Index to Chiropractic Literature
Index to Chiropractic Literature
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Index to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic Literature

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ID 26367
  Title Correlation between habitual physical activity and central sensitization, pain intensity, kinesiophobia, catastrophizing, and the severity of myogenous temporomandibular disorder
Journal J Chiropr Med. 2019 Dec;18(4):299-304
Peer Review Yes
Publication Type Article

Objective: We sought to correlate habitual physical activity with central sensitization, pain intensity, kinesiophobia, catastrophizing, and the severity of chronic myogenous temporomandibular disorder (TMD).

Methods: This was an observational study. Fifty-five individuals, male and female, aged 18 to 45 years, with pain for at least 3 months (chronic) related to myogenous TMD were included in the study. Myogenous TMD was evaluated by means of the Numerical Rating Scale, Catastrophic Thoughts on Pain Scale, Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia, Fonseca Anamnestic Index, Central Sensitization Inventory, and habitual physical activity by means of the Baecke Questionnaire (BQ). The Spearman correlation coefficient (rs) was applied to verify the association of the BQ score with the pain variables.

Results: No significant correlations (P > .05) were observed in the total or mean BQ scores (both rs = −0.17 to −0.04), nor in the analyses performed on the occupational (rs = −0.03 to 0.14), sport (rs = −0.16 to 0.01), and leisure domains (rs = −0.16 to −0.02).

Conclusion: Habitual physical activity as measured by the BQ is not associated with pain intensity, catastrophizing, kinesiophobia, central sensitization, or the severity of chronic myogenous TMD.

Author keywords: Temporomandibular Joint Disorders; Exercise; Musculoskeletal Pain

Author affiliations: AEK-d-S, AVD-F: Postgraduate Program in Physical Education, Federal University of Maranhão, São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil; CAF-d-P-G: Postgraduate Program in Rehabilitation Sciences, Nove de Julho University, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil; DB-D: Postgraduate Program in Programs Management and Health Services, Ceuma University, São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil; MCG: Postgraduate Program in Environment, Ceuma University, São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil; PHM-d-S: Postgraduate Program in Adult Health, Federal University of Maranhão, São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil; FdOP: Department of Physical Education, Federal University of Maranhão, São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil;
MQGS: Postgraduate Program in Physical Therapy, Federal University of São Carlos, São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil

This abstract is reproduced with the permission of the publisher; click on the above link for free full text. PubMed Record | PDF


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