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Search Results: 1223 articles were found
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Article Title
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2024(32:16): 10
Waste not, want not: Call to action for spinal manipulative therapy researchers [personal narrative]
Aspinall SL
Nim C
Hartvigsen J
Cook CE
Skillgate E
Vogel S
Hohenschurz-Schmidt D
Underwood M
Rubinstein SM
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2024(32:3): 10
Is blinding in studies of manual soft tissue mobilisation of the back possible? A feasibility randomised controlled trial with Swiss graduate students
Munoz Laguna J
Nyantakyi E
Bhattacharyya U
Blum K
Delucchi M
Klingebiel FKL
Labarile M
Roggo A
Weber M
Radtke T
Puhan MA
Hincapie CA
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar-Apr 2023(46:3): 152-161
Quality of reporting using good reporting of a mixed
study criteria in chiropractic mixed
research: A methodological review
Emary PC
Stuber KJ
Mbuagbaw L
Oremus M
Nolet PS
Nash JV
Bauman CA
Ciraco C
Couban RJ
Busse JW
J Int Acad Neuromusculoskel Med: Dec 2023(20:2): 9-18
Portable hip clamshell strength assessment: Reliability and validity
Nagai T
Schilaty ND
Kunzer CM
Greer A
Bates NA
McPherson AL
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2023(37:2): 162-170
Assessment of professionalism in a chiropractic college: A design and implementation of a rubric
Voorhies JL
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Oct 2022(45:8): 586-594
Increased hippocampal glucocorticoid receptor expression and reduced anxiety-like behavior following Tuina in a rat model with allergic airway inflammation
Liu Y
Cao L
Liu J
Zhang Z
Fan P
Zhu Y
Zhang S
Gu Y
Li Q
Xiong Y
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Apr 2022(66:1): 7-20
Risk of bias in chiropractic mixed
research: A secondary analysis of a meta-epidemiological review
Emary PC
Stuber KJ
Mbuagbaw L
Oremus M
Nolet PS
Nash JV
Bauman CA
Ciraco C
Couban RJ
Busse JW
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Apr 2022(66:1): 74-84
Nonoperative management of degenerative cervical radiculopathy: Protocol of a systematic review
Plener J
Ammendolia C
Hogg-Johnson S
J Chiropr Humanit: Dec 2022(29:1): 24
Letter to the editor regarding Castagna et al 2021 [letter]
MacMillan A
Draper-Rodi J
Thomson O
Vogel S
J Chiropr Humanit: Dec 2022(29:1): 22-23
Response to a letter regarding osteopathic models integration radar plot [letter]
Castagna C
Consorti G
Turinetto M
Lunghi C
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2022(36:2): 84-92
Chiropractic techniques and treatment modalities included in academic programs: A survey of chiropractic educational institutions
Dubuc E
Pagé I
Boucher PB
Brousseau D
Robidoux S
Blanchette MA
J Int Acad Neuromusculoskel Med: Dec 2022(19:2): 22-39
The effect of Schroth exercises on Cobb angle, quality of life, and functional capacity in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: A systematic review of randomised controlled trials
Ghorayeb JH
Ayoub HS
Darwish R
Palombo PP
J Chiropr Med: Dec 2022(21:4): 260-269
Clinimetric properties of the applied kinesiology manual muscle test in adults with and without pain: A methodological study
Oliveira DG
Oliveira GM
Kirkwood RN
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jun 2022(45:5): 346-357
Reliability of cervicocephalic proprioception assessment: A systematic review
English DJ
Zacharias A
Green RA
Weerakkody N
Nutr Perspect: Apr 2022(45:2): 22-26, 28-29
Underappreciated issues in the treatment of chronic illness - muscle/dietary protein update part I
Moss J
Asia-Pac Chiropr J: Oct 2022(3:2): 2
A history of temporal sphenoidal (TS) diagnosis and its clinical application
Blum CL
Davis KY
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar-Apr 2022(45:3): 227-234
Inter-rater accuracy and reliability of a palpation protocol of the C7 spinous process comprising a combination of 3 traditional palpation techniques
de Albuquerque PMNM
Da Silva EPC
Melo TMS
Montenegro EJN
de Oliveira DA
Guerino MR
de Siqueira GR
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jan 2022(45:1): 9-19
Short-term effects of connective tissue massage after hysterectomy: A randomized controlled study
Dogan H
Demir Çaltekin M
Günal A
Asia-Pac Chiropr J: 2022(2:5): 39
Reasoning SARS-CoV-2
Force M
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2022(30:8): 1-8
Pain cognitions and impact of low back pain after participation in a self-management program: A qualitative study
Joern L
Kongsted A
Thomassen L
Hartvigsen J
Ravn S
J Chiropr Med: Sep 2021(20:3): 97-107
Prevalence of back pain and idiopathic scoliosis in adolescents from the semiarid region of Brazil: A cross-sectional study
Dantas MGB
Aquino AN
Correia HJ
Ferreira KP
Nascimento BBD
Silva LS
Da Silva APS
Penha PJ
João SMA
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Nov-Dec 2021(44:9): 743-750
Verbal and visual feedback immediately affect the electromyographic activity of female pelvic floor muscles
Silva JBD
Szkudlarek AC
Gallo RBS
Valadão APM
Avila MA
Driusso P
Korelo RIG
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Oct 2021(44:8): 601-611
Comparing the recruitment of research participants with chronic low back pain using Amazon Mechanical Turk with the recruitment of patients from chiropractic clinics: A quasi-experimental study
Hilton LG
Coulter ID
Ryan GW
Hays RD
J Chiropr Humanit: Dec 2021(28:): 1-8
The value of interprofessional learning through patient simulation in developing interprofessional relationships: Medical students’ perspectives
Pooke TG
Kioh SH
Lee Y
J Chiropr Humanit: Dec 2021(28:): 49-59
Osteopathic Models Integration Radar Plot: A proposed framework for osteopathic diagnostic clinical reasoning
Castagna C
Consorti G
Turinetto M
Lunghi C
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2021(35:2): 184-191
Team-based learning in neuroanatomy
Whillier S
Lystad RP
El-Haddad J
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2021(35:2): 192–198
Evaluation of an online case-based learning module that integrates basic and clinical sciences
Major CA
Burnham KD
Brown KA
Lambert CD
Nordeen JM
Takaki LAK
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2021(35:2): 249-257
Educational Research in Action. Developing a standardized curriculum for teaching chiropractic technique: Qualitative analysis of participants' opinions from 4 intercollegiate conference workshops
Gleberzon BJ
Cooperstein R
Good C
Roecker C
Blum C
J Clin Chiropr Pediatr: Nov 2021(20:2): 1826-1841
Chiropractic history and examination forms for the infant, pre-school, and school-aged child
Weber SA
Miller AS
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2021(29:50): 1-9
Digging deeper: Exploring chiropractors online claims about non-musculoskeletal disorders
O'Neill S
Wahlqvist AB
Simonsen NK
Jensen RK
Asia-Pac Chiropr J: 2021(2:2): 1-3
Reflections of a chiropractic historian
Callender A
Chiropr Hist: Summer 2021(41:1): 15-23
The manipulative techniques of the Sweet bonesetters
Bovine G
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jul-Aug 2021(44:6): 445-454
Effect of sustained natural apophyseal glides on stiffness of lumbar stabilizer muscles in patients with nonspecific low back pain: Randomized controlled trial
Buran Çirak Y
Yurdaişik I
Elbaşi ND
Tütüneken YE
Köçe K
Çinar B
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2021(29:35): 1-8
Quality of reporting in chiropractic mixed
research: A methodological review protocol
Emary PC
Stuber KJ
Mbuagbaw L
Oremus M
Nolet PS
Nash JV
Bauman CA
Ciraco C
Couban RJ
Busse JW
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Aug 2021(65:2): 186-192
Inter-rater reliability of the Quebec Task Force classification system for recent-onset whiplash associated disorders / [Fiabilité inter-évaluateur de la classification établie par le Groupe de travail du Québec sur les troubles associés au coup de fouet cervical d’apparition récente]
Shergill Y
Côté P
Shearer H
Wong JJ
Stupar M
Tibbles A
Cassidy JD
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2021(44:4): 295-306
Comparison of pelvic floor muscle training with connective tissue massage to pelvic floor muscle training alone in women with overactive bladder: A randomized controlled study
Karaaslan Y
Toprak Celenay S
Kucukdurmaz F
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar 2021(44:3): 196-204
Craniocervical posture assessed with photogrammetry and the accuracy of palpation
for locating the seventh cervical spinous process: A cross-sectional study
Maddaluno MLM
Ferreira APA
Tavares ACLC
Meziat-Filho N
Ferreira AS
Asia-Pac Chiropr J: 2021(2:1): 1-6
Gratitude for chiropractic’s canaries in the coal-mine [editorial]
Ebrall P
Asia-Pac Chiropr J: 2021(2:1): 1-9
Improvement in craniovertebral angle in a patient with anterior head posture using advanced biostructural correction: A case report
Venning G
Vivier T
Doyle M
Ann Vert Sublux Res: Feb 2021(2021:): 9-14
Improved behavioral changes, dysautonomia, dysponesis and quality of life in an adult with autism following chiropractic care to correct vertebral subluxation: A case study & review of the literature [case report; review]
Pellegrino A
Lightsey-Santos M
Asia-Pac Chiropr J: 2021(1:4): 1-11
Regarding High-Velocity/Low-Amplitude (HVLA) adjusting techniques in chiropractic: Controlled pre-loaded impulse of low amplitude; Part 5 of a series
Rome P
Waterhouse JD
Asia-Pac Chiropr J: 2021(1:4): 1-5
Non-surgical manual spinal neural decompression adjustment of the Y-axis: Can the results be quantified? A case report
Johnson GE
J Chiropr Educ: Mar 2021(35:1): 65-71
Active learning strategies, such as analogical models, aid in student learning of spinal anatomy and biomechanics
Rix J
J Chiropr Educ: Mar 2021(35:1): 95-105
The development and evaluation of an online educational tool for the evidence-based management of neck pain by chiropractic teaching faculty
Verville L
Côté P
Grondin D
Mior S
Kay R
J Chiropr Educ: Mar 2021(35:1): 149-157
Using technology-based educational interventions to improve knowledge about clinical practice guidelines: A systematic review of the literature
Verville L
Côté P
Grondin D
Mior S
Moodley K
Kay R
Taylor-Vaisey A
J Contemp Chiropr: 2021(4:1): 1-7
The effect of COVID phases on basic life support objective structured clinical examinations (OSCES) with chiropractic students
Murdock ME
J Contemp Chiropr: 2021(4:1): 45-51
Chiropractic technique elective courses: A survey of faculty perceptions
Wanlass P
Dirks S
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Feb 2021(44:2): 120-127
Reliability and accuracy of 2-minute step test in active and sedentary lean adults
Nogueira MA
Almeida TDN
Andrade GS
Ribeiro AS
Rêgo AS
Dias RDS
Ferreira PR
Penha LRLN
Pires FO
Dibai-Filho AV
Bassi-Dibai D
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2021(29:7): 1-11
COVID-19: How has a global pandemic changed manual therapy technique education in chiropractic programs around the world?
de Luca K
McDonald M
Montgomery L
Sharp S
Young A
Vella S
Holmes MM
Aspinall S
Brousseau D
Burrell C
Byfield D
Dane D
Dewhurst P
Downie A
Engel R
Gleberzon B
Hollandsworth D
Molgaard Nielsen A
O'Connor L
Starmer D
Tunning M
Wanlass P
French SD
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2020(34:2): 125-131
The influence of online video learning aids on preparing postgraduate chiropractic students for an objective structured clinical examination
Fong KK
Glider S
Jenkins R
Graham PL
Brown BT
J Chiropr Med: Mar 2020(19:1): 1-8
Influences of dual-task training on walking and cognitive performance of people with relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis: Randomized controlled trial
Elwishy A
Ebraheim AM
Ashour AS
Mohamed AA
Sherbini AEHEE
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jul-Aug 2020(43:6): 566-578
Peripheral and central adaptations after a median nerve neuromobilization program completed by individuals with carpal tunnel syndrome: An exploratory mechanistic study using musculoskeletal ultrasound imaging and transcranial magnetic stimulation
Paquette P
Higgins J
Gagnon DH
Chiropr J Aust: 2020(47:1): 4-17
Mitigating the opioid crisis: An Australian perspective on the role of chiropractors (Part 1)
Shobbrook M
Amorin-Woods L
Parkin-Smith G
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2020(28:65): 1-11
Misinformation, chiropractic, and the COVID-19 pandemic
Axén I
Bergström C
Bronson M
Côté P
Glissmann Nim C
Goncalves G
Herbert JJ
Hertel JA
Innes S
Larsen OK
Meyer AL
O'Neill S
Perle SM
Weber KA II
Young KJ
Leboeuf-Yde C
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jun 2020(43:5): 437-445
Short-term effects of Mulligan's mobilization with movement on pain, function, and emotional aspects in individuals with knee osteoarthritis: A prospective case series
Gomes MG
Primo AF
De Jesus LLJR
Dionisio VC
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jun 2020(43:5): 446-456
Biomechanical comparison of lumbar fixed-point oblique pulling manipulation and traditional oblique pulling manipulation in treating lumbar intervertebral disk protrusion
Zhang R
Mo Z
Li D
Yang B
Huang S
Tang S
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jun 2020(43:5): 476-482
The effect of a personalized newsletter to physical therapists on patient recruitment: A cluster randomized trial in primary physiotherapy care
Thoomes-de Graaf M
Wiersma RE
Karel Y
Duijn E
Spek B
Rizopoulos D
Scholten-Peeters GGM
Verhagen AP
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jun 2020(43:5): 483-489
The effect of the Powerball gyroscope as a treatment device for nonspecific wrist pain
Landman DM
Maree JH
Peterson C
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jun 2020(43:5): 404.e1-404.e10
Rapid deployment of chiropractic telehealth at 2 worksite health centers in response to the COVID-19 pandemic: Observations from the field
Green BN
Pence TV
Kwan L
Rokicki-Parashar J
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2020(28:57): 1-10
Assessing forces during spinal manipulation and mobilization: Factors influencing the difference between forces at the patient-table and clinician-patient interfaces
Mikhail J
Funabashi M
Descarreaux M
Pagé I
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2020(28:54): Online access only 15 p
Attitudes, beliefs, and practices among Swiss chiropractors regarding medication prescribing for musculoskeletal conditions: A national Q-methodology study
Emary PC
Oremus M
Houweling TAW
Wangler M
Akhtar-Danesh N
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2020(43:4): 294-302
The intertester reliability of a modified movement system impairment classification system used to evaluate individuals with prolonged sitting: A preliminary study
Shin SS
Lee MR
Yoo WG
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2020(43:4): 303-310
Intrarater reliability of shear wave elastography for the quantification of lateral abdominal muscle elasticity in idiopathic scoliosis patients
Linek P
Wolny T
Sikora D
Klepek A
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar-Apr 2020(43:3): 234-246
The effectiveness of ischemic compression technique on pain and function in individuals with shoulder pain: A systematic review
da Silva AC
de Noronha M
Liberatori-Junior RM
Aily JB
Gonçalves GH
Arrais-Lima C
de Araújo Vieira LMSM
Mattiello SM
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Aug 2020(64:2): 119-130
Attitudes, beliefs, and practices regarding medication prescribing for musculoskeletal conditions: A protocol for a national Q-methodology study of Swiss chiropractors / [Attitudes, croyances et pratiques reliées à la prescription de médicaments pour traiter des affections musculosquelettiques : protocole d’une étude d’envergure nationale utilisant la méthodologie Q menée auprès de chiropraticiens suisses]
Emary PC
Oremus M
Houweling TAW
Wangler M
Akhtar-Danesh N
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Feb 2020(43:2): 93-99
Concurrent validity of digital image-based postural assessment as a method for measuring thoracic kyphosis: A cross-sectional study of healthy adults
Furlanetto TS
Candotti CT
Sedrez JA
Dutra VH
Vieira A
Loss JF
Asia-Pac Chiropr J: 2020(1:1): 1-8
An initial case-mix report of chiropractic practice in the Philippines
Tetrault MY
Asia-Pac Chiropr J: 2020(1:1): 1-3
Reflections of a chiropractic historian: Mary Ann Chance memorial paper
Callender A
Asia-Pac Chiropr J: 2020(1:1): 1-2
Yesterday, when I was young [personal narrative]
Blum C
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Apr 2020(64:1): 32-42
Patients with cancer. Is there a role for chiropractic? / [Les patients atteints de cancer. La chiropratique a-t-elle un rôle à jouer?]
Tsampika Laoudikou M
McCarthy PW
J Chiropr Educ: Mar 2020(34:1): 35-42
Score production and quantitative
used by the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners for postexam analyses
Himelfarb I
Shotts BL
Tang N-E
Smith M
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2020(28:21): 1-5
A united statement of the global chiropractic research community against the pseudoscientific claim that chiropractic care boosts immunity
Côté P
Bussières A
Cassidy JD
Hartvigsen J
Kawchuk GN
Leboeuf-Yde C
Mior S
Schneider M
J Contemp Chiropr: 2020(3:1): 92-100
Designing tests from question pools with efficiency, reliability, and integrity
Murdock M
Brenneman M
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2020(28:18): Online access only 8 p
Words matter: The prevalence of chiropractic-specific terminology on Australian chiropractors’ websites
Young KJ
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2020(28:1): Online access only 8 p
A cross-sectional study of website claims related to diagnoses and treatment of non-musculoskeletal conditions
Jensen RK
Agersted MEI
Nielsen HA
O'Neill S
Nutr Perspect: Jan 2019(42:1): 24-28
Case history corner
Prahl VJ
Ann Vert Sublux Res: Oct 2019(2019:): 141-157
Selective usage of medical practice data, misrepresentations, and omission of conflicting data to support the "red flag only" agenda for chiropractic radiography guidelines: A critical review of the Jenkins et al. article: “Current evidence for spinal X-ray use in the chiropractic profession.”
