pain conditions [by] Jay Greenstein, Jena Etnoyer-Skaski, John McNulty, Robert Topp
  • Osteoporosis and osteopenia in premenopausal women: a review of risk factors and management in a chiropractic setting [by] Stephanie Halloran, Anthony Lisi, Kelsey Corcoran
  • SOT Cranial Therapy for the treatment of pediatric torticollis: a chiropractic case report [by] Rachel Hamel, Charles Blum
  • Manual interventions for musculoskeletal factors in infants with suboptimal breastfeeding: a scoping review [by] Cheryl Hawk, Amy Minkalis, Carol Webb, Olivia Hogan, Sharon Vallone
  • Chiropractic student and new graduate perception of institution versus community based clinical educational experience [by] Navine Haworth, Keri Moore, Louise Hostmanshof
  • Forces associated with cervical stairstep technique [by] Ned Heese, Mark Pfefer, Jon Wilson, Steve Agocs, Jackson Berg, Rachel Gilmore
  • A multidisciplinary approach to chronic pain: a pilot of chiropractic inclusion Forces associated with cervical stairstep technique [by] Ned Heese, Mark Pfefer, Jon Wilson, Steve Agocs, Jackson Berg, Rachel Gilmore
  • Pudendal Neuralgia: a case for multimodal chiropractic intervention [by] Nathan Hinkeldey, Harold Olson, Tiffanee McArthur, Kevin Percuoco
  • The quality of life and patient satisfaction of pregnant patients under care in a chiropractic teaching clinic: a prospective case series [by] Sarah Hock, Joel Alcantara
  • Peer-to-peer instruction in a clinical sciences lab [by] Ramona Houston
  • Public health in North American chiropractic journals: analysis of search results in PubMed [by] Claire Johnson, Bart Green, Kent Stuber
  • Sonography of asymptomatic ulnar nerve instability [by] Norman Kettner, Federico Villafane, Stacey Cornelson, Roberta Sclocco
  • Spinal manipulation increases cortical salience network connectivity in cLBP [by] Norman Kettner, Vitaly Napadow, Kylie Isenburg, Dan-Mikael Ellingsen, Ekaterina Protsenko, Ishtiaq Mawla, Matthew Kowalski, David Swensen, Deanna O’Dwyer-Swensen, Robert Edwards, Marco Loggia
  • Perceptions of chiropractic students in years 1, 2 and 3 regarding interprofessional health care teams [by] Matthew Knieper, Judy Bhatti, Elissa Twist
  • Reliability and validity of muscular endurance tests in low back pain population: a systematic review [by] Arnaud Lardon, Hainan Yu, Pierre Cote, Anne Taylor-Vaisey, Nadege Lemeunier
  • Chronic elbow pain management using repetitive end-range loading of the shoulder: a case report [by] James Leonard, Nathan Hinkeldey, Trevor McArthur
  • Healthcare student knowledge of psychosocial factors associated with low back pain: a narrative review [by] Kelsey Lewis, Patrick Battaglia
  • Menstruation, what a headache: a case report [by] Morgan Lintz, Nathan Hinkeldey
  • A pulsed electromagnetic field therapy device improves low back function: a pilot randomized controlled trial [by] Anthony Lisi, Mickey Scheinowitz, Richard Saporito, Anthony Onorato
  • Can existing complexity measures be used to assess VA chiropractic resident cases? [by] Vivian Ly, Christopher Coulis, Anthony Lisi
  • Chiropractic co-management of two patients with low back pain and bullets in or near the spine [by] Ross Mattox
  • Auricular acupuncture: a case for using Shen Men as a bridge to movement [by] Heather Meeks, Nathan Hinkeldey, Jena Crumpacker
  • Drop foot: a case for enhancing patient outcomes when combining chiropractic and physical therapy intervention [by] Heather Meeks, Harold Olson, Tiffanee McArthur, Courtney Olson
  • Chiropractic practice in the continent of Africa [by] Hiwot Melka, Robb Russell, James Whedon, Scott Haldeman
  • Vertebral artery pseudoaneurysm: a case report [by] Hiwot Melka, Hector RiveraMelo, Simone jordan, Henry Hwang, James Whedon
  • Conservative chiropractic care for a post-traumatically induced C6/7 intraforaminal disc herniation in a 43-year-old female [by] Jeffrey Mersky, Charles Blum, Richard Gerardo
  • Empathy and perceived stress of incoming chiropractic students [by] Lia Nightingale
