Index to Chiropractic Literature
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Journal Impact Factor

JOURNALS DIRECTORY>> Journal Impact Factor
Eugene Garfield, founder of the Institute for Scientific Information, devised the impact factor in the 1950s. Impact factors are calculated each year by Thomson Scientific for the journals it indexes, and the factors are published in Journal Citation Reports.  View the JCR page for JMPT (November 19, 2010).

What is impact factor? According to Clarivate Accelerating innovation: “A Journal Citation Reports subscription gives you a systematic, objective means to evaluate the world’s leading scientific and scholarly journals. By analyzing citation references, Journal Citation Reports measures research influence and impact at the journal and category levels, and shows the relationship between citing and cited journals.”  The Clarivate Analytics Impact Factor “This essay was originally published in the Current Contents print editions June 20, 1994, when Clarivate Analytics was known as The Institute for Scientific Information® (ISI®).”

Opinions vary as to the value of impact factors as measures of a journal’s value. Below is a selection of Open Access articles from peer reviewed journals, listed by date [earliest first]. Run a PubMed search on  journal impact factor ; free full text. This page updated March 4, 2019.