Oakley PA
Harrison DE
J Chiropr Med: Dec 2019(18:4): 299-304
Correlation between habitual physical activity and central sensitization, pain intensity, kinesiophobia, catastrophizing, and the severity of myogenous temporomandibular disorder
Kalatakis-dos-Santos AE
Fidelis-de-Paula-Gomes CA
Bassi-Dibai D
Goncalves MC
Martins-de-Sousa PH
Pires FO
Almeida MQG
Dibai-Filho AV
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2019(33:2): 106-110
Influence of an educational review sheet on chiropractic students' evaluation and management coding performance: A randomized trial
Sergent A
Roecker CB
Cofano G
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2019(33:2): 140-144
Development of a student grading rubric and testing for interrater agreement in a doctor of chiropractic competency program
Ward K
Kinney K
Patania R
Savage L
Motley J
Smith M
DC Tracts: Fall 2019(31:3): 6-8
Cervical myelopathy: An increasingly common neurological disorder in chiropractic practice [audio lecture]
Murphy DR
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2019(27:47): Online access only 7 p
The impact on anatomical landmark identification after an ultrasound-guided palpation intervention: A pilot study
Cho JC
Reckelhoff K
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2019(27:44): Online access only 13 p
Promoting the use of self-management in patients with spine pain managed by chiropractors and chiropractic interns: Barriers and design of a theory-based knowledge translation intervention
Eilayyan O
Thomas A
Halle MC
Ahmed S
Tibbles AC
Jacobs C
Mior S
Davis C
Evans R
Schneider MJ
Owens H
Al Zoubi FM
Barnsley J
Long CR
Bussières A
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2019(27:50): Online access only 11 p
Where do patients with MRI-confirmed single-level radiculopathy experience pain, and what is the clinical interpretability of these pain patterns? A cross-sectional diagnostic accuracy study
Albert HB
Hansen JK
Sogaard H
Kent P
J Chiropr Med: Jun 2019(18:2): 106-114
Translation, cross-cultural adaptation to Brazilian Portuguese, and analysis of measurement properties of the Consultation and Relational Empathy Measure
Manzoni ACT
Fagundes FRC
Fuhro FF
Cabral CMN
J Chiropr Med: Jun 2019(18:2): 115-126
Complementary medicine therapies that may assist with weight loss: A narrative review [review]
Martin BR
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jun 2019(42:5): 366-371
Prediction model for choosing needle length to minimize risk of median nerve puncture with dry needling of the pronator teres
Ferrer-Peña R
Calvo-Lobo C
Gómez M
Muñoz-García D
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2019(27:42): Online access only 11 p
Shared decision making by United Kingdom osteopathic students: An observational study using the OPTION-12 instrument
Rajendran D
Beazley J
Bright P
DC Tracts: Summer 2019(31:2): 4-5
Differential diagnosis and evaluation of thoracic spine pain [audio lecture]
Battaglia PJ
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar-Apr 2019(42:3): 187-194
Changes in spinal height after manual axial traction or side lying: A clinical measure of intervertebral disc hydration using stadiometry
Rubinic DM
Koo V
Dudley J
Owens SC
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar-Apr 2019(42:3): 203-209
Clinical outcomes in neurogenic claudication using a multimodal program for lumbar spinal stenosis: A study of 49 patients with prospective long-term follow-up
Chow NW
Southerst D
Wong JJ
Kopansky-Giles D
Ammendolia C
J Chiropr Med: Mar 2019(18:1): 9-18
Effects of core neuromuscular training on pain, balance, and functional performance in women with patellofemoral pain syndrome: A clinical trial
Motealleh A
Mohamadi M
Moghadam MB
Nejati N
Arjang N
Ebrahimi N
J Clin Chiropr Pediatr: Jun 2019(18:1): 1552-1556
Treating infants for suboptimal breastfeeding, is there a difference between chiropractic care versus multidisciplinary care: A pragmatic randomized comparison trial protocol
Edwards CN
Miller J
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Feb 2019(42:2): 96-103
Feasibility using Amazon Mechanical Turk for online surveys of attitudes and perceptions of chiropractic health care in the United States
Wilson J
Wates RJ
Sandefur R
McDonald WP
Pfefer MT
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Feb 2019(42:2): 132-140
Validity and reliability of standing posture measurements using a mobile application
Hopkins BB
Vehrs PR
Fellingham GW
George JD
Hager R
Ridge ST
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Feb 2019(42:2): 141-147
Clinical measures related to forward shoulder posture: A reliability and correlational study
Carvalho LACM
Aquino CF
Souza TR
Anjos MTS
Lima DBM
Fonseca ST
J Chiropr Educ: Mar 2019(33:1): 21-29
A comparison of student performance and satisfaction between a traditional and integrative approach to teaching an introductory radiology course on the extremities
Jarrett-Thelwell F
Burke JR
Poirier JN
Petrocco-Napuli KL
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jan 2019(42:1): 66-74
Changes in vertebral artery hemodynamics associated with McKenzie therapeutic cervical movements: An exploration using duplex ultrasound imaging
Al-Obaidi SM
Asbeutah AM
Alsiri NF
Ann Vert Sublux Res: Jan 2019(2019:): Online access only p 1-9
Resolution of vertigo, neck pain & headaches following chiropractic care: A case study & review of the literature [case report; review]
Coppus J
Ann Vert Sublux Res: Jan 2019(2019:): Online access only p 10-21
Improved spinal alignment, chronic low back pain and improved quality of life in a 62-year-old patient undergoing chiropractic care following failed surgical syndrome: A case study & review of the literature [case report; review]
Lapham-Yaun R
Castro R
J Contemp Chiropr: 2019(2:): 25-33
The efficacy of instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization for musculoskeletal pain: A systematic review
Karmali A
Walizada A
Stuber K
J Contemp Chiropr: 2019(2:): 109-114
Resolution of chronic spine pain and improvement in quality of life following correction of posture in a 7-year old: A CBP® case report with follow-up [case report]
Fedorchuk CA
Oakley PA
Lightstone DF
Harrison DE
J Contemp Chiropr: 2019(2:): 115-122
Chiropractic Biophysics management of straight back syndrome and exertional dyspnea: A case report with follow-up
Fortner MO
Oakley PA
Harrison DE
J Contemp Chiropr: 2019(2:): 131-137
Cervical pseudo-scoliosis reduction and alleviation of dystonia symptoms using Chiropractic Biophysics® (CBP®) technique: A case report with a 1.5-year follow-up
Haas JW
Oakley PA
Harrison DE
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2019(27:9): Online access only 10 p
Neurodynamic tests for patellofemoral pain syndrome: A pilot study
Vegstein K
Robinson HS
Jensen R
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2019(27:2): Online access only 10 p
Measuring biopsychosocial risk for back pain disability in chiropractic patients using the STarT back screening tool: A cross-sectional survey
Khan Y
Lawrence DJ
Vining R
Derby D
Nutr Perspect: Jan 2018(41:1): 33-36
Case history
Wallman DA
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Nov-Dec 2018(41:9): 771-779
Comparison between oblique pulling spinal manipulation and other treatments for lumbar disc herniation: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Mo Z
Zhang R
Chen J
Shu X
Shujie T
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Nov-Dec 2018(41:9): 780-788
Concurrent criterion-related validity, reliability, and responsiveness to treatment of the figure-of-four position for measurement of anterior hip joint structures tightness
Martínez TC
Lluch E
Torres-Cueco R
Pecos-Martín D
McConnell J
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Nov-Dec 2018(41:9): 789-799
Diagnostic accuracy of clinical tests for neurogenic and vascular thoracic outlet syndrome: A systematic review
Dessureault-Dober I
Bronchti G
Bussières A
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Oct 2018(41:8): 641-649
The effect of manual therapy including neurodynamic techniques on the overall health status of people with carpal tunnel syndrome: A randomized controlled trial
Wolny T
Linek P
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Oct 2018(41:8): 658-664
Evaluation of postural balance and articular mobility of the lower limbs in chronic neck pain patients by means of low-cost clinical tests
Gomes PKA
Silva RBC
de Freitas IMD
Gomes CAFP
Souza CDS
de Sousa NTA
Dibai-Filho AV
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Oct 2018(41:8): 665-671
Effect of comprehensive postural instructions and range of motion exercises via educational videos on motor function and shoulder injury in stroke patients with hemiplegia: A preliminary study
Huang YC
Chuang CY
Leong CP
Wang L
Chen HL
Chiang CW
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Oct 2018(41:8): 672-679
Medial longitudinal arch: Accuracy, reliability, and correlation between navicular drop test and footprint parameters
Zuil-Escobar JC
Martínez-Cepa CB
Martín-Urrialde JA
Gómez-Conesa A
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Oct 2018(41:8): 698-703
Cross-cultural adaptation of the pelvic girdle questionnaire for the Polish population
Starzec M
Truszczyńska-Baszak A
Stuge B
Tarnowski A
Rongies W
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Dec 2018(62:3): Online access only p 161-169
Roller massage: Is the numeric pain rating scale a reliable measurement and can it direct individuals with no experience to a specific roller density? / [Automassage avec rouleau: l’échelle numérique d’évaluation de la douleur est-elle un instrument de mesure fiable et peut-elle aider les personnes sans expérience à choisir un rouleau de fermeté particulière?]
Cheatham SW
Stull KR
Kolber MJ
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2018(26:49): Online access only 10 p
The interrater reliability of static palpation of the thoracic spine for eliciting tenderness and stiffness to test for a manipulable lesion
Beynon AM
Hebert JJ
Walker BF
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2018(32:2): 84-89
Description of a change in teaching
and comparison of quizzes versus midterms scores in a research
Sullivan SGB
Hoiriis KT
Paolucci L
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2018(32:2): 90-97
Comparison of student performance and perceptions of a traditional lecture course versus an inverted classroom format for clinical microbiology
Burnham KD
Mascenik J
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2018(32:2): 107-114
Differences in learning retention when teaching a manual motor skill with a visual vs written instructional aide
Cade A
Sherson M
Holt K
Dobson G
Pritchard K
Haavik H
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2018(32:2): 152-158
Development of a clinical skills remediation program for chiropractic students at a university
Lady SD
Takaki L
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2018(26:45): Online access only 11 p
Systems change to improve tobacco use identification and referral in the chiropractic setting: A pilot study
Buettner-Schmidt K
Maack B
Larson M
Orr M
Miller DR
Mills K
J Clin Chiropr Pediatr: Jul 2018(17:2): Online access only p 1431-1440
Benign joint hypermobility — developing clinical significance
Fysh PN
J Clin Chiropr Pediatr: Jul 2018(17:2): Online access only p 1441-1443
Portable pad or pen and paper? Preference of mothers completing an outcomes instrument: A cross-sectional survey
Hiew M
Kwong DSLT
Mok Z
Tee YH
J Clin Chiropr Pediatr: Jul 2018(17:2): Online access only p 1449-1455
Chiropractic management of musculoskeletal disorders associated with a neonatal clavicle fracture: A case report
Bourque A
J Chiropr Med: Sep 2018(17:3): 167-181
Cervical spine assessment using passive and active mobilization recorded through an optical motion capture
Moreno AJ
Utrilla G
Marin J
Marin JJ
Sanchez-Valverde MB
Royo AC
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jul-Aug 2018(41:6): 496-502
Validation of the neck disability index in Serbian patients with cervical radiculopathy
Jovicic MD
Konstantinovic LM
Grgurevic AD
Milovanovic ND
Trajkovic G
Jovicic VZ
Kostic Dedic SI
Hrkovic MK
Draganac SM
Chiropr J Aust: 2018(46:2): Online access only p 151-161
The first chiropractic hackathon: Reimagining chiropractic education
Ebrall P
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jun 2018(41:5): 372-382
Effect of manual therapy, motor control exercise, and inspiratory muscle training on maximum inspiratory pressure and postural measures in moderate smokers: A randomized controlled trial
Balbás-Álvarez L
Candelas-Fernández P
Del Corral T
La Touche R
López-de-Uralde-Villanueva I
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2018(26:30): Online access only 17 p
Unravelling functional neurology: A critical review of clinical research articles on the effect or benefit of the functional neurology approach [review]
Meyer AL
Leboeuf-Yde C
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2018(41:4): 323-331
Comparison between transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation and stabilization exercises in fatigue and transversus abdominis activation in patients with lumbar disk herniation: A randomized study
Ramos LAV
Callegari B
França FJR
Magalhães MO
Burke TN
Carvalho e Silva APMC
Almeida GPL
Comachio J
Marques AP
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2018(41:4): 332-341
Immediate effects of thoracic spine thrust manipulation on neurodynamic mobility
Hartstein AJ
Lievre AJ
Grimes JK
Hale SA
J Chiropr Educ: Mar 2018(32:1): 32-35
Comparison of interactive video test performance to overall class performance in a biomechanics course
Bennett GS
Chiropr J Aust: 2018(46:1): Online access only p 100-117
Interexaminer reliability of a multidimensional battery of tests used to assess for vertebral subluxations
Holt K
Russell D
Cooperstein R
Young M
Sherson M
Haavik H
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar-Apr 2018(41:3): 181-188
Immediate effects of core stabilization exercise on β-endorphin and cortisol levels among patients with chronic nonspecific low back pain: A randomized crossover design
Paungmali A
Punturee K
Sitilertpisan P
Pirunsan U
Uthaikhup S
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar-Apr 2018(41:3): 242-251
Validity of an alternate hand behind back shoulder range of motion measurement in patients with shoulder pain and movement dysfunction
Satpute KH
Hall T
Adanani A
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar-Apr 2018(41:3): 252-257
Test-retest reliability of handgrip strength as an outcome measure in patients with symptoms of shoulder impingement syndrome
Savva C
Mougiaris P
Xadjimichael C
Karagiannis C
Efstathiou M
J Chiropr Med: Mar 2018(17:1): 30-35
Reliability of infrared thermography images in the analysis of the plantar surface temperature in diabetes mellitus
Silva NCM
Castro HA
Carvalho LC
Chaves ECL
Ruela LO
Iunes DH
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2018(26:6): Online access only 8 p
A Mokken scale analysis of the peer physical examination questionnaire
Vaughan B
Grace S
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Feb 2018(41:2): 102-110
The effect of 2 different exercise programs on pain intensity and muscle dimensions in patients with chronic low back pain: A randomized controlled trial
Nabavi N
Mohseni Bandpei MA
Mosallanezhad Z
Rahgozar M
Jaberzadeh S
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Feb 2018(41:2): 111-122
Change in low back movement patterns after neurosurgical intervention for lumbar spondylosis
Monie AP
Price RI
Lind CRP
Singer KP
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Feb 2018(41:2): 156-163
Criteria to screen for traumatic cervical spine instability: A consensus of chiropractic radiologists
Dion S
Stupar M
Côté P
Grenier J-M
Taylor JA
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jan 2018(41:1): 1-9
The effectiveness of hollowing and bracing strategies with lumbar stabilization exercise in older adult women with nonspecific low back pain: A quasi-experimental study on a community-based rehabilitation
Kim Minseock
Kim Minhee
Oh S
Yoon B
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jan 2018(41:1): 52-61
Common manual therapy practices in the Netherlands for infants with upper cervical dysfunction: A prospective cohort study
Saedt ERIC
Driehuis F
Hoogeboom TJ
van der Woude BH
de Bie RA
Nijhuis-van der Sanden MWG
DC Tracts: Summer 2017(29:2): 3-5
Chiropractic care for infants: Biomechanical dysfunction and its effects on breastfeeding and breathing [audio lecture]
Vallone SA
J Acad Chiropr Orthoped (JACO): Dec 2017(14:4): Online access only p 3-42
An evidence-based approach to the orthopedic physical exam: Part 4: The lower extremity
Roecker CB
Livingway EF
Jipp Z
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Dec 2017(61:3): Online access only p 207–211
Commentary: Developing clinical procedures to diagnose specific motor control impairments associated with low back pain: Prone hip extension (PHE), active straight leg raise (ASLR), and gait variability / [Élaboration de méthodes cliniques servant à diagnostiquer les déficits moteurs spécifiques associés à la lombalgie : extension de la hanche en décubitus ventral (EHDV), test d’élévation active de la jambe tendue (ÉAJT), étude de la variabilité de la marche]
Bruno P
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Dec 2017(61:3): Online access only p 231–238
Exercise as a vital sign: A preliminary pilot study in a chiropractic setting / [Exercise as a vital sign : étude pilote préliminaire menée dans une clinique chiropratique]
Howitt S
Simpson K
Suderman D
Mercer A
Rutherford S
deGraauw C
J Chiropr Humanit: Dec 2017(24:1): 9-14
A survey of the public perception of chiropractic after exposure to chiropractic public place marketing events in New Zealand
Russell DG
Glucina TT
Sherson MW
Bredin M
J Chiropr Med: Dec 2017(16:4): 346
Erratum to "A guideline of selecting and reporting intraclass correlation coefficients for reliability research" [
J Chiropr Med
None Given
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2017(25:32): Online access only
Influence of perceived difficulty of cases on student osteopaths’ diagnostic reasoning: A cross sectional study
Noyer AL
Esteves JE
Thomson OP
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Oct 2017(40:8): 580-586
A finite element analysis of stress distribution and disk displacement in response to lumbar rotation manipulation in the sitting and side-lying positions
Li L
Shen T
Ann Vert Sublux Res: Winter-Spring 2017(2017:1-2): Online access only p 55-60
Inter-examiner & intra-examiner reliability study of the Achilles heel tension test: A neurological indicator for adverse mechanical cord tension
Feeley K
J Chiropr Med: Sep 2017(16:3): 204-210
A proposed mathematical method to quantify y-axis pelvic rotation on the anteroposterior radiograph
Coleman RR
Lopes MA
Lopes DA
J Clin Chiropr Pediatr: Sep 2017(16:1): 1338
Is it about winning or losing? It’s all in the eye of the beholder [editorial]
Vallone S
J Clin Chiropr Pediatr: Sep 2017(16:1): 1350-54
Is tongue tie really the problem? Incidence of ankyloglossia in an infant population presented with suboptimal feeding: A cross-sectional survey
Miller AS
Miller JE
J Clin Chiropr Pediatr: Sep 2017(16:1): 1344-1349
Demographic profile of 266 mother-infant dyads presenting to a multidisciplinary breastfeeding clinic: a descriptive study
Miller AS
Miller JE
Taylor AM
Way S
J Clin Chiropr Pediatr: Sep 2017(16:1): 1355-61
Prevalence of musculoskeletal dysfunction in infants presenting for chiropractic care in Norway: A cross-sectional study
Slettebo CA
Miller JE
J Clin Chiropr Pediatr: Sep 2017(16:1): 1362-67
Demographic profile of pediatric patients attending a Norwegian chiropractic practice
Moksness AHA
Miller JE
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Spring 2017(2017:2): Online access only p 93-108
Resolution of otitis media in 10-year-old child following improved cervical curve using Pierce Results System: Case study and review of the literature [case report; review]
Cooper J
Howell L
Nutr Perspect: Jul 2017(40:3): 10-11
Case history [aged female with bilateral foot pain and paresthesia in addition to problems with balance]
Volstad KL
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jun 2017(40:5): 340-349
Structure-specific movement patterns in patients with chronic low back dysfunction using lumbar combined movement examination
Monie AP
Price RI
Lind CRP
Singer KP
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2017(25:19): Online access only 23 p
Unravelling functional neurology: A scoping review of theories and clinical applications in a context of chiropractic manual therapy [review]
Meyer AL
Meyer A
Etherington S
Leboeuf-Yde C
J Chiropr Med: Jun 2017(16:2): 111-121
Analysis of patient outcomes using the MyoKinesthetic System for the treatment of low back pain: A case series [case report]
Brody K
Nasypany AM
Baker RT
May JM
J Chiropr Med: Jun 2017(16:2): 122-130
Clinical validation of pain management manipulative therapy for knee osteoarthritis with the squeeze-hold technique: A case series [case report]
Nakajima M
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2017(25:16): Online access only 9 p
The biopsychosocial model and chiropractic: A commentary with recommendations for the chiropractic profession
Gliedt JA
Schneider MJ
Evans MW
King JA
Eubanks JE
Nutr Perspect: Apr 2017(40:2): 24-26
Comparison between chiropractic co-management and referrals for menstrual disorder between 1996 and 2016: Should chiropractors co-manage women with menstrual disorder who are taking depot medroxyprogesterone acetate to prevent spinal fractures?
Isaza A
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2017(40:4): 246-249
Manual lymphatic drainage in blood circulation of upper limb with lymphedema after breast cancer surgery
Guerero RM
das Neves LM
Guirro RR
Guirro EC
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar-Apr 2017(40:3): 214-215
Response to "Forces of commonly used chiropractic techniques for children: A review of the literature" [letter]
Lopes MA
Plaugher G
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar-Apr 2017(40:3): 215-216
Response to letter to the editor on "Forces of commonly applied chiropractic pediatric techniques: A review of the literature" [letter; comment]
Todd AJ
Carroll MT
Mitchell E
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar-Apr 2017(40:3): 147-155
Procedure selection and patient positioning influence spine kinematics during high-velocity, low-amplitude spinal manipulation applied to the low back
Bell S
D'Angelo K
Kawchuk GN
Triano JJ
Howarth SJ
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar-Apr 2017(40:3): 156-168
Reference values for human posture measurements based on computerized photogrammetry: A systematic review
Macedo Ribeiro AF
Bergmann A
Lemos T
Pacheco AG
Mello Russo M
Santos de Oliveira LA
de Carvalho Rodrigues E
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar-Apr 2017(40:3): 169-175
Effects of diaphragmatic breathing patterns on balance: A preliminary clinical trial
Stephens RJ
Haas M
Moore WL III
Emmil JR
Sipress JA
Williams A
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2017(25:11): Online access only 11 p
The STarT back tool in chiropractic practice: A narrative review
Khan Y
Nutr Perspect: Jan 2017(40:1): 19-20, 22-23
Case histories [case report]
Kilbride M
Nutr Perspect: Jan 2017(40:1): 5-6, 8-10, 12-14
Personal viewpoint. Epigenetics, hormones & hope: it’s never to[sic] late to live your dreams, not just dream them
Berkson DL
Nutr Perspect: Jan 2017(40:1): 24, 26-29
Comparison between frequency and co-management of PUD and GERD by chiropractors between 1996 and 2016: Should chiropractors provide nutritional counseling and screen patients with PUD and GERD taking proton pump inhibitors in order to reduce spinal fractures?
