ChiroSH Online
ChiroSH (Chiropractic Subject Headings) is a controlled vocabulary created by members of the Chiropractic Library Collaboration, an organization affiliated with the Association of Chiropractic Colleges. ChiroSH is used by the Index to Chiropractic Literature’s indexers, and by catalogers in health sciences libraries. This online version (under development) is an innovation we hope will be widely used by students, chiropractors and researchers. The first edition of ChiroSH was released in 1984 and the seventh edition is currently in production.
- Read about the history of ChiroSH: Hardy SB. Analyzing a unique controlled vocabulary: Chiropractic subject headings [ChiroSH] – Past, present and future. Chiropr Hist. 2014 Summer;34(1):21-27. ICL record
- Kempke A, Boni BA. Chiropractic Subject Headings 6th ed. Chiropractic Library Collaboration, 2009.
Also known as: Referred Pain, Visceral Pain, Referred
Pain that is felt in an area of the body from which it does not originate.
Also known as: Hole In One Technique, H.I.O. TechniqueDeveloped by B.J. Palmer, D.C. (Palmer, Bartlett Joshua, 1881-1961). Search ICL for "Hole in One".
See also: Upper Cervical Techniques
(Based on the MeSH term Psoas Muscles.)
Also known as: Chiropractic Partnership Practice, Chiropractic Practice, PartnershipA voluntary contract between two or more chiropractors who may or may not share responsibility for the care of patients, with proportional sharing of profits and losses. (Based on the MeSH term Partnership Practice.)
See also: Practice Management, Chiropractic
Chiropractic care of children from birth through adolescence. Search Pediatric Chiropractic in the Index to Chiropractic Literature. (Based on the MeSH term Pediatric Nursing.)
Also known as: PPODA disorder identified by James Browning, D.C., that includes symptoms of pelvic pain and disorders of bladder, bowel, gynecologic, and sexual function.
Developed by Ronald J. Watkins, D.C.
Also known as: Spinal Biomechanics TechniqueDeveloped by Burl R. Pettibon, D.C.
Also known as: Chiropractic Philosophy, Chiropractic TheoriesA study of the basic principles and concepts of chiropractic. (Based on the MeSH term Philosophy, Medical.)
See also: Innate Intelligence, Mixer (Philosophy of Chiropractic), Straight (Philosophy of Chiropractic)
Developed by Walter V. Pierce, D.C., and Glenn Stillwagon, D.C.
See also: Full Spine Techniques, Pro-Adjuster Technique
Pain that originates in the gluteal region and travels down the leg, caused by compression of the sciatic nerve by the piriformis muscle.
See also: Piriformis Technique
Developed by D. Bruce Fligg, D.C.
See also: Piriformis Syndrome
Developed by Randolph Stone, D.C., N.D., D.O.
See also: Bio-Polarity Technique, Emotional-Polarity Technique
Developed by George Roth, D.C., N.D., and Kerry D’Ambrogio, PT. Based on Counterstrain, which was developed by Lawrence Jones, D.O.
See also: Manipulation, Extremities
Also known as: Chiropractic Practice Management, Practice, Chiropractic
Business management of chiropractic practices that may include financial, organizational, and staffing concerns. (Based on the MeSH term Practice Management.)
See also: Cash Practice, Chiropractic, Group Practice, Chiropractic, Private Practice, Chiropractic, Wellness Practice, Chiropractic
Developed by Clarence E. Prill, D.C.
Also known as: Chiropractic Private Practice, Chiropractic Practice, PrivatePractice of chiropractic by an individual, offering services on a person-to-person basis, as opposed to group or partnership practice. (Based on the MeSH term Private Practice.)
See also: Practice Management, Chiropractic
Practice of health care by an individual provider, offering services on a person-to-person basis and coordinating care with outside providers. Combines complementary or alternative medicine with allopathic medical care. (Based on the MeSH term Private Practice.)
Developed by Maurice A. Pisciottano, D.C. It evolved from the Pierce-Stillwagon Technique and makes use of a computerized diagnostic and treatment instrument.
See also: Pierce-Stillwagon Technique
A form of flexibility training that involves both the stretching and contraction of targeted muscle groups. Can be employed to increase muscle flexibility, improve muscular strength, and improve motor skills.
Search ICL for Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation.
A recognized normal variant in the spinal radiographs of children in which there is anterior displacement of C2 on C3 of up to 4 mm. In a healthy child, the anterior displacement will occur in flexion, but not extension. (Based on the MeSH term Joint Dislocations.)
Developed by D. Bruce Fligg, D.C.
Suggested reading: Fligg DB. Psoas technique. J Can Chiropr Assoc. 1985 Dec;29(4):207-10. PDF
Developed by Gerhard M. Morreim, D.C.