Index to Chiropractic Literature
Index to Chiropractic Literature
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Index to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic Literature

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ID 26898
  Title Post concussion syndrome, temporomandibular joint disorders, and chiropractic dental co-treatment: A case report
Journal Asia-Pac Chiropr J. 2021 ;2(2):1-5
Peer Review Yes
Publication Type Case Report

The awareness of sports-related concussions with post-concussion syndromes is gaining exposure in the chiropractic profession. The following case describes a 21-year-old female patient who had a concussion with subsequent post-concussion syndrome symptoms that persisted for five months. 

Methods/Intervention: Along with reduced TMJ functioning the patient presented with some altered cranial nerve findings related to photophobia, contrast sensitivity, and convergence insufficiency. Sacro occipital technique category one and two findings relating to pelvic torsion and sacroiliac joint hypo/hypermobility was found and treated along with cranial and TMJ adjusting. A dentist equilibrated the patient’s mandibular occlusal splint over a 9 week period which was immediately preceded by chiropractic care.

Results: As of March 18, 2014 the patient was completely pain free with no symptoms of lightheadedness, brain fog, or nausea. She has been able to exercise, and has been lifting light weights. She was also able to run five miles. This is a significant improvement given that her symptoms and lack of function were consistent since her accident of September 2013.

Conclusion: Further research is needed to determine whether a subset of post-concussion or head trauma patients may have TMD, which is limiting their ability to fully recover function and return to their activities of daily living. Collaborative efforts between emergency room doctors, chiropractors and dentists (with TMD care training) with post concussion patients may help ultimately lead to improved patient outcomes.

Author keywords: Chiropractic — TMJ —  Dental — Sacro-occipital technique.

This abstract is reproduced with the permission of the publisher; click on the above link for free full text.  Online access only. PDF


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