Index to Chiropractic Literature
Index to Chiropractic Literature
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Index to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic LiteratureIndex to Chiropractic Literature

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ID 22162
  Title Abstracts from the WFC’s 11th Biennial Congress [Proceedings of the World Federation of Chiropractic 11th Biennial Congress, Rio de Janeiro, April 6-9, 2011]
Journal Clin Chiropr. 2011 Dec;14(4):143-181
Peer Review Yes
Publication Type Meeting Abstract

CONTENTS [full text is available by subscription]:
143-144 Preparing for the field: A comprehensive program to train chiropractic students to conduct pre-season sports physicals and manage athletic injuries in high school athletes [by] Jonathon Williams and Paul Osterbauer Link to abstract
144 Final data of the effects of the Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) for pediatric Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD): A randomized controlled trial [by] Fay Karpouzis, Rod Bonello, and Henry Pollard Link to abstract
145 Patient characteristics associated with improvement of subacute and chronic low back pain treated with high velocity low amplitude (HVLA) or low velocity variable amplitude (LVVA) spinal manipulation [by] William C Meeker, Cynthia R Long, Maria A Hondras, Edward F Owens, M Ram Gudavalli, James W DeVocht, David G Wilder, Robert M Rowell, and Christine M GoertzLink to abstract
145-146 Building clinical trial infrastructure through innovative web-based tools [by] Cynthia Long, Lynne Carber, Lance Corber, Katherine Pohlman, Maria Hondras, Robert Vining, and Christine Goertz Link to abstract
146-147 Whither chiropractic extremity diagnosis and treatment? [by] James Brantingham, Gary Globe, Tammy Kay Cassa, Surasha Khandai, and Stever Mayer Link to abstract
147-148 Functional medicine and chiropractic: A case series in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus reversal [by] Stephanie Chaney, Tom Chaney, and Paul A Oakley Link to abstract
148 Difficulties in entering clinical practice [by] Fabio Dal Bello and Luis Costa Cantera Link to abstract
149 Effect of chiropractic treatment and ergonomic orientation on pain grade and quality of life for persons with chronic spinal pain: A randomized controlled trial [by] Jidiene DP Depintor, Daniel Duenhas, and Eduardo SB Bracher Link to abstract
149-150 Changes in the flexion-relaxation response induced by abdominal muscle fatigue [by] Martin Descarreaux, Charles Tetreau, Jean-Daniel Dubois, and Vincent Cantin Link to abstract
150-151 A multinational survey of the demographics of chiropractic paediatric care [by] Matthew Doyle Link to abstract
151-152 Preliminary analysis of the sacroiliac joint in the hyperlordotic spine, a finite element model [by] Dennis Enix and Douglas Smith Link to abstract
152 Analysis of peak expiratory flow in musicians of a military band before and after spinal manipulative therapy [by] Cristiano da Silva Pareja, Murilo Marinho Franco, Ana Paula Albuquerque Faccinato, Eliana Correia dos Santos, and Djalma Jose Fagundes Link to abstract
152-153 Toward standardizing the delivery of spinal manipulation for patients with low back pain [by] Christine Goertz, David Wilder, Cynthia Long, Robert Vining, James DeVocht, Katherine Pohlman, Edward Owens, and Maruti Gudavalli Link to abstract
153-154 Effects of Biofreeze vs. ice on acute, non-complicated neck pain [by] Bart Bishop, Jay Greenstein, and Robert Topp Link to abstract
154 Dose–response of spinal manipulation for low back pain: Short-term outcomes from a randomized trial [by] Mitchell Haas, Darcy Vavrek, David Peterson, and Mikel Aickin Link to abstract
155 A study of the effects of central ray vertical (y-axis) positioning, pelvis (y-axis) rotation and pelvis (x-axis) translation on measurement of the anatomical short leg from the anteroposterior (AP) Ferguson radiograph [by] Paul A Oakley, Kevin S Grice, and Deed E Harrison Link to abstract
155-156 Manual palpation attenuates immunochemical reactivities of pain mediators in the nervous system in response to adjuvant knee arthritis: An animal model [by] Shawn (Xiaohua) He, Veronica Dishman, and HanSuk Jung Link to abstract
156-157 The effects of manual therapy on balance and falls: A systematic review [by] Kelly Holt, Heidi Haavik, and C Raina Elley Link to abstract
157-158 The accuracy of kinesiology-style manual muscle testing to distinguish congruent from incongruent statements under varying levels of blinding: Results from a study of diagnostic test accuracy [by] Anne Jensen, Richard Stevens, Timothy Kenealy, Joanna Stewart and Amanda Burls Link to abstract
158 Improving flexibility with a mind-body approach: A randomized controlled trial using neuro emotional technique [by] Anne Jensen, Adaikalavan Ramasamy, Katie Marten, and Michael Hall Link to abstract
159 OTZ Tension Adjustments for Frozen Shoulder Syndrome: A retrospective case series of 50 patients [by] Francis Murphy, Michael Hall, and Anne Jensen Link to abstract
159-160 Effects of manipulative therapy on the expressions of NADPH-diaphorase and nitric oxide synthase in the spinal motor neurons after right knee joint immobilization in the guinea pig [by] HanSuk Jung, JooHyun Ham, SoonJeong Jeong, JooHan Kang, and MinSun Lee Link to abstract
160-161 Relationships between injury and success in elite Taekwondo athletes [by] Mohsen Kazemi Link to abstract 161 Health-related quality of life improvements in adult patients with chronic low back pain under low-force chiropractic care: a practice-based study [by] Kim Khauv and Christopher John Link to abstract