Isaza A
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Feb 2017(40:2): 77-88
A calibrated method of massage therapy decreases systolic blood pressure concomitant with changes in heart rate variability in male rats
Spurgin KA
Kaprelian A
Gutierrez R
Jha V
Wilson CG
Dobyns A
Curras-Collazo MC
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Feb 2017(40:2): 106-117
Effect of the abdominal hollowing and bracing maneuvers on activity pattern of the lumbopelvic muscles during prone hip extension in subjects with or without chronic low back pain: A preliminary study
Kahlaee AH
Ghamkhar L
Arab AM
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Feb 2017(40:2): 98-105
Locating the seventh cervical spinous process: Accuracy of the thorax-rib static method and the effects of clinical data on its performance
Ferreira APA
Póvoa LC
Zanier JFC
Ferreira AS
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jan 2017(40:1): 1-10
Effects of a resistance and stretching training program on forward head and protracted shoulder posture in adolescents
Ruivo RM
Pezarat-Correia P
Carita AI
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jan 2017(40:1): 50-59
Effectiveness of nerve gliding exercises on carpal tunnel syndrome: A systematic review
Ballestero-Pérez R
Plaza-Manzano G
Urraca-Gesto A
Romo-Romo F
Atín-Arratibel ML
Pecos-Martín D
Gallego-Izquierdo T
Romero-Franco N
J Acad Chiropr Orthoped (JACO): Dec 2016(13:2): Online access only p 2-19
An evidence-based approach to the orthopedic physical exam. Part1: The lumbopelvic spine
Roecker CB
Warnecke R
J Clin Chiropr Pediatr: Dec 2016(15:3): Only access only p 1274-1279
Chiropractic care for the cervical spine as a treatment for for plagiocephaly: A prospective cohort study
Douglas NA
Browning M
J Clin Chiropr Pediatr: Dec 2016(15:3): Online access only p 1301-1305
Evaluation and treatment of breastfeeding difficulties associated with cervicocranial dysfunction: A chiropractic perspective
Vallone S
J Clin Chiropr Pediatr: Dec 2016(15:3): Online access only p 1280-1291
Clinical effects of spinal manipulation in the management of children and young adults diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder — A systematic review of the literature [systematic review]
Kronau S
Thiel B
Jäkel A
Liem T
J Clin Chiropr Pediatr: Dec 2016(15:3): Online access only p 1309-1314
Positive chiropractic treatment outcome of migraine without aura in a 6-year-old presenting with sleep bruxism and chronic sinus congestion: a case-report
Laferrière E
J Clin Chiropr Pediatr: Dec 2016(15:3): Online access only p 1315-1320
The importance of clinical examination and collaborative care in the successful chiropractic management of a 31-month-old boy with acquired torticollis: A case report
Brousseau D
Nicolas MH
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2016(24:50): Online access only 13 p
The reliability of spinal motion palpation determination of the location of the stiffest spinal site is influenced by confidence ratings: A secondary analysis of three studies
Cooperstein R
Young M
Chiropr J Aust: 2016(44:3): Online access only p 214-221
The impact of collaborative testing on test anxiety [review]
Bovee B
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2016(24:44): Online access only 5 p
The influence of anatomy app use on chiropractic students’ learning outcomes: A randomised controlled trial
Meyer AJ
Stomski NJ
Losco CD
Armson AJ
Nutr Perspect: Oct 2016(39:4): 8-10
This is getting old: Review of the impact of aging on pharmacokinetics of micro-nutrients
Van M
Nutr Perspect: Oct 2016(39:4): 16-18
Case histories [case report]
Bond B
Nutr Perspect: Oct 2016(39:4): 23-24, 26-28, 30
Association between chiropractic and allopathic classroom hours of biochemistry with nutrition counseling practice patterns for patients with diabetes in the US between 1995 and 2015
Isaza A
Nutr Perspect: Oct 2016(39:4): 20-22
Integrative medicine approach to eczema (atopic dermatitis)
Sodano W
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Nov-Dec 2016(39:9): 605-615
Immediate effects of mobilization with movement vs sham technique on range of motion, strength, and function in patients with shoulder impingement syndrome: Randomized clinical trial
Guimarães JF
Salvini TF
Siqueira AL Jr
Ribeiro IL
Camargo PR
Alburquerque-Sendín F
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Nov-Dec 2016(39:9): 645-654
High-force versus low-force lumbar traction in acute lumbar sciatica due to disc herniation: A preliminary randomized trial
Isner-Horobeti ME
Dufour SP
Schaeffer M
Sauleau E
Vautravers P
Lecocq J
Dupeyron A
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Nov-Dec 2016(39:9): 655-661
Non-weight-bearing and weight-bearing ultrasonography of select foot muscles in young, asymptomatic participants: A descriptive and reliability study
Battaglia PJ
Mattox R
Winchester B
Kettner NW
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Oct 2016(39:8): 576-585
Effects of motor control exercise vs muscle stretching exercise on reducing compensatory lumbopelvic motions and low back pain: A randomized trial
Park KN
Kwon OY
Cynn HS
Weon JH
Kim TH
Choi HS
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2016(30:2): 87-93
Brief, cooperative peer-instruction sessions during lectures enhance student recall and comprehension
Zhang N
Henderson DC
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2016(30:2): 94-98
Manikin-based simulation: Online orientation and student anxiety
Giuliano DA
McGregor M
Howard L
Taylor R
Statz R
Linka M
Bagnell C
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2016(30:2): 99-103
The interrater reliability of an objective structured practical examination in measuring the clinical reasoning ability of chiropractic students
Rose KA
Babajanian J
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2016(30:2): 121-123
Chiropractic student attitudes toward team-based learning
Sherrier W
Brennan T
Rabatsky A
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2016(30:2): 138-151
Learning spinal manipulation: A best-evidence synthesis of teaching
Stainsby BE
Clarke MCS
Egonia JR
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Sep 2016(39:7): 480-486
Cervical facet joint imaging-guided injections: A comparison of outcomes in patients referred based on imaging findings vs palpation for pain
Le Clec'h Y
Peterson CK
Brunner F
Pfirrmann CW
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Sep 2016(39:7): 510-517
Reliability and accuracy of static parameters obtained from ink and pressure platform footprints
Zuil-Escobar JC
Martínez-Cepa CB
Martín-Urrialde JA
Gómez-Conesa A
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2016(24:36): Online access only 1 p
Erratum to: Quality of reporting of randomised controlled trials in chiropractic using the CONSORT checklist
Karpouzis F
Bonello R
Pribicevic M
Kalamir A
Brown BT
J Clin Chiropr Pediatr: May 2016(15:2): Online access only p 1242-1245
Special needs corner. Arnold-Chiari malformation [ACM]; Bell’s palsy in infants, children and adolescents; Selective mutism
Déry E
Cossette M
Maheux J
J Clin Chiropr Pediatr: May 2016(15:2): Online access only p 1230-1235
The infant with dysfunctional feeding patterns – The chiropractic assessment
Vallone S
Carnegie-Hargreaves F
J Clin Chiropr Pediatr: May 2016(15:2): Online access only p 1236-1241
Infant presentations and outcomes at a chiropractic clinic in the UK: Parent report of treatment outcomes using the United Kingdom Infant Questionnaire (UKIQ)
Nicolas-Schmid P
Hetlevik MA
Miller J
J Clin Chiropr Pediatr: May 2016(15:2): Online access only p 1246-1252
Improvement of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in an infant following chiropractic care: A case report
Lacroix E
J Clin Chiropr Pediatr: May 2016(15:2): Online access only p 1253-1257
Diagnosis and management of a complex milk protein intolerance with chiropractic care: A case report
Bérubé A-M
J Clin Chiropr Pediatr: May 2016(15:2): Online access only 1258-1260
Clinical presentation of neurologic manifestations secondary to Leigh disease: A chiropractic case report
Messier A
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jul/Aug 2016(39:6): 401-410
Forces of commonly used chiropractic techniques for children: A review of the literature
Todd AJ
Carroll MT
Mitchell EK
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jul/Aug 2016(39:6): 411-419
A biomechanical investigation of selected lumbopelvic hip tests: Implications for the examination of walking
Bailey RW
Richards J
Selfe J
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Jun 2016(60:2): Online access only p 146–157
The reliability of lumbar motion palpation using continuous analysis and confidence ratings: Choosing a relevant index of agreement
Cooperstein R
Young M
Chiropr J Aust: 2016(44:2): Online access only p 85-105
Sophisticated research design in chiropractic and manipulative therapy; “What you learn depends on how you ask.” Part A. Quantitative research: size does matter [Part 1 of 3]
Amorin-Woods LG
Chiropr J Aust: 2016(44:2): Online access only p 106-120
Sophisticated research design in chiropractic and manipulative therapy; “What you learn depends on how you ask.” Part B: Qualitative research; quality vs. quantity [Part 2 of 3]
Amorin-Woods LG
Chiropr J Aust: 2016(44:2): Online access only p 121-141
Sophisticated research design in chiropractic and manipulative therapy; what you learn depends on how you ask. Part C: Mixed
: “Why can’t science and chiropractic just be friends?” [Part 3 of 3]
Amorin-Woods LG
J Chiropr Med: Jun 2016(15:2): 81-86
Comparing 2 whiplash grading systems to predict clinical outcomes
Bagherian A
Mickelsen PK
Wagner S
Croft AC
J Chiropr Med: Jun 2016(15:2): 87-94
Confirmatory factor analysis and multiple linear regression of the Neck Disability Index: Assessment if subscales are equally relevant in whiplash and nonspecific neck pain
Milam B
Meylor J
Manning R
Croft AC
J Chiropr Med: Jun 2016(15:2): 95-101
Classifying whiplash recovery status using the Neck Disability Index: Optimized cutoff points derived from receiver operating characteristic
Workman JA
Szatalowicz MP
Roberts PE
Suiter LR
Croft AC
J Chiropr Med: Jun 2016(15:2): 155-163
A guideline of selecting and reporting intraclass correlation coefficients for reliability research
Koo TK
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2016(24:19): Online access only 13 p
Quality of reporting of randomised controlled trials in chiropractic using the CONSORT checklist
Karpouzis F
Bonello R
Pribicevic M
Kalamir A
Brown BT
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar-Apr 2016(39:3): 210-217
Symptomatic, magnetic resonance imaging-confirmed cervical disk herniation patients: A comparative-effectiveness prospective observational study of 2 age- and sex-matched cohorts treated with either imaging-guided indirect cervical nerve root injections or spinal manipulative therapy
Peterson CK
Pfirrmann CW
Hodler J
Leemann S
Schmid C
Anklin B
Humphreys BK
Nutr Perspect: Apr 2016(39:2): 15-16, 18-20
An autoimmune approach for care of a patient presenting with lichen planopilaris [case report]
Kessinger RC
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Mar 2016(60:1): Online access only p 26-35
Clinical evaluation tools: A survey of doctors of chiropractic and students at one chiropractic college
Mansholt BA
Vining RD
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Mar 2016(60:1): Online access only p 36-46
The reliability of palpating the posterior superior iliac spine: A systematic review
Cooperstein R
Hickey M
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Mar 2016(60:1): Online access only p 93-105
Evaluating the feasibility of using online software to collect patient information in a chiropractic practice-based research network
Kania-Richmond A
Weeks L
Scholten J
Reney M
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Feb 2016(39:2): 76-87
Validity of commonly used clinical tests to diagnose and screen for spinal pain in adolescents: A school-based cohort study in 1300 Danes aged 11-15 years
Aartun E
Hartvigsen J
Hestbæk L
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Feb 2016(39:2): 88-94
Exploratory analysis of clinical predictors of outcomes of nonsurgical treatment in patients with lumbar spinal stenosis
Schneider MJ
Terhorst L
Murphy D
Stevans JM
Hoffman R
Cambron JA
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jan 2016(39:1): 31-41
An electronic patient-reported outcome measures system in UK chiropractic practices: A feasibility study of routine collection of outcomes and costs
Newell D
Diment E
Bolton JE
Top Integr Health Care: 2016(6:3): Online access only 14 p
Survey attributes, development, utilization, and interpretation in healthcare research
Ward J
J Chiropr Humanit: Dec 2015(22:1): Online access only p 9-16
Pedagogical approaches to diagnostic imaging education: A narrative review of the literature [review]
Linaker KL
J Chiropr Humanit: Dec 2015(22:1): Online access only p 17-21
Student evaluations, outcomes, and national licensure examinations in radiology education: A narrative review of the literature [review]
Linaker KL
J Clin Chiropr Pediatr: Oct 2015(15:1): Online access only p 1203-1206
Resolution of recurrent acute otitis media in a child undergoing chiropractic care: A case report
Dunn-Sigouin K
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Nov-Dec 2015(38:9): 620-628
Comparing propensity score
for creating comparable cohorts of chiropractic users and nonusers in older, multiply comorbid Medicare patients with chronic low back pain
Weeks WB
Tosteson TD
Whedon JM
Leininger B
Lurie JD
Swenson R
Goertz CM
O'Malley AJ
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Nov-Dec 2015(38:9): 644-652
Comparison of hypoalgesic effects of neural stretching vs neural gliding: A randomized controlled trial
Beltran-Alacreu H
Jiménez-Sanz L
Fernández Carnero J
La Touche R
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Oct 2015(38:8): 572-580
Rater reliability and concurrent validity of single and dual bubble inclinometry to assess cervical lateral flexion
Lachtman DS
Bartha DA
Beltran MM
Dominguez DN
Messerli AR
Miller SE
Davis AM
Nelson-Wong E
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Oct 2015(38:8): 581-586
Reliability and validity of transversus abdominis measurement at the posterior muscle-fascia junction with ultrasonography in asymptomatic participants
Chen YH
Chai HM
Yang JL
Lin YJ
Wang SF
Nutr Perspect: Oct 2015(38:4): 5-6, 8-14
Assocation between frequency and chiropratic diagnosis, referrals and nutritional counseling for patients w ith hypertension, obesity and diabetes in the US Between 1994 and 2014. Are chiropractors ready to become primary care providers? [review]
Isaza A
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2015(23:28): Online access only 7 p
Attainment rate as a surrogate indicator of the intervertebral neutral zone length in lateral bending: An in vitro proof of concept study
Breen AC
Dupac M
Osborne N
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2015(29:2): 110-126
Reassessing the educational environment among undergraduate students in a chiropractic training institution: A study over time
Palmgren PJ
Sundberg T
Laksov KB
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2015(29:2): 127-133
No differences in grades or level of satisfaction in a flipped classroom for neuroanatomy
Whillier S
Lystad RP
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2015(29:2): 134-138
Participation strategies and student performance: An undergraduate health science retrospective study
Starmer D
Duquette S
Howard L
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Sep 2015(59:3): Online access only p 279–287
Diagnostic and treatment
used by chiropractors: A random sample survey of Canada’s English-speaking provinces
Puhl AA
Reinhart CJ
Injeyan HS
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Sep 2015(38:7): 465–476.e4
The effect of 3 different exercise approaches on neck muscle endurance, kinesiophobia, exercise compliance, and patient satisfaction in chronic whiplash
Peterson GE
Landén Ludvigsson MH
O'Leary SP
Dedering ÅM
Wallman T
Jönsson MI
Peolsson AL
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jul-Aug 2015(38:6): 365-374
Short-term effects of mulligan mobilization with movement on pain, disability, and kinematic spinal movements in patients with nonspecific low back pain: A randomized placebo-controlled trial [randomized controlled trial]
Hidalgo B
Pitance L
Hall T
Detrembleur C
Nielens H
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jul-Aug 2015(38:6): 425-433
Inertial sensors as real-time feedback improve learning posterior-anterior thoracic manipulation: A randomized controlled trial
Cuesta-Vargas AI
González-Sánchez M
Lenfant Y
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Jun 2015(59:2): Online access only p 90
Chiropractic techniques and technologies [editorial]
Gleberzon B
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Jun 2015(59:2): Online access only p 91–100
Validity of palpation of the C1 transverse process: Comparison with a radiographic reference standard
Cooperstein R
Young M
Lew M
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Jun 2015(59:2): Online access only p 122–133
What effect does chiropractic treatment have on gastrointestinal (GI) disorders: A narrative review of the literature [review]
Angus K
Asgharifar S
Gleberzon B
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2015(23:20): Online access only 25 p
Could the clinical interpretability of subgroups detected using clustering
be improved by using a novel two-stage approach?
Kent P
Stochkendahl MJ
Christensen HW
Kongsted A
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jun 2015(38:5): 324-334
Efficacy of hand behind back mobilization with movement for acute shoulder pain and movement impairment: A randomized controlled trial
Satpute KH
Bhandari P
Hall T
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2015(38:4): 245-252
Effects of mobilization with movement on pain and range of motion in patients with unilateral shoulder impingement syndrome: A randomized controlled trial
Delgado-Gil JA
Prado-Robles E
Rodrigues-de-Souza DP
Cleland JA
Fernández-de-las-Peñas C
Alburquerque-Sendín F
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2015(38:4): 282-287
Reliability of 2 protocols for assessing pressure pain threshold in healthy young adults
Bisset LM
Evans K
Tuttle N
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2015(38:4): 288-294
Kinematic comparison and description of the 3-dimensional shoulder kinematics of 2 shoulder rotation tests
Pascoal AG
Morais N
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2015(38:4): 302-310
Validation of palpatory
for evaluating anatomical bone landmarks of the cervical spine: A systematic review
Póvoa LC
Ferreira APA
Silva JG
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar-Apr 2015(38:3): 167-178
The effect of adding forward head posture corrective exercises in the management of lumbosacral radiculopathy: A randomized controlled study [randomized controlled trial]
Moustafa IM
Diab AA
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar-Apr 2015(38:3): 203-209
Effect of abdominal resistance exercise on abdominal subcutaneous fat of obese women: A randomized controlled trial using ultrasound imaging assessments [randomized controlled trial]
Kordi R
Dehghani S
Noormohammadpour P
Rostami M
Mansournia MA
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar-Apr 2015(38:3): 218-224
Passive range of movement of the shoulder: A standardized method for measurement and assessment of intrarater reliability
Dougherty J
Walmsley S
Osmotherly PG
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar-Apr 2015(38:3): 232-243
Evaluation of palpation, pressure algometry, and electromyography for monitoring trigger points in young participants
Wytrążek M
Huber J
Lipiec J
Kulczyk A
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2015(23:14): Online access only 12 p
A literature review of clinical tests for lumbar instability in low back pain: Validity and applicability in clinical practice
Villafañe JH
Vanti C
Manni T
Bonetti F
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2015(23:12): Online access only 6 p
Helping address the national research and research capacity needs of Australian chiropractic: Introducing the Australian Chiropractic Research Network (ACORN) project
Adams J
Sibbritt D
Steel A
Sungwon C
J Chiropr Med: Mar 2015(14:1): 32-38
Attitude towards the use of mechanical diagnosis and therapy and reliability of classification extremity problems by credentialed therapists
Takasaki H
Iwasada Y
May S
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2015(23:11): Online access only 12 p
How can we assess the burden of muscle, bone and joint conditions in rural Botswana: Context and
for the MuBoJo focused ethnography
Hondras M
Myburgh C
Hartvigsen J
Haldeman S
Johannessen H
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2015(23:8): Online access only 9 p
The use of diagnostic coding in chiropractic practice
Testern CD
Hestbæk L
French SD
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Feb 2015(38:2): 112-118
Biomechanical and histological effects of augmented soft tissue mobilization therapy on achilles tendinopathy in a rabbit model
Imai K
Ikoma K
Chen Q
Zhao C
Gay RE
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Feb 2015(38:2): 159-166
Using PubMed search strings for efficient retrieval of manual therapy research literature
Pillastrini P
Vanti C
Curti S
Mattioli S
Ferrari S
Violante FS
Guccione A
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jan 2015(38:1): 1-21
Manual and manipulative therapy in addition to rehabilitation for osteoarthritis of the knee: Assessor-blind randomized pilot trial
Dwyer L
Parkin-Smith GF
Brantingham JW
Korporaal C
Cassa TK
Globe G
Bonnefin D
Tong V
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jan 2015(38:1): 22-34
Manipulative therapy and rehabilitation for recurrent ankle sprain with functional instability: A short-term, assessor-blind, parallel-group randomized trial
Lubbe D
Lakhani E
Brantingham JW
Parkin-Smith GF
Cassa TK
Globe GA
Korporaal C
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jan 2015(38:1): 86-92
Evaluation of myofascial trigger points using infrared thermography: A critical review of the literature
Dibai-Filho AV
Guirro RR
J Chiropr Humanit: Dec 2014(21:1): Online access only p 1-24
Evaluation of publicly available documents to trace chiropractic technique systems that advocate radiography for subluxation analysis: A proposed genealogy [review]
Young KJ
J Clin Chiropr Pediatr: Nov 2014(14:3): Online access only p 1167-1171
A survey of parent satisfaction with chiropractic care of the pediatric patient
Navrud IM
Miller J
Bjørnli ME
Feier CH
Haugse T
J Clin Chiropr Pediatr: Nov 2014(14:3): Online access only p 1172-1175
A case report of improved behavior and a reduction in violent outbreaks in a 10-year-old boy with chiropractic care [case report]
Cook JR
J Clin Chiropr Pediatr: Nov 2014(14:3): Online access only p 1179-1182
Mama, please stop crying: Lowered postnatal depression scores in mothers after a course of chiropractic care for their infants
Marillier KE
Lima AM
Donovan LY
Taylor C
Miller J
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2014(28:2): 164-167
Observed improvements in an intern's ability to initiate critical emergency skills in different cardiac arrest scenarios using high-fidelity simulation
Starmer DJ
Duquette SA
Guiliano D
Tibbles A
Miners A
Finn K
Stainsby BE
DC Tracts: Fall 2014(26:3): 2,3
Spinal axial traction [audio lecture]
Pavlicek DR
DC Tracts: Fall 2014(26:3): 3-6
Low level laser therapy
Rowell RM
DC Tracts: Fall 2014(26:3): 2
Utilizing electric muscle stimulation and ultrasound [audio lecture]
Tunning MJ
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Nov-Dec 2014(37:9): 614-627
Immediate changes after manual therapy in resting-state functional connectivity as measured by functional magnetic resonance imaging in participants with induced low back pain
Gay CW
Robinson ME
George SZ
Perlstein WM
Bishop MD
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Nov-Dec 2014(37:9): 641-646
Comparison between neck pain disability and cervical range of motion in patients with episodic and chronic migraine: A cross-sectional study
Carvalho GF
Chaves TC
Goncalves MC
Florencio LL
Braz CA
Fernández-de-las-Peñas C
Bevilaqua-Grossi D
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Nov-Dec 2014(37:9): 647-659
Pain, disability, and diagnostic accuracy of clinical instability and endurance tests in subjects with lumbar spondylolisthesis
Ferrari S
Vanti C
Piccarreta R
Monticone M
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Nov-Dec 2014(37:9): 660-666
Immediate effects of active versus passive scapular correction on pain and pressure pain threshold in patients with chronic neck pain
Lluch E
Arguisuelas MD
Calvente Quesada O
Martinez Noguera E
Peiro Puchades M
Perez Rodriguez JA
Falla D
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Nov-Dec 2014(37:9): 667-677
Assessment of scoliotic deformity using spinous processes: Comparison of different analysis
of an ultrasonographic system
Koo TK
Guo JY
Ippolito C
Bedle JC
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Nov-Dec 2014(37:9): 688-695
Comparison of 2
of measuring spine angular kinematics during dynamic flexion movements: Skin-mounted markers compared with markers affixed to rigid bodies
Howarth SJ
Nutr Perspect: Oct 2014(37:4): 14
Positive effects of vitamin D
Smith B
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2014(22:33): Online access only 10 p
Chiropractic treatment approaches for spinal musculoskeletal conditions: A cross-sectional survey
Clijsters M
Fronzoni F
Jenkins H
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2014(22:32): Online access only 5 p
Comparison of two
of collecting healthcare usage data in chiropractic clinics: Patient-report versus documentation in patient files
Houweling T
Bolton J
Newell D
J Chiropr Med: Sep 2014(13:3): 168-177
Feasibility of using the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System [PROMIS] in academic health centers: Case series design on pain reduction after chiropractic care [case report]
Burke JR
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Oct 2014(37:8): 593-601
Exploring patient satisfaction: A secondary analysis of a randomized clinical trial of spinal manipulation, home exercise, and medication for acute and subacute neck pain
Leininger BD
Evans R
Bronfort G
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Sep 2014(37:7): 502-509
A preliminary study to evaluate postural improvement in subjects with scoliosis: Active Therapeutic Movement Version 2 device and home exercises using the Mulligan's mobilization-with-movement concept
Lewis C
Diaz R
Lopez G
Marki N
Olivio B
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jul-Aug 2014(37:6): 415-421
Short term effects of classic massage compared to connective tissue massage on pressure pain threshold and muscle relaxation response in women with chronic neck pain: A preliminary study
Bakar Y
Sertel M
Ozturk A
Yumin ET
Tatarli N
Ankarali H
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jul-Aug 2014(37:6): 441-447
Effectiveness of global postural reeducation compared to segmental exercises on function, pain, and quality of life of patients with scapular dyskinesis associated with neck pain: A preliminary clinical trial
Amorim CS
Gracitelli ME
Marques AP
Alves VL
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Spring 2014(2014:2): 17-22
Evidence-based chiropractic using functional assessments in an upper cervical model: A retrospective analysis
Shreeve MW
Franklin M
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jun 2014(37:5): 312-319
Immediate changes in neck pain intensity and widespread pressure pain sensitivity in patients with bilateral chronic mechanical neck pain: A randomized controlled trial of thoracic thrust manipulation vs non-thrust mobilization [randomized controlled trial]
Salom-Moreno J
Ortega-Santiago R
Cleland JA
Palacios-Cena M
Truyols-Dominguez S
Fernández-de-las-Peñas C
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jun 2014(37:5): 320-325
Changes in kinetic, kinematic, and temporal parameters of walking in people with limited ankle dorsiflexion: Pre-post application of modified mobilization with movement using talus glide taping
Yoon JY
Hwang YI
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2014(37:4): 211-218
Function in patients with cervical radiculopathy or chronic whiplash-associated disorders compared with healthy volunteers
Peolsson A
Ludvigsson ML
Wibault J
Dedering A
Peterson G
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2014(37:4): 260-268
Effect of posterior pelvic tilt taping in women with sacroiliac joint pain during active straight leg raising who habitually wore high-heeled shoes: A preliminary study
Lee JH
Yoo WG
Kim MH
Lee KS
Han JT
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2014(37:4): 269-275
A systematic review of the angular values obtained by computerized photogrammetry in sagittal plane: A proposal for reference values [systematic review]
Krawczky B
Pacheco AG
Mainenti MR
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2014(22:20): Online access only 16 p
Mapping intended spinal site of care from the upright to prone position: an interexaminer reliability study
Cooperstein R
Young M
J Chiropr Educ: Spring 2014(28:1): 16-20
Assessment of a generalizable methodology to assess learning from manikin-based simulation technology
Giuliano DA
McGregor M
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar-Apr 2014(37:3): 198-205
The shoulder medial rotation test: An intertester and intratester reliability study in overhead athletes with chronic shoulder pain
Lluch E
Benítez J
Dueñas L
Casana J
Alakhdar Y
Nijs J
Struyf F
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Feb 2014(37:2): 141
Comparison of massage based on the tensegrity principle and classic massage in treating chronic shoulder pain [letter]
Scarr G
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Feb 2014(37:2): 141-142
Letter reply.
