Index to Chiropractic Literature
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ID 28144
  Title Comparison of mistakes on multiple-choice question and fill-in-the-blank examinations: A retrospective analysis
Journal J Chiropr Educ. 2024 Oct;38(2):100-105
Peer Review Yes
Publication Type Article
Objective: The objective was to compare the average number of mistakes made on multiple-choice (MCQ) and fill-in-the-blank (FIB) questions in anatomy lab exams.
Methods: The study was conducted retrospectively; every exam had both MCQs and FIBs. The study cohorts were divided into 3 tiers based on the number and percentage of mistakes in answering sheets: low (21–32, >40%), middle (11–20, 40%–20%), and high (1–9, <20%) tiers. The study used an independent 2-sample t test to compare the number of mistakes between MCQs and FIBs overall and per tier and a 1-way analysis of variance to compare the number of mistakes in both formats across the 3 tiers.
Results: The results show that there was a significant difference in the number of mistakes between the 2 formats overall with more mistakes found on FIBs (< .001). The number of mistakes made in the high and middle tiers had a statistical difference, being higher on MCQs (< .001). There was no significant difference in the number of mistakes made in the low tier between formats (> .05). Furthermore, the study found significant differences in the number of mistakes made on MCQs and FIBs across the 3 tiers, being highest in the low-tier group (< .001).
Conclusion: There were fewer mistakes on the MCQ than the FIB format in exams. It also suggests that, in the low tier answering sheets, both formats could be used to identify students at academic risk who need more attention.
Author keywords: Chiropractic, Education, Examination Questions
This abstract is reproduced with the permission of the publisher. Click on the above link for free full text.


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