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Search Results: 981 articles were found
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J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Sep 2024(2024:): 30-42
Improvement following chiropractic in a child with epileptic seizures and nystagmus: A case study and review of the literature [case report; review]
McRoberts A
Alcantara Joel
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Aug 2024(2024:): 26-29
Resolution of cyclic vomiting syndrome following chiropractic care: A case study [case report]
Hennings MJ
Loc T
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Apr 2024(2024:): 16-21
Resolution of pediatric encopresis following chiropractic care to reduce vertebral subluxation: A case study and review of the literature [case report; review]
Meeks S
Green T
Evans M
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Jul 2024(2024:): 6-27
Descriptive review of Knee Chest Specific Chiropractic: Standards of care, teaching, research, and clinical practice related to craniocervical subluxation analysis and correction
Plesa A
Wolfertz M
Shores D
Jackson S
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Jul 2024(2024:): 28-32
Improvements in sciatica, sleep issues and shoulder pain with upper cervical chiropractic: A case study [case report]
Berner B
J Contemp Chiropr: 2024(7:1): 96-100
Implementation and utilization of a comprehensive chart review tool by a U.S. Veteran Affairs chiropractic student trainee: An education descriptive report
Barton TE
Pham A
Daniels CJ
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Feb 2024(2024:): 1-5
Improved health outcomes & avoidance of surgery following chiropractic care in a child with chronic tonsillitis [case report]
Berner B
J Chiropr Educ: Mar 2024(38:1): 104-114
Postgraduate training opportunities for chiropractors: A description of
United States
Schut SM
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Mar 2024(2024:): 1-6
Positive health outcomes following chiropractic, primitive reflexes integration and interactive metronome use in a child diagnosed with ADHD: A case study [case report]
Rubin D
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Mar 2024(2024:): 7-15
Reduction of pain episodes and and improvement in quality-of-life following chiropractic in an 8-year-old male with sickle cell anemia, birth trauma and shoulder dystocia: A case study and review of literature [case report; review]
Lovejoy J
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Dec 2023(2023:): 35-42
Chiropractic care and long term follow up of an infant with cerebral palsy: A case report and review of the literature
Rubin D
Taylor A
J Chiropr Med: Dec 2023(22:4): 328-333
A patient with Pancoast tumor presenting with cervical radiculopathy: A case report
Berntheizel EK
Tollefson LJ
Fischer CP
Stefanowicz ET
J Chiropr Med: Sep 2023(22:3): 189-196
Inter-examiner agreement of the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association analysis of the atlas subluxation complex in a 3-view upper cervical radiographic series
Landholm-Duvall J
Hasick DG
Ndetan H
Hart JF
Dickholtz M Jr
Lapenski CP
J Chiropr Med: Sep 2023(22:3): 197-203
Provider satisfaction with artificial intelligence-based hand hygiene monitoring system during the COVID-19 pandemic: Study of a rural medical center
Lintz J
J Chiropr Med: Sep 2023(22:3): 204-211
Nonoperative management of lateral epicondyle tendinopathy: An umbrella review
Kinney WR
Anderson BR
J Chiropr Med: Sep 2023(22:3): 212-221
Effect of dynamic neuromuscular stabilization and Vojta therapy on respiratory complications in neuromuscular diseases: A literature review
Nezhad FF
Daryabor A
Abedi M
Smith JH
J Chiropr Med: Sep 2023(22:3): 222-229
Management of a patient with premenstrual syndrome using acupuncture, supplements, and meditation: A case report
Martin BR
Woodruff J
J Chiropr Med: Sep 2023(22:3): 230-233
Multimodal chiropractic management of a postsurgical sternoclavicular injury utilizing gamified rehabilitation: A case report
Schut SM
Shannon KN
J Chiropr Med: Sep 2023(22:3): 234-238
Conservative treatment using chiropractic care and orofacial myofunctional therapy for obstructive sleep apnea: A case report
Hopper DE
Cramer G
J Chiropr Med: Sep 2023(22:3): 239-245
Multimodal care of a patient with functional movement disorders following a motor vehicle accident: A case report
Fiore A
Papuga MO
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2023(37:2): 90-97
Integrated clinical opportunities for training offered through US doctor of chiropractic programs
Meyer KW
Al-Ryati OY
Cupler ZA
Bonavito-Larragoite GM
Daniels CJ
J Chiropr Med: Jun 2023(22:2): 103-106
Equestrian-related musculoskeletal injuries presenting to a chiropractic practice: A retrospective chart review of 19 patients
Wang TJ
Ward T
Nguyen HT
Hurwitz EL
J Chiropr Med: Jun 2023(22:2): 123-130
The neurophysiological lesion: A scoping review
Taylor DN
J Chiropr Med: Jun 2023(22:2): 131-137
Coenzyme Q10 supplementation in reducing inflammation: An umbrella review
McRae MP
J Chiropr Med: Jun 2023(22:2): 148-156
Alzheimer disease and related cognitive impairment in older adults: A narrative review of screening, prevention, and management for manual therapy providers [review]
Rogers CJ
Ayuso J Jr
Hackney ME
Penza C
J Chiropr Med: Jun 2023(22:2): 157-163
Chiropractic management of a 67-year-old veteran with chronic low back pain utilizing low-velocity flexion-distraction: A case report
Rogers CJ
Elchert CR
Hackney ME
J Chiropr Med: Jun 2023(22:2): 164-171
Inclusion of acupuncture as an adjunct therapy in the management of a patient with schizophrenia and dissociative identity disorder: A case report
Martin BR
Wroblewski R
J Philos Princ Pract Chiropr: Oct 2023(2023:1): 1-5
Chiropractic education’s ethical quandary: Balancing access and quality under the thumb of monopolies & a virtual cartel
McCoy M
J Chiropr Med: Mar 2023(22:1): 85-88
Chiropractic management of chronic ankle pain and limited mobility in a pediatric athlete: A case report
Hewitt RL
Brocker JL
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Apr 2023(2023:): 27-34
Improvement following chiropractic care in a 7-year-old diagnosed with autistic spectrum disorder: A case report and review of literature [case report; review]
Rubin D
Bergo A
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Mar 2023(2023:): 21-26
Resolution of symphysis pubis pain and dysfunction in a pregnant patient following chiropractic care to reduce subluxation: A case study and review of literature [case report; review]
Schwab BD
Van Blaricum C
Alcantara Joel
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Aug 2023(2023:): 23-31
Improvement in blood pressure values following specific upper cervical chiropractic care: A case study and review of literature [case report; review]
Smith W
White R
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Jul 2023(2023:): 13-22
Drop attacks, daily vomiting and headaches resolved following upper cervical chiropractic care: A case study [case report]
Berner N
Meuleman CJ
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Mar 2023(2023:): 1-12
Resolution of long standing intractable bilateral Meniere's Disease and multiple health challenges following upper cervical specific chiropractic care: A case report
Burcon MT
J Int Acad Neuromusculoskel Med: Jun 2023(20:1): 33-35
A commentary on the value of limited prescription rights for qualified chiropractic physicians [editorial]
Foster BJ
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Feb 2023(2023:): 7-13
Improvement in a 3-year-old boy with autistic spectrum disorder undergoing chiropractic care to reduce vertebral subluxation: A case study and review of literature [case report; review]
Rubin D
Scupham EM
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Feb 2023(2023:): 14-20
Resolution of otitis media and developmental delays following chiropractic care in a boy with birth trauma: A case study and review of the literature [case report; review]
Adams-Sajdak T
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Jan 2023(2023:): 1-6
Resolution of breastfeeding difficulties following chiropractic care: A review of the literature [review]
Dalton M
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Dec 2022(2022:): 13-15
Resolution of Meniere's and restoration of hearing following reduction of vertebral subluxation utilizing Atlas Orthogonal chiropractic adjustment: A case report
Belcher J
Barnes N
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Jan 2022(2022:): 1-6
Resolution of chronic migraines in a 15-year-old-male following chiropractic care: A case report and review of the literature [case report; review]
Esarco J
Alcantara Joel
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2022(36:2): 93-102
The prevalence of suicide prevention training and suicide-related terminology in
United States
chiropractic training and licensing requirements
Cupler ZA
Price M
Daniels CJ
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Jun 2022(2022:): 44-50
Successful vaginal birth after cesarean section in a 40-year-old female utilizing chiropractic & the Webster Technique: A case study and review of the literature
Swenson A
Acevedo J
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Dec 2022(2022:): 114-118
Reduction in autistic behavior and improvement in language development, sleeping, constipation, and ear infections in a 17-year-old male following chiropractic care: A case study [case report]
Herring RD
Marcell JL
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Nov 2022(2022:): 101-113
Resolution of infertility with successful conception and birth following chiropractic care: A case study and review of literature [case report; review]
Payne A
Payne K
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Oct 2022(2022:): 86-94
Improved brain development in 37 children undergoing chiropractic care for correction of vertebral subluxation: A retrospective analysis of health outcomes
Hock S
Spoelstra A
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Oct 2022(2022:): 95-100
Fetal heart rate monitoring of 33 pregnant women undergoing chiropractic and midwifery care: A retrospective analysis of outcomes and review of literature
Edwards J
Union A
Alcantara Joel
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Sep 2022(2022:): 75-85
Resolution of pediatric thoracolumbar scoliosis using the Pierce Result System: A case report
Cooper J
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Aug 2022(2022:): 66-74
Resolution of enuresis in a 10-year-old male following subluxation-based chiropractic care: A case study [case report]
Egan R
McCormick CL
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: May 2022(2022:): 33-43
Improvement in ADHD symptomatology following chiropractic in a 5-year-old male: A case report and review of the literature [case report; review]
Boman C
Stolarski K
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: May 2022(2022:): 51-56
Resolution of breech presentation confirmed by ultrasound following Webster Technique: A case report and review of the literature [case report; review]
Poirier N
Loranger C
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Apr 2022(2022:): 22-25
Resolution of gastro-esophageal reflux disorder in an infant following chiropractic care: A case study [case report]
Gill S
Gill A
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Apr 2022(2022:): 26-32
Resolution of eczema, ear infections and balance problems in a boy undergoing chiropractic care to reduce vertebral subluxation: A case study and review of the literature [case report; review]
Herring R
Piehl L
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Mar 2022(2022:): 17-21
Resolution of defiant behavior and improved speech in a non-verbal toddler following reduction of vertebral subluxation: A case study [case report]
Hock S
Miller C
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Feb 2022(2022:): 1-5
Improvement in sleep, digestion, behavior, allergies and gait in a child with with a CASK gene mutation undergoing chiropractic care: A case study [case report]
Bronstein D
Clifford C
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Jan 2022(2022:): 1-7
Significant motor development and quality of life improvement in a rare seizure condition (MMPSI) following vertebral subluxation reduction: A case study [case report]
Turo D
Demczar C
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Jan 2022(2022:): 13-16
Resolution of otitis media in an 8-year-old female following chiropractic care: A case report and selective review of literature [case report; review]
Rice E
Emmerich L
J Chiropr Med: Dec 2022(21:4): 233-240
COVID-19 infectious disease prevention and mitigation practices by chiropractic physicians and licensed massage therapists in Mississippi: A needs assessment to inform health education and promotion
Leach RA
Ndetan H
King JA
Evans MW Jr
J Chiropr Med: Dec 2022(21:4): 316-321
Presentation of a Lisfranc injury to a chiropractic clinic: A case report
Slater JB
Skalski MR
J Chiropr Med: Dec 2022(21:4): 327-330
Manipulation under anesthesia and prolotherapy for adhesive capsulitis and rotator cuff tear: A case report with 7-year follow-up
Morningstar MW
Strauchman MN
J Chiropr Med: Sep 2022(21:3): 141-148
Influence of a sacroiliac belt on pain and functional impairment in patients with low back pain: A randomized trial [randomized controlled trial]
Ward JS
J Chiropr Med: Sep 2022(21:3): 168-176
Telehealth content from
United States
chiropractic state board websites compared with medical and physical therapy websites during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic
Cole MR
Mattox R
Tobiczyk H
Napuli JG
Bucki F
J Chiropr Med: Sep 2022(21:3): 225-231
Use of telemedicine in the diagnosis of cervical spondylotic myelopathy in a US veteran during the COVID-19 pandemic: A case report
Troutner A
Barbato M
J Chiropr Med: Jun 2022(21:2): 67-76
Associations between early chiropractic care and physical therapy on subsequent opioid use among persons with low back pain in Arkansas
Acharya M
Chopra D
Smith AM
Fritz JM
Martin BC
J Chiropr Med: Jun 2022(21:2): 77-82
Chiropractic clinical outcomes among older adult male veterans with chronic lower back pain: A retrospective review of quality-assurance data
Davis BA
Dunn AS
Golley DJ
Chicoine DR
J Chiropr Med: Jun 2022(21:2): 136-139
Conservative management of knee pain associated with a benign femoral osteochondroma in a youth athlete: A case report
Price MR
J Chiropr Med: Mar 2022(21:1): 1-8
Coordination of care between chiropractic and behavioral health practitioners within the US Department of Veterans Affairs Health Care System: A report of 3 patients with pain and mental health symptoms [case report]
Daniels CJ
Anderson DR
Cupler ZA
J Chiropr Med: Mar 2022(21:1): 39-50
Effect of biofeedback corrective exercise on reaction time and central somatosensory conduction time in patients with forward head posture and radiculopathy: A randomized controlled study
Mohamed AA
Jan Y-K
Raoof NA
Kattabei O
Moustafa I
Hosny H
J Chiropr Med: Mar 2022(21:1): 51-59
Evaluation and treatment of trigeminal symptoms of cervical origin after a motor-vehicle crash: A case report with 9-month follow-up
Moses JP
Karas S
J Chiropr Med: Mar 2022(21:1): 60-65
Chiropractic care of a female veteran after cervical total disk replacement: A case report
Mortenson M
Montgomery A
Buttermann G
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Feb 2022(45:2): 127-136
Cross-sectional survey of opinions, professional changes, and personal hardships of COVID-19 on chiropractors in the
United States
Neff SM
Deyo RL
Mac Auley AL
Lawrence DJ
J Contemp Chiropr: 2022(5:1): 97-104
Chiropractic care for low back pain among Veterans of recent wars receiving Veterans Affairs primary care
Corcoran KL
Bastian LA
DeRycke EC
Brandt CA
Haskell SG
Lisi AJ
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2022(30:13): 1-24
Manual therapy interventions in the management of adults with prior cervical spine surgery for degenerative conditions: A scoping review
Gliedt JA
Dawson AZ
Daniels CJ
Spector AL
Cupler ZA
King J
Egede LE
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2022(30:11): 2
“What are the effects of diagnostic imaging on clinical outcomes in patients with low back pain presenting for chiropractic care? A matched observational study.” Jenkins et al., Chiropractic & Manual Therapies 2021;29:46 [letter; comment]
Lopes MA
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2022(30:10): 1-17
Multidisciplinary integrative care versus chiropractic care for low back pain: A randomized clinical trial
Bronfort G
Maiers M
Schulz C
Leininger B
Westrom K
Angstman G
Evans R
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2022(30:6): 1-7
The primary spine practitioner as a new role in healthcare systems in North America
Murphy DR
Justice B
Bise CG
Timko M
Stevans JM
Schneider MJ
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2022(30:5): 1-9
Association between chiropractic care and use of prescription opioids among older medicare beneficiaries with spinal pain: a retrospective observational study
Whedon JM
Uptmor S
Toler AWJ
Bezdjian S
Mackenzie TA
Kazal LA Jr
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2022(30:4): 1-6
The rate of use of Veterans Affairs chiropractic care: a 5-year analysis
Burdick R
Corcoran KL
Zhao X
Lisi A
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2022(30:1): 1-9
Efficiency of primary spine care as compared to conventional primary care: A retrospective observational study at an academic medical center
Bezdjian S
Whedon JM
Russell R
Goehl JM
Kazal LA Jr
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Dec 2021(2021:): 47-50
Reduction in pain, paresthesia and improved quality of life in a patient with sciatica following upper cervical chiropractic care: A case report
Grey J
Bell R
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Nov 2021(2021:): 43-46
Resolution of failure to thrive and kinematic imbalance due to suboccipital strain (KISS) symptomatology in an infant following chiropractic care to reduce vertebral subluxation: A case report
Mosley MA
Shideler JJ
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: 2021(2021:): 35-42
Resolution of essential tremors in a female patient undergoing upper cervical chiropractic care: A case report and review of the literature [case report; review]
Berner N
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: May 2021(2021:): 10-19
Resolution of vertigo, restored hearing and improved quality of life in a patient with Meniere's disease and failed craniectomy: A case report and review of the literature [case report; review]
Burcon MT
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Jan 2021(2021:): 1-9
Improvement in heart rate, heart rate variability and reduction in dysautonomia in a 74-year-old female undergoing upper cervical chiropractic care: A case report and review of the literature [case report; review]
Osborne C
Rauch B
J Chiropr Med: Dec 2021(20:4): 199-217
An exploratory review of potential adjunct therapies for the treatment of coronavirus infections [review]
Martin BR
Richardson J
J Chiropr Med: Dec 2021(20:4): 218-223
Baseball injury resulting in type III Salter-Harris fracture of the first proximal phalangeal base: A case report
Halverson JC
Cornelson SM
Murray QW
Kettner NW
J Chiropr Med: Sep 2021(20:3): 121-127
Secretory immunoglobulin A and upper cervical chiropractic: A preliminary prospective, multicenter, observational study
Schalow PR
Kimball KA
Schurger FT
Sooley GR
Bales SP
Rochester RP
Brooks RT
Hunt JM
J Chiropr Med: Sep 2021(20:3): 138-147
Interrater reliability of spine range of motion measurement using a tape measure and goniometer
Johnson M
Mulcahey MJ
J Chiropr Med: Sep 2021(20:3): 148-157
Multimodal care for headaches, lumbopelvic pain, and dysmenorrhea in a woman with endometriosis: A case report
Martin BR
J Chiropr Med: Sep 2021(20:3): 158-162
Cauda equina syndrome following lumbar disc herniation at L5-S1: A case report
Bodalia RT
Bogar WC
Rivera-Melo H
J Chiropr Med: Sep 2021(20:3): 170-175
Bilateral lumbar radiculopathy secondary to myxopapillary ependymoma: A case report
D'Angiolillo JC
Patel NV
Hernandez RN
Hanft S
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Oct 2021(44:8): 591-600
National trends in the expenditure and utilization of chiropractic care in U.S. children and adolescents from the 2007-2016 medical expenditure panel survey: A cross sectional study
Peng T
Chen B
Brown HS
Douphrate D
Janak J
Gabriel KP
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Oct 2021(2021:): 65-71
Improved health outcomes following chiropractic in a 13-year-old male with May-Thurner syndrome superior mesenteric artery syndrome and low back pain: A case report and review of the literature [case report; review]
Nogosek A
Alcantara Joel
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Aug 2021(2021:): 60-64
Measured balance improvement following chiropractic subluxation correction in a 9-year-old child with Klippel-Feil syndrome: A case report
Rectenwald RJ
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Jul 2021(2021:): 53-59
Resolution of allergic colitis, colic, plagiocephaly, and breastfeeding challenges following chiropractic in an infant with birth trauma: Case study [case report]
Hom S
Shikada K
J Chiropr Humanit: Dec 2021(28:): 22-34
Exploring diverse career paths and recommendations for celebrating Chiropractic Day 2021: A narrative inquiry
Johnson V
Assal S
Khauv K
Moosad D
Morales B
J Chiropr Humanit: Dec 2021(28:): 35-48
An essential guide to chiropractic in the
United States
military health system and Veterans Health Administration
Green BN
Dunn AS
J Chiropr Med: Jun 2021(20:2): 90-94