2013; 36(7):418–427 [letter]
Kassolik K
Andrzejewski W
Wilk I
Kurpas D
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Feb 2014(37:2): 68-78
Neural responses to the mechanical parameters of a high-velocity, low-amplitude spinal manipulation: Effect of preload parameters
Reed WR
Long CR
Kawchuk GN
Pickar JG
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Feb 2014(37:2): 105-115
Intertester agreement and validity of identifying lumbar pain provocative movement patterns using active and passive accessory movement tests
Hidalgo B
Hall T
Nielens H
Detrembleur C
BMC Musculoskel Disord: 2014(15:1): Online access only 10 p
Screening of the spine in adolescents: Inter- and intra-rater reliability and measurement error of commonly used clinical tests
Aartun E
Degerfalk A
Kentsdotter L
Hestbæk L
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jan 2014(37:1): 32-41
Neural responses of posterior to anterior movement on lumbar vertebrae: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study
Meier ML
Hotz-Boendermaker S
Boendermaker B
Luechinger R
Humphreys BK
Nutr Perspect: Jan 2013(36:1): 21
Personal viewpoint [editorial]
Feeney DF
Nutr Perspect: Apr 2013(36:2): 5-8
Autism: A natural fit for the clinical nutritionist and complementary and alternative medicine (CAM)
Nutr Perspect: Apr 2013(36:2): 21-22
Personal viewpoint: The shocking reality of your antacids [editorial]
Esposito J
Nutr Perspect: Apr 2013(36:2): 23-24, 26
Case histories [case report]
Edenzon MJ
Nutr Perspect: Apr 2013(36:2): 28-30
Natural treatments for autoimmune diseases
Jurgelewicz M
Nutr Perspect: Apr 2013(36:2): 27
Why bread is no longer the staff of life
Rodriguez ME
Nutr Perspect: Jul 2013(36:3): 15-18
Case histories [case report]
Boros RA
Nutr Perspect: Jul 2013(36:3): 27-38
A perspective on high dose iodine supplementation - Laboratory analysis to determine need and overall series conclusion [Part XII]
Moss J
Nutr Perspect: Jul 2013(36:3): 22-30
Case history [case report]
Grand S
Chiropr Hist: Winter 2013(33:2): 7-18
John P. De Finney, DC: Running to win for chiropractic
Brown DM
JACA Online: Sep-Oct 2013(50:5): Online access only p 26-28
A 17-year-old with headache
Tunning M
JACA Online: Sep-Oct 2013(50:5): Online access only p 33-36
Actual and projected innominate height changes as a function of posterior innominate rotation
Cooperstein R
Chiropr J Aust: Dec 2013(43:4): 137-141
A cross sectional study on the retention of neuroanatomy knowledge by chiropractic students
McCoy R
Whillier S
Parkinson A
Hijazi G
Hall K
Nguyen T
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Dec 2013(57:4): 367
Essentials of Neuroanatomy for Rehabilitation [by] Leah Dvorak, Paul Jackson Mansfield [book review[
Chrobak K
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2013(21:41): Online access only 20 p
The psychometric profile of chiropractic patients in Norway and England: Using and comparing the generic versions of the STarT Back 5-item screening tool and the Bournemouth Questionnaire
Irgens P
Lothe LR
Kvammen OC
Field J
Newell D
J Chiropr Educ: Fall 2013(27:2): 171-172
Using confidence-based marking in a laboratory setting: A tool for student self-assessment and learning [letter; comment]
Walsh K
Barr DA
Burke JR
J Chiropr Educ: Fall 2013(27:2): 116-122
Comparison of chiropractic student scores before and after utilizing active learning techniques in a classroom setting
Guagliardo JG
Hoiriis KT
J Chiropr Educ: Fall 2013(27:2): 135-140
Feasibility of using a standardized patient encounter for training chiropractic students in tobacco cessation counseling
Hawk C
Kaeser MA
Beavers DV
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Nov-Dec 2013(36:9): 604-611
Effects of deep cervical flexor training on pressure pain thresholds over myofascial trigger points in patients with chronic neck pain
Lluch E
Arguisuelas MD
Coloma PS
Palma F
Rey A
Falla D
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Nov-Dec 2013(36:9): 626-632
Concordance of upper limb neurodynamic tests with medical examination and magnetic resonance imaging in patients with cervical radiculopathy: A diagnostic cohort study
Apelby-Albrecht M
Andersson L
Kleiva IW
Kvåle K
Skillgate E
Josephson A
J Chiropr Med: Sep 2013(12:3): 160-167
Effect of functional lumbar stabilization exercises on pain, disability, and kinesiophobia in women with menstrual low back pain: A preliminary trial
Shakeri H
Fathollahi Z
Karimi N
Arab AM
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Oct 2013(36:8): 505-512
Development and feasibility of a senior elastic band exercise program for aged adults: A descriptive evaluation survey
Chen KM
Tseng WS
Huang HT
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Oct 2013(36:8): 513-521
Dosed myofascial release in three-dimensional bioengineered tendons: Effects on human fibroblast hyperplasia, hypertrophy, and cytokine secretion
Cao TV
Hicks MR
Campbell D
Standley PR
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Oct 2013(36:8): 538-545
Validation of a method to assess range of motion of the cervical spine using a tape measure
Asha SE
Pryor R
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2013(21:36): Online access only 57 p
Review of
used by chiropractors to determine the site for applying manipulation [review]
Triano JJ
Budgell B
Bagnulo A
Roffey B
Bergmann T
Cooperstein R
Gleberzon B
Good C
Perron J
Tepe R
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2013(21:32): Online access only 7 p
Translation and validation of the German version of the Bournemouth questionnaire for low back pain
Blum-Fowler C
Peterson C
McChurch JF
Clech YL
Humphreys BK
JACA Online: Jul-Aug 2013(50:4): Online access only p 14-18
How to evaluate diagnostic tests: The Thessaly test
Roecker CB
JACA Online: Jul-Aug 2013(50:4): Online access only p 24-27
Motion palpators, please lighten up
Cooperstein R
JACA Online: May-Jun 2013(50:3): Online access only p 11-13
Evidence-based management of otitis media
Mansholt B
JACA Online: May-Jun 2013(50:3): Online access only p 18-20
Are dual curricula really the bane of our existence?
Cooperstein R
Chiropr J Aust: Sep 2013(43:3): 121
Applied kinesiology essentials: The missing link in healthcare [edited by] Scott Cuthbert [book review]
McDowall D
J Clin Chiropr Pediatr: Jun 2013(14:1): 1070-1087
A chiropractor's guide to the epidemiology, clinical diagnosis and treatment of pediatric cough
Nguyen EJ
Lawrence DJ
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Sep 2013(57:3): 243-250
Association between heart rate variability and manual pulse rate
Hart J
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Sep 2013(36:7): 395-402
The reliability of measuring pain distribution and location using body pain diagrams in patients with acute whiplash-associated disorders
Southerst D
Stupar M
Côté P
Mior S
Stern P
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Sep 2013(36:7): 403-411
Manual treatment for cervicogenic headache and active trigger point in the sternocleidomastoid muscle: A pilot randomized clinical trial [randomized controlled trial]
Bodes-Pardo G
Pecos-Martín D
Gallego-Izquierdo T
Salom-Moreno J
Fernández-de-las-Peñas C
Ortega-Santiago R
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Sep 2013(36:7): 412-417
Immediate effect of scapular repositioning with active cervical rotation in acute spasmodic torticollis
Desai NA
Khatri SM
Agarwal AB
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Sep 2013(36:7): 418-427
Comparison of massage based on the tensegrity principle and classic massage in treating chronic shoulder pain
Kassolik K
Andrzejewski W
Brzozowski M
Wilk I
Górecka-Midura L
Ostrowska B
Krzyżanowski D
Kurpas D
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Sep 2013(36:7): 428-435
Power Doppler ultrasonography in the early diagnosis of primary/idiopathic adhesive capsulitis: An exploratory study
Walmsley S
Osmotherly PG
Walker CJ
Rivett DA
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Sep 2013(36:7): 436-443
Effects of shiatsu in the management of fibromyalgia symptoms: A controlled pilot study
Yuan SL
Berssaneti AA
Marques AP
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Sep 2013(36:7): 450-459
The reliability of body pain diagrams in the quantitative measurement of pain distribution and location in patients with musculoskeletal pain: A systematic review [review]
Southerst D
Stupar M
Stern P
Mior S
Côté P
Top Integr Health Care: 2013(4:2): Online access only 13 p
Commentary. FUNHAB (R): A science-based, multimodal approach for musculoskeletal conditions
Etnoyer JL
Greenstein J
Bishop B
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jun 2013(36:5): 284-291
Thrust and nonthrust manipulation for older adults with low back pain: An evaluation of pain and disability
Learman KE
Showalter C
O'Halloran B
Cook CE
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2013(36:4): 218-225
Symptomatic magnetic resonance imaging-confirmed lumbar disk herniation patients: A comparative effectiveness prospective observational study of 2 age- and sex-matched cohorts treated with either high-velocity, low-amplitude spinal manipulative therapy or imaging-guided lumbar nerve root injections
Peterson CK
Leemann S
Lechmann M
Pfirrmann CW
Hodler J
Humphreys BK
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2013(36:4): 232-237
Bilateral sensory effects of unilateral passive accessory mobilization in patients with thumb carpometacarpal osteoarthritis
Villafañe JH
Cleland JA
Fernández-de-las-Peñas C
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2013(36:4): 245-252
Accuracy of infrared thermography of the masticatory muscles for the diagnosis of myogenous temporomandibular disorder
Dibai Filho AV
Packer AC
Costa AC
Rodrigues-Bigaton D
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2013(36:4): 253-258
Accuracy and reliability of infrared thermography in the diagnosis of arthralgia in women with temporomandibular disorder
Rodrigues-Bigaton D
Dibai Filho AV
Costa AC
Packer AC
de Castro EM
Chiropr J Aust: Jun 2013(43:2): 80-81
Anatomy based research projects in the final year of chiropractic studies: Reinforcing anatomy knowledge while improving research skills
Strkalj G
Casey M
JACA Online: Mar-Apr 2013(50:2): Online access only p 8-14
Evidence in action: Core stabilization for low-back pain
Lew M
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Jun 2013(57:2): 132-142
Therapeutic interventions employed by Greater Toronto Area chiropractors on pregnant patients: Results of a cross-sectional online survey
Yuen T
Wells K
Benoit S
Yohanathan S
Capelletti L
Stuber K
J Chiropr Educ: Spring 2013(27:1): 5-10
Learning and Study Strategies Inventory subtests and factors as predictors of National Board of Chiropractic Examiners Part 1 examination performance
Schutz CM
Dalton L
Tepe RE
J Chiropr Educ: Spring 2013(27:1): 21-26
Using confidence-based marking in a laboratory setting: A tool for student self-assessment and learning
Barr DA
Burke JR
J Chiropr Educ: Spring 2013(27:1): 48-49
Essential Skills for a Medical Teacher: An Introduction to Teaching and Learning in Medicine [by] Ronald M. Harden and Jennifer M. Laidlaw , with a foreword by Steven L. Kanter [book review]
Nyquist JG
JACA Online: Jan-Feb 2013(50:1): Online access only p 7-11
Evidence in action: Your patient has wrist/hand pain and paresthesias - Does she have carpal tunnel syndrome?
Rowell RM
JACA Online: Jan-Feb 2013(50:1): Online access only p 14-17
Because there's a bone there
Cooperstein R
JACA Online: Jan-Feb 2013(50:1): Online access only p 18-22
Wellness for free: Website and app review
Crawford M
JACA Online: Jan-Feb 2013(50:1): Online access only p 23-38
The leg to worry about: A systematic approach to the differential diagnosis of vascular disease, radiculopathy, and entrapment neuropathy, Part III
Schimp DJ
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2013(21:8): Online access only 23 p
Conducting practice-based projects among chiropractors: A manual
Axén I
Leboeuf-Yde C
Chiropr Hist: Winter 2013(32:2): 35-48
CMCC's Board of Governors: Its commitment to increase revenues from non-tuition sources, 1981-2011
Brown DM
Chiropr Hist: Winter 2013(32:2): 50-58
Sacro occipital technic block therapy: Origin and development
Heese N
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jan 2013(36:1): 20-26
An investigation into the kinematics of 2 cervical manipulation techniques
Williams JM
Cuesta-Vargas AI
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jan 2013(36:1): 51-56
The effects of collateral meridian therapy for knee osteoarthritis pain management: A pilot study
Horng HC
Kuo CP
Cherng CH
Yeh CC
Wang TC
Liaw WJ
Ko S-C
Wong C-S
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2013(21:4): Online access only, 10 p
Extending ICPC-2 PLUS terminology to develop a classification system specific for the study of chiropractic encounters
Charity MJ
French SD
Forsdike K
Britt H
Polus B
Gunn J
Nutr Perspect: Apr 2012(35:2): 26
Stress treatments helps control type 2 diabetes
Feeney DF
Nutr Perspect: Apr 2012(35:2): 28-29
Case history [case report]
Andreoli GT
Nutr Perspect: Apr 2012(35:2): 31-32
Case history [case report]
Kilbride MP
Nutr Perspect: Jan 2012(35:1): 5-6, 8
10 worst processed foods for people with diabetes
Feeney DF
Nutr Perspect: Jan 2012(35:1): 16-17
Temporo-mandibular joint (jaw joint)
Feeney DF
Nutr Perspect: Jan 2012(35:1): 30
Case history [case report]
Andreoli GT
Clin Chiropr: Dec 2012(15:3-4): 107-111
Increasing compliance toward home exercise in chiropractic patients using SMS texting: A pilot study
Newell D
Beyer R
Clin Chiropr: Dec 2012(15:3-4): 121-128
Improving posture: Comparing segmental stretch and muscular chains therapy
Pimentel do Rosário JL
Nakashima IY
Rizopoulos K
Kostopoulos D
Marques AP
J Chiropr Humanit: Dec 2012(19:1): Online access only p 24-35
Conventional medical attitudes to using a traditional medicine vodou-based model of pain management: Survey of French dentists and the proposal of a pain model to facilitate integration
Sanou M
Jean A
Marjolet M
Pécaud D
Meas Y
Enguehard C
Moret L
Emane A
JACA Online: Nov-Dec 2012(49:6): Online access only p 7-9
Evidence in action: Is there an efficient tool to help identify neuropathic pain?
Vining RD
JACA Online: Nov-Dec 2012(49:6): Online access only p 25-27
Piriformis syndrome: A textbook description
Miller KJ
Camidge C
Marry M
Chiropr J Aust: Dec 2012(42:4): 139-140
Examining the present, preparing the future: A report on the symposium on anatomy education in chiropractic programs, held at Macquarie University on 20 July 2012
Strkalj G
Beirman R
Downie A
Giuirato R
Lystad RP
Rigney C
Whillier S
Nutr Perspect: Oct 2012(35:4): 22-24, 26-28, 30-31
Case History: 72 year old Caucasian female with multiple health complaints treated with lifestyle and nutritional interventions [case report]
Morehouse K
Nutr Perspect: Oct 2012(35:4): 14-15
Case histories [case report]
Wallman DA
Nutr Perspect: Oct 2012(35:4): 21, 31
Case history: That mysterious calf pain [case report]
Feeney DF
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Nov-Dec 2012(35:9): 710-719
Practice analysis of chiropractic radiology: Identifying items for Part I of the clinical competency examination
Smith SD
Beran TN
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Nov-Dec 2012(35:9): 720-726
Evidence-based treatment
for the management of shoulder impingement syndrome among Dutch-speaking physiotherapists: An online, web-based survey
Struyf F
De Hertogh W
Gulinck J
Nijs J
J Chiropr Educ: Fall 2012(26:2): 192-193
How Learning Works: Seven Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching [by] Susan A. Ambrose, Michael W. Bridges, Michele DiPietro, Marsha C. Lovett, and Marie K. Norman , with a foreword by Richard E. Mayer [book review]
Nyquist JG
Jubran R
J Chiropr Educ: Fall 2012(26:2): 138-145
Correlation between student performances on course level integrated clinical skills examinations and objective structured clinical examinations [OSCEs] in a chiropractic college program
Russell BS
Hoiriis KT
Guagliardo J
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Oct 2012(35:8): 657
Evaluation of mechanical allodynia in an animal immobilization model using the Von Frey method [letter]
Colloca CJ
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Oct 2012(35:8): 659
Mobilization with movement kinesiotaping compared with a supervised exercise program for painful shoulder: Results of a clinical trial [erratum]
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Oct 2012(35:8): 657-658
In reply [letter]
Gehlen G
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Oct 2012(35:8): 636-644
Modulation of pain-induced neuromuscular trunk responses by pain expectations: A single group study
Tétreau C
Dubois J-D
Piché M
Descarreaux M
JACA Online: Sep-Oct 2012(49:5): Online access only p 7-9
Evidence in action: 78-year-old female with a compression fracture
Stites J
JACA Online: Jul-Aug 2012(49:4): Online access only p 8-10
Evidence in action: Does therapeutic ultrasound provide an effective treatment outcome for carpal tunnel syndrome?