  • Mechanical properties of a thoracic spine mannequin with variable stiffness control [by] Edward Owens, Ronald Hosek, Brent Russell
  • Does a pipeline program at a CIM university motivate students for a CIM career? [by] Tolu Oyelowo
  • Academic indicators as predictors of student success [by] Fiorella Penaloza, Jon Wilson, Mark Pfefer
  • Pre-participation sports cardiac screening: a review [by] Mark Pfefer, Jason Qualls, Jon Wilson, Rachel Gilmore, Jackson Berg
  • Integrating clinical nutrition into chiropractic college clinics: obstacles and opportunities [by] Marina Rose
  • Chiropractic care within medical settings: a scoping review [by] Eric Roseen, Aisha Kasali, Kelsey Corcoran, Shweta Pallakkode, Anthony Lisi, Lance Baird, Robert Saper, Andre Bussieres, Roni Evans
  • Neural arch bone marrow edema and spondylolysis in adolescent cheerleaders: a case series [by] Ashley Ruff, Stacey Cornelson, Courtney Wells, Norman Kettner
  • The effects of chiropractic spinal manipulation on the H reflex and muscle strength in children with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy: a feasibility study [by] Jenna Salmons, Imran Khan Niazi, Rasmus Wiberg Nedergaard, Kelly Holt, Heidi Haavik, Denise Taylor
  • Spinal manipulation for complicated spinal conditions: a case series on cervical spinal canal stenosis [by] Alec Schielke
  • Informal, hidden, and null curriculum in chiropractic education [by] Zacariah Shannon, Kara Shannon
  • Femoral nerve irritation secondary to decreased core stability and paradoxical breathing pattern following adverse reaction to care [by] Trevor Shaw, Michelle Gingras
  • Improved performance following glute activation in a cross-fit athlete [by] Trevor Shaw, Adam Sergent
  • Eccentric loading used in reducing chronic fascial tear of hamstring in a high school sprinter [by] Cami Stastny, Melissa Engelson
  • Changes over time in effective neural connectivity following a chiropractic adjustment [by] Stephanie Sullivan, Rebecca Shisler Marshall, Dan Tuttle, Emily Drake, Ronald Hosek, Jerry Hochman
  • A Scoping review of variables of low level laser light therapy dosage to the efficacy of treatment of neuromusculoskeletal conditions [by] David Taylor, Shari Wynd, Tyler Winfield
  • An evaluation of educational resources in an evidenceinformed curriculum: a descriptive study [by] Daphne To, Stephanie Alexopulos, Anna Bartosik, David Starmer
  • Traumatic Spondylolisthesis at L5-S1 [by] Lauren Tollefson, John Chin-Suk
  • Extracorporeal shockwave therapy for plantar fasciitis: a case report [by] Kily Tracy, Jonathan Slater, Andrew Johnston
  • The Gillet Test: does it detect sacroiliac motion, or asymmetric one-legged stance patterns? [by] Felicia Truong, Robert Cooperstein
  • A case study in use of therapeutic laser in wound healing of a pressure ulcer [by] Dana Underkofler-Mercer, Emma Minx, Christopher Belics, Benjamin Heasty, Tyler White, Bobby Prichett
  • Prone straight leg raise, a proposed functional measure of sacroiliac joint range of motion [by] Robert Walsh, Aidan O’Brien, Molly Timmerman, Alec Schielke
  • Acute impact of cervical spine manipulation on isometric handgrip strength of participants with neck pain [by] John Ward, Jesse Coats
  • Evaluating service learning assignment in a doctor of chiropractic program (DCP) public health course [by] Krista Ward, Donna Odierna, Monica Smith
  • Assessment of hip and shoulder kinematics of a chiropractor during performance of side posture adjustments: data from a pilot study [by] Michael Weiner, Brent Russell, Linda Mullin, Edward Owens, Ronald Hosek, Gabriel Kelly
  • Does publication bias exist in chiropractic clinical research listed in [by] Breanne Wells, Dana Lawrence
  • Recovery expectations for apophysitis in year-round single sport athletes: a case series on osgood-schlatter disease management [by] Courtney Wells, Melissa Engelson
  • The use of Force sensing Table Technologye to instruct and evaluate students and clinicians in performing spinal manipulative therapy [by] Shari Wynd, Brad Koby, Michael Sheppard, John Mrozek
