ChiroSH Online
ChiroSH (Chiropractic Subject Headings) is a controlled vocabulary created by members of the Chiropractic Library Collaboration, an organization affiliated with the Association of Chiropractic Colleges. ChiroSH is used by the Index to Chiropractic Literature’s indexers, and by catalogers in health sciences libraries. This online version (under development) is an innovation we hope will be widely used by students, chiropractors and researchers. The first edition of ChiroSH was released in 1984 and the seventh edition is currently in production.
- Read about the history of ChiroSH: Hardy SB. Analyzing a unique controlled vocabulary: Chiropractic subject headings [ChiroSH] – Past, present and future. Chiropr Hist. 2014 Summer;34(1):21-27. ICL record
- Kempke A, Boni BA. Chiropractic Subject Headings 6th ed. Chiropractic Library Collaboration, 2009.
MET [Muscle Energy Technique] is a gentle technique used in clinical practice by a wide range of manual therapy practitioners, including physiotherapists and osteopaths. It is commonly used to treat hypertonic muscles and to improve joint mobility. The isometric version of the technique is most commonly employed and involves specific components: 1. Localisation of joint/muscle barrier by operator (controlled joint positioning); 2. Patient active muscle contraction in a specific direction for a specified time; 3. Operator-applied distinct counterforce against the patient contraction; 4. Patient relaxation; 5. Operator re-uptakes the ‘new’ barrier (passive stretch of the muscle, or increase in joint movement in a specific direction); 6. Repeat procedure several times.
From: Baxter DA, Shergis JL, Fazalbhoy A, Coyle ME. Muscle energy technique for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A systematic review. Chiropr & Manual Ther. 2019 ;27(37):1-7.
Search ICL for Muscle Energy Technique.