Whitney TL
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Sep 2012(35:7): 578
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jul-Aug 2012(35:6): 491
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jul-Aug 2012(35:6): 420-427
Response of pain intensity to soft tissue mobilization and neurodynamic technique: A series of 18 patients With chronic carpal tunnel syndrome
De-la-Llave-Rincón AI
Ortega-Santiago R
Ambite-Quesada S
Gil-Crujera A
Puentedura EJ
Valenza MC
Fernández-de-las-Peñas C
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jul-Aug 2012(35:6): 446-453
Immediate effects of the suboccipital muscle inhibition technique in craniocervical posture and greater occipital nerve mechanosensitivity in subjects with a history of orthodontia use: A randomized trial
Heredia Rizo AM
Pascual-Vaca AO
Cabello MA
Blanco CR
Pozo FP
Carrasco AL
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jul-Aug 2012(35:6): 454-463
Mobilization with movement and kinesiotaping compared with a supervised exercise program for painful shoulder: Results of a clinical trial
Djordjevic OC
Vukicevic D
Katunac L
Jovic S
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jul-Aug 2012(35:6): 477-485
Radiographic analysis of the anterior to posterior open mouth (APOM) cervical spine view: Frequency of atlas transverse process overlap of the inferior tip of the mastoid process
Hubbard TA
Pickar JG
Lawrence DJ
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Sep 2012(56:3): Online access only 167-171
Commentary - What is your research question? An introduction to the PICOT format for clinicians
Riva JJ
Malik KMP
Burnie SJ
Endicott AR
Busse JW
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Sep 2012(56:3): Online access only p 216-224
Conservative management of Achilles Tendinopathy: A case report
Papa JA
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Sep 2012(56:3): Online access only p 225-232
Conservative management of a 31 year old male with left sided low back and leg pain: A case report [case report]
Howell ER
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2012(20:21): Online access only 13 p
Self-reported recognition of undiagnosed life threatening conditions in chiropractic practice: A random survey
Daniel DM
Ndetan H
Rupert RL
Martinez D
Chiropr J Aust: Jun 2012(42:2): 60-67
The characterisation and response to care of pregnant patients receiving chiropractic care within a practice-based research network
Ohm Jeanne
Kunz K
Alcantara JD
Alcantara Junjoe
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2012(20:20): Online access only 24 p
Identifying clinical course patterns in SMS data using cluster analysis
Kent P
Kongsted A
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jun 2012(35:5): 338-345
Physical and psychosocial predictors of functional trunk capacity in older adults with and without low back pain
Ledoux E
Dubois J-D
Descarreaux M
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jun 2012(35:5): 402-406
Anatomical association between wrist extensor musculature and topographical pain sensitivity maps of the elbow area
Prados-Frutos JC
Ruiz-Ruiz B
De-la-Llave-Rincón AI
Arendt-Nielsen L
Madeleine P
Fernández-de-las-Peñas C
JACA Online: May-Jun 2012(49:3): Online access only p 20-22
Evidence in action: My patient has facial pain--what can I do to help?
Clark T
Vining R
JACA Online: May-Jun 2012(49:3): Online access only p 23-25
The case of the primary PI ilium complex [case report]
Cooperstein R
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2012(35:4): 286-294
Investigation of the effects of a centrally applied lumbar sustained natural apophyseal glide mobilization on lower limb sympathetic nervous system activity in asymptomatic subjects
Moutzouri M
Joanna P
Eudokia B
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2012(20:15): Online access only 13 p
The validity of a portable clinical force plate in assessment of static postural control: Concurrent validity study
Golriz S
Hebert JJ
Foreman KB
Walker BF
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2012(20:14): Online access only 13 p
The reliability of a portable clinical force plate used for the assessment of static postural control: Repeated measures reliability study
Golriz S
Hebert JJ
Foreman KB
Walker BF
DC Tracts: Spring 2012(24:1): 2
Interactive discussion: From traditional to digital imaging [audio lecture]
Littrell TA
McLean ID
JACA Online: Mar-Apr 2012(49:2): Online access only p 11-24
The symptomatic face: An algorithmic approach to diagnosis
Schimp DJ
JACA Online: Mar-Apr 2012(49:2): Online access only p 31-33
Evidence in Action. My patient has fibromyalgia syndrome (FS)--What can I do?
Tunning M
Crisp C
JACA Online: Jan-Feb 2012(49:1): Online access only p 14-16
A patient brings her 11-year old son to your clinic with mid-thoracic back pain [case report]
Lew M
J Chiropr Educ: Spring 2012(26:1): 14-23
Manikin-based clinical simulation in chiropractic education
McGregor M
Giuliano D
J Chiropr Educ: Spring 2012(26:1): 24-31
Empowering student learning through rubric-referenced self-assessment
He X
Canty A
J Chiropr Educ: Spring 2012(26:1): 40-46
Effect of implementing instructional videos in a physical examination course: An alternative paradigm for chiropractic physical examination teaching
Zhang N
Chawla S
J Chiropr Educ: Spring 2012(26:1): 51-61
Degree of vertical integration between the undergraduate program and clinical internship with respect to cervical and cranial diagnostic and therapeutic procedures taught at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
Leppington C
Gleberzon B
Fortunato L
Doucet N
Vandervalk K
J Chiropr Educ: Spring 2012(26:1): 62-67
Formative dialogues in teaching: Nonthreatening peer coaching
Rice G
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2012(20:6): Online access only
Clinical decision-making to facilitate appropriate patient management in chiropractic practice: 'The 3-questions model'
Amorin-Woods LG
Parkin-Smith GF
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2012(20:2): Online access only 27 p
Translation and validation of the German version of the Bournemouth Questionnaire for Neck Pain
Soklic M
Peterson CK
Humphreys BK
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jan 2012(35:1): 18-25
Evaluation of mechanical allodynia in an animal immobilization model using the Von Frey method
Trierweiler J
Göttert DN
Gehlen G
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jan 2012(35:1): 26-37
Intraoral myofascial therapy for chronic myogenous temporomandibular disorder: A randomized controlled trial
Kalamir A
Bonello R
Graham P
Vitiello AL
Pollard H
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jan 2012(35:1): 54-63
Relationship between interpretation and accuracy of the upper limb neurodynamic test 1 in carpal tunnel syndrome
Vanti C
Bonfiglioli R
Calabrese M
Marinelli F
Violante FS
Pillastrini P
Nutr Perspect: Oct 2011(34:4): 5-6, 8
Hypoglycemia -- Strategies and tactics for winning
Herto S
ICA Rev: 2011(66:1): 28-37
Technique issues in chiropractic regulation
Hendrickson RM
Van Egmond C
ICA Rev: 2011(66:1): 38-46
Strengthen your clinical documentation procedures
Hoffman SE
J Clin Chiropr Pediatr: Dec 2011(12:2): 915-918
Joint hypermobility syndrome: Which intervention? [case report]
Miller JE
Mathews SL
JACA Online: Nov-Dec 2011(48:8): Online access only p 2-6
Science revisits the lower extremities
Kline CM
Michaud T
JACA Online: Nov-Dec 2011(48:8): Online access only p 7-10
Kettlebells: Powerful, effective exercise and rehabilitation tools
Crawford M
JACA Online: Nov-Dec 2011(48:8): Online access only p 11-13
Evidence in action: Diagnostic imaging evaluation in suspected pediatric lumbar spondylolysis
Richardson MD
McLean ID
Top Integr Health Care: 2011(2:4): Online access only 12 p
Research. Methodology of a randomized controlled trial of manipulation and physical therapy for chronic low back pain and balance problems in the geriatric population
Enix DE
Flaherty JH
Sudkamp K
Malmstrom TK
Chiropr Hist: Winter 2011(31:2): 10-19
Maturity in the chiropractic media from advertising to public education
Hug PR
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Summer 2011(1:3): 50-56
Specific upper cervical chiropractic management of a patient with Parkinson’s Disease: A case report
Malachowski T
Goode S
Kale BJ
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Spring 2011(2011:2): Online access only p 59-65
Resolution of secondary amenorrhea following reduction of vertebral subluxations: A case report
Goodsell L
Shtulman I
JACA Online: Sep-Oct 2011(48:7): Online access only p 10 -13
Philosophy & technique: What is the sound of one hand adjusting? (often, silence)
Cooperstein R
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Oct 2011(34:8): 506-518
The relationship between self-rated disability, fear-avoidance beliefs, and nonorganic signs in patients with chronic whiplash-associated disorder
Vernon H
Soave D
Kavanaugh S
Guerriero R
Reinhart C
Puhl A
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Oct 2011(34:8): 539-546
Clinical tests for screening and diagnosis of cervical spine myelopathy: A systematic review
Cook CE
Wilhelm M
Cook AE
Petrosino C
Isaacs R
JACA Online: Aug 2011(48:6): Online access only p 2-6
Dry needling for the chiropractic tool box, Part II: Twitch, shout, rotate, piston, and more
Kline CM
Fishkin D
J Clin Chiropr Pediatr: Jun 2011(12:1): 861-864
Kinetic chain dysfunction in a 16-year-old soccer player with ankle pain [case report]
Anderson MR
Barber M
JACA Online: Jul 2011(48:5): Online access only p 2-7
Dry needling for the chiropractic tool box, Part I
Kline CM
Fishkin D
JACA Online: Jul 2011(48:5): Online access only p 12-14
Cervical bimanual scissoring palpation
Cooperstein R
JACA Online: Jul 2011(48:5): Online access only p 15-17
My patient has hip pain—are my assessment procedures effective?
Vining R
Kime N
J Chiropr Educ: Fall 2011(25:2): 164-168
Faculty perception of clinical value of five commonly used orthopedic tests
Kleinfield SL
Daniel D
Ndetan H
J Chiropr Educ: Fall 2011(25:2): 182-185
Educational research in action. Allowing a possible margin of error when assessing student skills in spinous process location
Hart J
Neely C
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Sep 2011(34:7): 441-448
Effects of nerve mobilization exercise as an adjunct to the conservative treatment for patients with tarsal tunnel syndrome
Kavlak Y
Uygur F
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Sep 2011(34:7): 449-456
Short-term effects of neurodynamic mobilization in 15 patients with secondary thumb carpometacarpal osteoarthritis
Villafañe JH
Silva GB
Fernández-Carnero J
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Sep 2011(34:7): 457-462
An exploratory thermographic investigation of the effects of connective tissue massage on autonomic function
Holey LA
Dixon J
Selfe J
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Spring 2011(1:2): 45-49
Inter-examiner agreement for C1 and C2 static alignment analysis using analog and digital radiographic technologies: A pilot study
Fehl WE
Kuhta P
Hart J
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Sep 2011(55:3): 211-221
The association between neck pain, the Neck Disability Index and cervical ranges of motion: A narrative review [review]
Howell ER
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jul-Aug 2011(34:6): 371-380
Quantitative assessment of postural alignment in young adults based on photographs of anterior, posterior, and lateral views
Ferreira EA
Duarte M
Maldonado EP
Bersanetti AA
Marques AP
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jul-Aug 2011(34:6): 388-393
A survey of wellness management strategies used by Canadian doctors of chiropractic
Stainsby BE
Porr JT
Kim P
Collinge AM
Hunter JC
Clin Chiropr: Jun 2011(14:2): 69
Development of a new instrument and methodological protocol for measuring upper limb joint position sense [Chiropractic Evidence 2011, The College of Chiropractors, London, 19 January 2011; meeting abstract]
Loader A
Swait G
Cunliffe C
Clin Chiropr: Jun 2011(14:2): 46-55
Statistical and clinical significant change in low back pain patients: A comparison of approaches
Bolton JE
Newell D
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2011(34:4): 231-238
Validity of the straight-leg raise test for patients with sciatic pain with or without lumbar pain using magnetic resonance imaging results as a reference standard
Capra F
Vanti C
Donati R
Tombetti S
O'Reilly C
Pillastrini P
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2011(34:4): 239-246
Interexaminer reliability of supine leg checks for discriminating leg-length inequality
Woodfield HC
Gerstman BB
Olaisen RH
Johnson DF
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2011(34:4): 247-253
Interrater reliability of the craniocervical flexion test in asymptomatic individuals - A cross-sectional study
Arumugam A
Mani R
Raja K
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2011(34:4): 261-272
Methodological quality of studies on the measurement properties of neck pain and disability questionnaires: A systematic review [review]
Terwee CB
Schellingerhout JM
Verhagen AP
Koes BW
De Vet HCW
Chiropr J Aust: Mar 2011(41:1): 1
What happened to Queenstown 124? [editorial]
Ebrall P
Chiropr J Aust: Mar 2011(41:1): 17
Chiropractic Technique. Principles and Procedures. 3e. [by] Thomas Bergmann and David H. Peterson [book review]
Ebrall P
Chiropr J Aust: Mar 2011(41:1): 9-12
An RMIT University perspective on chiropractic research
Ebrall P
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar-Apr 2011(34:3): 164-172
Effect of 2 lumbar spine postures on transversus asbdominis muscle thickness during a voluntary contraction in people with and without low back pain
Pinto RZ
Ferreira PH
Franco MR
Ferreira ML
Ferreira MC
Teixeira-Salmela LF
Maher CG
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar-Apr 2011(34:3): 188-194
A comparison of 2 assessment protocols to specifically target abdominal muscle endurance
Pagé I
Dubois J-D
Descarreaux M
J Chiropr Educ: Spring 2011(25:1): 5-10
Differences in learning and study strategies inventory scores between chiropractic students with lowerand higher grade point averages
Schutz CM
Gallagher ML
Tepe RE
J Chiropr Educ: Spring 2011(25:1): 11-15
Collaborative testing: The effect of group formation process on overall student performance
Nafziger R
Meseke JK
Meseke CA
J Chiropr Educ: Spring 2011(25:1): 30-37
Educational Research in Action. Training the evidence-based practitioner: University of Western States document on standards and competencies
LeFebvre RP
Peterson DH
Haas M
Gillette RG
Novak CW
Tapper J
Muench JP
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Feb 2011(34:2): 123-130
Augmented soft tissue mobilization vs natural history in the treatment of lateral epicondylitis: A pilot study
Blanchette M-A
Normand MC
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Feb 2011(34:2): 138-142
Graston instrument soft tissue mobilization and home stretching for the management of plantar heel pain: A case series
Looney B
Srokose T
Fernández-de-las-Peñas C
Cleland JA
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2011(19:5): Online access only 25 p
Research. Delineating inflammatory and mechanical sub-types of low back pain: A pilot survey of fifty low back pain patients in a chiropractic setting
Riksman JS
Williamson OD
Walker BF
Ann Vert Sublux Res: Mar 2010(2010:): Online access only 7 p
Original research. The reliability of visual x-ray analysis of the cervical spine and pelvis: A preliminary study
Slusher R
Shook B
Hozjan J
McCauley M
Hart J
J Clin Chiropr Pediatr: Dec 2010(11:2): 797-803
Musculoskeletal and radicular pain during pregnancy, labor, and delivery: The concurrent use of spinal manipulative therapy (SMT), craniosacral therapy (CST), and dynamic body balancing techniques (DBB): Five case reports [case report]
Phillips CJ
J Chiropr Humanit: Dec 2010(17:1): 40-46
Implications and limitations of appropriateness studies for chiropractic
Whedon JM
Davis MA
JACA Online: Dec 2010(47:9): Online access only p 12-17
A shortish treatise on optimizing the location and direction of thoracic adjustive procedures within a narrow spinal range
Cooperstein R
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Nov-Dec 2010(33:9): 659-665
Reliability of the passive knee flexion and extension tests in healthy subjects
Gnat R
Kuszewski M
Koczar R
Dziewońska A
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Nov-Dec 2010(33:9): 666-671
The relationship between cervicogenic headache and impairment determined by the flexion-rotation test
Hall TM
Briffa K
Hopper D
Robinson KW
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Nov-Dec 2010(33:9): 679-689
A systematic review of manipulative therapy for the treatment of shoulder pain
Pribicevic M
Pollard H
Bonello R
de Luca K
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Nov-Dec 2010(33:9): 690-710
Integrative health care under review: An emerging field
Coulter ID
Khorsan R
Crawford C
Hsiao AF
JACA Online: Oct 2010(47:7): Online access only p 34-37
Adjusting the pelvis: Impact on the lumbar spine sagittal plane
Cooperstein R
JACA Online: Aug-Sep 2010(47:6): Online only access 46-50
Chiropractic Philosophy & Technique. The story of the sacral base: Evidence-informed technique rumination
Cooperstein R
JACA Online: Aug-Sep 2010(47:6): Online access only p 8-25
A single-group pre-test, post-test design using full kinetic chain manipulative therapy with rehabilitation in the treatment of 27 patients with hip osteoarthritis [clinical trial]
Brantingham JW
Globe G
Cassa TK
Globe D
Pollard H
Lee F
Bates C
Jensen M
Mayer S
Korporaal C
de Luca K
Chiropr J Aust: Sep 2010(40:3): 100-102
Serious neurogenic pain presenting as psychogenic pain: A case report
Parker G
Smoll N
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Sep 2010(33:7): 500-507
Global postural reeducation and static stretching exercises in the treatment of myogenic temporomandibular disorders: A randomized study
Maluf SA
Moreno BGD
Crivello O
Cabral CMN
Bortolotti G
Marques AP
J Chiropr Educ: Fall 2010(24:2): 159-164
Health promotion practices in two chiropractic teaching clinics: Does a review of patient files reflect advice on health promotion?
Ndetan H
Evans MW Jr
Lo K
Walters D
Ramcharan M
Brandon P
Rupert R
J Chiropr Educ: Fall 2010(24:2): 165-174
Effect of clinician feedback versus video self-assessment in 5th-year chiropractic students on an end-of-year communication skills examination
Hecimovich MD
Maire J-A
J Chiropr Educ: Fall 2010(24:2): 187-193
Educational Research in Action. Utilizing molecular details of the pain system to illustrate biochemical principles
Boal R
Gillette RG
Borman WH
Nutr Perspect: Jul 2010(33:3): 30-32, 34-38
A perspective on high dose iodine supplementation - Part III - Does Abraham's approach work and what does the rest of the world think?
Moss J
J Clin Chiropr Pediatr: Jun 2010(11:1): 720-725
The high school sports examination
Waters BL
Chiropr J Aust: Jun 2010(40:2): 63-68
Anecdote and evidence: A comparison of student performance using two learning referents
Draper B
Ebrall P
Clin Chiropr: Jun 2010(13:2): 167-169
[Proceedings of the European Chiropractors' Union Convention, London, 13-15 May 2010 Part II: Accepted Papers] Part 1: Floor presentations. The variations of pain: Description of the course of low back pain in 244 chiropractic patients followed for 6 months [meeting abstract]
Axén I
Jensen I
Bodin L
Halasz L
Lange F
Lövgren PW
Rosenbaum A
Leboeuf-Yde C
Clin Chiropr: Jun 2010(13:2): 170-172
[Proceedings of the European Chiropractors' Union Convention, London, 13-15 May 2010 Part II: Accepted Papers] Part 1: Floor presentations. The UK back pain subpopulation study: Predictors of outcome in patients receiving chiropractic treatment – Preliminary results from a text messaging study [meeting abstract]
Davies L
Newell D
Bolton J
Leboeuf-Yde C
Clin Chiropr: Jun 2010(13:2): 172-173
[Proceedings of the European Chiropractors' Union Convention, London, 13-15 May 2010 Part II: Accepted Papers] Part 1: Floor presentations. Culture of safety among UK chiropractors before and after the launch of online patient safety incident reporting and learning [meeting abstract]
Finch RP
Heale GS
Jay TC
Clin Chiropr: Jun 2010(13:2): 185-186
[Proceedings of the European Chiropractors' Union Convention, London, 13-15 May 2010 Part II: Accepted Papers] Part 2: Poster presentations. Outcomes of patients undergoing chiropractic care: Phase 1 [meeting abstract]
Houweling T
Bolton J
Newell D
Clin Chiropr: Jun 2010(13:2): 141-142
Evidence-based balderdash [editorial]
Young M
Chiropr & Osteopat: 2010(18:10): Online access only 7 p
Comparison between data obtained through real-time data capture by SMS and a retrospective telephone interview
Johansen B
Wedderkopp N
JACA Online: May-Jun 2010(47:4): Online access only p 16-19
The AS ilium adjustment: Problem child of the chiropractic technique world
Cooperstein R
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jun 2010(33:5): 338-348
Physical examination and self-reported pain outcomes from a randomized trial on chronic cervicogenic headache [randomized controlled trial]
Vavrek D
Haas M
Peterson D
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jun 2010(33:5): 386-394
Reliability of sonomyography for pectoralis major thickness measurement
Wong C
Zheng Y
J Chiropr Med: Jun 2010(9:2): 49-59
Assessment of patients with neck pain: A review of definitions, selection criteria, and measurement tools [review]
Misailidou V
Malliou P
Beneka A
Karagiannidis A
Godolias G
Chiropr & Osteopat: 2010(18:11): Online access only 13 p
Commentary. Chiropractic and children: Is more research enough? [Chiropractic Care for Children]
Leboeuf-Yde C
Hestbæk L
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2010(33:4): 279-285
Validity of the posterior-anterior middle cervical spine gliding test for the examination of intervertebral joint hypomobility in mechanical neck pain
Rey-Eiriz G
Alburquerque-Sendín F
Barrera-Mellado I
Martín-Vallejo FJ
Fernández-de-las-Peñas C
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2010(33:4): 292-299
The Upper Limb Neurodynamic Test 1: Intra- and intertester reliability and the effect of several repetitions on pain and resistance
Vanti C
Conteddu L
Guccione A
Morsillo F
Parazza S
Viti C
Pillastrini P
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2010(33:4): 300-307
Effects of high-velocity, low-amplitude manipulation on catalase activity in men with neck pain
Kolberg C
Horst A
Kolberg A
Belló-Klein A
Partata WA
Clin Chiropr: Mar 2010(13:1): 46-51
[Proceedings of the European Chiropractors' Union Convention, London, 13-15 May 2010] Session 1A: Reflections. 1A.3. Reaching clinical quality management at a European level [meeting abstract]
Thiel H
Wangler M
Clin Chiropr: Mar 2010(13:1): 99-102
[Proceedings of the European Chiropractors' Union Convention, London, 13-15 May 2010] Session 1C: Opportunities. 1C.3. Do RCTs provide the answer? The current state of play for musculoskeletal conditions and what is on the horizon [meeting abstract]
Foster N
Clin Chiropr: Mar 2010(13:1): 117-118
[Proceedings of the European Chiropractors' Union Convention, London, 13-15 May 2010] Session 3B: Workshops. 3B.1: An evidence-based model for diagnosis and management of cervical spine syndromes [meeting abstract]
Murphy DR
Clin Chiropr: Mar 2010(13:1): 122-124
[Proceedings of the European Chiropractors' Union Convention, London, 13-15 May 2010] Session 3B: Workshops. 2B.3: Rotator cuff tendinopathy/subacromial impingement: The dilemma of diagnosis and a new method of assessment [meeting abstract]
Lewis J
Clin Chiropr: Mar 2010(13:1): 130
[Proceedings of the European Chiropractors' Union Convention, London, 13-15 May 2010] Session 3C: Workshops. 3C.4. The significance of case studies and how to prepare one [meeting abstract]
Rosner A
Clin Chiropr: Mar 2010(13:1): 130-132
[Proceedings of the European Chiropractors' Union Convention, London, 13-15 May 2010] Session 3C: Workshops. 3C.5. Chiropractic care for the elderly [meeting abstract]
Byfield D
Clin Chiropr: Mar 2010(13:1): 15-22
Reporting improvement from patient-reported outcome measures: A review
Houweling TAW
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Jun 2010(54:2): 118-131
Outcome measures and their everyday use in chiropractic practice
Hinton PM
McLeod R
Broker B
MacLellan CE
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar-Apr 2010(33:3): 241
Erratum [Refers to article: Deran Oskay, Aydýn Meriç, Nuray Kirdi, Tüzün Firat, Çiðdem Ayhan, Gürsel Leblebicioðlu. Neurodynamic Mobilization in the Conservative Treatment of Cubital Tunnel Syndrome: Long-Term Follow-Up of 7 Cases.
Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics
February 2010 (Vol. 33, Issue 2, Pages 156-163)]
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar-Apr 2010(33:3): 212-219
Effects of ice massage on pressure pain thresholds and electromyography activity postexercise: A randomized controlled crossover study [randomized controlled trial]
Anaya-Terroba L
Arroyo-Morales M
Fernández-de-las-Peñas C
Díaz-Rodríguez L
Cleland JA
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar-Apr 2010(33:3): 220-225
Reliability of zygapophysial joint space measurements made from magnetic resonance imaging scans of acute low back pain subjects: Comparison of 2 statistical
Cramer GD
Cantu JA
Pocius JD
Cambron JA
McKinnis RA
JACA Online: Mar 2010(47:2): Online access only p 16-18
The supine modified rotary break (MRB): Seven pointers
Cooperstein R
JACA Online: Jan-Feb 2010(47:1): Online access only p 16-18
Chiropractic round table: Does the "crack" represent successful manipulation?
Hooper P
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Feb 2010(33:2): 138-155
A systematic review of reliability and validity studies of
for measuring active andpassive cervical range of motion [review]
Williams MA
McCarthy CJ
Chorti A
Cooke MW
Gates S
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Feb 2010(33:2): 156-163
Neurodynamic mobilization in the conservative treatment of cubital tunnel syndrome: Long-term follow-up of 7 cases [case report]
Oskay D
Meriç A
Kirdy N
Firat T
Ayhan C
Leblebicioðlu G
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jan 2010(33:1): 20-28
Simulation tests for cervical nonorganic signs: A study of face validity
Vernon H
Proctor D
Bakalovski D
Moreton W
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jan 2010(33:1): 70-75
Successful treatment of primary dysmenorrhea by collateral meridian acupressure therapy [case report]
Lin J-A
Wong C-S
Lee M-S
Ko S-C
Chan S-M
Chen JJ-Y
Chen T-L
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Winter 2010(2010:1): Online access only p 6-10
Cobb’s angle in scoliosis – gold standard or golden calf? A commentary on scoliosis outcome assessments
Morningstar M
Stitzel CJ
Chiropr Hist: Winter 2009(29:2): 45-60
Prelude to chiropractic: Doctor books, anodynes, and back pain in nineteenth-century America
Moore JS
J Clin Chiropr Pediatr: Dec 2009(10:2): 647-654
First do no harm: Chiropractic care and the newborn
Vallone SA
Fysh PN
Tanis L
Nutr Perspect: Apr 2009(32:2): 15-23
Mercury revisited -- Part VII -- Diagnostic tools in mercury toxicology with emphasis on those that do not employ DMSA [imercaptosuccinic acid] or DMPS [dimercaptopropanesulfonic acid]
Moss J
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Dec 2009(53:4): 233-250
The ability of parents to acurately report concussion occurrence in their bantam-aged minor hockey league children
Coghlin CJ
Myles BD
Howitt SD
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Oct 2009(32:8): 675-681
Chiropractic treatment for primary nocturnal enuresis: A case series of 33 consecutive patients [case report]
van Poecke AJ
Cunliffe C
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Oct 2009(32:8): 687-694
Patellar dislocation in a 16-year-old athlete with femoral trochlear dysplasia [case report]
Haun DW
Morrell AP
Kettner NW
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Sep 2009(32:7): 601
A randomized controlled trial comparing 2 types of spinal manipulation and minimal conservative medical care for adults 55 years and older with subacute or chronic low back pain [letter]
Cox JM
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Sep 2009(32:7): 549-555
Motion palpation used as a postmanipulation assessment tool for monitoring end-feel improvement: A randomized controlled trial of test responsiveness [randomized controlled trial]
Lakhani E
Nook B
Haas M
Docrat A
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Sep 2009(32:7): 556-563
The McKenzie classification system in the extremities:A reliability study using McKenzie assessment forms and experienced clinicians
May S
Ross J
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Sep 2009(53:3): 216-217
Conservative Management of Sports Injuries 2nd Edition [by] Thomas E. Hyde and Marianne S. Gengenbach [book review]
Bober S
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Sep 2009(53:3): 217
Functional Soft Tissue Assessment and Treatment by Manual
, 3rd Edition [by] Warren I. Hammer [book review]
Bober S
JACA Online: Aug 2009(46:6): Online access only p 2-6
Working the core, Part II: the neuromuscular component
Kline CM
Schneider M
Tepe RE
Morrell A
JACA Online: Jul 2009(46:5): Online access only p 2-7
Working the core: Part I: hallowing & bracing, assessment, training, and prevention
Kline CM
Schneider M
Tepe R
Morrell A
Giggey K
JACA Online: Jul 2009(46:5): Online access only p 9-11
Mobilizing and manipulating the arthritic hip
Cooperstein R
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jul-Aug 2009(32:6): 493-499
A model framework for patient safety training in chiropractic: A literature synthesis [review]
Zaugg B
Wangler M
Chiropr J Aust: Jun 2009(39:2): 54-59
Kjellberg lumbar technique
Crocker DD
Larsen LR
Dundas LM
Bull PW
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jun 2009(32:5): 330-343
A randomized controlled trial comparing 2 types of spinal manipulation and minimal conservative medical care for adults 55 years and older with subacute or chronic low back pain [randomized controlled trial]
Hondras MA
Long CR
Cao Y
Rowell RM
Meeker WC
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jun 2009(32:5): 358-363
Changes in spinal height following sustained lumbar flexion and extension postures: A clinical measure of intervertebral disc hydration using stadiometry
Owens SC
Brismée JM
Pennell PN
Dedrick GS
Sizer PS
James CR
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jun 2009(32:5): 396-403
Commentary. Is it reasonable to use an individual patient's progress after treatment as a guide to ongoing clinical reasoning?
Tuttle N
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Jun 2009(53:2): 102-110
Validation of the French version of the Bournemouth Questionnaire
Martel J
Dugas C
Lafond D
Descarreaux M
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Jun 2009(53:2): 111-120
Validation de la version française du Questionnaire de Bournemouth
Martel J
Dugas C
Lafond D
Descarreaux M
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2009(32:4): 262-269
Immediate effects of the suboccipital muscle inhibition technique in subjects with short hamstring syndrome
Aparicio EQ
Quirante LB
Blanco CR
Sendín FA
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2009(32:4): 270-276
Intrarater and interrater reliability of 22 clinical measures associated with lower quarter malalignment
Leard JS
Crane BA
Ball KA
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2009(32:4): 309-314
Impact of collaborative testing on student performance and satisfaction in a chiropractic science course
Meseke CA
Bovée ML
Gran DF
JACA Online: Apr 2009(46:3): Online access only p 12-15
A tale of two papers: The demise of the Gillet test may be greatly exaggerated [review]
Cooperstein R
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar-Apr 2009(32:3): 173-176
Back Pain Recognition Program: An opportunity to improve quality assurance; integrate best practices; and deliver high-quality, patient-centered care [editorial]
Snow GJ
Torda P
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar-Apr 2009(32:3): 184-192
Agreement and correlation between the straight leg raise and slump tests in subjects with leg pain
Walsh J
Hall T
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar-Apr 2009(32:3): 216-222
Interexaminer reliability of a leg length analysis procedure among novice and experienced practitioners
Holt KR
Russell DG
Hoffmann NJ
Bruce BI
Bushell PM
Taylor HH
J Chiropr Educ: Spring 2009(23:1): 40-46
Educational research in action. The implementation of virtual instruction in relation to X-ray anatomy and positioning in a chiropractic degree program: A descriptive paper
Rush PO
Boone WR
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Feb 2009(32:2 Suppl): S29-S38
Self-study of values, beliefs, and conflict of interest: The Bone and Joint Decade 2000–2010 Task Force on Neck Pain and Its Associated Disorders
Reardon R
Haldeman S
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Feb 2009(32:2 Suppl): S39-S45
for the best evidence synthesis on neck pain and its associated disorders: The Bone and Joint Decade 2000–2010 Task Force on Neck Pain and Its Associated Disorders
Carroll LJ
Cassidy JD
Peloso PM
Giles-Smith L
Cheng CS
Greenhalgh SW
Haldeman S
Van der Velde GM
Hurwitz EL
Côté P
Nordin M
Hogg-Johnson S
Holm LW
Guzman J
Carragee EJ
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Feb 2009(32:2): 127-133
Comparison of manual lymph drainage therapy and connective tissue massage in women with fibromyalgia: A randomized controlled trial
Ekici G
Bakar Y
Akbayrak T
Yuksel I
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Feb 2009(32:2): 166-172
Combination of manipulation, exercise, and physical therapy for the treatment of a 57-year-old woman with lateral epicondylitis [case report]
Radpasand M
Chiropr & Osteopat: 2009(17:1): Online access only 25 p
The Nordic back pain subpopulation program - individual patterns of low back pain established by means of text messaging: A longitudinal pilot study
Kongsted A
Leboeuf-Yde C
Clin Chiropr: Dec 2008(11:4): 171-172
Methodological madness [editorial]
Young M
Chiropr & Osteopat: 2008(16:16): Online access only 14 p.
Common errors and clinical guidelines for manual muscle testing: "The arm test" and other inaccurate procedures
Schmitt WH Jr
Cuthbert SC
Chiropr J Aust: Dec 2008(38:4): 131-134
The utilization of Web 2.0 technologies to facilitate change and promote a research culture within the chiropractic profession
Eaton S
Fernandez-Caamano R
Richards D
J Chiropr Educ: Fall 2008(22:2): 138-144
Conventional microscopy vs. computer imagery in chiropractic education
Cunningham CM
Arzelere ED
Arar I
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Oct 2008(31:8): 611-615
Student course performance and collaborative testing: A prospective follow-on study
Meseke CA
Nafziger RE
Meseke JK
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Oct 2008(31:8): 627-631
Repeat upright positional magnetic resonance imaging for diagnosis of disorders underlying chronic noncancer lumbar pain
Gilbert JW
Wheeler GR
Kreft MP
Upadhyay SP
Storey BB
Spitalieri JR
Mick GE
Gibbs RA
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Sep 2008(52:3): 139-142
Commentary. The therapeutic misconception: Not just for patients
Lawrence DJ
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Sep 2008(52:3): 143-148
Commentary. Professional attitudes regarding research - changing the culture one student at a time
McCoy M
Chiropr J Aust: Sep 2008(38:3): 112-115
Study of of functional status of lumbar paraspinal muscles [regarding
Chiropr J Aust
2007; 37(1):30-37.] [letter; comment]
McCoy M
Blanks RH
Kamei K
Kumar DK
Polus BI
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Sep 2008(31:7): 489
Introduction to cervical outcomes measures: State of the art [editorial]
Vernon H
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Sep 2008(31:7): 491-502
The Neck Disability Index: State-of-the-art, 1991-2008
Vernon H
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Sep 2008(31:7): 503-508
Cervical motion testing: Methodology and clinical implications
Prushansky T
Dvir Z
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Sep 2008(31:7): 509-517
Measurement of cervical posture in the sagittal plane
Grimmer-Somers K
Milanese S
Louw QA
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Sep 2008(31:7): 518-524
Cervical muscles strength testing:
and clinical implications
Dvir Z
Prushansky T
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Sep 2008(31:7): 525-533
Clinical assessment of the deep cervical flexor muscles: The craniocervical flexion test
Jull GA
O'Leary SP
Falla DL
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Sep 2008(31:7): 534-539
Testing for sensory hypersensitivity or central hyperexcitability associated with cervical spine pain
Sterling M
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Sep 2008(31:7): 540-546
Cervical outcome measures: Testing for postural stability and balance.
Humphreys K
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jul-Aug 2008(31:6): 434-441
Nutrition and youth soccer for childhood overweight: A pilot novel chiropractic health education intervention
Leach RA
Yates JM
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jul-Aug 2008(31:6): 474-483
The impact of muscular variation on the neurodynamic test for the median nerve in a healthy population with Langer's axillary arch
Van Hoof T
Vangestel C
Forward M
Verhaeghe B
Van Thilborgh L
Plasschaert F
De Muynck M
Vanderstraeten G
D'Herde K
JACA Online: Jul 2008(45:5): Online access only p 2-5
Practice-based public relations, Part I
Kline CM
Chiropr J Aust: Jun 2008(38:2): 49-56
Critical reflection in work-integrated learning
Ebrall P
Repka A
Draper B
Chiropr J Aust: Jun 2008(38:2): 57-68
Designing core clinical bioethics training for master’s level students in an American chiropractic college [Palmer College of Chiropractic]
Lawrence DJ
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2008(31:4): 293-300
Intertester reliability and diagnostic validity of the cervical flexion-rotation test
Hall TM
Robinson KW
Fujinawa O
Akasaka K
Pyne EA
Chiropr J Aust: Mar 2008(38:1): 17-27
A multi-modal chiropractic treatment approach for asthma: A 10-patient retrospective case series [case report]
Cuthbert SC
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar 2008(31:3): 169
Evidence-based practice in 5 simple steps [editorial]
Johnson C
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar 2008(31:3): 191-198
Comparison of 3 physical therapy modalities for acute pain in lumbar disc herniation measured by clinical evaluation and magnetic resonance imaging
Unlu Z
Tasci S
Tarhan S
Pabuscu Y
Islak S
J Chiropr Educ: Spring 2008(22:1): 17-22
Educational Research in Action. Assessment of unpublished scholarly activity: An informal rubric for evaluating faculty performance
Ward RW
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Feb 2008(31:2): 130-136
Pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain: intertester reliability of 3 tests to determine asymmetric mobility of the sacroiliac joints
Van Kessel-Cobelens AM
Verhagen AP
Mens JM
Snijders CJ
Koes BW
BMC Musculoskel Disord: 2007(8:38): Online access only
Management of headache disorders: Design of a randomised clinical trial screening for prognostic patient characteristics [randomized controlled trial]
De Hertogh WJ
Vaes PH
Devroey D
Truijen S
Duquet W
Oostendorp RA
BMC Musculoskel Disord: 2007(8:39): Online access only
Differential neuromuscular training effects on ACL injury risk factors in"high-risk" versus "low-risk" athletes [clinical trial]
Myer GD
Ford KR
Brent JL
Hewett TE
BMC Musculoskel Disord: 2007(8:90): Online access only
Reliability of movement control tests in the lumbar spine
Luomajoki H
Kool J
de Bruin ED
Airaksinen O
BMC Musculoskel Disord: 2007(8:92): Online access only
Rationale, design, and protocol for the prevention of low back pain in the military (POLM) trial (NCT00373009) [randomized controlled trial]
George SZ
Childs JD
Teyhen DS
Wright AC
Dugan JL
Robinson ME
BMC Musculoskel Disord: 2007(8:103): Online access only
Reliability of lumbar spinal palpation, range of motion, and determination of position
Troke M
Schuit D
Petersen CM
BMC Musculoskel Disord: 2007(8:112): Online access only
Effect of an education and activation programme on functional limitations and patient-perceived recovery in acute and sub-acute shoulder complaints - A randomised clinical trial [randomized controlled trial]
de Bruijn C
de Bie RA
Geraets J
Goossens M
Van del Heuvel W
van der Heijden GJ
Candel M
Dinant GJ
BMC Musculoskel Disord: 2007(8:118): Online access only
The effectiveness of motorised lumbar traction in the management of LBP with lumbo sacral nerve root involvement: A feasibility study [randomized controlled trial]
Harte AA
Baxter GD
Gracey JH
BMC Musculoskel Disord: 2007(8:125): Online access only
The PRICE study (Protection Rest Ice Compression Elevation): Design of a randomised controlled trial comparing standard versus cryokinetic ice applications in the management of acute ankle sprain [randomized controlled trial]
Bleakley CM
O'Connor S
Tully MA
Rocke LG
Macauley DC
McDonough SM
J Chiropr Humanit: 2007(14:): Online access only p. 28-33
Chiropractic research in the postmodern world: A discussion of the need to use a greater variety of research
Stuber KJ
Chiropr J Aust: Sep 2007(37:3): 100-105
General health status as measured by the SF-36 of patients with spinal disorders: a chiropractic perspective
Walsh MJ
JACA Online: Sep-Oct 2007(44:7): Online access only p 10-12
Practice guidelines in chiropractic
Haneline M
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Sep 2007(30:7): 501-508
The reproducibility of a clinical grading system of motor control in patients with low back pain
Sedaghat N
Latimer J
Maher C
Wisbey-Roth T
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Sep 2007(30:7): 539-542
A case of a potential manipulation responder whose back pain resolved with flexion exercises [case report]
May S
Rosedale R
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Sep 2007(51:3): 139-143
Commentary. An unstable support surface is not a sufficient condition for increases in muscle activity during rehabilitation exercise
Lehman GJ
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Sep 2007(51:3): 166-174
The integration of acetic acid iontophoresis, orthotic therapy and physical rehabilitation for chronic plantar fasciitis: a case study [case report]
Costa IA
Dyson A
Chiropr & Osteopat: 2007(15:11): Online access only 24 p
Disentangling manual muscle testing and Applied Kinesiology [AK]: critique and reinterpretation of a literature review [commentary]
Haas M
Cooperstein R
Peterson D
Chiropr Hist: Summer 2007(27:1): 93-98
Helping hands? Politics and the image of chiropractic in interwar Denmark
Bak-Jensen S
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Jun 2007(51:2): 99-105
Rehabilitation of tibial eminence fracture
Salehoun R
Pardisnia N
JACA Online: Jul 2007(44:5): Online access only p 7-17
A prospective, single-blinded, randomized, controlled clinical trial of the effects of manipulation on proprioception and ankle dorsiflexion in chronic recurrent ankle sprain [randomized controlled trial]
Kohne E
Jones A
Korporaal C
Price JL
Brantingham JW
Globe G
Clin Chiropr: Jun 2007(10:2): 91-96
The effect of chiropractic adjusting, exercises and modalities on a 32- year–old professional male golfer with hallux rigidus [case report]
Brantingham JW
Chang MN
Gendreau DF
Price JL
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2007(30:4): 270-278
Low back pain: clinimetric properties of the Trendelenburg test, active straight leg raise test, and breathing pattern during active straight leg raising
Roussel NA
Nijs J
Truijen S
Smeuninx L
Tassijns G
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2007(30:4): 301-311
Unloaded movement facilitation exercise compared to no exercise or alternative therapy on outcomes for people with nonspecific chronic low back pain: A systematic review
Slade SC
Keating JL
J Chiropr Educ: Spring 2007(21:1): 12-18
Interactive atlas of histology: A tool for self-directed learning, practice, and self-assessment
Goubran EZ
Vinjamury SP
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Mar 2007(51:1): 30-41
Specificity, sensitivity, and predictive values of clinical tests of the sacroiliac joint: a systematic review of the literature [review]
Stuber KJ
JACA Online: Mar 2007(44:2): Online access only p 15-19
Adjustive technique scheme: a fresh look
Cooperstein R
JACA Online: Jan-Feb 2007(44:1): Online access only p 5-6
Adjusting to pregnancy: chiropractic and the pregnant woman
Shaw G
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar-Apr 2007(30:3): 178-185
Flexion mobilizations with movement techniques: the immediate effects on range of movement and pain in subjects with low back pain
Baxter DE
Breen A
Rushton A
Konstantinou K
Foster N
Wright C
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar-Apr 2007(30:3): 200-205
Should plain films of the lumbar spine be taken in the posterior-to-anterior or anterior-to-posterior position? A study using decision analysis
Young KJ
Chiropr J Aust: Mar 2007(37:1): 30-37
Reliability and validity of surface electromyography (SEMG) to study the functional status of lumbar paraspinal muscles during execution of the unsupported sitting posture
Kamei K
Kumar DK
Polus BI
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Feb 2007(30:2): 159
Variability of force magnitude and force duration in manual and instrument-based manipulation techniques [erratum]
Kawchuk GN
Liddle TR
Prasad NG
McLeod RC
Li T
Zhu Q
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jan 2007(30:1): 78-79
Influence of axial rotation on chiropractic pelvic analysis [letter]
Oakley P
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jan 2007(30:1): 26-30
Reproduction of the lumbar lordosis: a comparison of standing radiographs versus supine magnetic resonance imaging obtained with straightened lower extremities
Andreasen ML
Langhoff L
Jensen TS
Albert HB
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jan 2007(30:1): 31-37
Dynamic surface electromyographic responses in chronic low back pain treated by traditional bone setting and conventional physical therapy
Zaproudina N
Hanninen OO
Ritvanen T
Nissen M
Leinonen V
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jan 2007(30:1): 38-43
Development of a computerized intervertebral motion analysis of the cervical spine for clinical application
Cardin A
Martel J
Piché M
Benoit P
Lambert J
BarrettE V
Grondin E
Pare A
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jan 2007(30:1): 44-49
An examination of musculoskeletal cognitive competency in chiropractic interns
Humphreys K
Sulkowski A
McIntyre K
Patrick AN
Kasiban M
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Oct 2006(29:8): 611-618
Variability of force magnitude and force duration in manual and instrument-based manipulation techniques
Kawchuk GN
Liddle TR
Prasad NG
McLeod RC
Li T
Zhu Q
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Oct 2006(29:8): 651-657
The presence and impact of local item dependence on objective structured clinical examinations scores and the potential use of the polytomous, many-facet Rasch model [MFRM]
Lawson DM
Brailovsky C
JACA Online: Sep-Oct 2006(43:7): Online access only p 2-6
Passive modalities: yes, no, maybe?