Blood pressure change after celery juice ingestion in a hypertensive elderly male [case report]
Illes JD
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2021(35:2): 171-183
Practice analysis and changes to the Chiropractic Board of Clinical Nutrition diplomate exam
Shotts BL
Himelfarb I
Crawford GL
Harding J
Gow AR
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2021(35:2): 192–198
Evaluation of an online case-based learning module that integrates basic and clinical sciences
Major CA
Burnham KD
Brown KA
Lambert CD
Nordeen JM
Takaki LAK
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2021(35:2): 199-204
Exploring the application of the Charlson Comorbidity Index to assess the patient population seen in a Veterans Affairs chiropractic residency program
Coleman BC
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2021(35:2): 205-208
Use of videos to teach basic science concepts in a doctor of chiropractic training program
Shaw KM
Rabatsky A
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2021(35:2): 209-214
Impostor phenomenon among US chiropractic students
Kimball KA
Roecker CB
Hoyt K
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2021(35:2): 242-248
Chiropractic program changes facilitated by the European Council on Chiropractic Education Accreditation reports: A mixed methods audit and thematic analysis
Peterson CK
Miller J
Humphreys BK
Vall K
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2021(35:2): 249-257
Educational Research in Action. Developing a standardized curriculum for teaching chiropractic technique: Qualitative analysis of participants' opinions from 4 intercollegiate conference workshops
Gleberzon BJ
Cooperstein R
Good C
Roecker C
Blum C
J Clin Chiropr Pediatr: Nov 2021(20:2): 1819-1825
Mastitis : A guide for the chiropractor working with the breastfeeding dyad
Vallone S
Hawk C
J Clin Chiropr Pediatr: Jul 2021(20:1): 1733-1739
A chiropractor’s dream: the Teen Summit and the Green Hub Project for Teens
Hughes TT
Habersleben B
Vallone S
McCall I
Asia-Pac Chiropr J: 2021(2:2): 1-5
Stroke: Two thought experiments: The wide-angle lens
Masarsky CS
Asia-Pac Chiropr J: 2021(2:2): 1-4
Contain and Eliminate [by] Howard Wolinksy [book review]
Rome P
Asia-Pac Chiropr J: 2021(2:2): 1-9
Quintessential applications: A(K) clinical protocol. The evolution of a neurological & biochemical hierarchy
McCord KM
Schmitt WH
Asia-Pac Chiropr J: 2021(2:2): 1-4
Some clinical pearls to enhance your X-ray practice: A clinical huddle [editorial]
Elbert R
Chiropr Hist: Summer 2021(41:1): 46-49
D. D. Palmer in Portland, Oregon: A corrected timeline
Waters T
Chiropr Hist: Summer 2021(41:1): 50-59
The Lerner report: Finding Keating's "missing" pages
Foley JM
Faulkner TJ
Chiropr Hist: Summer 2021(41:1): 62-65
Contain and Eliminate: The American Medical Association's Conspiracy to Destroy Chiropractic. First edition, by Howard Wolinsky [book review]
Swenson PA
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jul-Aug 2021(44:6): 433-444
Income as a predictor of self-efficacy for managing pain and for coping with symptoms among patients with chronic low back pain
Whitley MD
Herman PM
Aliyev GR
Sherbourne CD
Ryan GW
Coulter ID
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jul-Aug 2021(44:6): 455-466
Acute and time-course effects of osteopathic manipulative treatment on vascular and autonomic function in patients with heart failure: A randomized trial
Amatuzzi F
Gervazoni Balbuena de Lima AC
Da Silva ML
Cipriano GFB
Catai AM
Cahalin LP
Chiappa G
Cipriano G Jr
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jun 2021(44:5): 353-362
The effect of reduced access to chiropractic care on medical service use for spine conditions among older adults
Davis M
Yakusheva O
Liu H
Anderson B
Bynum J
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jun 2021(44:5): 363-371
Effects of thrust magnitude and duration on immediate postspinal manipulation trunk muscle spindle responses
Lima CR
Sozio RS
Law AC
Nelson AJ
Singh H
Hurt CP
Li P
Reed WR
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jun 2021(44:5): 372-377
Risk of treatment escalation in recipients vs nonrecipients of spinal manipulation for musculoskeletal cervical spine disorders: An analysis of insurance claims
Anderson BR
McClellan WS
Long CR
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jun 2021(44:5): 389-397
Patient characteristics associated with self-reported adherence to chiropractic treatment recommendations: A feasibility study
Bezdjian S
Whedon JM
Russell R
Coulter I
J Chiropr Educ: 2021(35:S1): 1
Looking back at the lawsuit that transformed the chiropractic profession. Message from the NCMIC president [editorial]
Wolfson W
J Chiropr Educ: 2021(35:S1): 3-4
Looking back at the lawsuit that transformed the chiropractic profession: Overview
Whitmer MJ
J Chiropr Educ: 2021(35:S1): 5-8
Looking back at the lawsuit that transformed the chiropractic profession: Authors' introduction
Johnson CD
Green BN
J Chiropr Educ: 2021(35:S1): 9-24
Looking back at the lawsuit that transformed the chiropractic profession part 1: Origins of the conflict
Johnson CD
Green BN
J Chiropr Educ: 2021(35:S1): 25-44
Looking back at the lawsuit that transformed the chiropractic profession part 2: Rise of the American Medical Association
Johnson CD
Green BN
J Chiropr Educ: 2021(35:S1): 45-54
Looking back at the lawsuit that transformed the chiropractic profession part 3: Chiropractic growth
Johnson CD
Green BN
J Chiropr Educ: 2021(35:S1): 55-73
Looking back at the lawsuit that transformed the chiropractic profession part 4: Committee on Quackery
Johnson CD
Green BN
J Chiropr Educ: 2021(35:S1): 85-96
Looking back at the lawsuit that transformed the chiropractic profession part 6: Preparing for the lawsuit
Johnson CD
Green BN
J Chiropr Educ: 2021(35:S1): 74-84
Looking back at the lawsuit that transformed the chiropractic profession part 5: Evidence exposed
Johnson CD
Green BN
J Chiropr Educ: 2021(35:S1): 97-116
Looking back at the lawsuit that transformed the chiropractic profession part 7: Lawsuit and decisions
Johnson CD
Green BN
J Chiropr Educ: 2021(35:S1): 117-131
Looking back at the lawsuit that transformed the chiropractic profession part 8: Judgment impact
Johnson CD
Green BN
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2021(29:35): 1-8
Quality of reporting in chiropractic mixed methods research: A methodological review protocol
Emary PC
Stuber KJ
Mbuagbaw L
Oremus M
Nolet PS
Nash JV
Bauman CA
Ciraco C
Couban RJ
Busse JW
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Aug 2021(65:2): 137-155
The chiropractor’s role in primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention of suicide: A clinical guide / [Rôle du chiropraticien dans la prévention primaire, secondaire et tertiaire du suicide : guide clinique]
Cupler ZA
Daniels CJ
Anderson DR
Anderson MT
Napuli JG
Tritt ME
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Aug 2021(65:2): 156-163
Gender diversity in chiropractic leadership: A cross-sectional study / [La diversité de genre dans les postes de direction en chiropratique : étude transversale]
Azad A
Maiers M
Stuber K
Ciolfi M
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Aug 2021(65:2): 207-211
Agreement of primary outcomes in chiropractic-related clinical trials registered in with corresponding publication / [Concordance entre les résultats primaires d’essais cliniques sur la chiropratique enregistrés dans et ceux parus dans les publications]
Coté RM
Perle SM
Martin DS
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2021(29:31): 1-6
Sonographic evaluation of the degree of medial meniscal extrusion during Thessaly test in healthy knees
Cho JC
Tollefson L
Reckelhoff K
Chiropr J Aust: 2021(48:1): 5-13
Dental chiropractic non-surgical co-treatment of a 48-year-old male patient with a deviated septum, headaches, and TMJ dysfunction: A case report
Shirazi D
Del Torto AJ
Blum C
Chiropr J Aust: 2021(48:1): 14-30
Clinical case reports and patients as subjects of scholarly enquiry
Smith M
Odierna D
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2021(44:4): 271-279
Extrapolating beyond the data in a systematic review of spinal manipulation for nonmusculoskeletal disorders: A fall from the summit
Goertz CM
Hurwitz EL
Murphy BA
Coulter ID
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2021(44:4): 280-288
Chiropractic practice in the continent of Africa: A structured online survey of 608 chiropractors
Melka HA
Russell R
Whedon J
Haldeman S
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2021(44:4): 344-351
Manual cervical traction and trunk stabilization cause significant changes in upper and lower esophageal sphincter: A randomized trial
Bitnar P
Stovicek J
Hlava S
Kolar P
Arlt J
Arltova M
Madle K
Busch A
Kobesova A
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2021(44:4): 330-343
Correlates of manual therapy and acupuncture use among rural patients seeking conventional pain management: A cross-sectional study
Feinberg TM
Coleman B
Innes KE
Kerns RD
Jackson B
Lisi A
Majoris N
Brandt C
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar 2021(44:3): 177-185
Temporal trends and geographic variations in the supply of clinicians who provide spinal manipulation to medicare beneficiaries: A serial cross-sectional study
Whedon JM
Haldeman S
Petersen CL
Schoellkopf W
Mackenzie TA
Lurie JD
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar 2021(44:3): 186-195
Changes in opioid therapy use by an interprofessional primary care team: A descriptive study of opioid prescription data
Rosa J
Burke JR
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2021(29:25): 1-2
Letter to the editor: the global summit on the efficacy and effectiveness of spinal manipulative therapy for the prevention and treatment of non-musculoskeletal disorders: A systematic review of the literature
Lawrence DJ
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Jun 2021(2021:): 46-52
Resolution of breastfeeding difficulties and concomitant weight gain following chiropractic care in an infant with birth trauma: A case report and review of the literature [case report; review]
Williams-Libs S
Alcantara Joel
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2021(29:20): 1-9
Inter-examinerreliability study of physical examination procedures to assess the cervical spine
Hariharan KV
Timko MG
Bise CG
Sundaram M
Schneider MJ
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Apr 2021(2021:): 19-25
Improvement in positional plagiocephaly and tolerance of tummy time in an infant undergoing chiropractic care: A case study and selective review of literature [case report; review]
Bishop A
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Apr 2021(2021:): 32-45
Improved hearing following chiropractic in a 10-year-old child with a history of chronic otitis media and hearing loss: A case study and review of the literature [case report; review]
Adams P
Kiela E
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Mar 2021(2021:): 11-18
Improvements following chiropractic in an infant with excessive crying, screaming, feeding difficulties and sleep disturbances: A case report and selective review of literature [case report; review]
Feltz K
Stark D
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Feb 2021(2021:): 5-10
Improvement in eczema, allergies, insomnia and quality of life in a four year old child following chiropractic: A case report and review of the literature [case report; review]
Knowles DM III
Knowles RM
Sunakawa K
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Jan 2021(2021:): 1-4
Resolution of failure to thrive in an infant following chiropractic care to reduce vertebral subluxation: A case report and review of the literature [case report; review]
Santos J
Alcantara Joel
J Chiropr Med: Mar 2021(20:1): 16-22
Quadrangular space syndrome: A narrative overview [review]
Kemp TD
Kaye TR
Scali F
J Chiropr Med: Mar 2021(20:1): 30-36
Cystic hygroma in a dental hygienist reporting with carpal tunnel syndrome: A case report
Illes JD
Taylor JA
J Chiropr Med: Mar 2021(20:1): 37-42
Supernumerary head of the biceps brachii muscle: An anatomic variant with clinical implications [case report]
Enix D
Scali F
Sudkamp K
Keating R
J Chiropr Med: Mar 2021(20:1): 1-8
Experiences and attitudes about chiropractic care and prescription drug therapy among patients with back pain: A cross-sectional survey
Bezdjian S
Whedon JM
Goehl JM
Kazal LA Jr
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Apr 2021(65:1): 32-49
Adverse events from spinal manipulations in the pregnant and postpartum periods: A systematic review and update / [Manipulations vertébrales chez la femme enceinte et la femme en postpartum : mise à jour : mise à jour d’une étude sur les effets indésirables]
Weis CA
Stuber K
Murnaghan K
Wynd S
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Apr 2021(65:1): 76-93
The nosological classification of whiplash-associated disorder: A narrative review / [Classification nosocomiale du traumatisme cervical en coup de fouet : revue narrative]
Ghorayeb JH
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Apr 2021(65:1): 94-104
Assessing the feasibility of using an electronic records database system in use in a group of private chiropractic clinics for practice-based research / [Évaluation des possibilités d’utilisation d’une base de données sur les dossiers électroniques par un groupe de cliniques de chiropratique privées aux fins de recherches fondées sur la pratique]
Owens EF
Esposito J
Hosek RS
Sullivan SGB
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Apr 2021(65:1): 121-126
Conservative management of neck and thoracic pain in an adult with neurofibromatosis-1 [case report] / [Traitement conservateur des douleurs cervicales et thoraciques de l’adulte atteint de neurofibromatose de type 1]
Mignelli J
Tollefson LJ
Stefanowicz E
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2021(29:17): 1-19
Chiropractic case reports: A review and bibliometric analysis
Trager RJ
Dusek JA
Ann Vert Sublux Res: Apr 2021(2021:): 18-23
Reduction of headaches in a patient with type I Chiari Malformation and Ehlers-Danlos following chiropractic care to correct vertebral subluxation: A case study [case report]
Hock S
Kelly A
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2021(29:14): 1-9
Suicide prevention, public health, and the chiropractic profession: A call to action
Cupler ZA
Daniels CJ
Anderson DR
Anderson MT
Napuli JG
Tritt ME
Asia-Pac Chiropr J: 2021(1:4): 1-9
Hacking chiropractors [editorial]
Smith JC
J Chiropr Educ: Mar 2021(35:1): 1-7
Mechanical properties of a thoracic spine mannequin with variable stiffness control
Owens EF Jr
Hosek RS
Russell BS
J Chiropr Educ: Mar 2021(35:1): 22-27
Self-perceived evidence-based practice competencies: A survey of faculty and students at a chiropractic institution
Odhwani A
Sarkar PK
Giggleman G
Holmes MM
Pohlman KA
J Chiropr Educ: Mar 2021(35:1): 28-37
Educator's Learning Alignment Instrument (ELAI): A tool to assess aligned learning concepts within college courses
Vining RD
Millard T
J Chiropr Educ: Mar 2021(35:1): 50-58
Aromatherapy for test anxiety in chiropractic students: A feasibility study
Wells BM
Nightingale LM
Derby DC
Salsbury SA
Lawrence DJ
J Chiropr Educ: Mar 2021(35:1): 59-64
A survey of chiropractic students' perceived business preparedness at graduation
Sikorski DM
Wanlass PW
Kizhakkeveettil A
Tobias GS
J Chiropr Educ: Mar 2021(35:1): 72-79
An overview of the medical specialties most relevant to chiropractic practice and education
Austin-McClellan LE
Lisi AJ
J Chiropr Educ: Mar 2021(35:1): 116-123
Attitudes and behaviors of chiropractic interns toward occupational history taking
Madigan D
Quinlan-Ruof E
Cambron JA
Forst L
Zanoni J
Conroy LM
Patil CL
Friedman LS
J Chiropr Educ: Mar 2021(35:1): 131-138
Perceptions of Ontario chiropractors on business education in chiropractic schools
Ciolfi MA
Azad A
Al-Azdee M
Habib A
Lalla A
Moslehi M
Nguyen A
Panah BA
J Chiropr Educ: Mar 2021(35:1): 139-143
Evaluating a service-learning assignment in a doctor of chiropractic program public health course
Ward KL
Odierna DH
Smith M
J Chiropr Educ: Mar 2021(35:1): 144-148
A descriptive analysis of clinical application of patient-reported outcome measures and screening tools for low back pain patients in US chiropractic teaching institutions
Cooper JC
Gliedt JA
Pohlman KA
Ann Vert Sublux Res: Mar 2021(2021:): 24-35
Immunity & chiropractic clinical practice
McCoy M
Kent C
Stiles A
Kwon C
Haas A
Chung J
Shtulman I
Candelaria-Perez SM
Long C
Mills B
Gutierrez V
Ann Vert Sublux Res: Mar 2021(2021:): 24-28
Resolution of secondary amenorrhea & infertility with successful conception following chiropractic care to correct vertebral subluxation: A case study & review of mechanisms [case report]
Teets B
Jordon J
J Contemp Chiropr: 2021(4:1): 1-7
The effect of COVID phases on basic life support objective structured clinical examinations (OSCES) with chiropractic students
Murdock ME
J Contemp Chiropr: 2021(4:1): 8-11
Diagnosis of multiple sensory neuropathies via electrodiagnostic examination following a small animal bite [case report]
Vera LC
Thomas ST
Kingsley A
J Contemp Chiropr: 2021(4:1): 12-16
Rehabilitative principles in the management of hip pain in MMA patient: A case report
Buffamonte M
Kellner M
DiMond M
J Contemp Chiropr: 2021(4:1): 17-25
Medical radiologists may not consider the cervical lordosis in radiology reports: A comparison of subjective qualitative assessment versus objective quantitative mensuration in 100 consecutive patients at one medical imaging center
Oakley P
Sanchez L
Harrison D
J Contemp Chiropr: 2021(4:1): 26-34
Chiropractic and oral surgical co-management of acute anterior temporomandibular disc displacement without reduction due to sports-related trauma in a pediatric patient: A case study and review of the literature [case report]
Hughes F
J Contemp Chiropr: 2021(4:1): 35-39
Management of chronic low back pain in an 80-year-old female utilizing modified side-lying Cox Technic flexion distraction decompression: A case report
Siciliano T
Rogers C
Kruse R
J Contemp Chiropr: 2021(4:1): 40-44
Auriculotemporal neuralgia: A case report describing multimodal chiropractic intervention for resolution of symptoms [case report]
Olson H
Seaba K
Olson C
J Contemp Chiropr: 2021(4:1): 45-51
Chiropractic technique elective courses: A survey of faculty perceptions
Wanlass P
Dirks S
J Contemp Chiropr: 2021(4:1): 67-71
Emergency department referral to a hospital-based chiropractic clinic for a patient with chronic low back pain [case report]
Jordan MC
Hinkeldey N
J Contemp Chiropr: 2021(4:1): 79-82
Association between resting heart rate and grade point average
Kenya A
Hart J
Kenya H
J Contemp Chiropr: 2021(4:1): 99-106
Response of a patient with muscular dystrophy (MD) to chiropractic care [case report]
Kenya A
Vuyiya CK
J Contemp Chiropr: 2021(4:1): 83-91
Assessing conditions seen and services provided by Veterans Health Administration chiropractors: Comparing provider self-report with electronic health record data
Young BA
Lisi AJ
Halloran SM
Corcoran KL
J Contemp Chiropr: 2021(4:1): 107-111
Stage III posterior tibial tendonitis and dysfunction leading to acquired flat foot in a 49-year-old male [case report]
Poppen O
Feder P
Gorman C
J Contemp Chiropr: 2021(4:1): 92-98
Nutritional risk is associated with low back pain among older adults: Results from the UAB study of aging
King JA
Evans M
Besong BK
Chekere C
Leach R
Kennedy R
Brown C
Buys D
J Contemp Chiropr: 2021(4:1): 112-117
Sarcopenia: Causes, consequences and prevalence. Understanding an unmet clinical need: A literature review
Miller JA
J Contemp Chiropr: 2021(4:1): 118-127
Kinesiological preferences for pairs of listing-dependent manipulative setups among manual therapy students
Cooperstein R
Munoz Laguna J
J Contemp Chiropr: 2021(4:1): 128-137
Reducing ‘crooked’ lateral spine subluxation (global coronal imbalance) in 5 patients with degenerative disc disease in their 6th and 7th decade of life: A case series involving Chiropractic Biophysics© Technique
Woodham TJ
Fortner MO
Oakley PA
Harrison DE
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Feb 2021(44:2): 154-163
Perceptions of chiropractic care among women with migraine: A qualitative substudy using a grounded-theory framework
Connor JP
Bernstein C
Kilgore K
Rist PM
Osypiuk K
Kowalski M
Wayne PM
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2021(29:10): 1-14
Spinal manipulation and modulation of pain sensitivity in persistent low back pain: A secondary cluster analysis of a randomized trial
Glissmann Nim C
Weber KA
Kawchuk GN
O'Neill S
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jan 2021(44:1): 14-24
Correlation between central sensitization and remote muscle performance in individuals with chronic low back pain
Aoyagi K
Sharma NK
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jan 2021(44:1): 25-34
Effect of dry needling on spinal reflex excitability and postural control in individuals with chronic ankle instability
Mullins JF
Hoch MC
Kosik KB
Heebner NR
Gribble PA
Westgate PM
Nitz AJ
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2021(29:6): 1-8
Immediate impact of extremity manipulation on dual task performance: A randomized, crossover clinical trial
Malaya CA
Haworth J
Pohlman KA
Smith DL
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2021(29:5): 1-10
Chiropractic students’ cognitive dissonance to statements about professional identity, role, setting and future: International perspectives from a secondary analysis of pooled data
Swain MS
Gliedt JA
de Luca K
Newell D
Holmes M
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2021(29:7): 1-11
COVID-19: How has a global pandemic changed manual therapy technique education in chiropractic programs around the world?
