Index to Chiropractic Literature
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Index to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic Literature

ChiroSH Online

ChiroSH (Chiropractic Subject Headings) is a controlled vocabulary created by members of the Chiropractic Library Collaboration, an organization affiliated with the Association of Chiropractic Colleges. ChiroSH is used by the Index to Chiropractic Literature’s indexers, and by catalogers in health sciences libraries. This online version (under development) is an innovation we hope will be widely used by students, chiropractors and researchers. The first edition of ChiroSH was released in 1984 and the seventh edition is currently in production.

Also known as: Aronow Biomechanical-Soft Tissue Method

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More information is needed for this term.

Also known as: Activator Methods Chiropractic Technique

Developed by W.C. Lee, D.C., and Arlan W. Fuhr, D.C. This technique makes use of a handheld mechanical adjusting device called the Activator Adjusting Instrument (AAI), developed to simulate a thumb thrust.
Suggested reading: Huggins T, Luberic Boras A, Gleberzon BJ, Popescu M, Bahry LA.  Clinical effectiveness of the activator adjusting instrument in the management of musculoskeletal disorders: A systematic review of the literature. J Can Chiropr Assoc. 2012 Mar;56(1):49-57.
Search Activator Method in the Index to Chiropractic Literature.
See also: Full Spine Techniques

Also known as: ART

Developed by P. Michael Leahy, D.C.
Active Release Technique is designed to accomplish three unique objectives: restoring free and unimpeded motion of all soft tissues, the release of entrapped nerves, vasculature, and lymphatics, and to re-establish optimal texture, resilience, and function of soft tissues.
Source: Howitt SD, Wong J, Zabukovec S. The conservative treatment of Trigger Thumb using Graston Technique and Active Release Techniques. J Can Chiropr Assoc. 2006 Dec;50(4):249-254.
Search Active Release Technique in the Index to Chiropractic Literature.

Also known as: ABC

Developed by Jesse Jutkowitz, D.C. Learn about ABC™  from Dr. Jutkowitz .
ABC™ hypothesises that specific vertebra can lose optimal leverage and move in an anterior direction, causing the elements above to collapse forward.
Source: Venning G, Vivier T, Doyle M. Improvement in craniovertebral angle in a patient with anterior head posture using advanced biostructural correction: A case report . Asia-Pac Chiropr J. 2021 ;2(1):1-9.

Developed by Nicholas Spano, D.C. Suggested reading: Advanced Muscle Palpation [by] Dr. Nicholas Spano [2015]
AMP [Advanced Muscle Palpation] is a system of analysis that hypothesizes that “resting segmental muscular activity is homeostatic in nature.” It theorizes that the central nervous system coordinates muscle activity such that the muscles are acting in attempt to restore balance and normal structure. Therefore, assessing “working” muscles gives the doctor insight into how the body is attempting to correct misalignments and informs the clinician on the line of force application for the corrective thrust.
Source: Hanson D, Rupp A. Resolution of sensory processing disorder, sleep challenges, and speech delay in a child following chiropractic care to reduce vertebral subluxation: A case study and selective review of the literature [case report, review]. J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health - Chiropr. 2018 Sep;2018:123-137.

Also known as: Meniges / adjustment

Developed by James R. Alberts, D.C., author of: Alberts' cerebral meningeal stress syndrome: A primary release of the central and autonomic nervous system. San Mateo, California: James R. Alberts, ©1959.

Dr. Alberts discussed the relationship between the cranium, meningeal tension, and emotional stress. Alberts also developed a neurologic model of cranial function that regards the neurologic organization of fault patterns and serves as a foundation for much of the Applied Kinesiology cranial concept.
Source: Cohen, Don. An Introduction to Craniosacral Therapy; Anatomy, Function and Treatment. Berkeley, California: North Atlantic Books, 1995.

Created by Virgil B. Chrane (1905-1963): "The road to high-level wellness lies in connecting with our ultimate energy source. There is no act or service that one human can render to another that is more significant or meaningful than helping them to accomplish this connection."
See or
See also: Chrane Condylar Lift

Developed by Robert Wiehe, D.C.

Developed by William J. Kotheimer, D.C. Book on

Also known as: ASBE

Developed by Ron Aragona, D.C., PhD.  See ASBE Chiropractic.
See also: Full Spine Techniques

Also known as: AUCB

Developed by Lou Tiscareño, D.C., and William Amalu, D.C. Search Applied Upper Cervical Biomechanics in the Index to Chiropractic Literature.
See also: Upper Cervical Techniques

Developed by John Hurley, D.C., and Helen Sanders, D.C. View preview of Aquarian-Age Healing For You on Google Books. From the Foreword.

Also known as: Arnholz Muscle Adjusting

Developed by Walter W. Arnholz, D.C.
See also: Full Spine Techniques

Developed by Roy W. Sweat, D.C. Search Atlas Orthogonal Technique in the Index to Chiropractic Literature.
See also: Upper Cervical Techniques

Developed by A.A. Wernsing, D.C. Search Atlas Specific Technique in the Index to Chiropractic Literature.
See also: Upper Cervical Techniques

Also known as: Cavitation

The sound that is associated with spinal or joint manipulation. Search Audible Release in the Index to Chiropractic Literature. [ICLID 18647]