Kline CM
JACA Online: Jul 2006(43:5): Online access only p 13-19
Smoking cessation education for chiropractic interns: a theory-driven intervention
Hawk C
Evans MW Jr
Boyd J
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Sep 2006(29:7): 550-560
Evaluation of functional and neuromuscular changes after exercise rehabilitation for low back pain using a Swiss ball: A pilot study
Murphy BA
Marshall PW
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Jun 2006(50:2): 97-102
Flawed trials, flawed analysis: why CBP [Clinical Biomechanics of Posture] should avoid rating itself [editorial]
Cooperstein R
Perle SM
Gleberzon BJ
Peterson DH
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Jun 2006(50:2): 134-139
Applying structural equation modeling to Canadian Chiropractic Examining Board measures
Lawson DM
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Jun 2006(50:2): 140-155
A survey of Ontario chiropractors: their views on maximizing patient compliance to prescribed home exercise
Hagino CC
Donkers Ainsworth K
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Sep 2006(50:3): 161-171
Commentary: Use of fallacious arguments, ad hominem attacks, and biased “expert opinion” can make CBP [Clinical Biomechanics of Posture] research “appear flawed”
Harrison DD
Harrison DE
Haas JW
Oakley PA
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jul-Aug 2006(29:6): Online access only 10 p
Digitized infrared segmental thermometry: time requirements for stable recordings
Boucher JP
Comtois AS
Roy RA
JACA Online: May-Jun 2006(43:4): Online access only p 2-6
Part II: Chiropractic home exercise programs--ergonomics & compliance
Kline CM
JACA Online: May-Jun 2006(43:4): Online access only p 20-24
Appraisal of journal articles: asking the right questions
Cooperstein R
Haneline M
JACA Online: Apr 2006(43:3): Online access only p 2-6
Part I: Chiropractic home exercises: what, why, & how
Kline CM
JACA Online: Apr 2006(43:3): Online access only p 7-9
From narrative to systematic reviews
Cooperstein R
Feise RJ
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jun 2006(29:5): 354-362
Do exercise balls provide a training advantage for trunk extensor exercises? A biomechanical evaluation
Brown SH
Callaghan JP
Drake JD
Fischer SL
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jun 2006(29:5): 368-373
Interrater reliability of a passive physiological intervertebral motion test in the mid-thoracic spine
Lopez A
Brismée JM
Gipson D
Ivie D
Moore M
Matthijs O
Phelps V
Sawyer S
Sizer P
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jun 2006(29:5): 374-377
Interexaminer reliability of the hip extension test for suspected impaired motor control of the lumbar spine
Byfield D
Humphreys K
Murphy DR
McCarthy P
Gregory AA
JACA Online: Jan-Feb 2006(43:1): Online access only p 11-13
Selecting clinically valuable therapies
Feise RJ
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar-Apr 2006(29:3): 228-235
Comparative study of hands-on therapy with active exercises vs education with active exercises for the management of upper back pain
Pesco MS
Chosa E
Tajima N
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar-Apr 2006(29:3): 219-223
Plantar infrared thermography measurements and low back pain intensity
Zaproudina N
Ming Z
Hanninen OO
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar-Apr 2006(29:3): 190-195
Intensity mapping of pain referral areas in sacroiliac joint pain patients
Wurff PV
Buijs EJ
Groen GJ
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar-Apr 2006(29:3): 183-189
Dimensionality, internal consistency, and item analysis of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys [NHANES] activities of daily living instrument among patients with report of low back pain
Cook CE
Richardson JK
Pietrobon R
Chiropr & Osteopat: 2006(14:1): Online access only 27 p
Increased multiaxial lumbar motion responses during multiple-impulse mechanical force manually assisted spinal manipulation
Colloca CJ
Harrison DE
Keller TS
Gunzburg R
Moore RJ
Chiropr & Osteopat: 2006(14:1): Online access only 9 p
Introduction of a pyramid guiding process for general musculoskeletal physical rehabilitation
Stark TW
Chiropr & Osteopat: 2006(14:1): Online access only 25 p.
An educational campaign to increase chiropractic intern advising roles on patient smoking cessation
Hawk C
Evans MW Jr
Strasser SM
Chiropr & Osteopat: 2006(14:1): Online access only 6 p.
Improvement of lower extremity electrodiagnostic findings following a trial of spinal manipulation and motion-based therapy
Morningstar MW
Chiropr & Osteopat: 2006(14:1): Online access only 23 p
Accuracy of spinal orthopaedic tests: A systematic review
Gemmell H
Simpson R
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Dec 2005(49:4): 270-296
Evidence-based protocol for structural rehabilitation of the spine and posture: Review of clinical biomechanics of posture (CBP®) publications
Harrison DD
Harrison DE
Haas JW
Oakley PA
Clin Chiropr: Dec 2005(8:4): 216-217
David Byfield, Chiropractic Manipulative Skills [second edition; book review]
Gleberzon BJ
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Nov-Dec 2005(28:9): 688-695
Variability within and between evaluations of sacroiliac pain with the use of distraction testing
Levin U
Nilsson-Wikmar L
Stenstrom CH
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Nov-Dec 2005(28:9): 719-723
The effect of sacro occipital technique category II blocking on spinal ranges of motion: a case series
Hochman JI
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Oct 2005(28:8): 637-638
The Bournemouth questionnaire: can it be used to monitor and predict treatment outcome in chiropractic patients with persistent low back pain?[letter; comment]
Bolton JE
Leboeuf-Yde C
Larsen K
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Oct 2005(28:8): 575-581
Erector spinae and quadratus lumborum muscle endurance tests and supine leg-length alignment asymmetry: an observational study
Knutson GA
Owens E
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Oct 2005(28:8): 610-616
Validation of the lateral gliding test as tool for the diagnosis of intervertebral joint dysfunction in the lower cervical spine
Fernández-de-las-Peñas C
Downey C
Miangolarra-Page JC
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Sep 2005(49:3): 137-140
Commentary: Are you listening? [JSD: joint sound diagnostics]
Varadi A
ICA Rev: Spring 2005(61:1): 47-52
Chiropractic research: Is it a philosophical conundrum?
Gonzalez DN
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Sep 2005(28:7): 493-501
A randomized clinical trial of manual versus mechanical force manipulation in the treatment of sacroiliac joint syndrome
Colloca CJ
Shearar KA
White HL
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jul-Aug 2005(28:6): 377-378
Transparency of research
: Proud to be a naked emperor [editorial]
Johnson C
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jul-Aug 2005(28:6): 408-413
Interobserver reliability of neck-mobility measurement by means of the flock-of-birds electromagnetic tracking system
Winters JC
Bergman GJ
Postema K
Assink N
Knoester B
Dijkstra PU
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jul-Aug 2005(28:6): 402-407
Translation and validation of the Danish version of the Bournemouth Questionnaire
Hartvigsen J
Grunnet-Nilsson N
Lauridsen H
Ekstrom S
Nielsen MB
Lange F
Kofoed N
JACA Online: May-Jun 2005(42:4): Online access only p 8-15
"Chiropractors against tobacco" pilot project: a practice-based research study
Baird R
Hawk C
JACA Online: Mar 2005(42:2): Online access only p 22-23
On technique despair, briefly considered
Cooperstein R
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jun 2005(28:5): 365-366
Invited commentary: Self-reported nonmusculoskeletal responses to chiropractic intervention: A multination survey by Leboeuf-Yde et al
Budgell B
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jun 2005(28:5): 294-302
Self-reported nonmusculoskeletal responses to chiropractic intervention: a multination survey
Bryner P
Hayek R
Leboeuf-Yde C
Meeker WC
Tucker J
Pedersen EN
Cosman D
Shaik J
Terrazas O
Walsh M
Todays Chiropr: Mar-Apr 2005(34:2): 22-26, 70
Leclaire J
Todays Chiropr: Mar-Apr 2005(34:2): 52-56
Dunlap A
BMC Musculoskel Disord: 2005(6:1): Online access only
A 2-year prospective study of patient-relevant outcomes in patients operated on for knee osteoarthritis with tibial osteotomy
Dahl A
Toksvig-Larsen S
Roos EM
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2005(28:4): 245-252
Supplemental care with medication-assisted manipulation versus spinal manipulation therapy alone for patients with chronic low back pain
Haldeman S
Hurwitz EL
Kohlbeck FJ
Dagenais S
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar-Apr 2005(28:3): 206-210
A proposed method for estimating the efficiency and effectiveness of techniques of musculoskeletal therapy
Evans JM
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar-Apr 2005(28:3): Online access only 8 p
Conservative treatment of a patient with previously unresponsive whiplash-associated disorders using clinical biomechanics of posture rehabilitation
Harrison DD
Harrison DE
Ferrantelli J
Stewart D
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar-Apr 2005(28:3): ONLINE ACCESS ONLY: e1-e7
Pressures generated during spinal manipulation and their association with hand anatomy
Kawchuk GN
Perle SM
Can Chiropr: Feb 2005(10:1): 8-9, 12
Canadian researcher in Japan. Investigating the somatovisceral connection: Kyoto conference to gather international experts on basic scientific and clinical research related to somatoautonomic reflexes
Budgell B
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jan 2005(28:1): 33-43
Experience and practice organization in learning a simulated high-velocity low-amplitude task
Enebo BA
Sherwood D
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Feb 2005(28:2): 122-127
Reliability of McKenzie classification of patients with cervical or lumbar pain
Adams R
Maher CG
Clare HA
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Feb 2005(28:2): 117-121
Influence of axial rotation on chiropractic pelvic radiographic analysis
Weinert DJ
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Nov-Dec 2004(27:9): 579
Management of a chronic lumbar disk herniation with chiropractic biophysics
after failed chiropractic manipulative intervention
Harrison DE
Paulk GP
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Nov-Dec 2004(27:9): 580-590
Rotator cuff impingement
Pollard H
Pribicevic M
J Chiropr Educ: Spring 2004(18:1): 57-58
Harvey P
Goodell K
Todays Chiropr: Nov-Dec 2004(33:6): 34-36
Southerland R
Todays Chiropr: Nov-Dec 2004(33:6): 38-39, 42
Kent C
Todays Chiropr: Nov-Dec 2004(33:6): 46, 48, 50, 53
Downes J
Rau K
Todays Chiropr: Sep-Oct 2004(33:5): 18-21
Leclaire J
Clin Chiropr: Sep 2004(7:3): 107-111
‘Facts’ and ‘myths’ about clinical research
Bolton JE
Clin Chiropr: Jun 2004(7:2): 84-89
Knee MRI. Part I: basic overview
Grenier J
Green N
Wessely MA
J Am Chiropr Assoc: Dec 2004(41:12): 22-23
The modified rotary break
Cooperstein R
J Am Chiropr Assoc: Dec 2004(41:12): 31-39
A case report: The rehabilitation of a patient with functional instability associated with failed back surgery
Adams V
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2004(27:4): 253-261
Applying evidence-based health care to musculoskeletal patients as an educational strategy for chiropractic interns (a one-group pretest-posttest study)
Delaney PM
Fernandez CE
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2004(27:4): 262-266
Prescribing wellness: a case study exploring the use of health information brochures [case report]
Jamison JR
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar-Apr 2004(27:3): 180-185
Naloxone fails to antagonize initial hypoalgesic effect of a manual therapy treatment for lateral epicondylalgia
Vicenzino B
Paungmali A
O'Leary S
Souvlis T
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar-Apr 2004(27:3): Online access only 9 p
Chiropractic care of a geriatric patient with an acute fracture-subluxation of the eighth thoracic vertebra [case report]
Plaugher G
Elbert RA
Cherachanko D
Konlande JE
Casselman AM
Clin Chiropr: Mar 2004(7:1): 31-39
Cervical MRI. Part II: common disorders affecting the cervical spine
Wessely M
Clin Chiropr: Mar 2004(7:1): 40-48
Phenomenology: a resource pack for chiropractors
Miller PJ
J Am Chiropr Assoc: Jun 2004(41:6): 38-40
The pre-stressed anterior thoracolumbar adjustment
Cooperstein R
J Am Chiropr Assoc: Jun 2004(41:6): 46-48
Heredity -- A key contributing factor to back problems [case report]
Maggs T
J Am Chiropr Assoc: Apr 2004(41:4): 24,26
Chiropractic philosophy & clinical technique: tortithoracis
Cooperstein R
J Am Chiropr Assoc: Feb 2004(41:2): 26-27
Chiropractic philosophy and clinical technique: Critical thinking and technique systems
Perle SM
J Am Chiropr Assoc: Feb 2004(41:2): 46-48
Hautant's test
Miller KJ
J Am Chiropr Assoc: Feb 2004(41:2): 50
Photographic manual of regional and neurologic tests, 4th ed. [book review] by Joseph J. Cipriano.
Savoie SM
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Feb 2004(27:2): 103-108
An exploratory study of provocation testing with padded wedges: can prone blocking demonstrate a directional preference?
Cooperstein R
Lisi AJ
Morschhauser E
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Feb 2004(27:2): Online access only 5 p
Does the adjustment cavitate the targeted joint? An investigation into the location of cavitation sounds
Beffar R
Mathews R
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jan 2004(27:1): 26-35
Assessing the clinical significance of change scores recorded on subjective outcome measures
Bolton JE
Hurst H
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jan 2004(27:1): 63-65
Routine screening for abuse: Opening Pandora's box?
Te Kolstee R
Miller JM
Knaap SFC
Todays Chiropr: Jul-Aug 2003(32:4): 14
Hand washing at the office
Goldberg PA
Clin Chiropr: Sep-Dec 2003(6:3-4): 137-143
Cervical MRI. Part I: a basic overview
Devries RM
Manne A
Clin Chiropr: Sep-Dec 2003(6:3-4): 129-136
The impact of rehabilitation on chronic whiplash [case report]
Gosnold JM
Clin Chiropr: Jun 2003(6:2): 73-84
The evidence-based case report: A resource pack for chiropractors
Jones-Harris AR
Clin Chiropr: Mar 2003(6:1): 4-14
Applying theory to practice: an action research resource pack for professionals
Heale G
Chiropr J Aust: Jun 2003(33:2): 74
The Reconnection--Heal Others, Heal Yourself [by] Eric Pearl [book reiew]
McDowall DA
J Chiropr Med: Mar 2003(2:1): 37-40
Changes in low back pain in a long distance runner after stretching the iliotibial band [case report]
Kasunich NJ
J Chiropr Med: Jun 2003(2:2): 66-74
Myofascial pain syndrome: A double crush-like appearance [case report]
Pringle RK
Richardson DL
Shiel RS
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Nov-Dec 2003(26:9): 557-566
Validity of compressive leg checking in measuring artificial leg-length inequality
Cooperstein R
Lisi A
Morschhauser E
Nick TG
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Nov-Dec 2003(26:9): 567-578
Neuromechanical characterization of in vivo lumbar spinal manipulation. Part I. Vertebral motion
Colloca CJ
Keller TS
Gunzburg R
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Nov-Dec 2003(26:9): 579-591
Neuromechanical characterization of in vivo lumbar spinal manipulation. Part II. Neurophysiological response
Colloca CJ
Keller TS
Gunzburg R
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Oct 2003(26:8): 476-480
Reliability of detection of lumbar lateral shift
Adams R
Maher CG
Clare HA
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Oct 2003(26:8): 481-492
Subjective and objective numerical outcome measure assessment (sonoma). A combined outcome measure tool: findings on a study of reliability
Harcourt BT
Wijesinha M
Harcourt GE
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Oct 2003(26:8): 493-501
Pulstar differential compliance spinal instrument: a randomized interexaminer and intraexaminer reliability study
Leach RA
Parker PL
Veal PS
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Jun 2003(47:2): 132-133
Chiropractic name techniques in Canada: a continued look at demographic trends and their impact on issues of jurisprudence [by B.J. Gleberzon]. JCCA 2002;46(4):241-256 [letter]
Corrigan JR
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Jun 2003(47:2): 133-135
To the editor in reply [chiropractic name techniques in Canada: a continued look at demographic trends and their impact on issues of jurisprudence [by B.J. Gleberzon]. JCCA 2002;46(4):241-256 [letter]
Gleberzon BJ
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Jun 2003(47:2): 137-138
To the editor in reply [chiropractic name techniques in Canada: a continued look at demographic trends and their impact on issues of jurisprudence [by B.J. Gleberzon]. JCCA 2002;46(4):241-256 [letter]
Gleberzon BJ
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Jun 2003(47:2): 139
To the editor in reply [chiropractic name techniques in Canada: a continued look at demographic trends and their impact on issues of jurisprudence [by B.J. Gleberzon]. JCCA 2002;46(4):241-256 [letter]
Gleberzon BJ
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Jun 2003(47:2): 139-140
To the editor in reply [chiropractic name techniques in Canada: a continued look at demographic trends and their impact on issues of jurisprudence [by B.J. Gleberzon]. JCCA 2002;46(4):241-256 [letter]
Gleberzon BJ
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Jun 2003(47:2): 140-141
To the editor in reply [chiropractic name techniques in Canada: a continued look at demographic trends and their impact on issues of jurisprudence [by B.J. Gleberzon]. JCCA 2002;46(4):241-256 [letter]
Gleberzon BJ
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Jun 2003(47:2): 135-137
To the editor [chiropractic name techniques in Canada: a continued look at demographic trends and their impact on issues of jurisprudence [by B.J. Gleberzon]. JCCA 2002;46(4):241-256 [letter]
Kitchen RG
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Jun 2003(47:2): 139
To the editor [Chiropractic name techniques in Canada: a continued look at demographic trends and their impact on issues of jurisprudence [by B.J. Gleberzon]. JCCA 2002;46(4):241-256 [letter]
Nykoliation JW
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Jun 2003(47:2): 138-139
To the editor [chiropractic name techniques in Canada: a continued look at demographic trends and their impact on issues of jurisprudence [by B.J. Gleberzon]. JCCA 2002;46(4):241-256 [letter]
Simpson RA
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Jun 2003(47:2): 140
To the editor [Chiropractic name techniques in Canada: A continued look at demographic trends and their impact on issues of jurisprudence [by B.J. Gleberzon]. JCCA 2002;46(4):241-256 [letter]
Wilson DMB
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Mar 2003(47:1): 59-61
To the editor in reply [chiropractic name techniques in Canada: a continued look at demographic trends and their impact on issues of jurisprudence [by B.J. Gleberzon]. JCCA 2002;46(4):241-256 [letter]
Gleberzon BJ
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Mar 2003(47:1): 59
Chiropractic name techniques in Canada: a continued look at demographic trends and their impact on issues of jurisprudence [by B.J. Gleberzon]. JCCA 2002;46(4):241-256 [letter]
McDermaid C
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Sep 2003(26:7): 460-467
Fables or foibles: inherent problems with RCTs [commentary]
Rosner A
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jul-Aug 2003(26:6): 396
Developing skilled performance of lumbar spine manipulation [letter; comment]
Enebo BA
Triano JJ
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jul-Aug 2003(26:6): 397-398
Developing skilled performance of lumbar spine manipulation [letter; comment]
Triano JJ
Coloma J
Faubion J
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jul-Aug 2003(26:6): 390-394
Chiropractic care of a pediatric patient with myasthenia gravis
Araghi HJ
Plaugher G
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2003(26:4): 213-219
The course of low back pain in a general population. Results from a 5-year prospective study
Lauritzen T
Leboeuf-Yde C
Manniche C
Hestbæk L
Engberg M
Bruun NH
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2003(26:4): 220-225
Somatovisceral response following osteopathic HVLAT: a pilot study on the effect of unilateral lumbosacral high-velocity low-amplitude thrust technique on the cutaneous blood flow in the lower limb
Karason AB
Drysdale IP
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Feb 2003(26:2): 99-106
Aberrant protective force generation during neural provocation testing and the effect of treatment in patients with neurogenic cervicobrachial pain
Stappaerts KH
Coppieters MW
Wouters LL
Janssens K
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Feb 2003(26:2): Online access only e11 (4 p)
The stubborn hip: idiopathic avascular necrosis of the hip
Pajaczkowski JA
J Am Chiropr Assoc: Nov 2003(40:11): 32-37
Lumbar segmental flexion reserve in side-posture pelvic manipulation: segmental flexion reserve in pelvic HVLA
Kettner NW
Zhang JQ
Wiegand RA
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jan 2003(26:1): 60-64
Rating specific chiropractic technique procedures for common low back conditions [letter; comment]
Cooperstein R
Fuhr AW
Lantz C
Perle SM
Schneider MJ
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jan 2003(26:1): 57-60
Rating specific chiropractic technique procedures for common low back conditions [letter; comment]
Fuhr AW
Smith JC
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jan 2003(26:1): 34-39
Objective manual assessment of lumbar posteroanterior stiffness is now possible
Latimer J
Maher CG
Chiradejnant A
J Am Chiropr Assoc: Aug 2003(40:8): 40-43
Chiropractic listings: An anterior (supine) approach to the thoracic spine and CT and LT junctions [Part IV]
Cooperstein R
Good C
J Am Chiropr Assoc: Jul 2003(40:7): 38-40
Chiropractic listings [Part III]
Cooperstein R
J Am Chiropr Assoc: Jun 2003(40:6): 30-31
The importance of repeated measurements
Cooperstein R
J Am Chiropr Assoc: Jun 2003(40:6): 45
Heart attack: Surviving a heart attack when you are alone
None Given
J Am Chiropr Assoc: May 2003(40:5): 34-36
Chiropractic listings [Part 2]
Cooperstein R
Good CJ
J Am Chiropr Assoc: Apr 2003(40:4): 30, 32
Chiropractic listings [Part 1]
Cooperstein R
Good CJ
J Am Chiropr Assoc: Jan 2003(40:1): 48-49
The chiropractic century: Backpack alert; Sandman triathlon
Eur J Chiropr: 2002(49:1): 83-84
Gal J
Herzog W
Solinger AB
Eur J Chiropr: 2002(49:1): 88-89
Bolton JE
Stys-Norman D
Eur J Chiropr: 2002(49:1): 96
Bronfort G
Evans R
Bittell S
Maiers M
Eur J Chiropr: 2002(49:1): 102-103
Adams AH
Hurwitz EL
Morgenstern H
Belin TR
Yu F
Harber PI
Kominski GF
Eur J Chiropr: 2002(49:1): 104-105
Khoury MA
Deall AJ
Eur J Chiropr: 2002(49:1): 106
Masse M
Abribat T
Lemaire J
Boucher J
Eur J Chiropr: 2002(49:1): 69-74
Rehabilitation for Seniors [conference abstract]
Murphy DR
Eur J Chiropr: 2002(49:1): 61-68
Adjustive care for seniors and the osteoporotic patient [conference abstract]
Byfield D
Top Clin Chiropr: Sept 2002(9:3): 63-66
Appendixes: Algorithms, forms, and other clinical aids related to the articles in this issue [chiropractic technique]
Top Clin Chiropr: Sept 2002(9:3): 30-43
chiropractic technique
Fuhr AW
Menke JM
Top Clin Chiropr: Sept 2002(9:3): 1-9
Back to basics ... Applying technology assessment to chiropractic techniques
Hansen DT
Top Clin Chiropr: Sept 2002(9:3): iv-v
In this issue ... Chiropractic technique [editorial]
Hansen DT
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Nov-Dec 2002(25:9): 543-549
Groningen Manipulation Study. The effect of manipulation of the structures of the shoulder girdle as additional treatment for symptom relief and for prevention of chronicity or recurrence of shoulder symptoms. Design of a randomized controlled trial within a comprehensive prognostic cohort study [randomized controlled trial]
Winters JC
Postema K
Meyboom-De Jong B
Bergman GJD
van der Heijden GJMG
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Nov-Dec 2002(25:9): Online access only 8 P.