de Luca K
McDonald M
Montgomery L
Sharp S
Young A
Vella S
Holmes MM
Aspinall S
Brousseau D
Burrell C
Byfield D
Dane D
Dewhurst P
Downie A
Engel R
Gleberzon B
Hollandsworth D
Molgaard Nielsen A
O'Connor L
Starmer D
Tunning M
Wanlass P
French SD
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Oct 2020(2020:): 63-67
Resolution of chronic temporomandibular disorder in a 36-year-ol female following chiropractic care: A case study [case report]
Paxton SW
Oppelt M
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Sep 2020(2020:): 39-49
Resolution of chronic migraines following Atlas Orthogonal chiropractic care: A case study and selective review of the literature [case report; review]
Sweat MH
Nemzou E
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Sep 2020(2020:): 50-57
Reduction of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis and improved cervical curve in a 12-year-old female undergoing orthogonal upper cervical chiropractic care: A case report and review of literature [case report; review]
Salminen B
Smith Z
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Aug 2020(2020:): 15-27
Resolution of food intolerances in a 24-year-old male undergoing Blair upper cervical chiropractic care: A case report and review of the literature [case report; review]
Herman C
Allen T
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Aug 2020(2020:): 28-38
Improvement in Meniere's disease following upper cervical chiropractic care: A case report and review of the literature [case report; review]
Malachowski T
Britt C
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Apr 2020(2020:): 8-14
Resolution of Meniere's disease in a 68-year-old female following upper cervical chiropractic to reduce atlas subluxation using Orthospinology technique: A case study and review of literature [case report; review]
Berner N
Steward T
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Feb 2020(2020:): 1-7
Resolution of laryngopharyngeal reflux in a 9-week-old infant following Kale specific upper cervical care: A case study and review of the literature [case report; review]
Esarco J
Alcantara Joel
Ann Vert Sublux Res: Feb 2020(2020:): 11-25
Improvement in symptoms and spinal alignment following the Pierce Results system in a patient with cervical radiculopathy & intervertebral disc derangement: A case study & review of the literature [case report; review]
Cunico C
Badiou M
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Dec 2020(2020:): 50-56
Resolution of obstetrical brachial plexus injury in a 5-month-old male following chiropractic to reduce vertebral subluxation: A case report and review of the literature [case report; review]
Rubin D
Drumheller K
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Nov 2020(2020:): 46-49
Resolution of gastroesophageal reflux disease, feeding difficulties, and sleep disturbances in an infant following chiropractic: A case report and review of literature [case report; review]
Parisi A
Bako S
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Oct 2020(2020:): 41-45
Resolution of abnormal pulse oximetry measured in real-time in a neonate with vertebral subluxation: A case report
Osuna A
Pérez A
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Sep 2020(2020:): 34-40
Resolution of vomiting, improved health outcomes and structural changes following chiropractic in two pediatric patients with pseudosubluxation: A case series [case report]
Hoying M
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Aug 2020(2020:): 26-33
Resolution of nocturnal enuresis, constipation, headaches, allergies and cold hands in a 6-year-old male following chiropractic for vertebral subluxation: Case study and review of the literature [case report; review]
Herring R
Wright D
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Jul 2020(2020:): 8-25
Resolution of severe gastroesophageal reflux disease, chronic constipation, sleep disturbance and developmental delays following chiropractic in an infant with birth trauma: A case report and selective review of the literature [case report; review]
Boman C
Allen J
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Jun 2020(2020:): 12-17
Resolution of breech presentation confirmed by ultrasound and successful vaginal birth following Webster Technique in a pregnant female: A case study and review of the literature [case report; review]
Stone-McCoy P
White B
J Chiropr Med: Dec 2020(19:4): 203-212
Agreement and reliability of Median Neurodynamic Test 1 and resting scapular position
Riley SP
Grimes JK
Calandra K
Foster K
Peet M
Walsh MT
J Chiropr Med: Dec 2020(19:4): 261
Response to letter to the editor, re CPEO-BVH case [letter]
Russell BS
Hosek RS
Hoiriis KT
Drake ED
J Chiropr Med: Sep 2020(19:3): 188-193
Active long-term care strategies in a group setting for chronic spine pain in 3
United States
military veterans: A case series [case report]
Gliedt JA
Campbell NJ
Daniels CJ
Mardian AS
J Chiropr Med: Sep 2020(19:3): 194-200
Treatment of psoriatic arthritis with acupuncture, turmeric (Curcuma longa), sarsaparilla (Smilax officinalis) and vitamin D: A case report
Martin BR
J Chiropr Med: Sep 2020(19:3): 201-202
An update to
A review of guidelines for the clinical laboratory diagnosis of Lyme disease
Miraglia CM
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Nov-Dec 2020(43:9): 845-854
Assessing adverse events after chiropractic care at a chiropractic teaching clinic: An active-surveillance pilot study
Pohlman KA
Funabashi M
Ndetan H
Hogg-Johnson S
Bodnar P
Kawchuk G
Nutr Perspect: Apr 2020(43:2): 13-16
Drug-induced nutrient deficiencies and proton pump inhibitors
Lafferty L
J Chiropr Med: Jun 2020(19:2): 101-110
Yoga vs stretching in veterans with chronic lower back pain and the role of mindfulness: A pilot randomized controlled trial
Rae L
Dougherty P
Evertz N
J Chiropr Med: Jun 2020(19:2): 119-127
Low-level laser light therapy dosage variables vs treatment efficacy of neuromusculoskeletal conditions: A scoping review
Taylor DN
Winfield T
Wynd S
J Chiropr Med: Jun 2020(19:2): 128-135
Radiographically occult manifestation of rheumatoid arthritis in a patient with prolonged clinical and laboratory evidence of rampant disease: A case report
Korvatko Y
Bogar WC
J Chiropr Med: Jun 2020(19:2): 145-151
Chiropractic care of a patient with complex regional pain syndrome type 1 (CRPS-1): A case report
Szynkowicz P
Petrucci A
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2020(34:2): 105-106
Peer review during the time of COVID-19: Challenges and peer-reviewer acknowledgements for 2019-2020 [editorial]
Green BN
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2020(34:2): 107-115
High-velocity, low-amplitude spinal manipulation training of prescribed forces and thrust duration: A pilot study
Zacariah SK
Vining RD
Gudavalli MR
Boesch RJ
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2020(34:2): 116-124
Facilitators and barriers to education for chiropractic students with visual impairment
Joshi S
Ray SL
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2020(34:2): 132-139
Admissions criteria as predictors of first-term success at a chiropractic institution
Long AN
Chen PD
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2020(34:2): 147-155
The influence of online review videos on gross anatomy course performance among doctor of chiropractic students
Zipay NM
Roecker CB
Derby DC
Nightingale LM
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2020(34:2): 156–163
Influence of cooking skills and nutritional training on dietary choices of incoming chiropractic students
Colton KK
Nightingale LM
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2020(34:2): 172-176
Designing a 21st century chiropractic educational program: A time for reflection, a time for action
Wiles MR
J Chiropr Med: Mar 2020(19:1): 9-20
Hand hygiene practices, attitudes, and microbial hand populations of practicing doctors of chiropractic
Miraglia CM
Mistler JM
Baird GL
J Chiropr Med: Mar 2020(19:1): 58-64
Effectiveness of fiber supplementation for constipation, weight loss, and supporting gastrointestinal function: A narrative review of meta-analyses [review]
McRae MP
J Chiropr Med: Mar 2020(19:1): 65-69
Cervical vertebral body erosion due to vascular abnormality: A case report
Melka HA
Rivera-Melo H
Jordan S
Hwang H
Whedon J
J Chiropr Med: Mar 2020(19:1): 91-95
Early-application extracorporeal shockwave therapy for plantar fasciitis in a chiropractic clinic: A case report
Tracy K
Slater JB
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Dec 2020(64:3): 227-236
Continuous moderate intensity versus discontinuous high intensity treadmill running on anterior cruciate ligament laxity and hamstrings flexibility in eumenorrheic women / [Course à intensité continue sur tapis roulant et course à forte intensité discontinue sur tapis roulant sur la laxité du ligament croisé antérieur et la souplesse des ischio-jambiers chez les femmes ayant des menstruations normales]
Landram MJ
Halligan MK
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Oct 2020(43:8): 753-759
Factors associated with posttraumatic stress disorder among veterans of recent wars receiving veterans affairs chiropractic care
Coleman BC
Corcoran KL
DeRycke EC
Bastian LA
Brandt CA
Haskell SG
Heapy AA
Lisi AJ
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Oct 2020(43:8): 760-767
Measurement of lumbar lordosis: A comparison of 2 alternatives to the Cobb angle
Russell BS
Muhlenkamp-Wermert KA
Hoiriis KT
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Sep 2020(43:7): 667-674
Implementation of the primary spine care model in a multi-clinician primary care setting: An observational cohort study
Whedon JM
Toler AWJ
Bezdjian S
Goehl JM
Russell R
Kazal LA
Nagare M
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Sep 2020(43:7): 714-731
Chiropractic care for adults with pregnancy-related low back, pelvic girdle pain, or combination pain: A systematic review
Weis CA
Pohlman K
Draper C
daSilva-Oolup S
Stuber K
Hawk C
J Chiropr Humanit: Dec 2020(27:): 1-10
Chiropractic Day: A historical review of a day worth celebrating
Johnson CD
J Chiropr Humanit: Dec 2020(27:): 11-20
Federal Employees’ Compensation Act and mandating the use of x-ray for chiropractic management of federal employees: An exploration of concerns and a call to action
Askew JJ
Kranz KC
Whalen WM
J Chiropr Humanit: Dec 2020(27:): 29-36
Full-coverage chiropractic in Medicare: A proposal to eliminate inequities, improve outcomes, and reduce health disparities without increasing overall program costs
Leach RA
J Chiropr Humanit: Dec 2020(27:): 37-58
Chiropractic in the
United States
Military Health System [MHS]: A 25th-anniversary celebration of the early years
Green BN
Gilford SR
Beacham RF
J Chiropr Humanit: Dec 2020(27:): 59-81
A vitalism ethos and the chiropractic health care paradigm
Thornhill JT
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2020(28:68): 1-7
Cost comparison of two approaches to chiropractic care for patients with acute and sub-acute low back pain care episodes: A cohort study
Whedon JM
Bezdjian S
Dennis P
Fischer V
Russell R
Chiropr J Aust: 2020(47:1): 1-3
Editor's note: Introduction to [
Chiropractic Journal of Australia
] volume 47 [editorial]
Rosner AL
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2020(28:65): 1-11
Misinformation, chiropractic, and the COVID-19 pandemic
Axén I
Bergström C
Bronson M
Côté P
Glissmann Nim C
Goncalves G
Herbert JJ
Hertel JA
Innes S
Larsen OK
Meyer AL
O'Neill S
Perle SM
Weber KA II
Young KJ
Leboeuf-Yde C
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jun 2020(43:5): 406-417
Effects of tibiofibular and ankle joint manipulation on hip strength and muscle activation
Lawrence MA
Raymond JT
Look AE
Woodard NM
Schicker CM
Swanson BT
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jun 2020(43:5): 457-468
Impact of extremity manipulation on postural sway characteristics: A preliminary, randomized crossover study
Malaya CA
Haworth J
Pohlman KA
Powell C
Smith DL
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jun 2020(43:5): 403.e1-403.e21
Response of practicing chiropractors during the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic: A descriptive report
Johnson CD
Green BN
Konarski-Hart KK
Hewitt EG
Napuli JG
Foshee WK
Brown JW
Kopansky-Giles D
Stuber KJ
Lerede C
Charlton ST
Field JR
Botelho MB
Da Silva KL
Tønner G
Yap TB
Gkolfinopoulos VS
Quintero G
Agaoglu MH
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jun 2020(43:5): 405.e1-405.e7
Response of chiropractic organizations to the COVID-19 pandemic: A descriptive report
Johnson CD
Little CS
Sterling TA
Gojkovich S
Boghosian K
Ciolfi MA
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jun 2020(43:5): 404.e1-404.e10
Rapid deployment of chiropractic telehealth at 2 worksite health centers in response to the COVID-19 pandemic: Observations from the field
Green BN
Pence TV
Kwan L
Rokicki-Parashar J
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2020(28:54): Online access only 15 p
Attitudes, beliefs, and practices among Swiss chiropractors regarding medication prescribing for musculoskeletal conditions: A national Q-methodology study
Emary PC
Oremus M
Houweling TAW
Wangler M
Akhtar-Danesh N
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2020(43:4): 267-275
Three-dimensional spinal position with and without manual distraction load increases spinal height
Hallur SS
Brismée JM
Sizer PS
Dierick F
Dewan BM
Thiry P
Sobczak S
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2020(43:4): 339-355
The effects of thrust joint manipulation on the resting and contraction thickness of transversus abdominis in patients with low back pain: A randomized control trial
Fosberg KK
Puentedura E
Schmitz B
Jain TK
Cleland JA
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2020(43:4): 356-370
The utilization of joint mobilization as part of a comprehensive program to manage carpal tunnel syndrome: A systematic review
Sault JD
Jayaseelan DJ
Mischke JJ
Post AA
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2020(28:50): Online access only 10 pages
Patient safety in chiropractic teaching programs: A mixed methods study
Pohlman KA
Salsbury SA
Funabashi M
Holmes MM
Mior S
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar-Apr 2020(43:3): 212-224
Measurement and analysis of biomechanical outcomes of chiropractic adjustment performance in chiropractic education and practice
Colloca CJ
Cunliffe C
Hegazy MA
Pinnock M
Hinrichs RN
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2020(28:52): Online access only 21 p
Taping for conditions of the musculoskeletal system: An evidence map review [review]
Cupler ZA
Alrwaily M
Polakowski E
Mathers KS
Schneider MJ
Chiropr Hist: Summer 2020(40:1): 41-51
Birth of a museum: The chiropractic museum at Life Chiropractic College West
Casey GC
Chiropr Hist: Summer 2020(40:1): 52-72
Failure to launch: B.J. Palmer's Chiropractors' Theological Society, an untested experiment in legal defense
Waters T
Wolfe JB
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Aug 2020(64:2): 155-157
Imaging Case Review. Fracture of an os peroneum [case report] / Revue de cas. Fracture de l’os péronier]
Fabbro ME
Bigness AR
Taylor JA
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Aug 2020(64:2): 119-130
Attitudes, beliefs, and practices regarding medication prescribing for musculoskeletal conditions: A protocol for a national Q-methodology study of Swiss chiropractors / [Attitudes, croyances et pratiques reliées à la prescription de médicaments pour traiter des affections musculosquelettiques : protocole d’une étude d’envergure nationale utilisant la méthodologie Q menée auprès de chiropraticiens suisses]
Emary PC
Oremus M
Houweling TAW
Wangler M
Akhtar-Danesh N
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Aug 2020(64:2): 139-143
Presumptive spondylogenic pruritus: A case study [case report] / [Prurit spondylogène présumé : étude de cas]
Faye LJ
Budgell BS
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2020(28:46): Online access only 9 p
Beliefs, perceptions and practices of chiropractors and patients about mitigation strategies for benign adverse events after spinal manipulation therapy
Funabashi M
Pohlman KA
Goldsworthy R
Lee A
Tibbles A
Mior S
Kawchuk G
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2020(28:43): Online access only 8 p
The prevalence of psychosocial related terminology in chiropractic program courses, chiropractic accreditation standards, and chiropractic examining board testing content in the
United States
Gliedt JA
Battaglia PJ
Holmes BD
J Clin Chiropr Pediatr: Jun 2020(19:1): 1619-1620
Is CBD appropriate for pediatric disorders?
Epstein EC
J Clin Chiropr Pediatr: Jun 2020(19:1): 1621-1628
Development of an outcome assessment instrument for suboptimal breastfeeding in infants with musculoskeletal dysfunction
Hawk C
Vallone S
Young J
Lavigne V
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2020(28:48): Online access only 3 p
More published full-time researchers, early career researchers, clinician-researchers and graduate students unite to call for actions against the pseudoscientific claim that chiropractic care boosts immunity [letter]
Côté P
Bussières A
Cassidy JD
Hartvigsen J
Kawchuk GN
Leboeuf-Yde C
Mior S
Schneider M
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2020(28:47): Online access only 13 p
Exploring supervised machine learning approaches to predicting Veterans Health Administration chiropractic service utilization
Coleman BC
Fodeh S
Lisi AJ
Goulet JL
Corcoran KL
Bathulapalli H
Brandt CA
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2020(28:44): Online access only 10 p
Guidance concerning chiropractic practice in response to COVID-19 in the U.S.: A summary of state regulators’ web-based information
Neff SM
Roecker CB
Okamoto CS
Holguin SL
Napuli JG
Mattox R
Hinkeldey NA
Paris DJ
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2020(28:29): Online access only 10 p
Management of patients with prior lumbar fusion: A cross-sectional survey of Veterans Affairs chiropractors’ attitudes, beliefs, and practices
Daniels CJ
Gliedt JA
Suri P
Bednarz EM
Lisi AJ
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Apr 2020(64:1): 16-31
“I stay in bed, sometimes all day.” A qualitative study exploring lived experiences of persons with disabling low back pain / [“Je reste au lit, parfois toute la journée.” Une étude qualitative visant à examiner l’expérience de personnes souffrant de lombalgies invalidantes]
Esson S-A
Côté P
Weaver R
Aartun E
Mior S
J Chiropr Educ: Mar 2020(34:1): 1-3
Chiropractic qualifying examinations:
Honoring the profession's commitment to society
Green BN
J Chiropr Educ: Mar 2020(34:1): 4-7
Comparison of first-year grade point average and national board scores between alternative admission track students in a chiropractic program who took or did not take preadmission science courses
Manrique CJ
Giggleman G
J Chiropr Educ: Mar 2020(34:1): 8-14
Scarlet letters: The association of alternative admissions track plan status with key programmatic outcomes in a chiropractic training program
Derby DC
Percuoco RE
Everetts A
J Chiropr Educ: Mar 2020(34:1): 15-30
An international stakeholder survey of the role of chiropractic qualifying examinations:
A qualitative analysis
Green BN
Johnson CD
Brown R
Korporaal C
Lawson D
Russell E
Fujikawa R
J Chiropr Educ: Mar 2020(34:1): 31-34
Current state and future directions of the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners
Ouzts NE Jr
Himelfarb I
Shotts BL
Gow AR
J Chiropr Educ: Mar 2020(34:1): 35-42
Score production and quantitative methods used by the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners for postexam analyses
Himelfarb I
Shotts BL
Tang N-E
Smith M
J Chiropr Educ: Mar 2020(34:1): 43-51
Variables associated with successful performance on the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners Part IV examination
Himelfarb I
Shotts BL
Hyland JK
Gow AR
J Chiropr Educ: Mar 2020(34:1): 52-67
The transition to digital presentation of the diagnostic imaging domain of the Part IV examination of the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners
Himelfarb I
Seron MA
Hyland JK
Gow AR
Tang N-E
Dukes M
Smith M
Fisher M
J Chiropr Educ: Mar 2020(34:1): 68-70
Revised methodology for the examinations of the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners:
Impact on institutions, faculty, and students
Wiles MR
Little CS
Mrozek JP
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2020(28:32): Online access only 9 p
Inter-examiner reliability of radiographic measurements from Open-mouth lateral bending cervical radiographs
Hariharan KV
Terhorst L
Maxwell MD
Bise CG
Timko MG
Schneider MJ
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2020(28:23): Online access only 13 p
Dry needling for spine related disorders: A scoping review
Funk MF
Frisina-Deyo AJ
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jan 2020(43:1): 32-42
Effects of kinesio taping on post-needling induced pain after dry needling of active trigger point in individuals with mechanical neck pain
Arias-Buria JL
Franco-Hidalgo-Chacón MM
Cleland JA
Palacios-Cena M
Fuensalida-Novo S
Fernández-de-las-Peñas C
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jan 2020(43:1): 43-49
Reliability of human lumbar facet joint degeneration severity assessed by magnetic resonance imaging
Little JW
Grieve T
Cantu J
Bogar WC
Heiser R
Miley H
Cramer GD
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2020(28:26): Online access only 4 p
Chiropractic students call for action against unsubstantiated claims
Plener J
Csiernik B
Bejarano G
Hjertstrand J
Goodall B
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2020(28:21): 1-5
A united statement of the global chiropractic research community against the pseudoscientific claim that chiropractic care boosts immunity
Côté P
Bussières A
Cassidy JD
Hartvigsen J
Kawchuk GN
Leboeuf-Yde C
Mior S
Schneider M
J Contemp Chiropr: 2020(3:1): 1-6
Resolution of vocal cord paralysis by treating a recurrent laryngeal nerve entrapment [case report]
Olson HM
Carlson D
J Contemp Chiropr: 2020(3:1): 7-13
The effect of spinal manipulation as complementary therapy for Parkinson’s disease symptomatology: A literature review
Norkus S
Ryan S
J Contemp Chiropr: 2020(3:1): 21-27
Cervical lordosis restoration for late whiplash syndrome alleviates chronic headaches 13-years after motor vehicle collision: A CBP® case report with a 1-year follow-up [case report]
Fortner MO
Oakley PA
Harrison DE
J Contemp Chiropr: 2020(3:1): 28-35
Is one cause of trigeminal neuralgia subluxation of craniocervical posture? [case report]
Berry RH
Oakley PA
Harrison DE
J Contemp Chiropr: 2020(3:1): 36-44
The neurobiological effect of anxiety and depression on memory in academic learning: A literature review
Kenya A
Vuyiya CK
J Contemp Chiropr: 2020(3:1): 45-50
Non-surgical reduction in anterior sagittal balance subluxation and improvement in overall posture in a geriatric suffering from low back pain and sciatica: A CBP® case report
Haas JW
Oakley PA
Harrison DE
J Contemp Chiropr: 2020(3:1): 51-56
Chiropractic multimodal treatment of a grade 2 quadriceps strain: A case report
Olson HM
Tunning M
Gholampour C
J Contemp Chiropr: 2020(3:1): 57-59
Low back pain with incidental teratoma [case report]
Murdock M
Norkus S
J Contemp Chiropr: 2020(3:1): 60-63
Chiropractic management of a veteran with low back pain previously managed by chronic opioid use: A case report
Price MR
Diana RM
Reed GM
Cole MR
J Contemp Chiropr: 2020(3:1): 64-74
Osteoporosis and osteopenia in premenopausal women: A review of risk factors and management considerations for the chiropractor
Halloran SM
Corcoran KL
Lisi AJ
J Contemp Chiropr: 2020(3:1): 75-79
Chiropractic management of a veteran with persistent post-surgical spinal pain, tapered from long-term opioid therapy: A case report
Cole MR
Reed GM
Diana RM
J Contemp Chiropr: 2020(3:1): 86-91
Innovation in a time of uncertainty: Opportunities for the utilization of hybrid services by chiropractors as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic
Rogers C
White B
D'Amico J
Penza C
J Contemp Chiropr: 2020(3:1): 92-100
Designing tests from question pools with efficiency, reliability, and integrity
Murdock M
Brenneman M
J Contemp Chiropr: 2020(3:1): 101-105
Review of the fundamental history, physical examination and diagnostic procedures in the assessment of cervical radiculopathy [review]
Miller JA
J Contemp Chiropr: 2020(3:1): 127-135
Protocol of a scoping review to map evidence and perform thematic analysis of research published by doctors of chiropractic at the Veterans Health Administration
Daniels CJ
Cupler ZA
Perrucci RM
Roybal MD
Anderson MT
Barbato MP
Walters SA
J Contemp Chiropr: 2020(3:1): 137-142
Correction of multilevel lumbar retrolistheses by non-surgical extension traction procedures in a patient with congenital fusion of L5-S1: A CBP case report with a 13-month follow-up [case report]
Oakley PA
Harrison DE
J Contemp Chiropr: 2020(3:1): 143-146
Chiropractic care and rehabilitation combined with myofascial release for a patient with a Harrington rod fusion of C7-T12: A case report
Hodges JR
Lucente M
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Mar 2020(2020:): 7- 11
Resolution of milk ejection reflex dysfunction & increased breastmilk supply following chiropractic adjustment in a nursing mother of twins: A case report and review of the literature [case report; review]
Baum A
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Feb 2020(2020:): 1-6
Resolution of failure to thrive following birth trauma in a 2-month old undergoing chiropractic care: A case study and review of the literature [case report; review]
Hirshowitz N
Fedorchuk C
Drummond D
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2020(28:10): Online access only 2 p
Response to the paper “Unraveling functional Neurology: An overview of all published documents by FR Carrick, including a critical review of research articles on its effect or benefit.” by Marine Demortier and Charlotte Leboeuf-Yde [letter]
Carrick FR
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2020(28:5): Online access only 9 p
Does manual therapy affect functional and biomechanical outcomes of a sit-to-stand task in a population with low back pain? A preliminary analysis
Carpino G
Tran S
Currie S
Enebo B
Davidson BS
Howarth SJ
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2020(28:1): Online access only 8 p
