Index to Chiropractic Literature
Index to Chiropractic Literature
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Index to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic Literature

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ID 26006
  Title Resolution of unilateral breast-feeding preference and reflux in a 14-week-old infant with a preferred head position following chiropractic care: A case report
Journal J Clin Chiropr Pediatr. 2019 Nov;18(2):Online access only p 1582-1585
Peer Review Yes
Publication Type Article

Objective: Joint misalignment or hypomobility, termed subluxation in the chiropractic profession, can affect even the pediatric patient. Subluxations may present as a multitude of symptoms in this population such as breastfeeding dysfunction, reflux, and a preferred head position, among others.

Presenting Concern: A 14-week-old infant presented to a chiropractic office with breast-feeding dysfunction, reflux, and a left lateral head tilt. Breast-feeding dysfunction began around four weeks of age and the onset of reflux was nine weeks of age, gradually worsening with time. The infant’s left lateral head tilt was noticed by mom, but she is uncertain of time of onset. Interventions: A course of chiropractic care was recommended: four visits over the course of three weeks. Modified chiropractic adjustments were administered to restriction of subluxation palpated in the pediatric spine. 

Outcomes: Complete resolution of breast-feeding dysfunction occurred following the first adjustment. Complete resolution of reflux and positional head preference occurred after the second adjustment. No outside referrals were warranted. 

Conclusions: Subluxation in the occipital cervical (C0C1) region which may present as a preferred head position is suggested to influence and produce symptoms such as breast-feeding dysfunction and reflux in the pediatric patient. As positive results were obtained in this case report, it is suggested that chiropractic care may be efficient and effective in evaluating and treating these complaints.

Author keywords:  breast-feeding dysfunction, reflux, preferred head position, head tilt, chiropractic, pediatric

Author affiliation: Shine Chiropractic, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, United States

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