  • Reliability and validity of neurological tests in low back pain population: a systematic review [by] Hainan Yu, Fabrice Mallard, Pierre Cote, Anne Taylor-Vaisey, Nadege Lemeunier
  • Reliability and validity of self-reported disability questionnaires in low back pain population: a systematic review [by] Hainan Yu, Raiz Mohammed, Pierre Cote, Anne Taylor-Vaisey, Nadege Lemeunier

Poster Presentations

  • A case of flexor carpi radialis tenosynovitis mimicking carpal tunnel syndrome diagnosed by diagnostic ultrasound [by] Ahmad Abdella, Patrick Battaglia
  • Improved cranial nerve sensation in a patient with occitipal neuralgia with scar mobilization [by] Devon Ackroyd
  • Perceptions of safety culture in chiropractic [by] Joel Alcantara
  • The predictive relationship of quality of life domains to sense of coherence subdomains [by] Joel Alcantara, Andrew Whetten
  • The prevalence of adverse events, effectiveness rating and satisfaction of patients attending chiropractic care in a practice-based research network [by] Joel Alcantara, Jeanne Ohm, Joey Alcantara
  • Improvements in quality of life of chiropractic patients following a course of care in a practice-based research network [by] Joey Alcantara, Jeanne Ohm, Joel Alcantara
  • A rare presentation of old Osgood-Schlatter Disease and old Sinding-Larsen-Johansson Disease in the same knee with contralateral acute patellar tendon rupture [by] Alejandro Aponte
  • Chiropractic care of professional hockey player suffering from multiple concussions: a case report [by] Thomas Bloink, Charles Blum
  • A survey of chiropractic students or recent graduates on their experiences in chiropractic college adjusting lab or class [by] Charles Blum, John Lin
  • Cranial therapeutic applications to facilitate dentofacial growth and development in a 50-year-old adult female: a case report [by] Charles Blum
  • Intervention in gall bladder dysfunction through chiropractic adjustment and nutritional therapy: a case report [by] William Boro, Mary PsaromatisIntervention in tachycardia through chiropractic adjustment, Sacro Occipital Technique’s chiropractic manipulative reflex technique: a case report [by] William Boro
  • Reduced opioid use through chiropractic care subsequent to failed low back surgery [by] Diane Clark, Donald LeBlanc
  • Sonoelastography of the trunk and lower extremity muscles in Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy [by] Stacey Cornelson, Ashley Ruff, Muriel Perrilat, Norman Kettner
  • Sonography of gluteal muscles and sciatic nerve in a 37-yearold with chronic spinal cord injury [by] Stacey Cornelson, Devon Ackroyd, Norman Kettner
  • Sacral neural stimulator mimics low back pain after fall [by] Joanne Eash
  • The chiropractic care of a multiparous female with a history of chronic breech and fetal malposition [by] John Edwards, Allison Union, Joel Alcantara
  • The chiropractic care of a multiparous woman experiencing dystocia during active labor [by] John Edwards, Allison Union, Joel Alcantara
  • Effects of high-intensity interval training and strength training on endurance and coordination in a patient with a brain stem injury [by] Melissa Engelson
  • Contraindications in certain types of chiropractic manipulative therapy (CMT) for the connective tissue disorder patient: a case report on chiropractic management and Ehler-Danlos Syndrome [by] Erika Evans
  • Chiropractic care of an infant with Mosaic Trisomy 15, PraderWilli Syndrome, plagiocephaly, and torticollis [by] Melissa Ferranti, Sarah Williams
  • Incidental finding of osteochondritis dessicans in a 15-year-old female athlete [by] Melissa Ferranti, Stacey Brehm
  • Describe and demonstrate Vertebral Distraction Pump (VDP) for intersegmental distraction during DMX fluoroscopic imaging [by] Bryan Gatterman, Gregg Anderson
  • Asymmetry of paired occipital condyle convergence angles [by] Rachel Gilmore, Roger Morrison, Mark Pfefer, Jackson Berg
  • Metastatic cancer presenting as hip pain [by] Kenice Grand, Stephen Grand, Justin Willis, Jose Maiz