A case-series of patients with musculoskeletal conditions in an underserved community in Moca, Dominican Republic [case report]
da Silva-Oolup S
Nordin M
Stern P
Outerbridge G
Côté P
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Sep 2019(2019:): 56-62
Reduction of chronic trigeminal neuralgia following upper cervical specific chiropractic care: A case report and review of the literature [case report; review]
Cramer J
Persky A
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Aug 2019(2019:): 48-55
Improvement in post-concussion syndrome in two females using low-force upper cervical chiropractic care: A case series and review of the literature [case report; review]
Chung J
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Jul 2019(2019:): 42-27
Resolution of failure to thrive, GERD and infantile colic in a 3-month-old female following Kale Specific upper cervical chiropractic care: A case report and review of the literature [case report; review]
Esarco J
Alcantara Joel
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: May 2019(2019:): 36-41
Resolution of symptoms in a patient with Meniere's disease following upper cervical chiropractic care: A case report
Fraser J
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Apr 2019(2019:): 28-35
Resolution of Bell's palsy in a 69-year-old man following correction of upper cervical subluxation: A case report and review
Preece S
Alcantara Joel
J Chiropr Med: Dec 2019(18:4): 243-252
The impact of soft tissue techniques in the management of migraine headache: A randomized controlled trial
Rezaeian T
Mosallanezhad Z
Nourbakhsh MR
Ahmadi M
J Chiropr Med: Dec 2019(18:4): 286-298
Attitudes toward medication prescription rights: A survey of chiropractic students and faculty at D'Youville College
Emary PC
Lamont H
Taylor JA
J Chiropr Med: Dec 2019(18:4): 305-310
Clinical use of monolaurin as a dietary supplement: A review of the literature
Barker LA
Bakkum BW
Chapman C
J Chiropr Med: Dec 2019(18:4): 311-316
Management of lumbar radiculopathy associated with an extruded L4-L5 spondylolytic spondylolisthesis using flexion-distraction manipulation: A case study [case report]
Kruse RA
White BA
Gudavalli S
J Chiropr Med: Dec 2019(18:4): 317-320
Chronic high hamstring tendinopathy and sacroiliac segmental dysfunction in a mature tae kwon do athlete: A case study [case report]
Moore A
Sergent A
J Chiropr Med: Dec 2019(18:4): 321-326
Diagnostic ultrasonographic diagnosis of posttraumatic osteolysis of the distal clavicle in a 24-year-old bodybuilder: A case report with correlative radiographs and magnetic resonance imaging [case report]
Fergus MP
J Chiropr Med: Dec 2019(18:4): 335-342
Neural arch bone marrow edema and spondylolysis in adolescent cheerleaders: A case series [case report]
Ruff AN
Cornelson SM
Wells CB
Kettner NW
J Chiropr Med: Dec 2019(18:4): 343-347
Improved performance after gluteus complex activation in a CrossFit athlete presenting with knee pain [case report]
Shaw T
Sergent A
J Chiropr Med: Sep 2019(18:3): 213-218
Effort thrombosis in 2 athletes suspected of musculoskeletal injury [case report]
Mattox R
Trager RJ
Kettner NW
J Chiropr Med: Sep 2019(18:3): 219-224
Treatment of posttraumatic osteoarthritis secondary to a chronic plafond fracture: A case report
Bechert RE
J Chiropr Med: Sep 2019(18:3): 225-228
Cervical radiculopathy associated with shingles herpes zoster infection [case report]
Miller SC
Cox JM
Olding KJ
J Chiropr Med: Sep 2019(18:3): 236-241
Reduction of knee pain in a 45-year-old woman after pelvic manipulation and kinesiology taping: A case report
Bucek DW
Chiropr Hist: Winter 2019(39:2): 5-8
Osce P. Butters and a real riot [letter]
Waters T
Wolfe JB
Chiropr Hist: Winter 2019(39:2): 37-47
ΣΦΧ: A century of sisterhood
Callender A
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Nov 2019(42:9): 635-650
Best-practice recommendations for chiropractic management of patients with neck pain
Whalen W
Farabaugh RJ
Hawk C
Minkalis AL
Lauretti W
Crivelli LS
Wyatt L
Sheppard M
Walters SA
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Nov 2019(42:9): 651-664
Current evidence for diagnosis of common conditions causing low back pain: Systematic review and standardized terminology recommendations [systematic review]
Vining RD
Shannon ZK
Minkalis AL
Twist EJ
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Nov 2019(42:9): 665-676
Development of an evidence-based practical diagnostic checklist and corresponding clinical exam for low back pain
Vining RD
Minkalis AL
Shannon ZK
Twist EJ
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Nov 2019(42:9): 677-693
Development of a clinical decision aid for chiropractic management of common conditions causing low back pain in veterans: Results of a consensus process
Vining RD
Shannon ZK
Salsbury SA
Corber L
Minkalis AL
Goertz CM
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Dec 2019(2019:): 139-143
Resolution of low back and pelvic pain in a pregnant patient utilizing the Webster Technique: A case report and review of the literature [case report; review]
Snyder J
Alcantara Joel
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Nov 2019(2019:): 117-121
Resolution of back pain and sleep disturbance in a pregnant patient following chiropractic care using Webster Technique: A case report and review of literature [case report; review]
Porter M
Alcantara Joel
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Nov 2019(2019:): 129-133
Resolution of chronic gastroesophageal reflux disease and constipation in an infant following chiropractic to reduce vertebral subluxation: A case report and review of the literature [case report; review]
Bryant B
Alcantara Joel
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Nov 2019(2019:): 134-138
Resolution of breastfeeding difficulties following chiropractic in a neonate with birth trauma, plagiocephaly and edema from an asynclitic presentation: A case report
Hosaka K
Alcantara Joel
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Dec 2019(63:3): 154-161
Use of the Mulligan concept in the treatment of lateral ankle sprains in the active population: An exploratory prospective case series [case report] / [Utilisation du concept Mulligan dans le traitement des entorses latérales de la cheville dans la population active : Une série de cas exploratoires prospectifs]
Bianco L
Fermin S
Oates R
May J
J Chiropr Humanit: Dec 2019(26:): 1-2
X-ray use in chiropractic: Call for papers [editorial]
Johnson CD
J Chiropr Humanit: Dec 2019(26:): 19-30
Fighting injustice: A historical review of the National Chiropractic Antitrust Committee
Green BN
Johnson CD
J Chiropr Humanit: Dec 2019(26:): 53-59
Sexual orientation and gender identity in patients: How to navigate terminology in patient care
Lady SD
Burnham KD
J Chiropr Humanit: Dec 2019(26:): 31-52
Cost-efficiency and effectiveness of including doctors of chiropractic to offer treatment under Medicaid: A critical appraisal of Missouri inclusion of chiropractic under Missouri Medicaid
McGowan JR
Suiter L
J Chiropr Humanit: Dec 2019(26:): 60-74
Doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome: It is time for a questioning philosophy and theory-driven chiropractic research
Leach RA
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Oct 2019(42:8): 551-564
Optimized modeled myofascial release enhances wound healing in 3-dimensional bioengineered tendons: Key roles for fibroblast proliferation and collagen remodeling
Zein-Hammoud M
Standley PR
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2019(33:2): 100-105
A pilot study of the effect of force feedback training on students learning flexion-distraction chiropractic technique
Rowell RM
Gudavalli MR
Silverman S
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2019(33:2): 106-110
Influence of an educational review sheet on chiropractic students' evaluation and management coding performance: A randomized trial
Sergent A
Roecker CB
Cofano G
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2019(33:2): 125-132
Student and new graduate perception of hospital versus institutional clinic for clinical educational experience
Haworth NG
Jones LK
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2019(33:2): 133-139
Predicting stress and test anxiety among 1st-year chiropractic students
Zhang N
Henderson CNR
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2019(33:2): 140-144
Development of a student grading rubric and testing for interrater agreement in a doctor of chiropractic competency program
Ward K
Kinney K
Patania R
Savage L
Motley J
Smith M
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2019(33:2): 151-163
A primer on standardized testing: History, measurement, classical test theory, item response theory, and equating
Himelfarb I
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2019(27:64): Online access only 15 p
Knowledge of psychosocial factors associated with low back pain amongst health science students: A scoping review
Lewis KL
Battglia PJ
J Clin Chiropr Pediatr: Nov 2019(18:2): Online access only p 1582-1585
Resolution of unilateral breast-feeding preference and reflux in a 14-week-old infant with a preferred head position following chiropractic care: A case report
Beardsley K
J Clin Chiropr Pediatr: Nov 2019(18:2): Online access only p 1596-1599
Why aren’t chiropractic physicians treating more children with complex diagnoses? A commentary on documenting P.A.R.T. for diagnosing and treating special needs children
Epstein E
Grabowski JE
Dueñas R
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Oct 2019(2019:): 105-108
Improvement of plagiocephaly and improved health outcomes in three infants following chiropractic care to reduce vertebral subluxations: A case series [case report]
Hirshowitz N
Swenson S
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Oct 2019(2019:): 109-116
Improvement in sagittal lumbar alignment and posture in an asymptomatic 9-year-old child following reduction in vertebral subluxation using Chiropractic BioPhysics protocol: A case study and review of literature [case report; review]
Fedorchuk C
Lightstone D
Baca J
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Oct 2019(2019:): 122-128
Resolution of chronic constipation in a child undergoing chiropractic care to reduce vertebral subluxations: A case report and review of literature [case report; review]
Babinski K
Alcantara Joel
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Sep 2019(2019:): 109-112
Resolution of chronic, recurrent otitis media and avoidance of tympanostomy surgery following chiropractic in a three year old: A case report and review of literature [case report; review]
Lachowich TS
Alcantara Joel
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Aug 2019(2019:): 91-94
Trauma during pregnancy: Resolution of hip, pubic, and low back pain following chiropractic care in a pregnant woman: A case study and review of the literature [case report]
Marjerrison E
Alcantara Joel
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Aug 2019(2019:): 95-99
Resolution of adenotonsilar hypertrophy, associated sleep disordered breathing and avoidance of surgery following chiropractic care: A case study and review of the literature [case report]
Shtulman I
Collins C
Alcantara Joel
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Aug 2019(2019:): 100-104
Resolution of chronic constipation and dysautonomia in a three-year-old female following chiropractic care: A case report and review of the literature [case report]
Mercovich AP
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Jul 2019(2019:): 78-81
Resolution of torticollis, breastfeeding difficulties and cranial distortion in a twin infant undergoing chiropractic care for vertebral subluxation: A case report and review of the literature [case report]
Green S
Alcantara Joel
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Jul 2019(2019:): 82-86
Resolution of transverse lie presentation confirmed by ultrasound and successful VBAC in a pregnant woman undergoing chiropractic care for vertebral subluxation [case report]
Stone-McCoy P
McNeill S
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Jul 2019(2019:): 87-90
Resolution of sleep disorder in an infant undergoing chiropractic care: Case report and review of the literature [case report]
Porter M
Alcantara Joel
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2019(27:47): Online access only 7 p
The impact on anatomical landmark identification after an ultrasound-guided palpation intervention: A pilot study
Cho JC
Reckelhoff K
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2019(27:46): Online access only 9 p
Assessing attitudes of patient-centred care among students in international chiropractic educational programs: A cross-sectional survey
Hammerich K
Stuber K
Hogg-Johnson S
Abbas A
Harris M
Lauridsen HH
Lemeunier N
Maiers M
McCarthy P
Morales V
Myburgh C
Petrini V
Pohlman K
Mior S
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2019(27:44): Online access only 13 p
Promoting the use of self-management in patients with spine pain managed by chiropractors and chiropractic interns: Barriers and design of a theory-based knowledge translation intervention
Eilayyan O
Thomas A
Halle MC
Ahmed S
Tibbles AC
Jacobs C
Mior S
Davis C
Evans R
Schneider MJ
Owens H
Al Zoubi FM
Barnsley J
Long CR
Bussières A
Chiropr Econ: Oct 2019(65:16): 16-18, 20-28, 30-32
22nd Annual fees & reimbursements survey: Staying the course, where does your practice stand?
Payne AM
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2019(27:43): Online access only 11 p
Effectiveness of dry needling for improving pain and disability in adults with tension-type, cervicogenic, or migraine headaches: Protocol for a systematic review
Pourahmadi M
Mohseni-Bandpei MA
Keshtkar A
Koes BW
Fernández-de-las-Peñas C
Dommerholt J
Bahramian M
J Chiropr Med: Jun 2019(18:2): 115-126
Complementary medicine therapies that may assist with weight loss: A narrative review [review]
Martin BR
J Chiropr Med: Jun 2019(18:2): 139-143
Progression of diagnostic imaging findings of a patient with traumatic spondylolisthesis secondary to unilateral facet fractures: A case report
Tollefson LJ
J Chiropr Med: Jun 2019(18:2): 144-154
Chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia and bilateral vestibular hypofunction: Balance, gait, and eye movement before and after multimodal chiropractic care: A case study [case report]
Russell BS
Hosek RS
Hoiriis KT
Drake ED
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2019(27:41): Online access only 4 p
Spinal epidural hematoma in a patient on chronic anticoagulation therapy performing self-neck manipulation: A case report
Cooper J
Battaglia P
Reiter T
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jul 2019(42:6): 399-406
Retrospective review: Effectiveness of cervical proprioception retraining for dizziness after mild traumatic brain injury in a military population with abnormal cervical proprioception
Hammerle M
Swan AA
Nelson JT
Treleaven JM
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jul 2019(42:6): 416-424
Psychometric properties of pressure pain thresholds measured in 2 positions for adults with and without neck-shoulder pain and tenderness
Wang-Price S
Zafereo J
Brizzolara K
Mackin B
Lawson L
Seeger D
Lawson S
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jul 2019(42:6): 430-438
Assessing a novel method of calculation of the Cobb angle for scoliosis: Interexaminer reliability and student satisfaction
Caso ML
Clements JM
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jul 2019(42:6): 450-460
Differences in function and comorbidities between older adult users and nonusers of chiropractic and osteopathic manipulation: A cross-sectional analysis of the 2012 National Health Interview Survey
Forte ML
Maiers M
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jun 2019(42:5): 307-318
Researching the appropriateness of care in the complementary and integrative health professions Part 3: Designing instruments with patient input
Whitley MD
Coulter ID
Gery RW
Hays RD
Sherbourne C
Herman PM
Hilton LG
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jun 2019(42:5): 319-326
Researching the appropriateness of care in the complementary and integrative health professions Part 4: Putting practice back into evidence-based practice by recruiting clinics and patients
Coulter ID
Aliyev GR
Whitley MD
Kraus LS
Iyiewuare PO
Gery RW
Hilton LG
Herman PM
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jun 2019(42:5): 327-334
Researching the appropriateness of care in the complementary and integrative health professions Part 5: Using patient records: Selection, protection, and abstraction
Roth CP
Coulter ID
Kraus LS
Ryan GW
Jacob G
Marks JS
Hurwitz EL
Vernon H
Shekelle PG
Herman PM
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jun 2019(42:5): 335-342
Tactile perception of pressure and volitional thrust intensity modulate spinal manipulation dose characteristics
Passmore SR
Gelley GM
Malone Q
MacNeil BJ
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jun 2019(42:5): 343-352
In vivo measurement of the human lumbar spine using magnetic resonance imaging to ultrasound registration
Koo TK
Crews RL
Kwok WE
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2019(27:35): Online access only 18 p
The efficacy of muscle energy techniques in symptomatic and asymptomatic subjects: A systematic review
Thomas E
Cavallaro AR
Mani D
Bianco A
Palma A
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Aug 2019(63:2): Online access only p 64-79
Chiropractic integration within a community health centre: A cost description and partial analysis of cost-utility from the perspective of the institution / [Intégration des soins chiropratiques dans un centre de santé communautaire : Description des coûts et analyse partielle coût-utilité du point de vue de l’établissement]
Emary PC
Brown AL
Cameron DF
Pessoa AF
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Aug 2019(63:2): Online access only p 100-110
The effect of posture on neck proprioception and head/neck stabilization in asymptomatic participants / [Effet de la posture sur la proprioception du cou et la stabilisation tête/cou chez des participants asymptomatiques]
Smith DL
Haug MJ
Walsh MS
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2019(27:51): Online access only 2 p
Chiropractic: A bigger family than we might think [letter; comment]
Blum C
Leboeuf-Yde C
Innes SI
Young KJ
Kawchuk GN
Hartvigsen J
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2019(42:4): 237-246
System dynamics to investigate opioid use and chiropractic care for chronic musculoskeletal pain
McGregor M
Nielsen A
Chung C
Fillery MD
Wakeland W
Mior S
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2019(42:4): 247-253
Effect of kinesiology taping on upper torso mobility and shoulder pain and disability in US Masters National Championship swimmers: An exploratory study
Hanson JH
Ostrem JD
Davies BL
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2019(42:4): 284-294
Back muscle function in older women with age-related hyperkyphosis: A comparative study
Roghani T
Khalkhali Zavieh M
Talebian S
Akbarzadeh Baghban A
Katzman W
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2019(42:4): 295-305
Interprofessional attitudes and interdisciplinary practices for older adults with back pain among doctors of chiropractic: A descriptive survey
Salsbury SA
Vining RD
Hondras MA
Wallace RB
Lyons KJ
Killinger LZ
Goertz CM
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar-Apr 2019(42:3): 177-186
An exploratory analysis of gender as a potential modifier of treatment effect among patients in a randomized controlled trial of integrative acupuncture and spinal manipulation for low back pain [randomized controlled trial]
Kizhakkeveettil A
Rose KA
Kadar GE
Hurwitz EL
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar-Apr 2019(42:3): 187-194
Changes in spinal height after manual axial traction or side lying: A clinical measure of intervertebral disc hydration using stadiometry
Rubinic DM
Koo V
Dudley J
Owens SC
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar-Apr 2019(42:3): 203-209
Clinical outcomes in neurogenic claudication using a multimodal program for lumbar spinal stenosis: A study of 49 patients with prospective long-term follow-up
Chow NW
Southerst D
Wong JJ
Kopansky-Giles D
Ammendolia C
Chiropr Hist: Summer 2019(39:1): 14-20
Psychiropathy: The first ever legislation to authorize chiropractic practice, its author and his influence on B.J. Palmer and S.M. Langworthy
Waters T
Wolfe JB
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2019(27:28): Online access only 12 p
If I was more informed about what exactly they do: Perceptions of Botswana district hospital healthcare providers about World Spine Care
Chihambakwe M
O’Connor L
Orton PM
Hondras MA
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Jun 2019(2019:): 55-58
Resolution of low back pain and placenta previa following chiropractic care to reduce vertebral subluxation in a pregnant woman: A case report and review of literature
Urban WJ
Alcantara Joel
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Jun 2019(2019:): 59-62
Resolution of brachial plexus palsy from birth trauma following chiropractic care to reduce vertebral subluxation: A case report and review of the literature
Cooper K
Alcantara Joel
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Jun 2019(2019:): 63-70
Resolution of chronic headaches, improved sociability, health and physical behavior in a child with autism, ADHD and obsessive compulsive disorder following chiropractic care to reduce vertebral subluxation: A case report and review of literature
Stone LL
Alcantara Joel
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Jun 2019(2019:): 71-77
Resolution of inability to latch, breastfeed, excessively recessed jaw and plagiocephaly in a newborn undergoing chiropractic care: A case report and review of literature
Parker M
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: May 2019(2019:): 41-45
Resolution of headaches and enuresis in a child undergoing chiropractic care to reduce vertebral subluxations: A case report and review of literature
Mason TL
Alcantara Joel
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: May 2019(2019:): 46-54
Resolution of gastroesophageal reflux in an infant following chiropractic care to reduce vertebral subluxation: A case report and review of literature
Egan A
Alcantara Joel
J Chiropr Med: Mar 2019(18:1): 42-47
Survey of income comparison: General practice and sports certified doctors of chiropractic
Moreau WJ
Holder TH
Nabhan DC
J Chiropr Med: Mar 2019(18:1): 48-55
Unstable cervical spine fracture in a surfer presenting as concussion with associated low grade neck pain: A case report
Grannis GH
Hoang KQ
J Chiropr Med: Mar 2019(18:1): 56-60
Differentiating bilateral symptomatic hand osteoarthritis from rheumatoid arthritis using sonography when clinical and radiographic features are nonspecific: A case report
Lewis KL
Battaglia PJ
J Chiropr Med: Mar 2019(18:1): 61-66
Radiographic presentation of delayed diagnosis of Charcot foot in a 56-year-old patient with no reported history of diabetes: A case report
Korvatko Y
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2019(27:24): Online access only 10 p
Effect of active TENS versus de-tuned TENS on walking capacity in patients with lumbar spinal stenosis: A randomized controlled trial
Ammendolia C
Côté P
Raja Rampersaud Y
Southerst D
Schneider M
Ahmed A
Bombardier C
Hawker G
Budgell B
Chiropr Econ: May 2019(65:8): 18-35
22nd annual salary & expense survey: New opportunities ahead
Payne AM
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2019(27:32): Online access only 5 p
The research crisis in American institutions of complementary and integrative health: One proposed solution for chiropractic profession
Coulter ID
Herman PM
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Feb 2019(42:2): 96-103
Feasibility using Amazon Mechanical Turk for online surveys of attitudes and perceptions of chiropractic health care in the
United States
Wilson J
Wates RJ
Sandefur R
McDonald WP
Pfefer MT
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Feb 2019(42:2): 125-131
Relationship between hip extensor strength and back extensor length in patients with low back pain: A cross-sectional study
Arab AM
Soleimanifar M
Nourbakhsh MR
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Feb 2019(42:2): 132-140
Validity and reliability of standing posture measurements using a mobile application
Hopkins BB
Vehrs PR
Fellingham GW
George JD
Hager R
Ridge ST
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2019(27:21): Online access only 14 p
Spinal manipulative therapy and exercise for older adults with chronic low back pain: A randomized clinical trial
Schulz C
Evans R
Maiers M
Schulz K
Leininger B
Bronfort G
J Chiropr Educ: Mar 2019(33:1): 8-15
Obesity bias among preclinical and clinical chiropractic students and faculty at an integrative health care institution: A cross-sectional study
Kadar GE
Thompson HG
J Chiropr Educ: Mar 2019(33:1): 21-29
A comparison of student performance and satisfaction between a traditional and integrative approach to teaching an introductory radiology course on the extremities
Jarrett-Thelwell F
Burke JR
Poirier JN
Petrocco-Napuli KL
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jan 2019(42:1): 23-33
Impact of spinal manipulation on lower extremity motor control in lumbar spinal stenosis patients: A small-scale assessor-blind randomized clinical trial
Passmore SR
Johnson MG
Aloraini SM
Cooper S
Glazebrook CM
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jan 2019(42:1): 12-22
Unilateral and multiple cavitation sounds during lumbosacral spinal manipulation
Mourad F
Dunning J
Zingoni A
Iorio R
Butts R
Zacharko N
Fernández-de-las-Peñas C
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Apr 2019(63:1): Online access only p 18-25
Does a light pressure instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization technique modulate tactile discrimination and perceived pain in healthy individuals with DOMS [Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness]? / [Est-ce qu’une technique de mobilisation des tissus mous assistée par un instrument de pression légère (IASTM) module la discrimination tactile et la douleur perçue chez les individus en bonne santé présentant des courbatures?]