161-162 A survey on the performance of chiropractors graduated from Brazilian universities in the role of practice managers [by] Choo H Kim, Marcia Daniela Carniel Almeida, Eduardo Sawaya Botelho Bracher, Ana Paula Albuquerque Facchinato, and Djalma Jose Fagundes Link to abstract
162-163 Effect of high velocity–low amplitude treatment on superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase activities in erythrocytes from men with neck pain [by] Carolina Kolberg, Andrea Horst, Maira Moraes, Angela Kolberg, and Wania Aparecida Partata Link to abstract
163 A mechano-acoustic indentor system for in vivo measurement of non-linear elasticity of soft tissues: Its development, reliability, and application [by] Terry Koo, Jeffrey Cohen, Lisa Papenbrock, and Yongping Zheng Link to abstract
164 Differential tissue strain estimation across strata of tissues under intrinsic motion [by] John Triano, Helene Langevin, and Elisa Konofagou Link to abstract
164-5 Development of an indirect method for the determination of lumbosacral angle and pelvic tilt by photogrammetry [by] Mariana Tonietto Marques, Marcelo La Torre, Jefferson Fagundes Loss, Juliana Collares Vanassi, Felipe Osorio Marques, and Danilo Messa da Silva Link to abstract
165-166 Reduced crying time for infants with colic presenting for chiropractic treatment [by] Joyce Miller, Maria Torheim Bjelkaroy, and Maria Browning Link to abstract
166 Chiropractic care of children under age 18 in the United States: Patterns of use and recommendations for care [by] Harrison Ndetan, Will Evans, Cheryl Hawk, Ronald Rupert, and Clark Walker Link to abstract
167 Vitamin D—The “Sunshine Vitamin”: Should chiropractors recommend its use? [by] Paul A Oakley Link to abstract
167-168 Summer Science Academy—Introducing students from underserved communities to the chiropractic profession [by] Tolu Oyelowo and Bill Kuehl Link to abstract
168-169 A randomized controlled trial of neuro-emotional technique for low back pain [by] Peter Bablis and Henry Pollard Link to abstract
169-170 A randomized controlled trial to measure the effects of specific thoracic chiropractic adjustments on blood pressure and pulse rate [by] Steven Roffers, Laura Huber, David Morris, Anquonette Stiles, Derek Barton, and Therese HouseLink to abstract
170 Measuring the effects of specific cervical chiropractic adjustments on blood pressure and pulse rate: A randomized controlled trial [by] Steven Roffers, Anquonette Stiles, Laura Huber, David Morris, Derek Barton, and Therese House Link to abstract
171 Complementary and alternative medicine for the treatment of pain in fibromyalgia: A systematic review of the literature [by] Lauren Terhorst, Michael Schneider, Lee Goozdich, Kevin Kim, and Carol Stilley Link to abstract
171-172 Comparison of symmetry and body weight distribution in asymptomatic subjects and subjects with low back pain submitted to chiropractic adjustment [by] Serena Eluf, Eduardo Bracher, Djalma Fagundes Link to abstract
172-173 The role of body symmetry in patients with low back pain, herniated discs and asymptomatic volunteers [by] Serena Eluf, Djalma Fagundes, and Ana Paula Facchinato Link to abstract
173-174 Evidence-based guideline for the chiropractic treatment of adults with headache [by] Rick Ruegg, Lynn Shaw, Martin Descarreaux, Karin Sorra, Roland Bryans, Mireille Duranleau, Henri Marcoux, Brock Potter, Robert Watkin, and Eleanor White Link to abstract
174 An approach using fast rate stimulation to investigate changes in cerebellar processing [by] Heidi Haavik and Bernadette Murphy Link to abstract
174-175 Evaluation of mechanical sensitivity in animal model of hyperalgesic limb pain using the Von Frey method, after lumbar manipulation: Preliminary results [by] Fabio Stieven, Jaqueline Trierweiler, Douglas Lenz, and Gunther Gehlen Link to abstract
175-176 Evaluation of mechanical sensitivity in an animal model of immobilization using the Von Frey method [by] Jaqueline Trierweiler, Debora Negrini Gottert, and Gunther Gehlen Link to abstract
176-177 Dose–response of spinal manipulation for low back pain: Quality and compliance outcomes from a randomized trial [by] Darcy Vavrek, Mitchell Haas, David Peterson, and Mikel Aickin Link to abstract
177 Validation of a novel sham cervical manipulation procedure [by] Howard Vernon, John Triano, Kim Ross, David Soave, and Steve Tran Link to abstract
178 Study of patient population treated at a chiropractic clinic at a Brazilian Family Health Program [by] Veronica Nepomuceno Kreidel, Jidiene DP Depintor, Ramiro Becker Pellegrini, and Eduardo SB Bracher Link to abstract
178-179 A clinical trial to investigate whole body compensation due to sacroiliac joint dysfunction [by] Mary Under-Boyd, Nelson DeCamp, and Stephane Provencher Link to abstract
179-180 Disinfectant usage in chiropractic practice: From school to private clinic setting [by] H Stephen Injeyan, Aaron A Puhl, Christine J Reinhart, Nathan J Puhl, and L Brent Selinger Link to abstract
180-181 The Objective Structured Clinical Examination applied to chiropractic students before the internship and after six months of professional practice [by] Ana Paula Albuquerque Facchinato, Camila Carvalho Benedicto, Ana Paula Quilici, Dayane Maia Costa Cabral, and Leandro Giavarotti Link to abstract

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