  • Active vs. passive Gillet sacroiliac motion testing in the sideposture position [by] Jake Halverson, Felisha Truong, Christopher Meanley, Robert Cooperstein
  • When did I feel competent? Student and new graduate selfperceived attainment of clinical competence from a North American chiropractic program [by] Navine Haworth, Linda Jones
  • Navigating a supermarket of choices, what a headache: a case report [by] Nathan Hinkeldey, Keira Fika, Harold Olson
  • Using a survey to define interprofessional competency limitations within a VA chiropractic student clerkship [by] Nathan Hinkeldey, Matthew Knieper
  • Enuresis and encopresis of a 10-year-old female: a case report [by] Julie Johnson, Katherine Clark
  • Innovative engagement of doctor of chiropractic students in extracurricular research [by] Ward Jones, Stephen Onifer, Randall Sozio, Charles Arends, Charbel Medlei, Austin Webster
  • Assessing students’ knowledge about caring for patients from diverse cultures [by] Lisa Killinger
  • What principles do health care professionals profess? A review of the literature [by] F. Stuart Kinsinger
  • Perceptions of chiropractic students toward their first term in chiropractic college: does educational background influence student perceptions on the difficulty of the academic program? [by] Raymond Kociolek, Judy Bhatti, Elissa Twist
  • Case report of an adult patient with self-reported symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) receiving multimodal Applied Clinical Neuroscience care [by] Eniabitobi Kuyinu, Stephanie Sullivan, Michael Longyear, Emily Drake, Paulette Lawrence
  • Outcome measures in public health service programs [by] Dana Madigan, Haley Doherty
  • Two sisters with Plagiocephaly accompanied by torticollis - one treated with a cranial orthosis (helmet); the other with Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT) Cranial Therapy: a comparative case report [by] Keila Nichols
  • Promoting wellness initiatives on campus with students as the driving force [by] Tolu Oyelowo, Wei Xia
  • Plantar plate tear injury: a case study and review of conservative versus surgical management [by] Mark Pfefer, James Halloran, Rachel Gilmore, Nathan Hoover
  • Survey of attitudes of doctor of chiropractic interns’ dress and appearance [by] Mark Pfefer, Alexandra Scavuzzo Jones, Rachel Gilmore, Nathan Hoover, Jackson Berg, Jason Qualls
  • Lisfranc ligament injury in a 23-year-old female with multimodality imaging [by] Carrie Santore, Stacey Cornelson, Patrick Battaglia, Norman Kettner
  • Experiences and perspectives of graduating alternate admission track students at Life Chiropractic College West [by] Norman Strutin, David Straub, Suzanne Ray
  • A case study of a patient with aqueductal stenosis causing hydrocephalus [by] Jee Won Suh, James Beadle, Bryan Gatterman
  • Chiropractic management of acute low back pain in an integrative Veterans Health Administration (VHA) community based outpatient clinic (CBOC) a case series [by] Charles Sullivan, Robert Walsh
  • Fetal heart rate testing of pregnant women under concurrent chiropractic and midwifery care [by] Allison Union, John Edwards, Joel Alcantara
  • Perinatal chiropractic care of a woman seeking a trial of labor after cesarean and subsequent vaginal breech birth [by] Allison Union, John Edwards, Joel Alcantara
  • Contextual factors effects on patient global rating of change in chiropractic care: a pilot study [by] Pierre Veau, Mathieu Picchiottino, Caroline Teulier, Arnaud Lardon
  • Effect of atlas realignment via NUCCA in patients with mTBI and persistent symptoms: two case studies [by] Noah Volz, Scott Lessard, Chris Woolf, Monica Smith
  • Specific chiropractic care for acute otitis media in a 10-monthold female [by] Breanne Wells, Brett Bovee
  • A comparison of the immediate effects of thoracic spinal manipulative therapy on lung function in healthy subjects, subjects with a history of smoking, and patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): a preliminary study [by] Shari Wynd, John Ward, Aladin Boriek


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