ChiroSH Online
ChiroSH (Chiropractic Subject Headings) is a controlled vocabulary created by members of the Chiropractic Library Collaboration, an organization affiliated with the Association of Chiropractic Colleges. ChiroSH is used by the Index to Chiropractic Literature’s indexers, and by catalogers in health sciences libraries. This online version (under development) is an innovation we hope will be widely used by students, chiropractors and researchers. The first edition of ChiroSH was released in 1984 and the seventh edition is currently in production.
- Read about the history of ChiroSH: Hardy SB. Analyzing a unique controlled vocabulary: Chiropractic subject headings [ChiroSH] – Past, present and future. Chiropr Hist. 2014 Summer;34(1):21-27. ICL record
- Kempke A, Boni BA. Chiropractic Subject Headings 6th ed. Chiropractic Library Collaboration, 2009.
The integrated neuromuscular inhibition technique (INIT) is a manual MTrPs deactivation technique, which has been described by Chaitow. It includes the combination of the ischemic compression technique, the strain-counterstrain technique, and the muscle energy technique. Sadaat et al reported that 1 session of the INIT is able to reduce pain and pressure pain threshold (PPT) in individuals with CMNP due to MTrPs in the upper trapezius muscle. Nagrale et al claimed that the INIT is more effective than the muscle energy technique in improving pain, disability, and range of motion (ROM) in individuals with neck pain, whereas Sibby et al suggested that the INIT is equally effective with laser application in upper trapezius MTrPs.
Source: Lytras DE, Sykaras EI, Christoulas KI, Myrogiannis IS, Kellis E. Effects of exercise and an integrated neuromuscular inhibition technique program in the management of chronic mechanical neck pain: A randomized controlled trial . J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2020 Feb;43(2):100-113.