Contents for chiropractors' athletic event emergency bags
Green BN
Rosenberg HA
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Dec 2002(46:4): 241-256
Chiropractic name techniques in Canada: A continued look at demographic trends and their impact on issues of jurisprudence
Gleberzon BJ
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Oct 2002(25:8): 538
Effectiveness of spinal manipulative therapy in the treatment of mechanical thoracic spine pain: a pilot randomized clinical trial [letter]
Long CR
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Oct 2002(25:8): 541-542
A clinical trial investigating the possible effect of the supine cervical rotary manipulation and the supine rotary break manipulation in the treatment of mechanical neck pain: a pilot study [letter]
Meal G
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Oct 2002(25:8): 485-496
A rigid body model of the dynamic posteroanterior motion response of the human lumbar spine
Colloca CJ
Keller TS
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Oct 2002(25:8): 497-503
Evaluation of a specific home exercise program for low back pain [randomized controlled trial]
Normand MC
Descarreaux M
Laurencelle L
Dugas C
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Oct 2002(25:8): 526-532
Spinal reflex excitability changes after lumbar spine passive flexion mobilization
Bulbulian R
Dishman JD
Burke J
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Sep 2002(25:7): 455-464
The effect of Trager therapy on the level of evoked stretch responses in patients with Parkinson's disease and rigidity
Boucher JP
Duval C
Lafontaine D
Hebert J
Le Roux A
Panisset M
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Sep 2002(25:7): 472-483
Uneventful upper cervical manipulation in the presence of a damaged vertebral artery [case report]
Michaud TC
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jul-Aug 2002(25:6): 353-361
Developing skilled performance of lumbar spine manipulation [randomized controlled trial]
Triano JJ
Rogers CM
Combs S
Potts D
Sorrels K
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jul-Aug 2002(25:6): 362-369
Forces applied during manual therapy to patients with low back pain
Latimer J
Maher CG
Chiradejnant A
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jul-Aug 2002(25:6): E1-9
The Webster Technique: a chiropractic technique with obstetric implications
Pistolese RA
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jun 2002(25:5): 345-347
Mechanical force spinal manipulation increases trunk muscle strength assessed by electromyography: a comparative clinical trial [letter; comment]
Colloca CJ
Perle SM
Keller TS
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jun 2002(25:5): 285-292
Palpation of the upper thoracic spine: an observer reliability study
Christensen HW
Høilund-Carlsen PF
Manniche C
Vach W
Vach K
Haghfelt T
Hartvigsen L
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jun 2002(25:5): 293-299
Clinical considerations in the use of surface electromyography: three experimental studies
Lehman GJ
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jun 2002(25:5): Online access only 6 p.
Chiropractic management: Beyond manual care
Jamison J
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jun 2002(25:5): Online access only 4 p.
Effect of simulating lumbar manipulations on lumbar nucleus pulposus pressures
Yi-Kai L
Sheng B
Wei-Dong Z
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2002(25:4): 277-282
The use of information technology to teach differential diagnosis to chiropractic students
Jamison JR
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2002(25:4): 246-250
Reliability and measurement error of the BioTonix video posture evaluation system--Part I: Inanimate objects
Cailliet R
Harrison DD
Harrison DE
Normand MC
Holland B
Black P
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2002(25:4): 251-262
Mechanisms and effects of spinal high-velocity, low-amplitude thrust manipulation: previous theories [review]
Evans DW
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2002(25:4): Online access only 8 p.
Chiropractic and pilates therapy for the treatment of adult scoliosis [case report]
Blum CL
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar-Apr 2002(25:3): 197-198
Rating specific chiropractic technique procedures for common low back conditions [letter; comment]
Fuhr AW
Gatterman I
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar-Apr 2002(25:3): 141-148
The Bournemouth Questionnaire: a short-form comprehensive outcome measure. II. Psychometric properties in neck pain patients
Bolton JE
Humphreys K
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar-Apr 2002(25:3): 188-192
Intermittent cervical traction for cervical radiculopathy caused by large-volume herniated disks [case report]
Constantoyannis C
Konstantinou D
Kourtopoulos H
Papadakis N
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Mar 2002(46:1): 61
To the editor in reply [Chiropractic "name techniques": a review of the literature. JCCA 2001;45(2):86-99 by B.J. Gleberzon] [letter]
Gleberzon BJ
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Mar 2002(46:1): 61
Chiropractic "name techniques": a review of the literature. JCCA 2001;45(2):86-99 by B.J. Gleberzon [letter]
Harrison DD
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Feb 2002(25:2): 99-104
Long-term effectiveness of bone-setting, light exercise therapy, and physiotherapy for prolonged back pain: a randomized controlled trial
Hemmila HM
Keinanen-Kiukaanniemi SM
Levoska S
Puska P
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Feb 2002(25:2): Online access only 7 p.
Incidence of foot rotation, pelvic crest unleveling, and supine leg length alignment asymmetry and their relationship to self-reported back pain
Knutson GA
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Feb 2002(25:2): 111-115
Certification examinations for massage therapists: a psychometric analysis
Violato C
Salami L
Muiznieks S
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jan 2002(25:1): 49-57
Data management in practice-based research
Haas M
Nyiendo J
Lloyd C
AttWood M
Ganger B
DC Tracts: Summer 2001(13:2): 3-4
Audio lecture. Surface electromyography utilization in chiropractic clinical practice.
Sella GE
DC Tracts: Summer 2001(13:2): 4-5
Audio lecture. Recent advances in high-resolution thermal imaging.
Haber C
DC Tracts: Summer 2001(13:2): 5-12
Diagnostic corner. Surface electromyography and muscle impairment syndromes.
Cram JR
DC Tracts: Spring 2001(13:1): 4-6
Audio lecture. Clinical anatomy of spinal adjustment.
Cramer GD
J Chiropr Educ: Fall 2001(15:2): 61-68
Structured self-assessment exercises as a substitute for small-group tutorial teaching in diagnostic imaging: student preferences and effects on examination performance
Peterson C
J Chiropr Educ: Fall 2001(15:2): 72-75
Diversity in chiropractic technique: a proposed solution to the obstacles associated with teaching and evaluating technique in the academic and clinical settings of a chiropractic college [ACC conference proceeding]
Jezequel JL
McCoy M
Petty S
J Chiropr Educ: Fall 2001(15:2): 53-60
Teaching with cases to enhance the clinical problem-solving skills and integration skills of fourth-term chiropractic students
Talmage DM
Top Clin Chiropr: Sep 2001(8:3): 16-19
A thumbnail review of whiplash-associated disorders of the lower cervical spine
Wennerholm E
Eur J Chiropr: 2001(47:2): 57
Chiropractic peripheral joint technique, edited by Raymond T. Broome [book review]
Byfield D
Todays Chiropr: Mar-Apr 2001(30:2): 48-50
Duboff L
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jan 2001(24:1): 52-57
The chiropractor's role in pain management for oncology patients
Schneider J
Gilford S
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jan 2001(24:1): 52-57
The chiropractor's role in pain management for oncology patients [case report]
Schneider J
Gilford S
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Feb 2001(24:2): 71-78
Effect of direction of applied mobilization force on the posteroanterior response in the lumbar spine
Lee M
Caling B
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Feb 2001(24:2): 79-83
Recruitment and accrual of women in a randomized controlled trial of spinal manipulation
Cambron JA
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar-Apr 2001(24:3): 177-182
An inquiry into chiropractors' intention to treat adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: a telephone survey
Feise RJ
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jun 2001(24:5): 331-334
The health information brochure: a useful tool for chiropractic practice?
Jamison JR
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jul-Aug 2001(24:6): 431-432
The chiropractor's role in pain management for oncology patients [letter; comment]
Keating JC Jr
Schneider JO
Gilford SR
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Sep 2001(24:7): 487-488
Effect of direction of applied mobilization force on the posteroanterior response in the lumbar spine [letter; comment]
Allison GT
Lee M
Caling B
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Sep 2001(24:7): 449-456
Rating specific chiropractic technique procedures for common low back conditions
Cooperstein R
Gatterman I
Lantz C
Perle SM
Schneider MJ
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Oct 2001(24:8): 542
The chiropractor's role in pain management for oncology patients [letter]
Orzehowski J
Dick J
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Oct 2001(24:8): 501-504
Responsiveness of visual analogue and McGill pain scale measures
Maher C
Scrimshaw SV
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Oct 2001(24:8): 509-513
The effects of combined x-axis translations and y-axis rotations on projected lamina junction offset
Bernard BB
Coleman RR
Harrison DE
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Nov-Dec 2001(24:9): 618-620
An inquiry into chiropractors' intention to treat adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: a telephone survey [letter; comment]
Banks SD
Feise RJ
J Am Chiropr Assoc: Aug 2001(38:8): 36-37
Lisi AJ
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Sep 2001(45:3): 201-203
Chiropractic "name techniques": a review of the literature. JCCA 2001; 45(2):86-99 [letter; comment]
Lawrence DJ
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Jun 2001(45:2): 86-99
Chiropractic "name techniques": a review of the literature
Gleberzon BJ
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Mar 2001(45:1): 62-64
Name techniques in Canada: current trends in utilization rates and recommendations for their inclusion at CMCC. JCCA 2000; 44(3):157-168 by B.J. Gleberzon [letters]
Blanks RHI
Dobson M
Schuster TL
Bovay S
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Mar 2001(45:1): 64-65
To the editor in reply [name techniques in Canada: current trends in utilization rates and recommendations for their inclusion at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College. JCCA 2000; 44(3):157-168 [letter]
Gleberzon BJ
J Chiropr Humanit: 2001(10:): Online access only 6 p.
A survey of chiropractors’ use of nutrition in private practice
Smith DL
Spillman DM
J Chiropr Humanit: 2001(10:): Online access only 8 p.
Bibliography of chiropractic and other techniques
Simolo CA
DC Tracts: Winter 2000(12:4): 8-11
Diagnostic corner. Home versus institutional rehabilitation: advantages and disadvantages
Christensen KD
J Chiropr Educ: Fall 2000(14:2): 68-70
The use of technology in support of the basic sciences labs at the Los Angeles College of Chiropractic
Goubran EZ
Doss TA
Awad SA
J Chiropr Educ: Fall 2000(14:2): 78-87
An action research approach to standardizing the evaluation of diagnostic psychomotor skills
Waalen DP
Waalen JK
Medio FJ
Todays Chiropr: May-Jun 2000(29:3): 36-46
Pratt ES
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Dec 2000(44:4): 230-244
Analysis of the relationship between program design and professional practice in CMCC's undergraduate chiropractic program
Saranchuk R
Watkins T
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Sep 2000(44:3): 157-168
Name techniques in Canada: current trends in utilization rates and recommendations for their inclusion at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
Gleberzon BJ
J Sports Chiropr & Rehabil: Mar 2000(14:1): 44-45
Duarte M
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Nov-Dec 2000(23:9): 619-622
Conservative chiropractic care of lateral epicondylitis [case report]
Kaufman RL
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Sep 2000(23:7): 470-475
MRI of the spine and spinal cord: imaging techniques, normal anatomy, artifacts, and pitfalls [review]
Pierre-Jerome C
Arslan A
Bekkelund SI
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Sep 2000(23:7): 476-482
Chiropractic biophysics digitized radiographic mensuration analysis of the anteroposterior cervicothoracic view: a reliability study [randomized controlled trial]
Harrison D
Harrison DD
Harrison SO
Troyanovich SJ
Janik T
Holland B
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jul-Aug 2000(23:6): 380-394
Effects of side-posture positioning and side-posture adjusting on the lumbar zygapophysial joints as evaluated by magnetic resonance imaging: a before and after study with randomization [randomized controlled trial]
Cramer GD
Knudsen JT
Tuck NR Jr
Fonda SD
Schliesser JS
Fournier JT
Patel P
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jul-Aug 2000(23:6): 404-408
Chiropractic rehabilitation of the cervical spine [review]
Murphy DR
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jun 2000(23:5): 369-370
The importance of normalization in the interpretation of surface electromyography: a proof of principle [letter; comment]
McGill SM
Nicholson WR
Lehman G
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jun 2000(23:5): 312-319
Behavioral-graded activity compared with usual care after first-time disk surgery: considerations of the design of a randomized clinical trial
Ostelo RWJG
Koke AJA
Beurskens AJHM
De Vet HCW
Kerckhoffs MR
Vlaeyen JWS
Wolters PMJC
Berfelo MW
Van den Brandt PA
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jun 2000(23:5): 324-331
A clinical trial investigating the possible effect of the supine cervical rotatory manipulation and the supine lateral break manipulation in the treatment of mechanical neck pain: a pilot study
Parkin-Smith GF
Van Schalkwyk R
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2000(23:4): 290-293
Presenting chiropractic to medical students [review]
Redwood D
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2000(23:4): 225-230
Combined ischemic compression and spinal manipulation in the treatment of fibromyalgia: a preliminary estimate of dose and efficacy [clinical trial]
Hains F
Hains G
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2000(23:4): 231-238
Reliability of chiropractic
commonly used to detect manipulable lesions in patients with chronic low-back pain [randomized controlled trial]
French SD
Green S
Forbes A
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2000(23:4): 239-245
Patient characteristics, practice activities, and one-month outcomes for chronic, recurrent low-back pain treated by chiropractors and family medicine physicians: a practice-based feasibility study [clinical trial]
Haas M
Nyiendo J
Goodwin P
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2000(23:4): 258-275
Are chiropractic tests for the lumbo-pelvic spine reliable and valid? A systematic critical literature review [review]
Leboeuf-Yde C
Hestbæk L
J Am Chiropr Assoc: Jun 2000(37:6): 42-43
Lapp J
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Feb 2000(23:2): 115-117
Motor control problems in patients with spinal pain: a new direction for therapeutic exercise [review]
Jull GA
Richardson CA
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Feb 2000(23:2): 127-129
Manipulation under joint anesthesia/analgesia: a proposed interdisciplinary treatment approach for recalcitrant spinal axis pain of synovial joint origin [review]
Michaelsen MR
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jan 2000(23:1): 32-36
Stress management: an exploratory study of chiropractic patients
Jamison JR
J Am Chiropr Assoc: Mar 2000(37:3): 8-17
J Am Chiropr Assoc: Jan 2000(37:1): 18-22
Development & funding (care & feeding) of a research proposal: A review of the FCER grant application process
Rosner AL
Br J Chiropr: Apr 1999(3:2): 40-43
Gordon C
Top Clin Chiropr: Sep 1999(6:3): 20-38
for the treatment of rib dysfunctions and associated functional lesions
Ketner C
Scaringe JG
Top Clin Chiropr: Jun 1999(6:2): 26-37
Clinical excerpt... relation between three measures of function in patients with chronic work-related pain syndromes
Hart DL
Todays Chiropr: May-Jun 1999(28:3): 30-42
Dynamic spinal analysis: Pelvic and lumbo-pelvic (part 1)
Hochman JI
J Sports Chiropr & Rehabil: Jun 1999(13:2): 73-75
Open vs. closed chain kinetic exercises: A clinical application
Defabio DC
J Sports Chiropr & Rehabil: Dec 1999(13:4): 145-149
Rehabilitative nutrition
Simon JJ
J Sports Chiropr & Rehabil: Dec 1999(13:4): 150-154
Low technology rehabilitation technique for chronic leg pain
Franzen PW
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Sep 1999(22:7): 444-446
The importance of normalization in the interpretation of surface electromyography: A proof of principle
Lehman GJ
McGill SM
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Oct 1999(22:8): 548
The routine use of radiographic spinal displacement analysis: a dissent [letter]
Morgan L
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Nov-Dec 1999(22:9): 633
The routine use of radiographic spinal displacement analysis: a dissent [letter]
Faye LJ
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Nov-Dec 1999(22:9): 634
Functional soft tissue examination and treatment by manual
: new perspectives [book review] by Warren I. Hammer
Murphy DR
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 1999(22:4): 254-259
The routine use of radiographic spinal displacement analysis: A dissent
Gillette RG
Haas M
Taylor JA
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar-Apr 1999(22:3): 154-160
Why yet another diagnostic sign of sacroiliac movement restriction?
Lewit K
Rosina A
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jun 1999(22:5): 299-308
Effective management of spinal pain in one hundred seventy-seven patients evaluated for manipulation under anesthesia
Mathews RS
Miller MR
West DT
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jun 1999(22:5): 309-315
Chiropractic biophysics digitized radiographic mensuration analysis of the anteroposterior lumbopelvic view: A reliability study
Harrison DD
Harrison SO
Troyanovich SJ
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jun 1999(22:5): 316-321
Introduction of a new physical examination procedure for the differentiation of acromioclavicular joint lesions and subacromial impingement
Buchberger DJ
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jan 1999(22:1): 21-25
Correlation and quantification of project