Cheatham SW
Kreiswirth E
Baker R
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Apr 2019(63:1): Online access only p 26-35
Would adopting a revised landmark rule for the spinal level of the iliac crests improve the accuracy of lumbar level identification? / [L’adoption d’une règle repère révisée pour le niveau spinal des crêtes iliaques permettrait-elle d’améliorer la précision du degré d’identification du niveau lombaire?]
Cooperstein R
Truong F
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Apr 2019(63:1): Online access only p 36-43
Comparison of chiropractic student lexicon at two educational institutions: A cross-sectional survey / [Comparaison du lexique des étudiants en chiropratique dans deux établissements d’enseignement : étude transversale]
Gleberzon BJ
Pohlman KA
Russell E
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Apr 2019(63:1): Online access only p 51-58
Pulse pressure findings following upper cervical care: A practice-based observational study / [Constatations relatives de la tension différentielle suite à des soins des hautes cervicales : une étude par observation fondée sur la pratique]
Kessinger R
Qualls T
Hart J
Dallies H
Anderson M
Wayland J
Bradshaw L
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Apr 2019(2019:): 28-35
Improvement in behavior, anxiety and pain following chiropractic care in a 9-year-old boy with Asperger's syndrome and anxiety disorder: Case report and review of the literature [case report, review]
Stone L
Alcantara Joel
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Apr 2019(2019:): 36-40
Resolution of symphysis pubic pain and dysfunction following chiropractic care in a pregnant patient: Case study and review of the literature [case report, review]
Shtulman I
Miller H
Alcantara Joel
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Mar 2019(2019:): 19-27
Resolution of breech presentations confirmed by ultrasound following chiropractic care using Webster Technique in five women: A case series [case report]
Mulcahy R
Mayo E
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Feb 2019(2019:): 11-18
Resolution of intention tremor following chiropractic in an infant with vertebral subluxation: A case study and selective review of the literature [case report, review]
Stone-McCoy P
Pogrelis ZC
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Jan 2019(2019:): 1-5
Resolution of chronic, recurrent bilateral ear infections following chiropractic care in a one-year-old infant: A case report and review of the literature [case report, review]
Sigmon P
Alcantara Joel
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Jan 2019(2019:): 6-10
Resolution of pediatric encopresis following chiropractic care to correct vertebral subluxation: A case study and review of the literature [case report, review]
Meeks S
Green T
Evans M
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Mar 2019(2019:): 11-18
Resolution of post-traumatic epilepsy, headaches & dizziness following upper cervical chiropractic care in a 19-year-old male: Case study & review of the literature [case report; review]
Null SA
Null LA
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Mar 2019(2019:): 19-27
Resolution of headaches & neck pain in a 59-year-old male with rheumatoid arthritis undergoing upper cervical chiropractic care: A case report
Slagel J
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Feb 2019(2019:): 1-10
Resolution of psychogenic non-epileptic seizures following chiropractic care: A case study & review of the literature [case report; review]
Friedman R
Puro S
J Contemp Chiropr: 2019(2:): 1-3
Drop foot: A case for enhanced patient outcomes when combining chiropractic and physical therapy interventions [case report]
Olson HM
Meeks H
McArthur T
Olson CM
J Contemp Chiropr: 2019(2:): 18-24
Concussion management in an adolescent football player using individualized rehabilitation along with spinal manipulation: A case report
McArthur T
Olson HM
J Contemp Chiropr: 2019(2:): 34-40
An exploratory study on the feasibility of a side-posture version of the Gillet test
Cooperstein R
Meanley R
J Contemp Chiropr: 2019(2:): 49-53
Complete resolution of carpal tunnel syndrome after relieving the ‘first crush’ in ‘double crush syndrome’ by improving the cervical spine posture: A CBP® case report
Breton PY
Oakley PA
Harrison DE
J Contemp Chiropr: 2019(2:): 54-59
Chiropractic and McKenzie Method assessment and treatment of a patient with a shoulder derangement mimicking adhesive capsulitis [case report]
Remsburg J
J Contemp Chiropr: 2019(2:): 103-108
Optimal level of heart rate variability for spinal adjustment: A case report
Hart J
J Contemp Chiropr: 2019(2:): 109-114
Resolution of chronic spine pain and improvement in quality of life following correction of posture in a 7-year old: A CBP® case report with follow-up [case report]
Fedorchuk CA
Oakley PA
Lightstone DF
Harrison DE
J Contemp Chiropr: 2019(2:): 115-122
Chiropractic Biophysics management of straight back syndrome and exertional dyspnea: A case report with follow-up
Fortner MO
Oakley PA
Harrison DE
J Contemp Chiropr: 2019(2:): 123-130
Management of carpal tunnel syndrome with conservative multimodal therapy: A prospective case series of outcomes with concurrent wrist and cervical manipulation [case report]
Taylor DN
J Contemp Chiropr: 2019(2:): 131-137
Cervical pseudo-scoliosis reduction and alleviation of dystonia symptoms using Chiropractic Biophysics® (CBP®) technique: A case report with a 1.5-year follow-up
Haas JW
Oakley PA
Harrison DE
J Contemp Chiropr: 2019(2:): 138-149
Merging health professions: Evidence for a possible chiropractic-medical merger
Rome PL
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2019(27:2): Online access only 10 p
Measuring biopsychosocial risk for back pain disability in chiropractic patients using the STarT back screening tool: A cross-sectional survey
Khan Y
Lawrence DJ
Vining R
Derby D
Ann Vert Sublux Res: Jul 2018(2018:): 130-134
Association of hypertension mortality rates with geographic concentrations of chiropractors and medical doctors in the U.S.
Hart J
Ann Vert Sublux Res: Mar 2018(2018:): 48-56
Radiogenic cancer risks from chiropractic X-rays are zero: 10 reasons to take routine radiographs in clinical practice
Oakley PA
Harrison DE
Ann Vert Sublux Res: Mar 2018(2018:): 57-67
Improved thyroid function following chiropractic care to reduce vertebral subluxation: A case report and review of the literature [case report; review]
Fuller D
Douts B
Ann Vert Sublux Res: Feb 2018(2018:): 23-28
T-test fundamentals and their relevance to researchers and field doctors
Ward J
Ann Vert Sublux Res: Jan 2018(2018:): 4-11
Resolution of Raynaud’s Phenomenon and improved cervical curve following chiropractic care to reduce vertebral subluxation using the Pierce Results System [case report]
Jaszewski E
Bolar R
Ann Vert Sublux Res: Jan 2018(2018:): 12-22
Reduction of idiopathic scoliosis and musculoskeletal complaints and improved state of well-being in a 21-year-old following chiropractic: A case study and review of the literature [case report; review]
Fox M
Holder JM
Tveitnes E
J Clin Chiropr Pediatr: Nov 2018(17:3): 1480-1484
Improvements in a three-year-old girl diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder following a trial of chiropractic care: A case report
Makela SK
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Dec 2018(2018:): 150-154
Autism and chiropractic: A selective review of literature [review]
Shreeve MW
Troxel AR
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Dec 2018(2018:): 155-160
Resolution of nocturnal enuresis, dysponesis and dysautonomia in a 17-year-old male following chiropractic care for vertebral subluxation [case report]
Shtulman I
Miller H
Alcantara Joel
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Dec 2018(2018:): 161-164
Resolution of chronic seizures in an infant undergoing chiropractic care for vertebral subluxation: A case report and review of the literature [case report, review]
McCauley N
J Chiropr Humanit: Dec 2018(25:): 1-5
Journal of Chiropractic Humanities
: A celebration of 25 volumes
Winterstein J
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Oct 2018(2018:): 33-45
Improved stability measured by posturography following upper cervical chiropractic care
Hosek R
Rectenwald R
Silverman J
Miller JA
Pierce S Sr
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Oct 2018(2018:): 46-53
Resolution of hot flashes in a 57-year-old female following upper cervical NUCCA care : A case report & review of literature [case report; review]
Slagel J
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Jul 2018(2018:): 26-32
Resolution of neck pain, upper extremity paresthesia & dysautonomia in a 46-year-old female with loss of cervical curve and spinal degeneration using Blair upper cervical technique: A case study & review of the literature [case report; review]
Herman C
Harris J
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Nov-Dec 2018(41:9): 725-733
Utilization of chiropractic care in US children and adolescents: A cross-sectional study of the 2012 National Health Interview Survey
Peng T
Chen B
Gabriel KP
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Nov-Dec 2018(41:9): 800-806
Researching the appropriateness of care in the complementary and integrative health professions: Part I
Coulter ID
Herman PM
Ryan GW
Hays RD
Hilton LG
Whitley MD
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Nov-Dec 2018(41:9): 807-813
Researching the appropriateness of care in the complementary and integrative health professions Part 2: What every researcher and practitioner should know about the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and practice-based research in the
United States
Iyiewuare PO
Coulter ID
Whitley MD
Herman PM
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: May 2018(2018:): 19-25
Resolution of neck pain and upper extremity paresthesia in a 28-year-old male following blair upper cervical chiropractic care to reduce vertebral subluxation: A case study and review of the literature [case report; review]
Herman C
Pitts M
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Apr 2018(2018:): 13-18
Reduction of seizures and self aggression following chiropractic care to reduce upper cervical subluxation in a 3-year-old male: A case study and review of the literature [case report; review]
Sigmon P
Hudson M
Alcantara Joel
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Feb 2018(2018:): 1-12
Resolution of Vasovagal Syncope (VVS) following upper cervical chiropractic care: A case study and review of the literature [case report; review]
Friedman R
Friedman A
J Chiropr Med: Dec 2018(17:4): 231-236
Vascular ultrasound measurements after atlas orthogonal chiropractic care in a patient with bow hunter syndrome [case report]
Rectenwald RJ
DeSimone CM
Sweat RW
J Chiropr Med: Dec 2018(17:4): 244-255
Assessment of resisted trunk rotation exercise with and without kiai double-pulse breathing technique on hockey shot velocity: A pilot study
Dagher G
Papuga MO
J Chiropr Med: Dec 2018(17:4): 256-263
A novel treatment combination for failed back surgery syndrome, with a 41-month follow-up: A retrospective case report [case report]
Maddalozzo GF
Aikenhead K
Sheth V
Perisic MN
J Chiropr Med: Dec 2018(17:4): 264-267
Treatment of a patient with central pain sensitization using graded motor imagery principles: A case report
Anderson B
Meyster V
J Chiropr Med: Dec 2018(17:4): 268-274
Treatment of a woman with glycyrrhiza glabra for acute sinusitis: A case report
Martin BR
Reshamwala G
Short M
J Chiropr Med: Dec 2018(17:4): 275-282
Retropharyngeal calcific tendonitis in a patient seeking chiropractic care for neck pain: A case report
Munson L
Funk MF
Perrault TA
J Chiropr Med: Dec 2018(17:4): 283-288
Neural mobilization in a 54-year-old woman with postoperative spinal adhesive arachnoiditis [case report]
Cornelson SM
Johnnie ED
Kettner NW
J Contemp Chiropr: 2018(1:1): 1-2
Why a new journal? Welcome to the
Journal of Contemporary Chiropractic
Lawrence DJ
J Contemp Chiropr: 2018(1:1): 3-8
Effects of aromatherapy on test anxiety in college students: A literature review
Wells B
Hopkins K
J Contemp Chiropr: 2018(1:1): 9-13
Patient disability: A case for the detrimental effects of patient education [case report]
Hinkeldey N
Peters J
J Contemp Chiropr: 2018(1:1): 9-19
Necessity for biomechanical evaluation of posture, alignment and subluxation. Part I. The 6 subluxation types that satisfy Nelson’s criterion for valid subluxation theory
Harrison DE
Oakley PA
J Contemp Chiropr: 2018(1:1): 20-25
To rest or not to rest: Chiropractic management strategies for juvenile osteochondrosis. A case series
Olson HM
Hinkeldey N
J Contemp Chiropr: 2018(1:1): 26-29
Chronic low back pain, PTSD, and depression: A case for using therapeutic neuroscience education and manual therapy to support engagement in psychological service [case report]
Hinkeldey N
Leonard J
McArthur T
J Contemp Chiropr: 2018(1:1): 30-35
Flexion/distraction in the treatment of dish in a patient with hip and groin pain [case report]
Borzone R
J Contemp Chiropr: 2018(1:1): 36-39
Resolution of medial femoral cutaneous nerve entrapment utilizing manual therapy and end-range loading: A case report
Hinkeldey N
McArthur T
Olson HM
J Contemp Chiropr: 2018(1:1): 40-44
Pudendal neuralgia: A case for multimodal chiropractic intervention [case report]
Percuoco K
Olson MM
McArthur T
Hinkeldey N
J Contemp Chiropr: 2018(1:1): 59-66
Reducing thoracic hyperkyphosis subluxation deformity: A systematic review of chiropractic biophysics methods employed in its structural improvement [systematic review]
Oakley PA
Harrison DE
J Acad Chiropr Orthoped (JACO): Mar 2018(15:1): 3-12
Management of low back and hip pain with leg weakness: Choosing the proper technique: A case report
Warnecke R
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Dec 2018(62:3): Online access only p 130-142
SafetyNET Community-based patient safety initiatives: Development and application of a Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Survey / [Projets d’étude sur la sécurité du patient de SafetyNET: élaboration et utilisation d’un sondage sur l’amélioration de la sécurité et de la qualité des services aux patients]
Funabashi M
Pohlman KA
Mior S
O’Beirne M
Westaway M
De Carvalho D
El-Bayoumi M
Haig B
Wade DJ
Thiel HW
Cassidy JD
Hurwitz EL
Kawchuk GN
Vohra S
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Dec 2018(62:3): Online access only p 143-148
Does interprofessional interaction influence physical therapy students’ attitudes toward chiropractic? / [Les échanges interprofessionnels influencent-ils l’attitude des étudiants en physiothérapie à l’égard de la chiropratique?]
Bond BM
Dehan J
Horacek M
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Dec 2018(62:3): Online access only p 161-169
Roller massage: Is the numeric pain rating scale a reliable measurement and can it direct individuals with no experience to a specific roller density? / [Automassage avec rouleau: l’échelle numérique d’évaluation de la douleur est-elle un instrument de mesure fiable et peut-elle aider les personnes sans expérience à choisir un rouleau de fermeté particulière?]
Cheatham SW
Stull KR
Kolber MJ
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2018(32:2): 84-89
Description of a change in teaching methods and comparison of quizzes versus midterms scores in a research methods course.
Sullivan SGB
Hoiriis KT
Paolucci L
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2018(32:2): 90-97
Comparison of student performance and perceptions of a traditional lecture course versus an inverted classroom format for clinical microbiology
Burnham KD
Mascenik J
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2018(32:2): 98-106
Analysis of immediate student outcomes following a change in gross anatomy laboratory teaching methodology
Afsharpour S
Gonsalves A
Hosek R
Partin E
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2018(32:2): 115-125
The identity, role, setting , and future of chiropractic practice: A survey of Australian and New Zealand chiropractic students
de Luca KE
Gliedt JA
Fernandez M
Kawchuk G
Swain MS
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2018(32:2): 126-130
The association between students taking elective courses in chiropractic technique and their anticipated chiropractic technique choices in future practice
Wanlass PW
Sikorski DM
Kizhakkeveettil A
Tobias GS
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2018(32:2): 131-140
An online catalog of muscle variants: Student perceptions of a new opportunity for self-directed learning
Bale LS
Herrin SO
Brandt NM
Enos NM
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2018(32:2): 145-151
A survey of chiropractic intern experiences learning and using an electronic health record system
Funk MF
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2018(32:2): 152-158
Development of a clinical skills remediation program for chiropractic students at a university
Lady SD
Takaki L
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2018(26:45): Online access only 11 p
Systems change to improve tobacco use identification and referral in the chiropractic setting: A pilot study
Buettner-Schmidt K
Maack B
Larson M
Orr M
Miller DR
Mills K
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Nov 2018(2018:): 145-149
Vaginal birth after caesarean (VBAC) with twins following chiropractic care: Case report and review of the literature [case report, review]
Spear M
Alcantara Joel
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Oct 2018(2018:): 138-144
Resolution of breech presentation and successful vaginal birth following the Webster Technique: A case study and selective review of the literature [case report, review]
Drobbin D
Zink L
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Sep 2018(2018:): 99-108
Improved cervical lordosis following chiropractic in an adolescent with chronic cervicogenic symptoms from a motor vehicle collision: A case report and review of the literature [case report, review]
Underhill ML
Oakley PA
Harrison DE
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Sep 2018(2018:): 109-111
Resolution of idiopathic toe walking and feeding difficulties in a 15-month-old child following chiropractic care to reduce vertebral subluxation [case report]
McNamara M
Alcantara Joel
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Sep 2018(2018:): 112-122
Resolution of chronic otitis media, improvements in hearing and avoidance of tympanostomy tubes in a 9½ year old boy undergoing chiropractic care [case report]
McWilliams S
Rose C
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Sep 2018(2018:): 123-137
Resolution of sensory processing disorder, sleep challenges, and speech delay in a child following chiropractic care to reduce vertebral subluxation: A case study and selective review of the literature [case report, review]
Hanson D
Rupp A
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Sep 2018(41:7): 551-560
Changes in cervicocephalic kinesthetic sensibility, widespread pressure pain sensitivity, and neck pain after cervical thrust manipulation in patients with chronic mechanical neck pain: A randomized clinical trial
García-Pérez-Juana D
Fernández-de-las-Peñas C
Arias-Buria JL
Cleland JA
Plaza-Manzano G
Ortega-Santiago R
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Sep 2018(41:7): 571-579
Interexaminer reliability of seated motion palpation for the stiffest spinal site
Holt K
Russell D
Cooperstein R
Young M
Sherson M
Haavik H
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2018(26:46): Online access only 8 p
Cost-effectiveness of spinal manipulation, exercise, and self-management for spinal pain using an individual participant data meta-analysis approach: A study protocol [randomized controlled trial]
Leininger B
Bronfort G
Evans R
Hodges J
Kuntz K
Nyman JA
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Aug 2018(2018:): 84-89
Resolution of infertility following chiropractic care: A case study and review of the literature [case report, review]
Warren R
Burris B
Alcantara Joel
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Aug 2018(2018:): 90-98
Health outcomes of pediatric patients undergoing chiropractic care since birth: A retrospective analysis
Stone-McCoy P
O'Brien S
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2018(26:40): Online access only 5 p
Post-infectious ankylosis of the cervical spine in an army veteran: A case report
Cupler ZA
Anderson MT
Stefanowicz ET
Warshel CD
J Clin Chiropr Pediatr: Jul 2018(17:2): Online access only p 1431-1440
Benign joint hypermobility — developing clinical significance
Fysh PN
J Clin Chiropr Pediatr: Jul 2018(17:2): Online access only p 1444-1448
Early intervention: Improvement in motor developmental speech delay in a 2-year-old male following chiropractic care: A case report
Dorough A
J Chiropr Med: Sep 2018(17:3): 201-205
Osteomyelitis of the thumb in a 21-year-old chiropractic patient: A case report
Bechert RE
Guebert GM
Chiropr Econ: Oct 2018(64:16): 28-34, 36, 38-40
Results from our 21st annual fees & reimbursements survey: Working together
Fell H
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Sep 2018(62:2): Online access only p. 85-97
Does the Gillet test assess sacroiliac motion or asymmetric one-legged stance strategies? / [Le test de Gillet permet-il d’évaluer la mobilité de l’aile iliaque par rapport au sacrum ou des stratégies d’adaptation musculaire pour le maintien de l’équilibre en position debout sur une jambe?]
