ICL Documentation
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Annual Reports | Publications | Presentations | Policies
Read about the history of ICL, some of our policies, the language we use to index the chiropractic journals, and statistics on the use of ICL. Our officers and indexers may access further documentation at the password protected Chiropractic Library Collaboration (CLC) blog. This page updated March 17, 2021.
Annual Reports
- ICL Annual Report, 2018-2019; presented at ACC-RAC 2019, Baltimore, MD, March 14 User Statistics
- ICL Annual Report, 2017-2018; presented at ACC-RAC 2018, Dallas, TX, March 8 User Statistics
- ICL Annual Report, 2016-2017; presented at DC 2017, Washington DC, March 16 User Statistics
- ICL Annual Report, 2015-2016; presented at ACC-RAC 2016, Orlando FL, March 17 User Statistics
- ICL Annual Report, 2014-2015; presented at ACC-RAC 2015, Las Vegas NV, March 19 User Statistics
- ICL Annual Report, 2013-2014; presented at ACC‐RAC 2014, Orlando FL, March 20
- ICL Annual Report, 2012-2013 ; presented at ACC-RAC 2013, Washington DC, March 14
- ICL Annual Report, 2011-2012 ; presented at ACC-RAC 2012, Las Vegas, March 14
- ICL Annual Report, 2010-2011 ; presented at ACC-RAC 2011, Las Vegas, March 17
- ICL Annual Report, 2009-2010 ; presented at ACC-RAC 2010, Las Vegas, March 18
- WordPress Site Stats [login required]
- Harvey PJ. Index to Chiropractic Literature: Twenty-five years of progress. Chiropr Hist 2008 Sum;28(1):83-93.
[reprinted with permission] Read the abstract
- Hardy SB. Analyzing a unique controlled vocabulary: Chiropractic subject headings [ChiroSH] – Past, present and future. Chiropr Hist 2014 Summer;34(1):21-27.
- Kempke A, Boni BA. Chiropractic Subject Headings 6th ed. Chiropractic Library Collaboration, 2009.
- ICL brochure, December 2014
- Taylor-Vaisey A, Harvey P. The new Index to Chiropractic Literature: A tool for evidence-based practitioners and lifelong learners in chiropractic. [Presented at the Association of Chiropractic Colleges Research Agenda Conference, 2006]
- Taylor-Vaisey A, Harvey P. How Does the Index to Chiropractic Literature Contribute to Chiropractic Education and Practice Worldwide? [Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Chiropractic Colleges, Las Vegas, March 14, 2009]
Read the abstract
- Taylor-Vaisey A, Harvey P, Lee A. Accessing the Chiropractic Literature – An easy process! [Presented at ACC-RAC, March 19, 2010]
View the workshop site
- Inclusion Policies for the Index to Chiropractic Literature. Under revision. Adopted August 2006.
- Index to Chiropractic Literature Linking Policy; Effective February 2, 2011