Index to Chiropractic Literature
Index to Chiropractic Literature
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Thursday, March 13, 2025
Index to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic Literature

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ID 27966
  Title Portable hip clamshell strength assessment: Reliability and validity
Journal J Int Acad Neuromusculoskel Med. 2023 Dec;20(2):9-18
Peer Review Yes
Publication Type Article

Hip abduction and external rotation muscular strength deficits are associated with various musculoskeletal conditions such as balance loss (falls), osteoarthritis, and lower extremity ligament strains. To countermeasure, a clamshell hip resistance exercise is commonly included as a part of preventive or rehabilitative programs. A simple and portable clamshell strength device was developed in attempt to encourage widespread hip strength assessments in clinics.

Objective: Examine test-retest reliability of hip clamshell strength using a portable device and validity with the hip abduction strength using the isokinetic dynamometer.

Methods: A test-retest reliability and validity study design at a sports medicine facility. Twelve young and healthy adults (8M/4F, 27.4yo, 180.1cm, 88.8kg) visited a sports medicine laboratory twice one week apart. Subjects performed maximum voluntary isometric contractions using both a portable clamshell strength device and isokinetic dynamometer. Average peak forces (Newtons) in right and left muscular strength with a clamshell strength device and hip abduction peak torques (Newton-Meters: Nm) with a dynamometer. Reliability and validity was analyzed using the intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC 3,1) and Pearson correlation coefficient (r), respectively.

Results: Clamshell strength was moderately reliable (ICC = 0.593-0.820) and valid (r = 0.545-0.584).

Conclusion: The current study found that a portable and inexpensive clamshell strength device was reliable and valid. This result encourages more hip strength testing at point-of-care clinics.

Author keywords: dynamometer, clamshell, gluteus medius, power, test-retest, reliability, validity

This abstract is reproduced with the permission of the publisher. Click on the above link for free full text.


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