Cooperstein R
Truong F
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2018(26:33): Online access only 6 p
Spinal epidural lipomatosis presenting to a U.S. Veterans Affairs pain and rehabilitation department: A report of two cases [case report]
Silcox KM
Daniels CJ
Bub GA
Wakefield PJ
Toombs JD
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2018(26:35): Online access only 11 p
Assessment of variability in traction interventions for patients with low back pain: A systematic review [systematic review]
Alrwaily M
Almutiri M
Schneider M
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jul-Aug 2018(41:6): 445-455
Characteristics of chiropractic patients being treated for chronic low back and neck pain
Herman PM
Kommareddi M
Sorbero ME
Rutter CM
Hays RD
Hilton LG
Ryan GW
Coulter ID
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jul-Aug 2018(41:6): 467-474
Variables describing individuals with improved pain and function with a primary complaint of low back pain: A secondary analysis
Burns SA
Cleland JA
Cook CE
Bade M
Rivett DA
Snodgrass S
Chiropr J Aust: 2018(46:2): Online access only p 134-150
Immediate influence of lumbar spine manipulation on pain, functional reach, static balance, and walking gait kinematics of individuals with acute low back pain
Ward J
Tyer K
Pourmoghaddam A
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jun 2018(41:5): 363-371
Motor neuron excitability attenuation as a sequel to lumbosacral manipulation in subacute low back pain patients and asymptomatic adults: A cross-sectional H-reflex study
Dishman JD
Burke JR
Dougherty P
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jun 2018(41:5): 383-388
Association between utilization of chiropractic services for treatment of low back pain and risk of adverse drug events
Whedon JM
Toler AWJ
Goehl JM
Kazal LA
J Chiropr Med: Jun 2018(17:2): 75-81
Infection control practices and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus skin infections: A survey of students in US chiropractic programs
Egan JT
J Chiropr Med: Jun 2018(17:2): 90-96
The benefits of dietary fiber intake on reducing the risk of cancer: An umbrella review of meta-analyses [review]
McRae MP
J Chiropr Med: Jun 2018(17:2): 97-105
Intervertebral disk nutrients and transport mechanisms in relation to disk degeneration: A narrative literature review [review]
De Geer CM
J Chiropr Med: Jun 2018(17:2): 106-116
Walking gait before and after chiropractic care following fifth metatarsal fractures: A single case kinetic and kinematic study [case report]
Russell BS
Hoiriis KT
Hosek RS
J Chiropr Med: Jun 2018(17:2): 117-120
Chiropractic management of a patient with chronic pain in a federally qualified health center: A case report
Mann DJ
Mattox R
J Chiropr Med: Jun 2018(17:2): 121-127
Metastatic cancer of the thoracic and lumbar spine presenting as mid- and low back pain in a long distance runner [case report]
Leri JP
J Chiropr Med: Jun 2018(17:2): 128-134
Post-traumatic scapholunate advanced collapse of the wrist: A case report
Ault DL
Mann DJ
Troutner AM
Kettner NW
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2018(26:26): Online access only 7 p
Chiropractic in global health and wellbeing: A white paper describing the public health agenda of the World Federation of Chiropractic
Maiers M
Agaoglu M
Brown R
Cassirer C
DaSilva K
Lystad RP
Mohammad S
Wong JJ
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2018(26:22): Online access only 3 p
Spontaneous cervical artery dissection: A fluoroquinolone induced connective tissue disorder?
Demetrious JS
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2018(26:24): Online access only 13 p
The prevalence of the term subluxation in chiropractic degree program curricula throughout the world
Funk MF
Frisina-Deyo AJ
Mirtz TA
Perle SM
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2018(26:29): Online access only 13 p
Be good, communicate, and collaborate
: A qualitative analysis of stakeholder perspectives on adding a chiropractor to the multidisciplinary rehabilitation team
Salsbury SA
Vining RD
Gosselin D
Goertz CM
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2018(26:21): Online access only 4 p
Biased online media coverage: Chiropractic and stroke in Google News
Al-Azdee M
Perle SM
He B
Chiropr Hist: Summer 2018(38:1): 24-63
The Palmer lyceum and homecoming: A century of celebration: 1914-2014
Hynes JR
Callender A
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2018(26:19): Online access only 8 p
Survey of chiropractic clinicians on self-reported knowledge and recognition of concussion injuries
Taylor DN
Wynd S
J Can Chiropr Assoc: May 2018(62:1): Online access only p 5-17
A systematic review of thrust manipulation combined with one conservative intervention for rotator cuff and related non-surgical shoulder conditions [systematic review] / [Revue systématique de la manipulation avec impulsion associée à une intervention conservatrice pour traiter les lésions de la coiffe des rotateurs et les lésions de l’épaule apparentées ne nécessitant pas d’intervention chirurgicale]
Minkalis AL
Vining RD
Long CR
Hawk C
de Luca K
J Can Chiropr Assoc: May 2018(62:1): Online access only p 18-25
Impacting public health by affecting individual health: A focus group study with chiropractic students after an international clinical experience / [Influer sur la santé publique en influant sur la santé de la personne : étude menée auprès d’un groupe de consultation composé d’étudiants en chiropratique après une expérience clinique à l’échelle internationale]
Boysen J
Salsbury SA
Lawrence DJ
J Can Chiropr Assoc: May 2018(62:1): Online access only p 42-55
Effect of whole body vibration on cervical (neck) proprioception in young, healthy individuals serving as their own control: A pilot study / [Étude pilote sur l’effet de la vibration transmise à l’ensemble du corps sur la proprioception cervicale chez des sujets jeunes en bonne santé, servant eux-mêmes de sujets témoins]
Morley J
Sikorski DM
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2018(41:4): 265-293
Spinal manipulative therapy and other conservative treatments for low back pain: A guideline from the Canadian Chiropractic Guideline Initiative
Bussières AE
Stewart G
Al-Zoubi F
Decina P
Descarreaux M
Haskett D
Hincapié C
Pagé I
Passmore S
Srbely J
Stupar M
Weisberg J
Ornelas J
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2018(41:4): 294-303
The association among overweight, obesity, and low back pain in U.S. adults: A cross-sectional study of the 2015 National Health Interview Survey
Peng T
Pérez A
Pettee Gabriel K
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2018(41:4): 332-341
Immediate effects of thoracic spine thrust manipulation on neurodynamic mobility
Hartstein AJ
Lievre AJ
Grimes JK
Hale SA
Chiropr Econ: May 2018(64:8): 26-28,30,32,34-36,38,40-44
Full steam ahead [21st annual salary & expense survey from
Chiropractic Economics
Fell H
J Chiropr Educ: Mar 2018(32:1): 3-9
Changes in adjustment force, speed, and direction factors in chiropractic students after 10 weeks undergoing standard technique training
Owens EF Jr
Russell BS
Hosek RS
Sullivan SGB
Dever LL
Mullin L
J Chiropr Educ: Mar 2018(32:1): 23-31
Training chiropractic students in weight management counseling using standardized patients
Hawk C
Ramcharan M
Kruger CL
J Chiropr Educ: Mar 2018(32:1): 32-35
Comparison of interactive video test performance to overall class performance in a biomechanics course
Bennett GS
J Chiropr Educ: Mar 2018(32:1): 43-49
A graphical clinical decision aid for managing imaging report information
Boysen JC
Shannon ZK
Khan YA
Wells BM
Vining RD
Chiropr J Aust: 2018(46:1): Online access only p 11-28
Pilot study survey attributes of chiropractic patients over 55 years of age
Ward J
Farrar K
Lopez R
Word K
Chiropr J Aust: 2018(46:1): Online access only p 29-47
Chiropractic management of three young athletes with concussion [case report]
Olson H
Tunning M
Lindholm S
Chiropr J Aust: 2018(46:1): Online access only p 92-99
Chiropractic treatment for fibromyalgia concussion [case report]
Chance M
Chiropr J Aust: 2018(46:1): Online access only p 100-117
Interexaminer reliability of a multidimensional battery of tests used to assess for vertebral subluxations
Holt K
Russell D
Cooperstein R
Young M
Sherson M
Haavik H
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar-Apr 2018(41:3): 175-180
Association among opioid use, treatment preferences, and perceptions of physician treatment recommendations in patients with neck and back pain
Weeks WB
Goertz CM
Long CR
Meeker WC
Marchiori DM
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2018(26:9): Online access only 11 p
Outcomes indicators and a risk classification system for spinal manipulation under anesthesia: A narrative review and proposal
Digiorgi D
Cerf JL
Bowerman DS
J Chiropr Med: Mar 2018(17:1): 1-6
Relationship between radiographic lumbosacral spine mensuration and chronic low back pain intensity: A cross-sectional study
Shortz SK
Haas M
J Chiropr Med: Mar 2018(17:1): 7-15
Lower body strength-training versus proprioceptive exercises on vertical jump capacity: A feasibility study
Son C
Stewart A
Ward J
Farrar K
J Chiropr Med: Mar 2018(17:1): 16-21
A preliminary study of chiropractors' beliefs about biomedical and biopsychosocial pain: A survey of University of Western States alumni
Lady SD
Haas M
Takagi R
Takaki L
J Chiropr Med: Mar 2018(17:1): 44-53
Dietary fiber intake and type 2 diabetes mellitus: An umbrella review of meta-analyses [review]
McRae MP
J Chiropr Med: Mar 2018(17:1): 54-62
Cytokine involvement in biological inflammation related to degenerative disorders of the intervertebral disk: A narrative review [review]
De Geer CM
J Chiropr Med: Mar 2018(17:1): 63-67
Rehabilitation of tibial plateau fracture following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: A case report
Rabatsky A
Lockenour JD
J Chiropr Med: Mar 2018(17:1): 68-71
Isolated Stedia process fracture of talus: A case study [case report]
Moore WL III
Harger BL
J Chiropr Med: Mar 2018(17:1): 72-74
Exercise therapy for a patient with Parkinson disease and back pain: A case report [case report]
Rosarion CL
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Feb 2018(41:2): 129-136
Relationship between proprioception and endurance functionality of the cervical flexor muscles in chronic neck pain and asymptomatic participants
Ghamkhar L
Kahlaee AH
Nourbakhsh MR
Ahmadi A
Arab AM
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Feb 2018(41:2): 137-148
Chiropractic integrated care pathway for low back pain in veterans: Results of a Delphi consensus process
Lisi AJ
Salsbury SA
Hawk C
Vining RD
Wallace RB
Branson R
Long CR
Burgo-Black AL
Goertz CM
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Feb 2018(41:2): 149-155
Integration of doctors of chiropractic into private sector health care facilities in the
United States
: A descriptive survey
Salsbury SA
Goertz CM
Twist EJ
Lisi AJ
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Feb 2018(41:2): 156-163
Criteria to screen for traumatic cervical spine instability: A consensus of chiropractic radiologists
Dion S
Stupar M
Côté P
Grenier J-M
Taylor JA
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2018(26:5): Online access only 6 p
Leadership and capacity building in international chiropractic research: Introducing the Chiropractic Academy for Research Leadership (CARL)
Adams J
Kawchuk G
Breen A
De Carvalho D
Eklund A
Fernandez M
Funabashi M
Holmes MM
Johansson MS
de Luca K
Moore C
Pagé I
Pohlman KA
Swain MS
Wong AYL
Hartvigsen J
J Acad Chiropr Orthoped (JACO): Dec 2017(14:4): Online access only p 60-63
Retrosomatic cleft: A radiology review [case report]
Woods JD
J Acad Chiropr Orthoped (JACO): Dec 2017(14:4): Online access only p 3-42
An evidence-based approach to the orthopedic physical exam: Part 4: The lower extremity
Roecker CB
Livingway EF
Jipp Z
J Acad Chiropr Orthoped (JACO): Dec 2017(14:4): Online access only p 43-49
Resolution of post-surgical low back pain in a patient with chronic cauda equina syndrome: A case study
Paris DJ
Schielke AL
J Acad Chiropr Orthoped (JACO): Sep 2017(14:3): Online access only p 3-9
Chiropractic management of non-cardiac chest pain and posterior rib misalignment: A case report
Hagen CM
Hartman JA
J Acad Chiropr Orthoped (JACO): Sep 2017(14:3): Online access only p 10-35
An evidence-based approach to the orthopedic physical exam: Part 3: The head, neck, and thoracic spine
Roecker CB
Okamoto CS
J Acad Chiropr Orthoped (JACO): Sep 2017(14:3): Online access only p 36-41
Chiropractic management of low back pain and testicle pain: A case report
Neff SM
Warnecke R
J Acad Chiropr Orthoped (JACO): Jun 2017(14:2): Online access only p 21-31
Chiropractic management of cervicalgia in a patient with diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis utilizing Cox Manual Cervical Distraction: A case report
Kruse RA
Okamoto CS
J Acad Chiropr Orthoped (JACO): Jun 2017(14:2): Online access only p 32-37
Abdominal aortic aneurysm and spinal manipulation, an absolute contraindication? A review of the literature
Sergent A
Bowyer H
J Acad Chiropr Orthoped (JACO): Jun 2017(14:2): Online access only p 3-20
Benign lower thoracic intradural schwannoma compressing the conus medullaris and mimicking thoracolumbar myofascial trigger point pain: A case report
Roecker CB
Anzalone GA
Okamoto CS
Roes MJ
J Acad Chiropr Orthoped (JACO): Mar 2017(14:1): Online access only p 25-29
Management of Iselin’s disease in an 11-year-old female soccer player: A case report
Brandt RJ
J Acad Chiropr Orthoped (JACO): Mar 2017(14:1): Online access only p 30-36
Atypical presentation of a migraine in a chiropractic clinic: A case report
Neff SM
Garcia BC
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Dec 2017(61:3): Online access only p 196–206
World Spine Care: Providing sustainable, integrated, evidence-based spine care in underserved communities around the world / [World Spine Care : comment fournir des soins de la colonne vertébrale durables, intégrés et fondés sur des données probantes dans des collectivités non desservies dans le monde]
Outerbridge G
Eberspaecher S
Haldeman S
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Dec 2017(61:3): Online access only p 212–217
Commentary: Our future in the hands of Millennials / [Notre avenir est entre les mains de la génération du millénaire]
Maiers M
Chiropr J Aust: 2017(45:4): Online access only p 288-303
Case series of symptomatology compression rates of chiropractic patients with acute low back pain at 2-weeks and 4-weeks
Ward J
Tyer K
Coats J
Pumodhaddam A
Amonette W
Chiropr J Aust: 2017(45:4): Online access only p 304-323
A historical perspective on network spinal analysis care: A unique insight into the spine’s role in health and wellbeing
Senzon S
Epstein D
Lemberger D
Chiropr J Aust: 2017(45:4): Online access only p 324-337
The care of a pregnant patient with triplets: A chiropractor’s experience [case report]
Edwards J
Alcantara Joel
Chiropr J Aust: 2017(45:4): Online access only p 338-358
Sustained improvement of heart rate variability in patients undergoing a program of chiropractic care: A retrospective case series [case report]
Haas AL
Russell D
Chiropr J Aust: 2017(45:4): Online access only p 368-376
Positive outcome with Tourette syndrome and chronic tic disorder following chiropractic intervention: A Chiropractic Biophysics® (CBP) case report with a 13-year follow-up [case report]
Oakley PA
Harrison DE
Haas JW
Listenma SK
Chiropr Hist: Winter 2017(37:2): 72-74
The thirty-seventh annual conference of the Association for the History of Chiropractic Life College of Chiropractic - West, Hayward, California, 10 June 2017]
Hynes RJR
J Chiropr Humanit: Dec 2017(24:1): 24-30
Culturally sensitive chiropractic care of the transgender community: A narrative review of the literature [review]
Maiers MJ
Foshee WK
Henson Dunlap H
J Chiropr Humanit: Dec 2017(24:1): 31-40
A literature review of electronic health records in chiropractic practice: Common challenges and solutions [review]
Taylor DN
J Chiropr Humanit: Dec 2017(24:1): 41-43
Thriving for 110 Years: National’s philosophy of collaboration and integration [addresses]
Dougherty KJ
J Chiropr Med: Dec 2017(16:4): 271-278
Immediate effect of lumbar mobilization on activity of erector spinae and lumbar multifidus muscles
Mehyar F
Santos M
Wilson SE
Staggs VS
Sharma NK
J Chiropr Med: Dec 2017(16:4): 289-299
Dietary fiber is beneficial for the prevention of cardiovascular disease: An umbrella review of meta-analyses [review]
McRae MP
J Chiropr Med: Dec 2017(16:4): 300-307
Chiropractic care in the management of inactive ankylosing spondylitis: A case series [case report]
Cornelson SM
Beavers D
Harvey A
Hogarth W
Kettner NW
J Chiropr Med: Dec 2017(16:4): 308-315
Conservative management of possible meniscal derangement using the Mulligan concept: A case report
Sanchez BJ
Baker RT
J Chiropr Med: Dec 2017(16:4): 324-330
A case report of osteochondritis dissecans in a rare location: The lateral femoral trochlea [case report]
Villafañe F
Holloway N
Kettner N
J Chiropr Med: Dec 2017(16:4): 331-339
Rehabilitative principles in the management of thoracolumbar syndrome: A case report
DiMond ME
J Chiropr Med: Dec 2017(16:4): 340-345
Chiropractic management using multimodal therapies on 2 pediatric patients with constipation [case report]
Iyer MM
Skokos E
Piombo D
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Nov-Dec 2017(40:9): 668-675
Functional limitations in adults who utilize chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation in the
United States
: Analysis of the 2012 National Health Interview Survey
Forte ML
Maiers M
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2017(31:2): 89
Peer reviewer acknowledgements [
Journal of Chiropractic Education
; editorial]
Green BN
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2017(31:2): 96-101
Requiring students to justify answer changes during collaborative testing may be necessary for improved academic performance
Zhang N
Henderson CNR
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2017(31:2): 102-108
Building a chiropractic academy of educators: A needs assessment of selected faculty educators
Tunning MJ
Derby DC
Krell-Mares KA
Barber MR
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2017(31:2): 125-131
Tumor imaging instruction and assessment at chiropractic colleges in North America: A pilot study with implications for National Board of Chiropractic Examiners content
Linaker KL
Arpin SA
Fischer CP
Sackett M
Georger L
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2017(31:2): 140-163
Essential literature for the chiropractic profession: Results and implementation challenges from a survey of international chiropractic faculty
Mansholt BA
Salsbury SA
Corber L
Stites JS
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Summer 2017(2017:3): 31-39
Resolution of anosmia and other symptoms in a patient with a primary central nervous system tumor following upper cervical chiropractic care [case report]
Ball R
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Summer 2017(2017:3): 40-44
Resolution of vision loss in a teenage girl following upper cervical chiropractic care: A case study & review of the literature [case report]
Saffron B
Murdock B
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Summer 2017(2017:3): 45-48
Improvement in posture, balance & gait in a child with autism spectrum disorder following Grostic upper cervical chiropractic care: A case report
Scroggin K
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Summer 2017(2017:3): 49-57
Chiropractic management of a patient with metastatic melanoma and upper cervical subluxation [case report]
Eberlein EK
Humber K Jr
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Summer 2017(2017:3): 58-64
Resolution of cervicalgia secondary to spinal stenosis following Blair Upper Cervical Technique: A case study & review of the literature [case report; review]
Herman C
Rallings A
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Spring 2017(2017:2): 22-30
Improvement in Parkinson’s disease symptoms following upper cervical chiropractic care: A case study & selective review of the literature [case report; review]
Friedman R
Powers S
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Spring 2017(2017:2): 12-21
Resolution of symptoms from Arnold-Chiari malformation in a 6-year-old male following reduction of vertebral subluxation with Knee-Chest upper cervical care: Case report & selective review of the literature [case report; review]
Drury R
O'Keefe C
J Chiropr Med: Sep 2017(16:3): 183-188
On-site chiropractic care as an employee benefit: A single-location case study [case report]
Minicozzi SJ
Russell BS
J Chiropr Med: Sep 2017(16:3): 204-210
A proposed mathematical method to quantify y-axis pelvic rotation on the anteroposterior radiograph
Coleman RR
Lopes MA
Lopes DA
J Chiropr Med: Sep 2017(16:3): 230-235
A young female athlete with acute low back pain caused by stage IV breast cancer [case report]
Kahn EA
J Chiropr Med: Sep 2017(16:3): 236-241
Redundant nerve root pain in a patient with chronic lumbar degenerative canal stenosis [case report]
Villafañe FE
Harvey A
Kettner N
J Chiropr Med: Sep 2017(16:3): 242-245
Thoracic schwannoma in an adult male presenting with thoracic pain: A case report
Rodgers AM
Khauv KB
J Chiropr Med: Sep 2017(16:3): 246-251
Thoracic spondylodiscitis epidural abscess in an afebrile navy veteran: A case report
Cupler ZA
Anderson MT
