Index to Chiropractic Literature
Index to Chiropractic Literature
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Index to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic Literature

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ID 27573
  Title Resolution of Bell's palsy in a 69-year-old man following correction of upper cervical subluxation: A case report and review
Journal J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res. 2019 Apr;2019():28-35
Peer Review Yes
Publication Type Case Report

Objective: To describe the positive health outcomes following upper cervical chiropractic care in a patient with Bell’s Palsy.

Clinical Features: A 68-year-old male presented for consultation and care with drooping with paralysis of the left side of his face for two weeks duration. The droopiness and paralysis had affected his quality of life such that he was unable to close his eyelid, suffered from dry eye on the affected side and had difficulty eating, drinking and speaking. Previous medical care included prescription steroids and eye drops that were ineffective.

Intervention and Outcome: The patient was cared for with chiropractic care utilizing the NUCCA technique. The patient attended a total of four visits with adjustments given on the 2nd-4th visits. On the 3rd visit (2nd set of adjustments), the patient’s face was 80-90% improved. After four visits, the patient’s facial paralysis resolved.

Conclusion: This case report provides supporting evidence that patient’s presenting with symptoms consistent with Bell’s Palsy may benefit from chiropractic care a la NUCCA technique. We encourage continued documentation of chiropractic care of similar patients to inform practice and research.

Author Keywords:  NUCCA, Bell’s palsy, facial paralysis, vertebral subluxation, upper cervical subluxation, adjustment

This abstract is reproduced with the permission of the publisher; full text is available by subscription. Online access only.

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