Stancik TJ
J Chiropr Med: Sep 2017(16:3): 252-256
Conservative care of pediatric acquired torticollis: A report of 2 cases [case report]
Young MD
Young JL
Chiropr Econ: Oct 2017(63:16): 36-42, 44, 46, 48, 50
Our 20th annual fees & reimbursements survey: Cleared for lift-off
Fell H
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Aug 2017(61:2): Online access only p 106–120
Systematic review and meta-analyses of the difference between the spinal level of the palpated and imaged iliac crests [systematic review] / [Examen systématique et méta-analyses de la différence entre le niveau rachidien des crêtes iliaques palpées et imagées]
Cooperstein R
Truong F
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Aug 2017(61:2): Online access only p 145–152
Perianal abscess mimicking levator ani syndrome: A case report and approach to the differential diagnosis of anorectal pain [case report] / [Abcès périanal qui imite le syndrome du muscle élévateur de l’anus : étude de cas et approche concernant le diagnostic différentiel de douleur ano-rectale]
Mastragostino P
Lee AD
Battaglia PJ
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Aug 2017(61:2): Online access only p 162–166
High-grade spondylolytic spondylolisthesis [case report] / [Spondylolisthésis spondylolytique de haut degré]
Emary PC
Eberspaecher SA
Taylor JA
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Aug 2017(61:2): Online access only p 167–170
A rare case of Eagle syndrome and diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis in the cervical spine [case report] / [Un cas rare de syndrome d’Eagle et d’hyperostose squelettique idiopathique diffuse du rachis cervical]
Emary PC
Dornink M
Taylor JA
Chiropr Hist: Summer 2017(37:1): 31-40
Palmer's West Hall: Past, present and future
Bovee B
Chiropr Hist: Summer 2017(37:1): 52-72
A survey of chiropractic in early twentieth century alternative health journals
Wiese GC
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2017(25:16): Online access only 9 p
The biopsychosocial model and chiropractic: A commentary with recommendations for the chiropractic profession
Gliedt JA
Schneider MJ
Evans MW
King JA
Eubanks JE
Chiropr Econ: May 2017(63:8): 36-38, 40, 42, 44-46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58
Back on track [20th annual salary & expense survey from
Chiropractic Economics
Nighbor C
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2017(25:11): Online access only 11 p
The STarT back tool in chiropractic practice: A narrative review
Khan Y
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Winter 2017(2017:1): 8-11
Resolution of seizures & improvement in quality of life in a 22-year-old female with epilepsy following upper cervical chiropractic care [case report]
Hartenburg M
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Winter 2017(2017:1): 1-7
Resolution of symptoms in a patient suffering from Meniere’s disease following specific upper cervical chiropractic care: A case study & review of literature [case report; review]
Chung J
O’Connell C
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Mar 2017(61:1): Online access only p 53-64
Selecting and training opinion leaders and best practice collaborators: Experience from the Canadian Chiropractic Guideline Initiative (CCGI)
Bussières AE
Maiers M
Grondin D
Brockhusen S
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2017(25:5): Online access only 7 p
Chiropractic management of post spinal cord stimulator spine pain: A case report
Perrucci RM
Coulis CM
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2017(25:3): Online access only 7 p
The relationship between chiropractor required and current level of business knowledge
Ciolfi MA
Kasen PA
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2017(25:7): Online access only 15 p
A treatise for a new philosophy of chiropractic medicine
Mirtz TA
J Acad Chiropr Orthoped (JACO): Dec 2016(13:2): Online access only p 2-19
An evidence-based approach to the orthopedic physical exam. Part1: The lumbopelvic spine
Roecker CB
Warnecke R
J Acad Chiropr Orthoped (JACO): Dec 2016(13:2): Online access only p 20-27
Improvement in functional constipation while under chiropractic care in a pediatric patient with primary vesicoureteral reflux: A case report
Barber VA
Carfora JM
Wicks TA
J Acad Chiropr Orthoped (JACO): Dec 2016(13:2): Online access only p 28-40
Physician & physician assistant attitudes and referral habits concerning chiropractic
Neff SM
Jordan RJ
J Acad Chiropr Orthoped (JACO): Dec 2016(13:2): Online access only p 41-48
Outcome measures in chronic migraine management: Clinical use and potential cost savings: A case study
Hinkeldey N
Percuoco K
Tunning M
Johnson N
Hinrichs L
J Acad Chiropr Orthoped (JACO): Sep 2016(13:1): Online access only p 2-7
Chiropractic management of a patient with chronic post-surgical neck pain: A case report
Neff SM
Schielke AL
J Acad Chiropr Orthoped (JACO): Sep 2016(13:1): Online access only p 8-13
Leg length inequality as a cause of functional scoliosis in a patient following a total hip replacement [case report]
Hinkeldey NA
Morgan WE
J Acad Chiropr Orthoped (JACO): Sep 2016(13:1): Online access only p 24-27
Case presentation: 64 year old female with right shoulder pain
Yochum AM
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Fall 2016(2016:4): 44-52
Resolution of Trigeminal Neuralgia following upper cervical chiropractic care using Quantum Spinal Mechanics 3 (QSM3) [case report]
Friedman A
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Summer 2016(2016:3): 24-30
Resolution of low back pain in an 8-year-old following Blair upper cervical chiropractic care: A case report
Herman CA
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Summer 2016(2016:3): 31-43
Female infertility and upper cervical chiropractic care: A case series [case report]
Stenberg J
Hilpisch J
J Philos Princ Pract Chiropr: 2016(2016:1): Online access only p 3-10
A review and analysis of the Office of Inspector General’s report:
Inappropriate Medicare Payments for Chiropractic Services May 2009
McCoy M
J Chiropr Humanit: Dec 2016(23:1): Online access only p 29-34
Chiropractic identity in the
United States
: Wisdom, courage, and strength
Good CJ
Chiropr J Aust: 2016(44:4): Online access only p 290-302
A proposed bioethics curriculum for chiropractic colleges
Kinsinger FS
Lawrence DJ
Chiropr J Aust: 2016(44:3): Online access only p 254-264
Impact of unionization on faculty resistance to change, justice, trust, conflict, and climate for innovation
Weinert D
Derby D
Paustian K
J Chiropr Med: Dec 2016(15:4): 272-280
A review of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's guidelines for the clinical laboratory diagnosis of Lyme disease [review]
Miraglia CM
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Oct 2016(39:8): 523-564;e27
The treatment of neck pain–associated disorders and whiplash-associated disorders: A clinical practice guideline [from the Canadian Chiropractic Guideline Initiative (CCGI)]
Bussières AE
Stewart G
Al-Zoubi F
Decina P
Descarreaux M
Hayden J
Hendrickson B
Hincapié C
Pagé I
Passmore S
Srbely J
Stupar M
Weisberg J
Ornelas J
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2016(30:2): 121-123
Chiropractic student attitudes toward team-based learning
Sherrier W
Brennan T
Rabatsky A
J Chiropr Educ: Oct 2016(30:2): 124-130
A focus group study of chiropractic students following international service learning experiences
Boysen JC
Salsbury SA
Derby D
Lawrence DJ
Chiropr Econ: Oct 2016(62:16): 38-44, 46, 48, 50-52
Our 19th annual fees & reimbursements survey: Ready for growth
Nighbor C
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Spring 2016(2016:2): 13-23
Health outcomes following cervical specific protocol in 300 patients with Meniere’s followed over six years
Burcon MT
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Winter 2016(2016:1): 6-12
Upper cervical specific pattern analysis utilizing paraspinal thermography, leg length inequality and heart rate variability in two patients with tachycardia [case report]
Burcon MT
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Winter 2016(2016:1): 1-5
Correlation between atlas fossa temperature difference and the Blair upper cervical atlas misalignment
Gillen K
Hubbard T
Chiropr Econ: May 2016(62:8): 44-46, 48, 50, 52-54, 56, 58, 60, 62, 64, 66
Adapting to thrive, not just survive [19th annual salary & expense survey from
Chiropractic Economics
Nighbor C
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jun 2016(39:5): 381-386
Trends in the use and characteristics of chiropractic services in the Department of Veterans Affairs
Lisi AJ
Brandt CA
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar-Apr 2016(39:3): 150-157
Characteristics of US adults who have positive and negative perceptions of doctors of chiropractic and chiropractic care
Weeks WB
Goertz CM
Meeker WC
Marchiori DM
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Fall 2015(2015:4): 34-40
Successful chiropractic management of a patient with Meniere’s disease post vestibular nerve section: A case report
Pennington D
Miller JD
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Summer 2015(2015:3): 24-29
Resolution of chronic fibromyalgia and improved spinal curves following correction of an atlas subluxation: A case report & selective review of the literature [case report; review]
Tedder N
Tedder A
Gorshack SJ
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Summer 2015(2015:3): 30-33
Improvement in multiple sclerosis symptomatology in a patient undergoing upper cervical chiropractic care [case report]
McLaughlin Canfield S
Tedder N
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Nov-Dec 2015(38:9): 620-628
Comparing propensity score methods for creating comparable cohorts of chiropractic users and nonusers in older, multiply comorbid Medicare patients with chronic low back pain
Weeks WB
Tosteson TD
Whedon JM
Leininger B
Lurie JD
Swenson R
Goertz CM
O'Malley AJ
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Oct 2015(38:8): 533-544
Public perceptions of doctors of chiropractic: Results of a national survey and examination of variation according to respondents' likelihood to use chiropractic, experience with chiropractic, and chiropractic supply in local health care markets
Weeks WB
Goertz CM
Meeker WC
Marchiori DM
Chiropr Econ: Oct 2015(61:16): 36-50
Our 18th annual fees & reimbursements survey: Stake your claim
Feeney C
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Spring 2015(2015:2): 14-18
Cessation of seizures, behavioral disturbances and improvement in cognitive developmental delay following upper cervical chiropractic care in a 2 year old: A case report
Komarek AJ
Tedder N
Tedder A
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Spring 2015(2015:2): 19-23
Chiropractic management of an infant with Paroxysmal Tonic Upgaze Syndrome, congenital torticollis & upper cervical subluxation following birth trauma: A case report
Herman CA
Amilcar C
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2015(23:16): Online access only
US chiropractors’ attitudes, skills and use of evidence-based practice: A cross-sectional national survey
Schneider MJ
Evans R
Haas M
Leach M
Hawk C
Long C
Cramer GD
Walters O
Vihstadt C
Terhorst L
Chiropr Econ: May 2015(61:8): 36-38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58,
Revival of the fittest [18th annual salary & expense survey from
Chiropractic Economics
Feeney C
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Winter 2015(2015:1): 6-13
Resolution of facial neuralgia following reduction of atlas subluxation complex: A case study [case report]
Flory T
Chung J
Ozner J
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Winter 2015(2015:1): 1-5
Improvement in chronic hypertension following a single upper cervical adjustment: A case report
Kessinger RC
Moe C
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2015(23:4): Online access only 8 p
Chiropractic identity, role and future: A survey of North American chiropractic students
Gliedt JA
Hawk C
Anderson M
Kashif A
Bunn D
Cambron J
Gleberzon B
Hart J
Kizhakkeveettil A
Perle SM
Ramcharan M
Sullivan S
Zhang L
J Chiropr Humanit: Dec 2014(21:1): Online access only p 25-48
Chiropractic professionalization and accreditation: An exploration of the history of conflict between worldviews through the lens of developmental structuralism
Senzon SA
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Fall 2014(2014:4): 68-71
Resolution of motor tics, ADHD and discontinuation of medications in a 10 year old male twin following upper cervical chiropractic care: A case study [case report]
Manis AJ
Rubinstein MM
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Fall 2014(2014:4): 61-67
Resolution of fibromyalgia & polypharmacy concomitant with increased cervical curve & improved quality of life following reduction of upper cervical subluxation: A case study [case report]
Apatiga A
Soriano W
J Philos Princ Pract Chiropr: 2014(2014:1): Online access only p 9-283
United States
Department of Education. Office of Post Secondary Education. National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and Integrity. The Council on Chiropractic Education, Commission on Accreditation Action for Consideration: Petition for Renewal of Recognition: Transcripts of Proceedings: December 12, 2013
J Philos Princ Pract Chiropr: 2014(2014:1): Online access only p 1-8
United States
District Court for The District Of Columbia American Chiropractic Association, Inc. Plaintiff, v. Tommy G. Thompson, Secretary of Health and Human Services, Defendant [June 16, 2014, pp 1-8]
Chiropr Econ: Oct 2014(60:16): 28-34, 36, 38-42
Our 17th annual fees & reimbursements survey: Hanging in the balance
Feeney C
Chiropr Econ: May 2014(60:8): 26-46
Sweeping change: 17th annual salary & expense survey [from
Chiropractic Economics
Heyboer M
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Sep 2014(37:7): 449-467
Report of the National Institutes of Health Task Force on Research Standards for Chronic Low Back Pain
Deyo RA
Dworkin SF
Amtmann D
Andersson G
Borenstein D
Carragee E
Carrino J
Chou R
Cook K
Delitto A
Goertz C
Khalsa P
Loeser J
Mackey S
Panagis J
Rainville J
Tosteson T
Turk D
Von Korff M
Weiner DK
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jul-Aug 2014(37:6): 363-376
The chiropractic scope of practice in the
United States
: A cross-sectional survey
Chang M
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Summer 2014(2014:3): 42-46
Improvement in subjective, academic and TOVA measures in a child with ADHD following upper cervical chiropractic management [case report]
Bagnaro N
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Summer 2014(2014:3): 47-53
Upper cervical care of patients with chronic shoulder pain and restriction in motion: A case series [case report]
Alcantara Junjoe
Alcantara Joel
Alcantara Joey
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Summer 2014(2014:3): 54-60
Reduction in arterial blood pressure following adjustment of atlas to correct vertebral subluxation: A prospective longitudinal cohort study
Torns S
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Spring 2014(2014:2): 17-22
Evidence-based chiropractic using functional assessments in an upper cervical model: A retrospective analysis
Shreeve MW
Franklin M
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Spring 2014(2014:2): 23-33
Improved health outcomes in Parkinson’s disease utilizing specific upper cervical chiropractic protocol: A case series [case report]
Malachowski T
Rubinstein R
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Spring 2014(2014:2): 34-41
Reduction of trigeminal neuralgia symptoms following Atlas Orthogonal chiropractic care: A case report
Sweat M
McDowell B
J Chiropr Educ: Spring 2014(28:1): 28–31
Predictors of performance of students in biochemistry in a doctor of chiropractic curriculum
Shaw K
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar-Apr 2014(37:3): 180-189
Prevalence and associated risk factors of burnout among US doctors of chiropractic
Williams SP
Zipp GP
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Mar 2014(58:1): Online access only p 58-65
Financial attitudes, knowledge, and habits of chiropractic students: A descriptive survey
Lorence J
Lawrence DJ
Salsbury SA
Goertz CM
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Winter 2014(2014:1): 1-6
Resolution of hypertension following reduction of upper cervical vertebral subluxation: A case study [case report]
Chung J
Brown J
Busa J
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Winter 2014(2014:1): 7-13
Resolution of Glossopharyngeal neuralgia & spastic dystonia following chiropractic care to reduce upper cervical vertebral subluxation: A case study [case report]
Burcon M
Pero J
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Winter 2014(2014:1): 14-16
Resolution of anosmia and ageusia following Knee Chest Upper Cervical Specific chiropractic care: A case report
JACA Online: Sep-Oct 2013(50:5): Online access only p 3-7
PPACA [Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act], health care, and chiropractic
Kline CM
Munsterman S
Maiers M
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Fall 2013(2013:4): 71-76
Resolution of tic disorder in an 8-year old boy following the Grostic Technique: A case report [case report]
Shreeve MW
Momplaisir F
Chiropr Econ: Oct 2013(59:16): 32-46
A new reality: Our 16th annual fees & reimbursement survey
Heyboer M
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Sep 2013(57:3): 221-232
Did American social and economic events from 1865 to 1898 influence D.D. Palmer the chiropractor and entrepreneur?
Batinić J
Skowron M
Hammerich K
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2013(21:28): Online access only 6 p
A framework for chiropractic training in clinical preventive services
Hawk C
Evans MW Jr
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jul-Aug 2013(36:6): 376-384
Prevalence of burnout among doctors of chiropractic in the northeastern
United States
Williams S
Zipp GP
Cahill T
Parasher RK
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Summer 2013(2013:3): 65-70
Upper cervical vertebral subluxation in multiple sclerosis subjects with chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency: A pilot study
Mandolesi S
Marceca G
Conicello S
Harris E
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Spring 2013(2013:2): 25-31
Resolution of irritable bowel symptomatology in a patient undergoing upper cervical chiropractic care [case report]
Nardi J
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Spring 2013(2013:2): 32-42
Improvement in pattern analysis, heart rate variability & symptoms following upper cervical chiropractic care
Kessinger RC
Anderson MF
Adlington JW
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Spring 2013(2013:2): 43-48
Complications following brain surgery improved after upper cervical chiropractic care: A case study [case report]
Brown J
Chung J
O'Connell K
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Spring 2013(2013:2): 49-59
Upper cervical chiropractic care as a complementary strategy for depression and anxiety: A prospective case series analysis [case report]
Roth L
Zelman D
Clum L
Roth J
Top Integr Health Care: 2013(4:2): Online access only 8 p
Interview. Advocating for chiropractic on Capitol Hill: Interview with John Falardeau
Redwood D
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Mar 2013(36:3): 127-142
Practice patterns in spine radiograph utilization among doctors of chiropractic enrolled in a provider network offering complementary care in the
United States
Bussières AE
Sales AE
Ramsay T
Hilles S
Grimshaw JM
Chiropr Econ: May 2013(59:8): 32-52
A rising tide [16th Annual Salary & Expense Survey from
Chiropractic Economics
Heyboer M
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Winter 2013(2013:1): 1-13
Upper cervical specific chiropractic management of a patient with hypertension: A case report and selective review of the literature [case report; review]
Whedon E
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Winter 2013(2013:1): 14-19
The care of a teenage girl with migraine headaches with the advanced orthogonal procedure: A case report
Bernard M
Pierce S
Alcantara Joel
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Winter 2013(2013:1): 20-24
Resolution of trigeminal neuralgia following upper cervical chiropractic care: A case study [case report]
Grochowski J
J Chiropr Educ: Spring 2013(27:1): 5-10
Learning and Study Strategies Inventory subtests and factors as predictors of National Board of Chiropractic Examiners Part 1 examination performance
Schutz CM
Dalton L
Tepe RE
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2013(21:7): Online access only 16 p
English language proficiency and the accommodations for language non-concordance amongst patients utilizing chiropractic college teaching clinics
Saporito RP
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jan 2013(36:1): 2-11
Aging baby boomers and the rising cost of chronic back pain: secular trend analysis of longitudinal medical expenditures panel survey data for years 2000 to 2007
Smith M
Davis MA
Stano M
Whedon JM
JACA Online: Nov-Dec 2012(49:6): Online access only p 2-6
ACOs and chiropractic, Part III: What the future holds
Kline CM
Bezold C
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2012(20:35): Online access only, 17 p.
United States
chiropractic workforce: An alternative or complement to primary care?
Davis MA
Mackenzie TA
Coulter ID
Whedon JM
Weeks WB
J Chiropr Educ: Fall 2012(26:2): 146-160
Background, expectations and beliefs of a chiropractic student population: A cross-sectional survey
Gliedt JA
Briggs S
Williams JSM
Smith DP
Blampied J
J Chiropr Educ: Fall 2012(26:2): 169-174
A retrospective analysis of the cultural competence of chiropractic students in a public health course
Khauv KB
Alcantara Joel
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Oct 2012(35:8): 580-588
The 2008 prevalence of chiropractic use in the US adult population
Zodet MW
Stevans JM
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Oct 2012(35:8): 589-599
Clinical, demographic, and geographic determinants of variation in chiropractic episodes of care for adults using the 2005-2008 medical expenditure panel survey
Stevans JM
Zodet MW
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Fall 2012(2012:4): 85-91
Upper cervical chiropractic care for a 10-year-old patient with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome [case report]
Millman L
Forest T
Hubbard T
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Fall 2012(2012:4): 92-99
Quality of life improvement in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome following upper cervical chiropractic care: A prospective clinical study
Woodfield HC
Dickholtz M Sr
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Summer 2012(2012:3): 77-84
Resolution of trigeminal neuralgia in a 14 year old following upper cervical chiropractic care to reduce vertebral subluxation: A case study [case report]
Kessinger R
Matthews A
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Summer 2012(2012:3): 71-76
Improvement in quality of life, sleep & attention in a patient with attention deficit disorder undergoing upper cervical chiropractic care to reduce vertebral subluxation: A case report
White E
Dickholtz M Sr
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Summer 2012(2012:3): 63-70
Upper cervical chiropractic management of a patient with idiopathic Parkinson’s disease: A case report
Landry S
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Spring 2012(2012:2): 55-62
Upper cervical chiropractic care for a sixteen-year-old male with bipolar disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and vertebral subluxation [case report]
Wolfertz MT
Dahlberg VL
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Spring 2012(2012:2): 46-54
Resolution of trigeminal neuralgia in a patient undergoing Atlas Orthogonal [AO] chiropractic care: A case report
Sweat M
Wallace SS
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Spring 2012(2012:2): 40-45
Atlas vertebra realignment and arterial blood pressure regulation in 42 subjects
Torns S
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Winter 2012(2012:1): 31-39
Meniere’s disease symptomatology resolution with specific upper cervical care [case report]
Jones MA
Salminen BJ
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Winter 2012(2012:1): 27-30
Improvement in a patient with fibromyalgia following Knee Chest Upper Cervical specific care: A case report
Bennett C
Tedder N
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Winter 2012(2012:1): 20-26
Seizure, ataxia, fatigue, strabismus and migraine resolved by precise realignment of the first cervical vertebra: A case report
Sweat R
Pottenger T
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Winter 2012(2012:1): 16-19
Upper cervical chiropractic care of a female patient with multiple sclerosis: A case study [case report]
Brown J
Chung J
McCullen B
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Winter 2012(2012:1): 9-15
Resolution of atrial fibrillation & hypertension in a patient undergoing upper-cervical chiropractic care [case report]
Qualls T
Lester C
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Winter 2012(2012:1): 1-8
Improvement in a 6 year-old child with Autistic Spectrum Disorder and nocturnal enuresis under upper cervical chiropractic care [case report]
Noriega A
Chung J
Brown J
JACA Online: Sep-Oct 2012(49:5): Online access only p 2-6
ACOs and chiropractic, Part II: The challenges
Kline CM
McMichael R
Hawk C
Schneider M
JACA Online: Jul-Aug 2012(49:4): Online access only p 2-7
ACOs and chiropractic, Part I: the opportunities
Kline CM
Slavik A
McMichael R
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Sep 2012(35:7): 493-513
Chiropractic care and public health: Answering difficult questions about safety, care through the lifespan, and community action
Johnson C
Rubinstein SM
Côté P
Hestbæk L
Injeyan HS
Puhl A
Green B
Napuli JG
Dunn AS
Dougherty P
Killinger LZ
Page SA
Stites JS
Ramcharan M
Leach RA
Byrd LD
Redwood D
Kopansky-Giles DR
Chiropr Econ: Oct 2012(58:16): 28-42
Silver linings: Our 15th annual fees & reimbursements survey
Heyboer M
Top Integr Health Care: 2012(3:3): Online access only 7 p
Commentary. The Supreme Court speaks, U.S. health reform continues
Redwood D
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jul-Aug 2012(35:6): 486-490
Ethics education in chiropractic colleges: A North American survey
Kinsinger S
Soave D
J Philos Princ Pract Chiropr: Spring 2012(2012:2): Online access only p 17-50
United States
Department of Education. Office of Postsecondary Education. National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and Integrity. The Council on Chiropractic Education, Commission on Accreditation Action for Consideration: Petition for Renewal of Recognition: Transcripts of proceedings
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2012(20:21): Online access only 13 p
Self-reported recognition of undiagnosed life threatening conditions in chiropractic practice: A random survey
Daniel DM
Ndetan H
Rupert RL
Martinez D
Chiropr Econ: May 2012(58:8): 42-62
The big picture. Are your annual earnings down? Don't panic. The results of our annual nationwide survey present a mixed picture [15th Annual Salary & Expense Survey from
Chiropractic Economics
Heyboer M
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Jun 2012(56:2): Online access only p 142-155
Colin A. Greenshields, DC: The Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College’s first graduate
Brown DM
J Philos Princ Pract Chiropr: Winter 2012(2012:1): Online access only p 1-17
The crisis in chiropractic education and practice: A review of history and opportunities for reform
McCoy M
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Feb 2012(35:2): 101-109
Geographic variations in availability and use of chiropractic under Medicare
Whedon JM
Song Y
J Philos Princ Pract Chiropr: Fall 2011(2011:3): Online access only p 70-76
Chiropractic’s history and future: Implications of the Council on Chiropractic Education’s revised standards
Gerdel A
Top Integr Health Care: 2011(2:4): Online access only 8 p
Commentary. Finding a common ground in chiropractic: The key to progression
Gliedt J
Chiropr Hist: Winter 2011(31:2): 10-19
Maturity in the chiropractic media from advertising to public education
Hug PR
Chiropr Hist: Winter 2011(31:2): 21-28
The formation of the Congress of Chiropractic State Associations
Moon DK
Callender AK
Chiropr Hist: Winter 2011(31:2): 65-66
The Medical War against Chiropractors [The Untold Story from Persecution to Vindication, by J.C. Smith] [book review]
Troyanovich SJ
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Fall 2011(1:4): 60-65
Improvement in a female with multiple sclerosis undergoing chiropractic care utilizing Toggle Recoil technique: A case report
Thornhill JT
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Fall 2011(1:4): 66-70
Resolution of post-concussion seizures following Atlas Orthogonal technique [case report]
Sweat R
Adams T
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Summer 2011(1:3): 57-59
Resolution of hemifacial spasm following specific upper cervical chiropractic care [case report]
Henry L
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Summer 2011(1:3): 50-56
Specific upper cervical chiropractic management of a patient with Parkinson’s Disease: A case report
Malachowski T
Goode S
Kale BJ
Chiropr Econ: Nov 2011(57:17): 38-52
Our 14th annual fees & reimbursements survey: Strategic positioning. The changing nature of chiropractic business reflects the restructuring of the economy
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Oct 2011(34:8): 533-538
Chiropractic management for veterans with neck pain: A retrospective study of clinical outcomes
Dunn AS
Green BN
Formolo LR
Chicoine DR
J Philos Princ Pract Chiropr: Winter 2011(2011:1): Online access only p 17-52
The Council on Chiropractic Education, Commission on Accreditation: Petition for Renewal of Recognition: Transcripts of proceedings
Chiropr Econ: May 2011(57:8): 30-46
Your piece of the pie. Are your financial frustrations finally feeling some relief? Check the results of our [14th] annual nationwide [salary & expense] survey to find out what piece of the pie you’re getting
Heyboer M
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Spring 2011(1:2): 45-49
Inter-examiner agreement for C1 and C2 static alignment analysis using analog and digital radiographic technologies: A pilot study
Fehl WE
Kuhta P
Hart J
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Spring 2011(1:2): 39-44
Resolution of fibromyalgia following upper cervical chiropractic care: A case study [case report]
Alibhoy N
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Spring 2011(1:2): 31-38
Symptomatic improvement in a patient with Parkinson’s disease subsequent to upper cervical chiropractic care: A case study [case report]
Bello R
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Spring 2011(1:2): 25-30
Upper cervical chiropractic management of an adult with ankylosing spondylitis: A case report
Wells CE
Williams J
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Spring 2011(1:2): 22-24
Resolution of brachioradial pruritis, vertigo and neck pain following introduction of upper cervical chiropractic care: A case study [case report]
Davis WR
Basillio RF
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Winter 2011(1:1): 18-21
Reduction in symptoms related to Parkinson's disease concomitant with subluxation reduction following upper cervical chiropractic care [case report]
Chung J
Brown J
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Winter 2011(1:1): 10-17
Upper cervical care in a nine-year-old female with occipital lobe epilepsy: A case study [case report]
Hooper S
Manis A
J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res: Winter 2011(1:1): 3-9
Upper cervical chiropractic care of a patient with post concussion syndrome, positional vertigo, and headaches [case report]
Mayheu A
Sweat M
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2011(19:17): Online access only 35 p
The establishment of a primary spine care practitioner and its benefits to health care reform in the
United States
Murphy DR
Justice BD
Paskowski I
Perle SM
Schneider MJ
Chiropr & Manual Ther: 2011(19:14): Online access only 20 p
The prevalence of the term subluxation in North American English-language Doctor of Chiropractic programs
Mirtz TA
Perle SM
J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr: Dec 2010(2010:): Online access only p 181-182
Research, scholarship and the future of the chiropractic profession [editorial]
McCoy M
Chiropr Econ: Jun 2010(56:8): 32-48
Are you back in the black? Did your chiropractic practice rebound in 2010? Check the results of our [13th] annual nationwide [salary & expense] survey to see where you stand
Erickson S
Chiropr Econ: Nov 2010(56:17): 36-52
Our 13th annual fees & reimbursements survery: Is your recession over?
Chiropr Hist: Winter 2010(30:2): 41-47
Wilk v. American Medical Association, 895 F.2d 352 (7th Cir. 1990): The battle is not yet won
Lawrence DJ
Chiropr Hist: Winter 2010(30:2): 49-64
Bloomington-Normal, illinois: A chiropractic tale of two cities
Troyanovich SJ
Troyanovich J
Chiropr Hist: Summer 2010(30:1): 81-83
Frontier Medicine: From the Atlantic to the Pacific, 1492-1941 [by] David Dary [book review]
Artrip DA
Chiropr & Osteopat: 2010(18:34): Online access only 31 p
A longitudinal study of chiropractic use among older adults in the
United States
Weigel P
Hockenberry JM
Bentler SE
Obrizan M
Kaskie B
Jones MP
Ohsfeldt RL
Rosenthal GE
Wallace RB
Wolinsky FD
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jun 2010(33:5): 395-405
Chiropractic in North America: Toward a strategic plan for professional renewal—Outcomes from the 2006 Chiropractic Strategic Planning Conference
Triano JJ
Goertz C
Weeks J
Murphy DR
Kranz KC
McClelland GC
Kopansky-Giles D
Morgan W
Nelson CF
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: May 2010(33:4): 243-250
Comparative effectiveness research and the chiropractic profession [editorial]
Johnson C
Chiropr Econ: May 2009(55:8): 32-48
Survey says...How did the responses add up in our 12th annual salary & expense survey?
Chiropr Econ: Oct 2009(55:17): 28-42
Our 12th annual fees & reimbursements survey: Are your fees competitive?
Chiropr Hist: Summer 2009(29:1): 17-33
From Recordgraph to electronic files: Preservation of chiropractic's audio recordings at Palmer College of Chiropractic
Wiese GC
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Nov-Dec 2009(32:9): 749-757
An analysis of the integration of chiropractic services within the
United States
military and veterans' health care systems
Dunn AS
Green BN
Gilford S
J Chiropr Educ: Fall 2009(23:2): 134-146
Integrated neuroscience program: An alternative approach to teaching neurosciences to chiropractic students
He X
La Rose J
Zhang N
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jul-Aug 2009(32:6): 414-422
Characterization of health status and modifiable risk behavior among
United States
adults using chiropractic care as compared with general medical care
Ndetan HT
Bae S
Evans MW
Rupert RL
Singh KP
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Jun 2009(53:2): 129-143
The early years of organized chiropractic orthopedics, 1954-1973: A social history
Green BN
Johnson CD
J Chiropr Educ: Spring 2009(23:1): 36-39
Managing conflicts of interest in continuing medical education: A comparison of policies
Lisi AJ
Chiropr Econ: May 2008(54:8): 20-43
11th annual salary & expense survey: Is this year's picture in focus?
Chiropr Econ: Oct 2008(54:17): 26-39
Our 11th annual fees & reimbursements survey: Slight adjustment? Surprising results from our survey
Erickson S
Chiropr J Aust: Jun 2008(38:2): 57-68
Designing core clinical bioethics training for master’s level students in an American chiropractic college [Palmer College of Chiropractic]
Lawrence DJ
Chiropr Econ: May 2007(53:8): 22-46
10th annual salary & expense survey:
Chiropractic Economics
looks at a decade of income trends
Segall L
Chiropr Econ: Oct 2007(53:17): 18-32
Our 10th annual fees & reimbursements survey: Fees, reimbursements, and your practice: DCs are not alone in the downward reimbursement trend
Segall L
J Chiropr Humanit: 2007(14:): Online access only p. 22-27
When demand exceeds supply: allocating chiropractic services at VA medical facilities
Dunn AS
Passmore SR
JACA Online: Nov 2007(44:8): Online access only p 2-6
Best news yet for practitioners: translational research
Kline CM
J Vert Sublux Res: 2007(DEC:5): Online access only 10 p.
Improved health outcomes correlated with ratio of chiropractors in Mississippi River states
Hart J
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Nov 2007(30:9): 718-728
Chiropractors as safety net providers: First report of findings and methods from a US survey of chiropractors
Smith M
Carber L
ICA Rev: Nov 2007(63:3): 51-58
Pediatric chiropractic: Past, present, and future
Vallone SA
J Chiropr Educ: Fall 2007(21:2): 138-143
A survey of chiropractic academic affiliations within the Department of Veterans Affairs Health Care System
Dunn AS
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Sep 2007(30:7): 483-490
Financial support for research training and career development in complementary and alternative medicine from the National Institutes of Health [editorial]
Khalsa PS
Pearson NJ
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jul-Aug 2007(30:6): 401-406
Chiropractic and the changing US health care marketplace: where we are going and what needs to be done [editorial]
Caplan RL
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jul-Aug 2007(30:6): 419-431
Consent: Its practices and implications in United kingdom and
United States
chiropractic practice
Langworthy JM
Cambron J
Chiropr Econ: Oct 2006(52:15): 20-30
9th annual fees and reimbursements survey: Are new trends forming?
Segall L
Chiropr Econ: May 2006(52:6): 22-52
Our 9th annual salary and expense survey. A look at 2006 results and income trends over nine years
Segall L
J Chiropr Educ: Fall 2006(20:2): 115-122
Department of Defense chiropractic internships: A survey of internship participants and nonparticipants
Dunn AS
J Chiropr Educ: Fall 2006(20:2): 123-127
Recruiting underrepresented minorities to chiropractic colleges
Callender AK
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Sep 2006(29:7): 518-523
Work-related injuries of doctors of chiropractic in the
United States
Rose KA
Holm SM
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Jul-Aug 2006(29:6): 448-454
Chiropractic consultation requests in the Veterans Affairs Health Care System: demographic characteristics of the initial 100 patients at the Western New York Medical Center
Dunn AS
Towle JJ
McBrearty P
Fleeson SM
Chiropr & Osteopat: 2006(14:1): Online access only 20 p.
The Council on Chiropractic Education's new wellness standard: A call to action for the chiropractic profession [editorial]
Rupert R
Evans MW Jr
Chiropr Econ: Sep 2005(51:13): 21-32
Do your fees measure up? See what our 8th annual fees & reimbursements survey shows
Segall L
Chiropr Econ: Apr 2005(51:6): 20-34
8th annual salary and expense survey: Measuring personal and professional progress
Segall L
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Sep 2005(49:3): 234-237
CIHR-NIH Report: Report on the Conference on the biology of manual therapies: a historic collaboration between the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and the
United States
National Institutes of Health
Triano JJ
J Chiropr Educ: Fall 2005(19:2): 92-96
A chiropractic internship program in the Department of Veterans Affairs Health Care System
Dunn AS
Chiropr Hist: Summer 2005(25:1): 49-77
Historical perspective: The Council of Chiropractic Education and The Committee On Accreditation, 1961-1980
Hidde O
Can Chiropr: Apr 2005(10:2): 28-31
The acupuncture turf war: Integration of acupuncture into chiropractic practice in North America
Chiu K
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Feb 2005(28:2): 83-89
Chiropractic in North America: A descriptive analysis
Coulter ID
Shekelle PG
Todays Chiropr: Jan//Feb 2005(34:1): 21-22, 69
Wheatley H
Chiropr Econ: Sep 2004(50:13): 23-34
How do your fees compare? Our 7th annual fees and reimbursements survey shows how you measure up
Segall L
Chiropr Econ: May 2004(50:6): 24-42
7th annual salary and expense survey: Measuring the climb to the top
Segall L
Todays Chiropr: Jan-Feb 2004(33:1): 20-22
Todays Chiropr: Jan-Feb 2004(33:1): 68-69
Southerland R
J Chiropr Educ: Fall 2004(18:2): 127-136
A qualitative study of 16 African Americans in chiropractic education
Wiese GC
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Sep 2004(48:3): 195-197
Policy trumps science in the Bush administration [Commentary]
Lawrence DJ
J Am Chiropr Assoc: Nov 2004(41:11): 22-24
The pain epidemic
Murray K
J Am Chiropr Assoc: Mar 2004(41:3): 8-9
World's most exclusive practice: another greatest generation
Morgan WE
J Am Chiropr Assoc: Mar 2004(41:3): 22-25
Chiropractic in the veterans' health care system: setting the record straight
Chiropr Econ: Sep 2003(49:12): 24-30
Our sixth annual [fees and reimbursements] survey gives you a benchmark
Segall L
Chiropr Econ: May 2003(49:6): 18-30
Sixth annual salary and expense survey; How do you compare?
Segall L
Todays Chiropr: Sep-Oct 2003(32:5): 33-39
Southerland R
Todays Chiropr: Jan-Feb 2003(32:1): 58
McDermid R
Eur J Chiropr: 2003(51:3): 184-185
Pedersen P
Chiropr Econ: Oct 2002(44:10): 53-63
Fifth annual
Chiropractic Economics
' fees and reimbursements survey results
Stultz T
Top Clin Chiropr: Dec 2002(9:4): 22-25
Mootz RD
Pratt W
Top Clin Chiropr: Mar 2002(9:1): 31-47
Public policy complex: A chiropractor's primer for navigating the policy maze in the
United States
Bielinski LL
Terwilleger KJ
Todays Chiropr: Jul-Aug 2002(31:4): 16
Health care update: ICA protests PBS program's attack
Todays Chiropr: Jul-Aug 2002(31:4): 18
Government approves a new mandatory childhood vaccine
J Chiropr Med: Dec 2002(1:4): 155-170
United States
Chiropractic Practice Acts and Institute of Medicine defined primary care practice
Dueñas R
Chiropr Hist: Summer 2002(22:1): 45-50
The origins of the Council on Chiropractic Education: The early years
Schliesser JS
Patel P
Tuck R
J Am Chiropr Assoc: Sept 2002(39:9): 38-39
Siciliano MA
J Am Chiropr Assoc: Aug 2002(39:8): 8-10
J Am Chiropr Assoc: Aug 2002(39:8): 6-7
Edwards JD
Chiropr Econ: May 2002(44:5): 26-40
Fifth annual salary & expense survey: Are you getting your fair share?
Stultz T
J Chiropr Educ: Fall 2001(15:2): VII-VIII
Editorial: "Separate and distinct" or "separate and unequal?"
Ward RW
J Am Chiropr Assoc: Oct 2001(38:10): 20+
Schetchikova N
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Sep 2001(45:3): 141-153
Evaluation of clinical practice guidelines in chiropractic care: a comparison of North American guideline reports
Charette MN
Brouwers M
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Jun 2001(45:2): 100-105
Maintenance care: Towards a global description
Jamison JR
Rupert RL
Chiropr Econ: Oct 2001(43:10): 30-42
Fourth annual
Chiropractic Economics
' fees and reimbursements survey results
Chiropr Econ: May 2001(43:5): 34-48
Fourth annual salary & expense survey: How do you stack up?
Stultz T
Chiropr Econ: Sep 2000(42:9): 28-36
Third annual
Chiropractic Economics
' fees and reimbursements survey results
Chiropr Econ: May 2000(42:5): 46-55
Third annual salary and expense survey; How do you measure up?
Todays Chiropr: Mar-Apr 2000(29:2): 60-65
Southerland R
Todays Chiropr: Mar-Apr 2000(29:2): 66-69
Dixon K
J Manipulative Physiol Ther: Oct 2000(23:8): 578
The chiropractic profession: its education, practice, research and future directions [book review] by David A. Chapman-Smith
Pringle RK
J Am Chiropr Assoc: Aug 2000(37:8): 40
Top ten causes of death in the
United States
, 1994
Rosner AL
Todays Chiropr: Mar-Apr 1999(28:2): 28
Consumer group launches action against FDA on the safety of cow's milk additive
Todays Chiropr: Jul-Aug 1999(28:4): 94-97
ACA charges HHS with eliminating senior citizens' rights to receive chiropractic services
CRJ: Spring 1999(6:1): 1-2
From the editor: A new era in chiropractic research [editorial]
Webster SK
CRJ: Fall 1999(6:2): 41-42
From the editor: Complementary or alternative? [editorial]
Webster SK
Chiropr Econ: Sep 1999(41:7): 42-50
Second annual fees and reimbursement survey results
Chiropr Econ: May 1999(41:4): 40-58
Second annual salary & expense survey
Am Chiropr: Sep-Oct 1999(21:5): 6+
The forum: Your turn to talk [letter]
Maurer EL
Am Chiropr: Mar-Apr 1999(21:2): 6-9
The forum: Your turn to talk [letter]
Smith AL
Am Chiropr: Mar-Apr 1999(21:2): 24-27+
George McAndrews, Esquire talks about the battle between the ACA
Am Chiropr: Jul-Aug 1999(21:4): 6+
The forum: Your turn to talk [letter]
Krieger C
Am Chiropr: Jan-Feb 1999(21:1): 24-26
FTC attacks patient education: FTC vs Koren publications
Koren T
Am Chiropr: Jan-Feb 1999(21:1): 28+
James S. Turner: Defending attorney and "vitalistic lawyer" for Tedd Koren
Am Chiropr: Jan-Feb 1999(21:1): 30
The FTC talks
J Can Chiropr Assoc: Mar 1998(42:1): 63
Review of "B.J. of Davenport" by Joseph C. Keating [book review]
Lee HK
J Am Chiropr Assoc: Jul 1998(35:7): 16+
A new AHCPR report: "Chiropractic in the
United States
: Training, practice, and research"
Cherkin DC
Mootz RD
J Am Chiropr Assoc: Jul 1998(35:7): 22
New York Times talks to ACA
J Am Chiropr Assoc: Dec 1998(35:12): 17-18+
The HCFA lawsuit: A battle that must be fought
McAndrews GP
J Am Chiropr Assoc: Aug 1998(35:8): 34-36
1998 chiropractic consensus panel: Guidelines for Medicare coverage
Herren S
Chiropr Tech: May 1998(10:2): 49-67
Strategic plan for the chiropractic profession to integrate into the health care system to improve the quality and quantity of natural health...
Jusino RC
Chiropr J Aust: Jun 1998(28:2): 43-48
American and Australian chiropractic practice: A comparative case study
Jamison JR
Chiropr Econ: Sep 1998(40:10): 46-54
First annual fees & reimbursement survey results
Chiropr Econ: May 1998(40:7): 52-59
First annual salary & expense survey: A special report
Chiropr Econ: Jul-Aug 1998(40:9): 6
Chiropractor's opinion on subluxation takes precedence over medical radiologists' [news]